and Louisiana purchase, 149
mound interests of, 49
and Northwest Ordinance, 11
Ohio appointments by, 149
and Ohio constitution, 145, 149
and slavery, 145, 223
and St. Clair as governor, 149
Washington (Martha) views about, 141
Washington’s relationship with, 141
Jewish immigrants, 253
“Johnny Appleseed.” See Chapman, John “Johnny Appleseed”
July 4 celebrations, 56, 57, 228
keelboats, 61–62, 170, 197
Kerr’s Island, 42, 62
Kickapoo Indians, 102
Knox, Henry
appearance of, 16
Cutler (Manasseh) discussion with, 15–16
and Harmar’s frontier army, 87, 114
and Indians as threat to settlers, 87, 94, 97, 98
as Ohio Company stockholder, 16, 19
and Putnam as commander of frontier army, 116
and St. Clair’s army, 102–3, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114
Lafayette, Marquis de, 52, 209–10, 219, 242
Lake Erie, 232, 243, 248. See also Erie Canal
Lear, Tobias, 111, 112
learning. See education; scientific interests
Lewis and Clark expedition, 149–50
Lewis, Meriwether, 142, 149–50
libraries, establishment of, 148
Linnaeus, Carolus, 22
Little Turtle (Miami chief), 87, 102
Lord, Abner, 170, 171
Louisiana Territory
and Burr conspiracy, 153–54, 157, 158–59
Jefferson’s purchase of, 149
Madison, James, 19, 22, 185–86, 189
Malbone, Christopher (aka Kit Putnam), 144
manners, American, 229
Marie Antoinette (Queen of France), 56
and Adams (John Quincy) death, 249
and Adams (John Quincy) Ohio expedition, 242, 243, 244, 245–46
and Burr conspiracy, 159–61
Burr visit to, 151–52, 154–55
Catholics in, 252–53
Cincinnati compared with, 240
as “City upon the Hill,” 17, 205–6
Congregational Church in, 173, 208, 218–19, 245, 258
construction of, 58
crime in, 202–3
Cutler (Manesseh) visit to, 57–60, 62
deaths among early settlers of, 59, 78
descriptions of, 74, 110–11, 125, 131, 165, 170, 172–73, 202–5, 239–40, 252–53
earthquake in, 184–85
economy of, 170, 171–72
emigrants as leaving, 110–11
emigrants’ reactions to, 73–75
first general store in, 72
flooding in, 187–88
food/provisions for, 67–68, 77, 79–82
fortifications at, 92, 111
French emigrants in, 85
generousity toward settlers in, 80–81
growth of, 173
health conditions in, 77, 78, 81, 110, 165–66
increase of emigrants to, 60–61, 68, 70–75, 130–31
Indians as threat to settlers in, 75–77, 91–94, 96, 110, 117, 118, 125
Jewish immigrants in, 253
July 4 celebration in, 56
Lafayette visit to, 209–10, 219, 242
naming of, 55–56
as New England in miniature, 170
Ohio Company directors meeting in, 147
politics in, 144–45
population of, 64–65, 173, 252
revival of, 130–31
and runaway slaves, 247–49
schools in, 64, 131, 206, 212–13, 253
and Scioto Company, 84
selection of site/plans for, 17, 37, 44–45, 187, 205–6
ship/boat building in, 135–36, 137, 170–72
and St. Clair Defeat, 110
steamboats in, 184
veterans as early settlers in, 57–58
War of 1812 and, 186, 188–89
Washington County Agricultural Fair in, 218–20
way of life in, 125
weather in, 77, 203
See also specific person
Marietta College, 220, 239, 255, 258
Marietta Gazette (newspaper), 218
Marietta Intelligencer (newspaper), 239, 256
Marietta Register (newspaper), 258
Marshall, John, 162–63, 164
Martineau, Harriet, 222, 229
Mary Avery (ship), 137
Mason, George, 19, 22
Constitution of, 28–29
financial panic in, 8–9
Hildreth visit to, 190–91
and Shays rebellion, 9
See also specific town
Massachusetts Medical Society, 5, 167
