Soul of a Predator

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Soul of a Predator Page 3

by Angela Verdenius

  He laughed, a flash of the old Fredrico appearing briefly. “Still has a temper, huh?"

  Elyse walked away without answering. Fredrico didn't pursue her this time, but simply walked back to his ship.

  The settlement was teeming with life. A lot of lowlifes. Outlaws and pirates, mercenaries and thieves. Murderers rubbed shoulders with assassins, whores solicited anyone who looked to have dinnos. The shadows in the alleys shifted as the hidden moved further back into the dubious safety of the darker areas.

  The stores had barred windows, and some had no windows at all, just heavy iron doors that stood open in the light of day. The verandas gave some protection from the sun to those who walked and stood in the shelter.

  Small one and two person crafts swooped above the settlement, ships flew higher overhead. The streets were kept clear for pedestrians, or those on flying discs. Several horses clipped along, the riders slouching easily in the saddles.

  In the middle of the settlement stood a three story building made of stone and glass. The Man who lived there owned the settlement, and his workers kept peace of a sort. Meaning that the only peace was the one that directly affected their employer. If the latest brawl wasn't affecting The Man or his money, the latest murder or rape not of his own family, then really, the settlers were free to do as they wished.

  As long as they continued to pay The Man what he asked.

  The visitors—outlaws, pirates, and others, could come and do as they wished, as long as they brought some profit to the settlers.

  It was an uneasy arrangement that seemed to work for all. Elyse smiled a little as she passed the building. At least, it worked for those who sought and gained The Man's favour, and he wasn't fool enough to press his luck, for the outlaws and pirates could very well blow his settlement to hell. It was an arrangement that worked until someone more powerful came along.

  Mostly visitors just wanted a place to stay over and have some fun, do some dirty dealings, and leave. And that suited all.

  The tavern that Uncle Cy liked to frequent when in Shyton loomed up, and Elyse pushed through the door and stepped into the coolness of the big room. Immediately, the scent of unwashed bodies, perfume, ale, food, oil, sex, blood and sweat assailed her.

  The bar on her left was lined with occupied stools already, and the tables were crowded with patrons. Some had just come in, and some were still here from the night before. Some had stayed the night. Some hadn't even gone to bed in the rooms above.

  Sometimes business just couldn't wait.

  There was no sign of Brina and the others, so Elyse wandered up to the bar and bought a cold drink.

  "Hey, Elyse!” A heavy-set pirate with a patch over one eye barrelled up beside her. “Haven't seen you for a while!"

  "Meto.” She nodded.

  "Travelling around a bit, aren't you?"

  She shrugged.

  "Cy said he'd spotted your ship entering the Outlaw Sector.” Meto held up one finger to the bartender. “Ale for me."

  Elyse took a sip of the apple juice, found it to her liking and slipped several dinnos across the bar top.

  "So, I take it you're here to visit with friends?” Meto looked at her.

  "Mmm.” Elyse glanced at him.

  He grinned.

  Stepping back from the bar, Elyse gave him a brief nod, turned and looked around for a vacant table. Spotting one in the far corner of the room, she started towards it.

  Meto fell into step beside her, narrowly avoiding bumping into a hulking brute who glared at him. The brute blinked when he spotted Elyse, and stepped out of the way. Meto smirked.

  "You can sit with us.” He gestured to a nearby table where several rough-looking pirates sat drinking.

  As if. Elyse didn't even falter as she strode past the table.

  "Ah well.” Meto sighed behind her.

  Mentally shaking her head, Elyse continued onward towards her table.

  She hadn't quite neared it when a man stepped in front of her, halting her progress. When she made to step around him, he followed her.

  Expressionlessly, only a mild curiosity filling her, Elyse looked up at him, pegging him instantly for an outlaw—and a hard bastard to boot. His face was harsh, his lips twisted into a sneer. A scar ran down one side of his face, briefly missing his eye before continuing to disappear into his thick beard.

