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A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
Adams, Abigail, 91, 113, 115–16
Adams, John, 6–7, 28–29, 115–16, 135, 138, 144, 153, 245–46, 247
Adams, John Quincy, 242–44, 245–47, 249
alcohol. See whiskey/alcohol
Allegheny Mountains, 39, 55, 57, 96, 168, 238
Allegheny River, 17, 40
American Friend (Marietta newspaper), 202, 204, 218
Ames/Amesville, 138–39, 147–48, 178, 255
“Ancient Works.” See earthworks; Great Mound
animals, 45, 51, 55, 63-64, 79, 127, 203-4
apple trees, 82, 150, 211
Arbella (ship), 17
army, frontier
and Battle of Fallen Timbers, 118
behavior of, 87–88
casualties in, 118
and Indian attack at Big Bottom, 87–90
Little Turtle defeats, 87–88
organizing of, 87–88
Putnam considered for commander of, 116
recruitment and training of, 117
size of, 117
Wayne as commander of, 116, 117
army, St. Clair’s
burial of soldiers from, 114–15
camp followers of, 99
casualties in, 108, 113
concerns about, 99, 101–2
congressional investigation of, 113, 114
defeat of, 106–15
desertions in, 99, 101, 103
food/provisions for, 101, 107–8
hanging of members of, 101
and Harmar, 97–98, 108–9, 114
and ignorance about Indians, 109
Indian attack on/defeat of, 102–15
and Indians as threat to settlers, 92–94
morale among, 99
public reactions to defeat of, 112–14
quality of troops in, 97, 99, 108–9
raising of, 96–99
retreat of, 106–11
and search for Indians, 99–102
size of, 99
St. Clair as commander of, 96–115
strategy for, 102
supplies for, 97
wages for, 99
and weather, 100–101, 103
astronomy, 242, 243–44
Atwater, Caleb, 212, 216–17
Atwood, Leah. See Cutler, Leah Atwood
Backus, Elijah, 73, 132, 157
Backus, James, 52–53, 64, 72
Backus, Lucy. See Woodbridge, Lucy Backus
Balch, Mary. See Cutler, Mary Balch
Barker, Catherine, 130, 137, 210
Barker, Elizabeth Dana, 78–79, 81, 82–83, 129, 130, 245
Barker, Joseph
achievements/honors of, 245
and Adams (John Quincy) Ohio expedition, 242
as architect/builder, 131, 133–35, 137–38, 210–11, 244, 258
Belpre move of, 129
and Blennerhassett house, 133–35, 137
as boat builder, 137, 156, 160
and Burr, 156, 160
as carpenter, 78, 79, 81
Barker, Joseph (cont.)
comments about veterans by, 57–58
Cutler family and, 137
death/funeral of, 244–45
as early Marietta settler, 79, 82–83, 129
education of, 213
as education proponent, 198–99
family of, 129, 130, 137, 245
and French emigrants in Marietta, 85
and Hildreth, 210–11, 245, 258
home of, 129, 130, 137–38, 244
hospitality of, 138, 245
and Indian attack on Rogers and Henderson, 95
jobs of, 83
land grant for, 129
and life in Ohio Country, 82–83
as militia member, 83
personal/professional background of, 78–79
role in Marietta of, 83
scientific interests of, 210
as ship builder, 170
and smallpox outbreak, 81
and “Starving Year,” 80
as teacher, 129
Barker, Joseph Jr., 82–83, 218, 246
Barlow, Joel, 83, 84
Bartram, William, 22–23, 86
Battle of Fallen Timbers, 118
Beaver River, 41, 78, 94–95
Barker and Dana families at, 79, 81, 82–83, 129
Cutler (Ephraim) move to, 178
fortifications at, 92
Hildreth as doctor in, 165–66, 169
Indians as threat to, 92, 93, 95
influenza epidemic at, 169
school in, 129
Benjamin Franklin (steamboat), 244, 245
Big Bottom attack, 87–90, 93, 110, 117
Blennerhassett, Harman
appearance/personality of, 132
arrest and trial of, 160, 162, 163
articles by, 157–58
on Blennerhassett Island, 132–35
boat for, 137
and Burr conspiracy, 151, 154–63
Cutler (Ephraim) and, 135
death of, 164
escape of, 160–61
financial affairs of, 164
and Hildreth, 157
library of, 169
in Mississippi Territory, 162, 164
as Ohio emigrant, 131–32
post-trial life of, 164
pseudonym of, 157
reputation of, 163
Blennerhassett, Margaret, 131–32, 133, 134, 135, 157, 161–62, 163, 164
Blennerhassett Island
Blennerhasset buying of, 32
Blennerhassett family departure from, 160–62
and Burr conspiracy, 160, 162
Burr on, 154–55, 156
house on, 133–35, 137, 161, 162, 164
Pittsburgh men on, 161
and slavery, 133
Blue Jacket (Shawnee chief), 102, 118
Board of Treasury, 18, 25, 26, 28–29, 83
boats. See ships/boats; type of boat
Bunch of Grapes meeting in, 6, 8, 9, 11–12, 205
and Dorchester Heights attack, 36–37
and Hildreth visit to East Coast, 237
Hollis Street Congregational Church in, 173
Braddock’s (Edward)
Defeat, 98, 108, 113
Brough, John, 156–57, 168
Buckingham, J.S., 222, 223, 224–25
Buell, Joseph, 43, 46–47
Bullard, Asa, 89, 90
Bullard, Eleazer, 89, 90
Bunch of Grapes meeting (Boston), 6, 8, 9, 11–12, 205
Burr, Aaron
appearance of, 152, 153, 162
arrest and trial of, 162–63
and Blennerhassett, 151, 154–55, 156, 157–58
and boat building, 155–56, 160
boat of, 151–52
conspiracy of, 153–54, 156–62
death of, 164
elections of 1800 and, 153
financial affairs of, 154
and Hamilton duel, 152, 154
as Ohio Company stockholder, 154
personal/professional background of, 152–53
personality of, 152, 153
post-trial life of, 164
western expedition of, 151–52, 153–55
Cajoe (aka Micajah Phillips), 133, 135, 160, 162
Campus Martius
Court of Common Pleas at, 128–29
Cutler (Manasseh) sermon at, 59–60, 219
descriptions of, 54, 117–18
and early settlements in Ohio Country, 54
and Indian attacks/threats, 92, 95
initial impressions of, 58
Putnam home at, 206, 207
school at, 64
Tupper home at, 68
See also stockade
Captain Pipe, 43, 46, 51, 55, 56, 63–64, 106
Carrington, Edward, 15, 25
Catholics, 252–53
Chapman, John “Johnny Appleseed,” 150
Cherokee Indians, 51
as army camp followers, 99
and Cutler (Manasseh) visit to Marietta, 59
death of, 59, 124, 130, 166, 204
food/provisions for, 80
health of, 78, 81, 110
and Indian-St. Clair army battle, 106, 108
and life in Marietta, 73
See also specific person
Chillicothe, 143, 144–45, 147–48, 159, 185, 229, 230
Chippewa Indians, 55, 59, 102
Choate, Francis, 89, 90
Choate, Isaac, 89, 90
Adams (John Quincy) expedition to, 242–44
Dickens description of, 228
economy of, 170
growth of, 195, 228
industry in, 196, 228
Marietta compared with, 240
as “Queen City” of west, 172
Sargent move to, 86
schools in, 212, 228
St. Clair move to, 86
and St. Clair’s army retreat, 108
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