Golden Throat (Cable Denning Mystery Series Book 1)

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Golden Throat (Cable Denning Mystery Series Book 1) Page 38

by James P. Alsphert

  Then I packed a few items in a bag and headed for 7000 Hollywood Boulevard and the Roosevelt Hotel. The place was only two years old and the very first Academy Awards Presentations were held this year in the Blossom Ballroom. I had put Rusty Wilson on the top floor, overlooking the boulevard itself—I wrapped hard on the door of Room #1200. “Who’s there?” a soft feminine voice spoke.

  “It’s me. Cable.”

  She opened the door, grabbed me and clung to me the minute I entered. “Oh, God, Cable! The tall creatures—they’re everywhere! I couldn’t even have lunch! They know who I am—how did they find me?”

  “You’ve got a tracer implanted in you. Get packed, we gotta get out of here as of now!”

  “Are you coming with me? Please say yes!”

  “You’re my client, aren’t you? I’m pledged to protect you, Flo. So hang on, it’s gonna be tough going for a few days.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Can’t say. They’ve got big ears, too. We need to go while it’s still light.”

  I didn’t mean to, but I watched as this gorgeous, mature woman threw off her lounging clothes and dressed there right in front of me. I couldn’t help it, but it still got a rise out of me, so to speak, when I saw those perfect large breasts and wonderful pink nipples combined with a fine, white ass. I could swear she was giving me the show on purpose, but it could also have been she was scared and moving under the pressure of my drumbeat.

  We got out of the hotel after I paid the bill in her stead, keeping her hidden in a lounge area. We went to get the car and I piled her into the green Packard. I drove us to my office. I grabbed her hand and we walked quickly up the stairs and inside. I went to the phone and called Joe. He gave me the necessary information to get to Angeles Mesa Drive Airport in Burbank and to look for a silver two-engine airplane with Syndcorp Imports on the side. The plane would be warming up and a pilot named Eddie would greet us. I thanked Joe again and we jumped back into Flo’s Packard and drove out to the airport.

  Flo was a good sport and trusted me implicitly. Once we parked the Packard and walked out onto the field and greeted Eddie, I felt a lot better. Eddie Contino was a nice guy with a big grin on his face. He loved flying, he told us, although he’d never flown to Monterrey, Mexico before. Once I had Flo sitting comfortably next to me in our own eight-seat cabin and the plane soared up off the runway, I began, in soft tones, to tell her what was up. “Now, remember me telling you that your husband somehow planted a tracking device in you? Well, we’re going to a special location in Mexico to have it removed so these bums won’t be able to find you.”

  “What do they want, Cable? The more I see them, the creepier I feel.”

  “I think, as we discussed, they originally had you sized up for mating material—to conceive and bring to full term as many babies as you could tolerate before you died in the process. Kind of like a female termite or queen bee—just a baby machine.”

  “Oh, God…and me, who didn’t even want kids. How horrible.”

  “But now I think they want you dead. You know too much. And unfortunately, when I shooed them away from across the street from your apartment, that offended them because then they knew you had switched sides, so to speak, and you would never be co-operative as a mamma-machine.”

  She grabbed my arm and kissed my shoulder. “Thanks to you, Cable. You’re risking your own life now, aren’t you? I’m so sorry, I had no idea—”

  “—of course you didn’t, who could’ve? Even I’m not in the alien business, you know. I try to run a legitimate private detective agency with integrity and good clients—”

  “—I’ll make it up to you, Cable. I have lots of money invested—and a fairly large bank account. I’ll reimburse you well for this. Just thank you, Cable, thank you so much.” She took a deep breath and looked out the west window at the setting sun. “Who knew just forty-eight hours ago that here I’d be with this handsome young private dick—short for detective—on my way to Mexico to have an alien apparatus removed from—from….?”

  Our brains came to the same place at the same time. “Yeah, that’s a good question. I wonder where they plant those things?”

  She cuddled closer to me, putting her cheek on my shoulder. “I guess we’ll find out. Cable…I feel so safe with you. Ordinarily I’d be frightened at the prospect of being operated on and all, taking a dangerous trip and being followed by other-worldly creeps—but with you—I don’t know, it just feels safe. Can you understand anything I’m saying?”

