Soul of a Predator

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Soul of a Predator Page 8

by Angela Verdenius

  Turning her head away, she closed her eyes and shuddered again. Taking several deep breaths, she gritted her teeth and slowly forced the mutant back inside herself. It crouched in a dark corner of her soul, her mind, her body, waiting for release.

  Taking another deep breath to steady herself, she turned back to face Shaque.

  "Your eyes are brown again,” he said bluntly.

  "You need to go."

  "You're going to tell me everything, and I'm not repeating myself again."


  The sudden cold feel of iron on her wrist and the sharp click caught her by surprise. Looking down, she saw the other end of the manacles snap around Shaque's own wrist. Then he threw the key across the room, raised both their hands by the simple process of lifting his arm, making her own arm follow due to the short chain that joined their manacles, and looked coldly at her.

  The man was truly a stubborn bastard. Seeing her turn mutant should have scared the shit out of him, but oh no, not Shaque. Not the ice-blooded hunter.

  Elyse stared at him, and he stared right back. The timer on the wall flicked seconds past into minutes. The silence stretched, and neither moved a muscle.

  There was no doubt the bounty hunter was willing to wait as long as it took.

  She could kill him now, but killing him wasn't on her agenda. Yet. And she didn't have time to waste.

  When she pushed to her feet, he did the same, and they stood close, Shaque gazing down at her with that cold control back in place. It had been quite interesting to see him lose that rigid control.

  Holding up her manacled wrist, Elyse arched one brow.

  He looked back at her stonily.

  "Unlock it and I'll tell you a bit."

  "Tell me all and I'll unlock it after."

  Bugger it. There wasn't much to tell anyway. It was time to tell him a bit and then get rid of the bastard fast.

  Walking over to the table, she stood at the end and mockingly gestured to him to pass her. Considering that he had manacled her left wrist to his right, it was the only way they could sit in some sort of comfort.

  She sat on the chair at the end of the table and partly turned so that when he sat on the chair on the other side, their hands rested on the table between them.

  "I don't remember your sister,” she said tersely. “But she may remember me and that time together, something I don't remember either. She may hold answers to things that concern me. That's why I'm going to find her."

  Those cold eyes studied her intently, bored into her, almost as though he could see inside her mind.

  Abruptly he nodded. “We leave tomorrow."

  For one of the very few times in her life, she was startled. “We?"

  "You search for her, I search for her. We search together."


  That classically handsome face showed no expression. “I'm not letting you out of my sight."

  "You think you're coming with me?” Elyse scowled. “I don't think so, hunter."

  "We stand more chance if we work together."

  "Together? Are you insane?"

  He leaned back in the chair. “I know things, I have contacts. You have the same."

  "That doesn't mean we work together.” Taking a calming breath, she laid her free hand palm down on her thigh.

  "You can go places I can't, and vice versa."

  "You don't know what places to go to."

  "I know some. And you certainly do."

  "I don't need you, Shaque.” She arched one brow coolly.

  "You may think not, but you've got me anyway."

  "What help could you possibly be to me in the Outlaw Sector?"

  "Who says the search starts there?"

  "Where else would it start?"

  "My sister was snatched by space pirates from my home. You were bred ... created ... whatever ... on Inka."

  Elyse looked coldly at him. “So?"

  "Not everything was destroyed when the old Inka Fortress was pulled down.” Shaque watched her closely. “And I have the contacts who can get us some of the history of your ... creation."

  But it wasn't just her creation she needed. It wasn't that bit of knowledge that was at stake. But it was part of it.

  "Records?” she queried.

  He merely raised one brow.

  "Genetic patterns?"

  He looked at her.


  That level gaze didn't falter.

  "You've got to give me something more to prove your worth, Shaque."

  "I can get you information that otherwise you have no chance of getting."

  If what he said was true, and she had no doubt that he wasn't lying, for he had every reason to help her to help himself, then she only had to put up with him for a short time. Once she had the information she needed, she could ditch him.