Massachusetts Spy (newspaper), 50–51, 112, 123
Mathews, John, 41, 42, 43, 75–76, 226–27
May, John, 53–55, 56, 74
Mayflower (boat), 40, 41, 42, 47
McCurdy, William, 59
measles, 78, 81
medical schools, 234
Medical Society of Ohio, 258
Memoirs of the Early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio (Hildreth), 253
men, attire of, 73, 175
Messenger (steamboat), 224, 227–28
Mexico: and Burr conspiracy, 153–54, 155, 159
Miami Indians, 63, 87, 102
wages for, 115
Washington’s expansion of, 115
See also army, frontier; army, St. Clair’s; militia, Marietta; militia, Ohio; veterans, Revolutionary War
militia, Marietta, 83, 160
militia, Ohio, 159, 160–61, 170, 257
Mingo Indians, 51, 59
Mississippi River, 7, 17, 136, 149, 153, 156, 162, 170, 183, 184, 196
Mohawk Indians, 102
Monongahela River, 17, 40, 124, 168
Morgan, John, 256–57
Morse, Moses, 71
Moulton, William, 39, 70–71, 95
Mound Cemetery, 205, 208, 245, 258
Muller’s The Field Engineer: influence on Putnam of, 36–37
music, 117–18, 229
Muskingum Academy (Marietta), 131, 253
Muskingum River
bottomlands of, 43–44
confluence of Ohio River and, 17, 37, 42, 43–44, 45
descriptions of, 45, 187, 240
and earthworks, 49–50
Muskingum River (cont.)
and first expedition/settlement in Ohio Country, 35, 42, 43–45, 47, 52
Hutchins recommendation about, 17
May swimming in, 55
shipbuilding along, 170–72
and stockade, 47
wharf on, 47
The Navigator (guidebook), 183–84
New England settlement system, 7
New Haven, Connecticut: Hildreth visit to, 233–37, 239
New Orleans (steamboat), 184
New York City
Continental Congress in, 15–17, 25–30
Cutler (Manasseh) as “agent” for Ohio Company in, 15–17, 25–31
Cutler (Manasseh) views about, 30–31
Hildreth views about, 238
Newburgh Petition, 10–11, 13, 205
Niagara Falls: Hildreth visit to, 233
Northwest Ordinance
and American way of life, 13
and Congress, U.S., 83
and Cutler (Manasseh), 30, 122, 201
and education, 12, 29, 30, 31–32, 212
importance of, 28, 30
and Indians, 29
Massachusetts Constitution compared with, 28–29
and Ohio Company-Board of Treasury contract, 28
passage of, 28–30, 56
and religion, 12, 28, 29, 30
and slavery, 11, 13, 29–30, 144–45, 146, 201
Northwest Territory
boundaries of, 6–7
Chillicothe named capital of, 143
description of, 7–8
government for, 18, 25–30
governor’s office for, 86
lack of settlements in, 7–8
as land of opportunity, 9
Ohio as first state in, 149
and Paris Peace Treaty, 6–7, 247
remoteness of, 7–8
and slavery, 11, 13, 29–30
St. Clair as governor of, 57, 114
states formed in, 7, 12
See also Northwest Ordinance; Ohio Company of Associates; Ohio Country; specific person or settlement
Nye, Ichabod, 67–68, 69, 70, 71, 74–75, 96, 126, 218
Ohio Company of Associates
additional land grants for, 115
apple trees stipulation by, 82
Board of Treasury contract with, 28–29, 83
and Bunch of Grapes meeting, 6, 8, 9, 11–12, 205
Continental Congress deal with, 25–30, 83
Cutler (Manasseh) as “agent” for, 3, 6, 12, 13–24, 25–31, 115–16
directors of, 14, 53, 55–56, 147
economic problems of, 115
as education proponent, 147
formation of, 11–12, 219
and French emigrants, 85
funding for, 12, 68
Hildreth comments about, 232
and Indians at Big Bottom, 88
and Indian treaties, 38
investors in, 16
and Mathews surveying party, 75, 76
and Northwest Ordinance, 83
purpose of, 11
Putnam as chairman of, 12
and Revolutionary War veterans, 6, 219