  “Sure, babe. I’m a safe kinda guy. So why don’t you just lean back with me and let’s see if we can get a little shut-eye, okay?” I stroked her hair with the palm of my hand and she leaned over to kiss me…those warm, soft lips clinging gently to my own. I could tell then and there, keeping out from between this lady’s legs would be an extraordinary challenge in itself.

  Chapter 16


  It’s a funny thing. When you wake up next to someone after a pleasant sleep, somehow that person seems closer to you in your life. That’s how I felt when I awoke to feel Flo’s head resting on my shoulder as the airplane hummed along. When she finally awakened, she looked up at me with a special smile. Eddie the pilot had left a tray of water, cigarettes, a bottle of tequila and a couple of glasses beside us as we slept. I poured some water for her and she gulped it all down. “Hello, Mr. Denning,” she chirped. “I missed you. Even though I think I must have dreamed about you riding up on your white horse, sweeping me off my feet and taking me away to your castle.”

  I chuckled. “It’s nice to know that chivalry isn’t dead now, isn’t it? I wish I had dreamed about you, but I don’t remember a thing. But I do recall one thing—as a matter of fact, I kinda went to sleep with that image.”

  “And what might that be?”

  “You getting dressed just before we left the hotel. I didn’t mean to look, but I have to confess, the red-blooded American boy got the best of me.”

  She flushed a little. “Did you like what you saw?”

  “You bet, and then some. You’re quite a babe, Flo, Rusty Wilson…”

  “Do you know you excite me so much I have to go to the bathroom?”

  I laughed. “There’s a little room at the back of the plane—but I’m afraid it’s one-sex-fits-all.”

  “How do you mean that?” she asked as she stood up and made her way across my body to the aisle. “I would love for your sex to fit my all.”

  I pretended to be shocked. “Miss whoever-you-are! How can you stand there like that and proposition the man you’ve employed to protect you—my, my—business relationships must be maintained, you know.”

  “Easy…I’ve wanted him since the first minute he touched me in my apartment. I don’t think we’re going to get out of this unscathed, Cable Denning. I hope it isn’t one-sided…that would really hurt—”

  “—go to the bathroom—you might feel differently when you get back,” I kidded her.

  Monterrey airport was small. All three of us left the airplane and we took a wild ride in an open air taxi to a hotel called the Estrellita on the outskirts of town. Eddie got a room on a lower floor while Flo and I were assigned one room with two double beds on the top floor. Fat chance, I thought the minute I entered the room, that both of those beds would be used. I had given up any idea of getting through another day without an intensely erotic encounter with this Flo ‘Rusty’ Wilson. For two days and several hundred miles it had been building up, so that by the time we set our bags down on the floor of our room, we both knew.

  According to Eddie Contino, the operation was scheduled for the following evening at 9:00 p.m. Because of both innate laziness and the frequent, oppressive heat, the Mexicans didn’t work from about noon to around 3:00 p.m. All business came to a halt, including, I assumed, the staff that kept the clinic going where I was to take Flo. So we decided to jump into a primitive shower that barely fit one of us, let alone both. I gave her a head start and while she wa
s showering, I could hear a wonderful Mexican band playing on a radio somewhere down the hall. “Señor?” a voice called out from the bathroom. “I need a houseboy to scrub my back. Have you seen him?”

  “Nope,” I answered. “It’s—it’s his day off today. How about a young gumshoe with a lot of spin on his brush?”

  “That sounds fine,” she said. I stripped naked and entered the bathroom. The shower curtain was an old piece of canvas, soaked and moldy. But what was behind the curtain certainly wasn’t. There in all her naked glory stood Flo, soaping down the front part of her amazing anatomy. It was so remarkable to me, even at my age, that a man should instinctively respond with such fervor to a naked woman’s body. I guessed that it was somehow wired into the male sexual system and it was that drive that kept the world populated with the human species.

  “Anything you see you like?” Flo asked in a very sensual voice.

  “Yeah, just about everything, lady,” I said, taking in the marvelous white skin that was glowing wet from the shower. I entered and packed my body next to hers, feeling her soapy body slide against mine. “Okay, so let’s get the back done. We can’t send you to bed looking like that.”

  “Looking like what?” she inquired, genuinely concerned, as if I knew something she didn’t.

  “Looking less than absolutely perfect. One speck of skin that doesn’t belong there—and it’s back to the factory you go!” I laughed.