  "You'd be this famed Elyse I've heard so much about.” Lust and cruelty glinted in the depths of his eyes.

  Whatever. She didn't reply, just waited, one brow raised.

  "The woman who doesn't talk much. Deadly, so they say.” He started to walk around her, his gaze raking over her body.

  The nearby loud chatter started to die down.

  "I hear you're one tough bitch.” The man came to a standstill to the side but still in front of her.

  The chatter stopped dead, and people further out in the tavern fell silent.

  Elyse took a sip of apple juice as another man came to stand before her.

  "I hear you spent time in prison.” The second man raked his gaze over her.

  She just knew where this was going, but personally, it really didn't bother her either way. Sooner or later someone was going to try her out.

  "I hear they made you and that hard-nosed pirate, Sonja, into docile little girls.” The man showed stained teeth in a lust-filled grin. “I like little girls. And I like the look of you."

  Elyse looked him up and down leisurely. She certainly couldn't say that he was doing anything for her libido. Quite the opposite, in fact.

  "How about I test just how docile you are, Elyse?” He leaned forward a little. “How about I see if I can bend you over that table and take you right here in front of everyone? What do you say to that?"

  Taking a mouthful of apple juice, Elyse swirled it around her mouth before swallowing it leisurely. Then she handed the glass to the man.

  Startled, he actually took it.

  Stupid bastard.

  In one smooth move, Elyse grabbed him by the throat and spun half around, using her weight and momentum to pull the man forward. As he came, she drew the dagger from her sheath on the belt with her other hand. His back hit the table and his arms flung out. In a lightning move she drove the dagger through his palm, pinning him to the table.

  He hadn't even registered properly what she'd done before she was drawing the laser from the holster on her thigh. Keeping her hand still on his throat, she swung partway around, aimed the laser at the man's friend who was already launching himself at her, and she pulled the trigger.

  The outlaw was dead before he hit the floor. The laser fire had sizzled clean through him to burn a hole in the far wall.

  One quick sweep of her gaze around the room showed everyone watching with interest, but no one moving forward.

  The outlaw pinned to the table started screaming in horror and pain, trying to lash out at her with his other hand.

  Without a qualm she slammed the laser barrel up between his legs, smashing into his scrotum with force.

  A collective “Ouch!” went up from the male throats of the watchers.

  The outlaw's face went red, his voice strangled, and then he started gasping, trying to curl up, but unable to do so with his hand pinned to the table by the dagger.

  Stepping back, Elyse holstered her laser and looked thoughtfully at him. She really liked her daggers, and there was no way she was going to leave it behind.

  Glancing around, she saw the dagger in Meto's belt and pointed at it before crooking her finger at him.

  Brow raised in curiosity, Meto got it out and flipped it to her.

  Catching it easily, she turned to the gasping outlaw pinned to the table and calmly pulled her dagger from his hand. Before he could draw his hand away, she drove Meto's dagger back through his palm, pinning the outlaw to the table again.

  The outlaw gurgled and fainted.

  With a shrug, Elyse wiped the blade of her dagger clean on his shirt front, turned and continued to the table in the
corner, taking the seat against the wall. The crowd started laughing and closed in behind her, blocking the outlaw from sight. Chatter started again, people resumed their seats, and no one looked at her speculatively.

  She'd proven that she was still Elyse, still deadly, and not a woman to be trifled with.

  "Damn, that was bloody awesome to watch!” a young voice called out.

  Elyse would know that voice anywhere, and she smiled when a young teenager came pushing through the crowd to plop down on the other side of the table.

  "Jevena,” she greeted the bright-eyed girl.

  "I guess you showed him!” Jevena's big eyes were bright. “Wow, can you show me that move?"

  "You should know that move by now."

  "Not as well as you do it."

  Before Elyse could do more than smile, another teenage pirate bounced through the crowd to plonk herself down beside Jevena.

  "Hi!” Jolie looked eagerly at her. “I've missed you!"

  "We all missed you,” Jevena added.

  "Sweet.” Elyse looked at the mug of berry juice Jolie was holding.