  With no regrets and a lot of eagerness.

  "Aren't you worried I'll turn mutant and kill you in your sleep?” She asked.

  "I can handle you, Elyse."

  "You think?"

  "I know."

  They looked at each other.

  "Very well,” she said softly. “Looks like we'll be travelling together for a while.” A very short while. She held up her manacled wrist. “But not this close."

  Shaque stood up, and she followed. But as he approached her, and she made to turn, he caught her chin suddenly in hard fingers, tilting her head back so he could look her directly in the eyes.

  Knowing what he searched for, Elyse merely looked levelly back at him.

  Finally he nodded and released her chin, brushing past her and making her walk beside him to the door where the key laid on the floor. Picking it up, he placed it against the notch in the manacle on his wrist, and it clicked open immediately.

  Holding the chain in one hand, he held the key up and looked at Elyse. The seconds flicked past and then he said quietly, “I always knew I'd get you in chains one day, Elyse. I just didn't expect it to be this way."

  "Don't get too downhearted,” she replied equally as quiet. “Who knows what'll happen when this is over."

  The winter blue gaze slid over her face, down her throat, and further down her body, before gliding back up again. She could almost swear she saw something hot behind the ice in his eyes when he looked at her again.

  "Maybe the chains will come sooner, Elyse.” Abruptly he laid the key to the manacle, and it clicked open and slid off her wrist. “You look good in my handcuffs."

  Twice in one day she was caught by surprise. Surely he couldn't mean...? But she shielded her thoughts behind a cool façade and didn't reply.

  Shaque inclined his head towards the corridor. “Your rescue posse is undoubtedly going insane with worry and fury outside. I'd advise calming them down before someone finally figures out how to breach your security system."

  "No one can breach it.” She moved past him and started for the doorway leading to the stairwell.

  "I noticed you kept all but myself out.” He fell easily into step beside her.

  "It was our business only."

  "And what if we'd killed each other after all?"

  The metal stairs rang beneath her boots as she descended. “Then we'd rot together in here until someone finally blew the ship apart."

  There was silence for several seconds before he stated, “How delightful."

  She grunted.

  Coming out into the cargo hold, she could see the worried group of Daamen traders, Reeka warriors, Sonja and bounty hunters pacing outside. Angry voices filled the air as the group argued.

  As one, she and Shaque stopped before they were noticed. They glanced at each other, and for a split second they were united in wry amusement. The seconds were over swiftly in the cold acknowledgement that for now they were united, however unwillingly, and they descended the ramp to face their friends.

  * * * *

  The shadows filled the dais, seeming to spill out over the stairs into the huge, darkened hall below. Fires flickere
d in big hearths, sending flickering light across the huge, empty tables.

  Not far from the dais were a set of chains suspended from the ceiling. A body hung from the chains, the head partly severed from the neck. The weight of the body was slowly tearing away from the head as the minutes passed. Finally the head and body separated, both falling to the floor with heavy thuds.

  Four hounds rushed the pieces, fighting amongst themselves and biting and worrying the corpse.

  From the dais he watched expressionlessly, his slitted pupils dilating.

  Behind him stood a cloaked figure. The taint of rotten meat was in the air, and a little piece of rancid flesh fell from the sleeve of the robe to drip onto the floor. The hound lying near the stairs whined and slunk down the steps, away from the bit of steaming flesh.

  Not a noise filled the empty hall. Not a word passed between the two figures on the dais.

  * * * *

  "Are you out of your mind?"

  Shaque shoved the folded shirt into the duffel bag.

  Abra scowled. “I always knew you weren't playing with a full deck, but to willingly go with that cold-hearted mutant into the Outlaw Sector, that's pure insanity."

  Sliding open the door to his personal weapons cache, Shaque studied the array of daggers, lasers, two manblasters, three machetes, two swords, four bullwhips and several little bottles of various substances. Selecting what he wanted, he carefully loaded them into the weapons case on the bed, making sure the weapons were strapped securely inside.