Sargent as secretary of, 69
and Scioto Company, 83–85
and selection/naming of Marietta settlement, 55–56, 187
and “Starving Year,” 80
stockholders in, 19, 29, 54, 154, 178–79, 182
Tyler trip for, 68
See also first expedition to Ohio Country; specific person
Ohio Country
Cutler pamphlet about, 31–32, 84
descriptions of, 11–12, 31–32, 84
education in, 31–32
emigrants as leaving, 110–11
first expedition to, 35–57
importance of, 3
Indians as threat to, 75–77, 87–88
and Newburgh Petition, 10–11
plans for first town in, 37
preparations for first expedition to, 31–33
surveys of, 38
travelers descriptions of, 221–30, 232–33
university for, 29, 32
Washington as land owner in, 10, 42, 132
and Washington letter to Congress, 10–11
See also specific person or topic
Ohio Gazette, and Virginia Herald (Marietta newspaper), 157–58, 172
Ohio legislature
and Burr conspiracy, 159, 160
in Columbus, 197–200
housing for, 143
See also specific person or topic
Ohio River
bottomlands of, 43–44
and boundary of Northwest Territory, 7
confluence of Muskingum River and, 17, 37, 42, 43–44, 45
Cutler tragedy on, 124
descriptions of, 45, 222–23, 224–25, 240
and drought, 203
and escape route for runaway slaves, 247–49
“Falls” on, 136
and first expedition to Ohio Country, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43–44
flooding of, 187–88
freezing of, 68
importance of, 3, 68, 195
as Indian name, 230
scientific interest in, 234
and selection of site for first settlement, 44–45
ships/boats along, 137, 170–72, 183–84, 196–97
surveys along, 17, 43–44
traffic/trade on, 170
travelers stories about, 222–25
weather on, 65
See also Erie Canal; specific ship/boat
Ohio (state)
Adams (John Quincy) expedition to, 242–44, 245–47, 249
constitution for, 143–47, 149, 247, 255–56
economy of, 195
establishment of state university for, 147–48
Indian names in, 230
as part of Northwest Territory, 7
population of, 173, 195, 256
and removal of Indians, 230
and slavery, 144–47, 247, 255–56
St. Clair as first governor of, 149
statehood for, 149
See also Ohio legislature
Ohio University, 29, 32, 147–48, 200–201, 206, 211, 212, 215–16, 217, 241, 256
Osgood, Samuel, 18, 26–27
Ottawa Indians, 59, 63, 102, 230
Owen, James, 53
Owen, Mary, 53, 81
Paris Peace Treaty (1783), 6–7, 247
Parker, Sally. See Cutler, Sally Parker
Parker, William, 178–79, 180
Parsons, Samuel Holden
and Cutler (Manasseh), 14, 58
death of, 78, 94–95
and earthworks, 49
as emigrant to first settlement, 53
and enthusiasm for emigration, 52
importance of, 78
and Indian attack on Mathews surveying party, 75
and Indian treaty in Northwest Territory, 14
and Ohio Company-Board of Treasury contract, 28
as Ohio Company director/shareholder, 14, 28
and Putnam appointment as territorial judge, 82
welcoming of migrants by, 58
Peale, Charles Willson, 19–20
Constitutional Convention in, 13, 19–24
and Cutler (Manasseh) as “agent” for Ohio Company, 18-24, 115–16
Denny-Washington meeting in, 111–12, 113
St. Clair-Washington meeting in, 113
Washington-Knox-St. Clair meeting in, 98
Philadelphia Hospital, Cutler-Rush tour of, 23–24
Phillips, Micajah. See Cajoe
Physicians Society of Ohio, 231, 232
Pioneer History (Hildreth), 253
and Adams (John Quincy) Ohio expedition, 243, 246, 249
Denny career in, 113
and first expedition to Ohio Country, 40–41, 42
as Gateway to the West, 41
Hildreth views about, 238