  Correctly interpreting the look, Jolie grimaced. “Brina won't let us drink ale yet."

  "Says we're too young to be sozzled,” Jevena added. “Unlike Illona, who gets not only sozzled but also royally screwed."

  "Cheeky bitches.” The big, busty blonde lightly cuffed Jevena on the back of the head as she swung one leg over a chair back and dropped into the seat. “If your mother heard you talking like that, you'd have your mouth washed out with soap."

  Grinning, Jevena rubbed the back of her head.

  Elyse nodded to Illona, then looked up as Donika and Brina appeared. Donika was carrying two glasses of apple juice and she placed one down before Elyse as she sat down beside her. Brina took the last available chair at the round table.

  They all looked at each other for several seconds in silence, then Donika started laughing. “Nice entrance, sis."

  "Just trying to make you proud of me.” Eyes crinkling at the corners in amusement, Elyse took a sip of apple juice.

  "That'll make the bastards think twice about tackling you,” Brina grinned.

  "I think she took care of his tackle all right.” Illona sighed. “I hope you didn't injure him permanently, Elyse. He was hung like a horse and I was hoping to see if he lived up to his name."

  "Name?” Brina raised one brow inquiringly.

  "Hard Man."

  "Oh Lord!” Donika rolled her eyes.

  "He's more like Swallowed Balls right now,” Jolie said.

  Illona sighed mournfully.

  "Besides,” Donika said, “There must be some man in here you haven't shagged already."

  Illona squinted her eyes as she looked around the room. “There's a couple, I think."

  Most of the men waved at her, and she waved back with a wide smile on her face.

  "Slut,” Donika said.

  "You're just fussy and jealous.” Illona serenely took a sip of ale.

  "Isn't it about time you went back to a medic and had your hole tightened?"

  Jolie choked on her juice.

  "Now see what you did?” Illona helpfully pounded the teenager on the back.

  "Couldn't be any worse than watching you drooling over every man in sight."

  "Hey, I have standards!"

  "Since when?"

  "Relations are off limits."

  "Oh, gee, that makes all the difference. How many cousins apart do you allow for? Two?"

  Illona gave her a rude gesture.

  Brina ignored the by-play between her friends. Her gaze settled on Elyse. “So, how's the free life treating you?"

  "Honestly? A little boring.” Leaning back in the chair, Elyse twirled the juice in her mug.

  "Come back to us."

  "Maybe one day."

  "Maybe?” Brina's brow arched.

  "Possibly.” Elyse shrugged.

  Brina regarded her thoughtfully.

  "What are you doing at the moment?” Donika queried.

  "Visiting you lot."

  "Oh, ha-ha. Very witty."

  Elyse inclined her head modestly.

  "I mean, what are you doing with your life?"

  "Is this a deep discussion coming up?"

  "Oh, shit yeah. What are you doing with your life?"

  Good question. Elyse didn't really know. Her gaze swept slowly around the room, taking in the harsh faces of the people who lived harsh lives. She could return to this lifestyle, or live in the Lawful Sector. Or simply drift between the two, which she'd been doing since she'd been released from prison.

  What did she want to do with her life? It was a good question, and one to which she didn't know the answer, and right now, she wasn't going to look at it too closely. A few things had been happening that she wasn't prepared to discuss with her twin just yet.

  "Well?” Donika demanded.

  "I'm thinking."

  Her sister rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Oh, come on! You always know what you're going to do!"

  Elyse smiled and slid her glass around on the table, widening the wet circle left in its wake.

  "She's messing with your head,” Illona announced. “Not hard to do, either."

  "You just shut your gob,” Donika retorted.

  Brina cast Elyse a long, measuring look. Her gaze was keen, and Elyse knew her old friend was wondering about her, too, but unlike Donika, Brina wouldn't push for an answer.

  In fact, no one ever pushed Elyse for an answer, the only ones ever really game enough to try being Donika and Sonja.