  Leaning against the door, Ricna followed his movements with a worried gaze. “She'll sell you to the nearest outlaw wanting a piece of you, Shaque."

  "She needs me.” Shaque carefully packed the cleaning rag and can of metal primer into the pocket of the case.

  Ricna and Abra looked at each other. Shaque ignored the look.

  "I doubt it's for your body,” Abra said bluntly.

  Closing the lid of the case, Shaque clicked the locks into place.

  "I know you think you've got a lead on your sister,” Abra continued. “But Elyse? Shaque, she's not to be trusted."

  Straightening, Shaque looked at his friends. “She needs information only I can get her."

  "And in exchange, she's going to help you search for your sister.” Ricna hesitated. “Shaque, after all this time it's unlikely she's still alive."

  "Someone is sending me messages.” Picking up the duffle bag, Shaque slung it over one shoulder, hung the manblaster from the strap on the opposite shoulder, and picked up the weapons case carefully.

  Abra looked at him searchingly, and then sighed. “We're not going to change your mind, are we?"

  Shaque shook his head.

  "Goddamn.” He sighed, then stepped forward and clapped Shaque on the shoulder. “You need us at any time, anywhere, you contact us. We'll come looking."

  Shaque smiled slightly. “You'll find me. Just scan."

  Ricna grinned. “You put a tracking device on her ship?"

  And Elyse wouldn't like it if she knew, but that wasn't Shaque's problem.

  Abra wore a doubtful expression. “Don't trust that the tracking device will stay where you hid it."

  "I won't.” Shaque hesitated, and then stuck out his hand, knowing he might not see his friends again. “Later."

  He was no fool. He was openly going where no bounty hunter had gone before and survived. Deep into the Outlaw Sector was a certain death sentence. All he could do was hope that Elyse would honour her end of the bargain. And just in case, he intended to hold a vital playing card close to his chest.

  Whatever they found out about her past, he was going to ensure she didn't know it all. To get the final piece, she had to bring him safely back to the Lawful Sector.

  Providing they both made it to start with, of course.

  "I have insurance.” He shook Abra's hand, then Ricna's.

  "Shit.” Ricna blinked, scowled. “You need us, you contact us. We'll be there for you, come hell or high water."

  Shaque felt a little pang deep inside himself. The bounty hunter pack had been his home, the closest thing to family, for years. Leaving now ... it was only for a while. Not forever, he assured himself, surprised that the thought would actually cause him even a second's hesitation.

  But shit happened.

  Leaving his cabin, he walked through the corridor, down to the cargo hold and outside, where he said goodbyes to the rest of his friends.

  Stepping out into the sunshine, he looked across the small area separating the hunters’ ship from Elyse's smaller ship.

  Sonja was standing beside Elyse, her frowning face turning towards Shaque as he approached.

  He hadn't gotten within ten feet of Elyse before Sonja barred his way. “Put one foot wrong while you're with my friend, hunter, and I'll split you like a turkey."

  Coldly he raked his gaze up and down her form.

  "And look at my wife like that and I'll split you like a turkey,” Red rumbled warningly as he came from around the other side of the ship.

  "Back off, Red,” Sabra said, following on his heels.

  She walked up to Shaque, looked him up and down, then with a sigh she stepped forward and gave him a hug, something she'd never done much of in the past. “You be careful, you crazy bastard. Get killed and you're going to piss me off."

  "Warning duly noted.” He hugged her before stepping back and hefting the duffel bag in his hand as Cam strode up. Catching sight of the giant's sober face, he said, “Take care of Sabra while I'm gone."

  Cam slid one arm around his wife's shoulders and tugged her against his side. “You just take care you don't get yourself killed. I don't like it when my lass is upset, and you being bumped off will upset her."