and steamboats, 184, 196
Tyler in, 68
Playfair, William, 83, 84
poem, Ohio Valley, 44
Point, 42–43, 58, 64, 92, 95, 169
Pottawatomie Indians, 102
Putnam, Elizabeth Ayres, 36, 207
Putnam, Israel, 123, 144
Putnam, Persis Rice, 36, 37, 82, 207
Putnam, Rufus
and accomplishments/tributes, 205–9, 219
Adams (John Quincy) comments about, 246
appearance of, 9–10
and apple trees, 150
barge for, 47
and Barker, 83
and Battle of Fallen Timbers, 118
and Big Bottom attack, 88, 90
and Bunch of Grapes meeting, 9, 11, 12
Burr and, 154
and Campus Martius, 206
Captain Pipe and, 43
character/personality of, 10, 92, 149, 206
as commander of frontier army, 116
and communications from first settlers, 50–51
and Cutler (Ephraim), 123, 125, 126, 143, 145, 219
Cutler (Manasseh) relationship with, 45, 50, 51, 82, 84, 123, 207–8
and Cutler (Manasseh) visit to Marietta, 58
death/funeral of, 205–6, 209
and descriptions of Marietta, 239
and earthworks, 48–50
education of, 35–36, 78, 213
as education proponent, 147, 206
emigrant comments of, 52, 110–11
and family move to Ohio Country, 82
and first expedition/settlement in Ohio Country, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43–44, 46–47
and French emigrants, 85
and growth of Marietta, 131
headquarters for, 43
health of, 116–17, 207
Hildreth comments about, 206
home of, 82, 207
and Indian-settler relations, 43, 46–47, 51, 64, 87–88, 90, 91–94, 96, 116, 206
and Lafayette visit to Marietta, 209
land distribution policies of, 64
library of, 208–9
and management of Marietta, 68
and Marietta as “City upon the Hill,” 205–6
and Marietta College, 220
and Marietta Congregational Church, 173
and Marietta militia, 83
marriages of, 36
military background of, 36–37
and naming of first settlement, 55–56
and Newburgh Petition, 10–11, 13, 205
and Nye in Marietta, 68
as Ohio Company “agent,” 115
and Ohio Company-Board of Treasury contract, 28
as Ohio Company chairman/shareholder, 12, 28
and Ohio constitution, 144
as Ohio legislator, 206
and Ohio University, 206
personal/professional background of, 35–37
and plan for Marietta, 170
Rutland as home for, 35, 37, 82
and Sargent-Tupper wedding, 70
and Scioto Company, 84
and shipbuilding in Marietta, 170
and slavery, 144, 145, 206
and St. Clair Defeat, 110
and stockade, 46, 47
as surveyor general of U.S., 149
as territorial judge, 82
and Thomas letter, 50–51
Trumbull portrait of, 236
Varnum relations with, 64
War of 1812 and, 186
Washington’s relationship with, 10–11, 36, 37, 86–88, 93–94, 110–11
welcoming of migrants/visitors by, 58
will of, 208–9
Putnam, William, 245
Putnam, William Rufus Jr., 257
rangers: and Indians as threat, 92, 94
Cutler’s (Manasseh) views about, 30, 60
and Northwest Ordinance, 12, 28, 29, 30
Removal Bill (1830), 230
Revolutionary War
Adams in France during, 249
battles during, 96–97
debt from, 26
and Dorchester Heights attack, 36–37
French support during, 56
Indian attacks on militia during, 8
and praise for Marie Antoinette, 56
See also veterans, Revolutionary War; specific person or battle
Rice, Persis. See Putnam, Persis Rice
Richmond, Virginia: Burr trial in, 162–63
Rogers, Joseph, 78, 94–95
Roosevelt, Nicholas, 184
Round Bottom, 42
Rush, Benjamin, 18, 19, 23–24
Sargent, Rowena Tupper, 69–70
Sargent, Winthrop
appearance of, 68–69
and Bunch of Grapes meeting, 12
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