  Popping a nut into her mouth, Brina chewed slowly before saying, “Guess you'll tell us in your own sweet time, eh?"

  Elyse inclined her head.

  The subject changed and they talked of other things. The time passed easily, and Elyse debated staying on the planet longer.

  The same thought was obviously on Donika's mind, for when Brina and the younger girls finally stood up, she hesitated. “We don't leave until tomorrow morning. What about you?"

  "I can stay overnight.” Elyse stretched.

  "Good.” Donika nodded at Brina. “I'm staying here with Elyse for a while."

  Brina nodded. “We'll catch you later. I want to do a last run-over of the ship, and a last tracking of the Aon travelling route."

  "We could stay and—"began Jolie.

  "No, you can't.” Brina placed a hand on Jolie and Jevena's shoulders and steered them away from the table. “You two are on cleaning duty, remember? I want the ship spotless. And then we have to get the stores on board."

  Jolie grumbled but didn't pull away.

  "I've got a little rendezvous with a handsome hunk.” Illona stood up. “So, if you'll excuse me, I'll see you all later."

  Elyse watched them leave and then turned her gaze back to her twin, who was regarding her soberly.

  "I worry about you,” Donika said abruptly.

  Elyse raised one brow.

  "You're alone. You don't have anything to do. You're not doing anything constructive with yourself.” Placing her elbows on the table, Donika leaned forward. “You've become a drifter."

  Elyse's other brow went up in mild amusement.

  "What do you do aboard your ship?” Donika demanded.



  "Watch out for the law when I know you lot are on the prowl."


  "Let you lot know when the law is around."


  "Plot safer courses for you."


  Elyse shrugged.

  "Exactly!” Donika thumped the table with one fist. “You need to get a life!"

  "I'm breathing. That's living."

  "No, that's existing.” Donika blew out an exasperated breath. “You drift around doing nothing in particular. If you don't want to come back to us, and you don't want to settle in the Lawful Sector, then what do you want?"

  "To drink my apple juice in peace?"

w your apple juice!"

  "No, that's more Illona's style."

  Brown eyes so like her own narrowed. “Don't get cute with me. I kicked your arse when we were little, I can do it again."

  "I kicked your arse back twice as hard.” Elyse grinned. “I can do it again."

  Donika rolled her eyes. “Elyse, you need to decide on what you're going to do."

  "Now you sound like Aunt Lattie."

  Taking a deep breath, Donika leaned back in her chair. “You're alone. How can you like being alone? You're a hermit by nature, Elyse, but being this alone isn't good for you."

  Elyse shrugged. Being alone didn't worry her.

  "Come on, Elyse.” Donika's voice softened. “I know prison wasn't the easiest for you, but you're free now. You have to start living again."

  "I am living."

  "You're drifting."

  "I'm thinking."

  "You're hibernating."

  "You're annoying."

  "Screw you."

  "No, thanks."

  Throwing her hands in the air Donika leaned back in her chair. “I give up!"

  It was about time. Elyse swallowed the last of her apple juice.

  "For now, anyway,” Donika added. “There's still tonight."

  Oh joy.

  * * * *

  Every rasping breath filled the child with fear. Every long, drawn-out, agonizing gasp for air made her tremble. Every moan of pain made her shiver.

  Crouched in the corner of the room, she watched the woman in the bed gasping her life away. She knew it wouldn't be long and the woman would die.

  A movement in the far corner made the girl look across to the younger boy who cried silently. A smaller child huddled beside him, her big, scared eyes fastened on the woman on the bed.

  This woman had been their only protection in a hard world that sought to kill, abuse, enslave or destroy the weaker. This one woman was all that had stood between them and a cruel, uncertain future.

  The room stank of blood and excrement. Yet a fourth child shuffled into the room from a doorway in the corner. His freckles stood out on his pale face. Dried tear tracks marred his face, but there was no way he would have admitted to crying.

  Silently the children returned to their silent vigil, watching the dying woman through the night.

  When the sun finally rose, the rasping breaths stopped.


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