  "He really cares about you,” Sabra said with a smile, though Shaque didn't miss the tightness of it.

  He gave a small nod and faint smile, and then turned his attention to Elyse who was waiting silently near the ramp.

  She nodded to Sonja and the others, and then stared at him for several seconds before turning and walking back up the ramp to disappear into the ship.

  Shaque followed, not looking back. It wasn't his way to look back, and he wasn't going to start now. Sabra and the other hunters knew it and wouldn't be upset, and as for anyone else watching, well, he really didn't give a shit.

  As soon as he stepped into the corridor, Elyse pointed silently to a door on the left, before going into the door on the right. Shaque entered the cabin to find himself in a sleeping cabin, obviously the one he was going to be using while on the trip, and he dumped the duffel bag on the bed before carefully storing the manblaster and case of weapons in the cupboard in the opposite wall. A quick look behind the door at the back of his cabin revealed a toilet room, but no shower. The door to the cupboard slid shut securely, and Shaque left in search of Elyse.

  As expected, she was sitting in one of the two chairs in the control cabin, engaging the engines and flicking switches as the ship readied itself to lift off. She didn't look at him, but he didn't give a shit about that, either, and sat down in the chair beside her.

  Studying the control panel, he watched her fingers, noting the buttons she pressed and the switches she flicked, memorizing the sequence in case he needed to know them later. On the wall above the control panel to the left, was a scanner showing the planets in this particular area of the Lawful Sector. The screen on the wall to the right was blank. The viscomm screen on the control panel itself was split into two, one side showing the docking bay, the other side showing the skies above the settlement. The space shield directly ahead of them was open, showing the settlement.

  The ship lifted straight up and Elyse flicked a switch on the panel, sending the ship into a graded incline upwards. Silently she watched the viscomm as the settlement disappeared behind them, followed by the image of the planet, and then finally the stars and space surrounded them.

  Keying in the coordinates to Inka, Elyse leaned back in her chair and linked her hands on her fla
t stomach. Gazing out at the stars ahead of them, she sat in quiet contemplation.

  Shaque studied the computer, and when she voiced no objection, he ran through the programs she had on there. Several came up with a locked insignia, or simply didn't respond at all, and he knew these programs were highly illegal, or simply private. Mostly illegal, he guessed.

  Moving more assuredly, he connected onto the bounty hunters’ frequency, and felt an unaccountable twinge of comfort when the familiar bounty hunters’ logo came on. He didn't bother to go through with full contact, figuring he'd leave that for later. Swivelling the chair around, he took stock of the rest of the cabin. On the left of the doorway was a panel, and he stood up, crossed over and opened it. Lights flickered, and the wires and switches indicated that it was one of the computer boards. Closing it, he reached up and pressed the little button on the wall.

  Music immediately sounded in the control cabin, and from out in the corridor. It was lively music, if a touch heavy in the drum section, but easy-listening for all that. The woman's voice was melodious, the song one of the broken-hearted.

  Having a liking for music himself, Shaque decided to leave it on, and continued his investigation of the rest of the control cabin.

  The panel on the right of the doorway also held computer chips. A large screen on the right hand wall was a map of part of the Lawful Sector, and a yellow line flicked around it, marking hundreds of ships of different types. He noticed that some of the ships were blue marked, some red, some purple.

  He looked over his shoulder at Elyse, who had swivelled her chair around and was calmly watching him, her expression unreadable. She didn't volunteer any information, so he raised one brow.

  "Blue are peacekeepers,” she said.

  He pointed to the red and blue.

  "Red are bounty hunters, purple are military."

  It figured. She kept track of any kind of law, and he had no doubt why. The ex-pirate was in cahoots with her pirate friends. He'd not only suspected all this time, he'd known it.

  Unconcernedly, she returned his gaze.

  The rest of the cabin was pretty much the same as thousands of control cabins in spaceships. Generally, they all tended to follow the same design, except for any additions that the owners put in themselves.


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