  She turned around to face the shower wall while I took the washrag and scrubbed her back. “Oh…oh…yes, there, right there. Ah….now…lower, Cable.” I dropped the washrag and soaped up my bare hands, rubbing up and down on her buttocks. She sighed and moaned. “Lower…lower…please…the back of my legs…” I bent down as the water pouring from her long, wonderful red hair showered me as I moved my hands around on her near-perfect legs. Then she took my hand and lifted me up to face her, those abundant breasts pressing into my chest. “Now…my turn. She re-soaped the rag and began to wash my neck and shoulders. Soon she had moved down onto my chest and very slowly and sensually she soaped her hands and let the washrag fall, bringing her long, tapered fingers to massage my penis. She lifted my balls and massaged in a circular motion until I came to attention. Then she rinsed me thoroughly and went to her knees, taking all of my manhood into her mouth. I stood there with the shower water running over us, lost in the sucking motion this incredibly sensual woman was performing on me.

  “Where in the—the—hell…did you get to be so good with a—a lizard for a husband?” I asked, quite distracted and my speech broken.

  She took my very hard, swollen penis out of her mouth. “When a woman desires a man she really cares for, I don’t think she needs any lessons, Cable…I just feel…instincts with my desire for you….”

  Soon we exited the shower, dripping wet. She took my hand and led me to one of the beds, pushing me down onto it. Then she threw herself down beside me. Suddenly I was thinking about Honey again and my conscience began to bother me. What happened to Mr. Truth Guy? I asked myself. What happened to the man who wants to settle down with one woman and spend blissful years building a meaningful relationship? “I hate to say this at a time like this, but do you remotely remember I’m getting married soon to a peach of a gal—and I’m supposed to be protecting you, not screwing you like we picked each other up in California and now we’re in Mexico keeping our dirty little secrets.”

  She cooled down and sat up on the bed. “Is that what you think of me? A pick-up who’s easy—or lonely—or desperate? Well, Mr. Denning, I’ll have you know women can turn things on or off a lot easier than can men. So, if that’s the way you want it—”

  “—I didn’t mean to get you mad or hurt you, Flo. I know you’re disappointed. But you know, you’re like a big test for me.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, like it or not—and even though I’ve had a lot of years with the police department—you’re my very first client as a private investigator. I just opened shop a little while ago. If I fail by seducing the first good looking babe who comes through my doors—don’t you see—I’d be setting a precedent for myself? I really think you hired me to have integrity and keep our relationship professional.” I scooted out of bed and sat next to her. “I’m sorry…I—I let it go so far. And speaking of truth, I really wanted you—I still want you—and I’d be lying if I told you otherwise.”

  She put her hand on my leg, looking across the room. “So, Mr. Private Investigator, I'm your very first customer, huh? You’re precious, Cable. A unique man. It’s true, a lesser man would be on top of me right now having his way with me.” Then she got up, went to her purse to get a cigarette and lit up. She did the same for me. She moved like a sensual cat toward me. “But it’s tough, Cable. I’ve gone so long without being made love to. There’s something about touching someone you care about and desire, that changes everything. That’s what I’ve felt about you.” She took a big drag and exhaled. “But…I did hire you, after all. What do I expect? That you service me as a woman while you’re protecting me as a professional?”

  “Well, the thought did occur to me—”

  She laughed and the tension was broken. She came back down onto the bed and kissed me. “Can I at least do that?”

  “Well, it costs more, especially when my meter’s running.”

  “Well, buddy, my meter’s been running for you since you first touched me back at my place in L.A.”

  I glanced over at the other bed. “So…I guess I’d better join the other bedbugs over there—and maybe you should stay here.”

  She took my cigarette and along with hers, got up and put them out in the ashtray on the little dresser. Then she came back and pushed me down onto the bed again. “I can’t let that happen, Cable—I can’t spend the rest of my life wondering how much I had missed in not having you.” She plunged her lips onto my mouth and thrust her lovely lithe body onto mine, moving her pussy back and forth over my most private parts. “Please—I beg you! Make me feel like a woman, Cable—let me feel what it’s like again—take the lady away with you to that exciting and beautiful land—and when tomorrow comes, you can forget it ever happened—forget me as a woman…I promise I’ll never ask again….ever….!”

  There in a dirty Mexican hotel room, the voluptuous redhead and I journeyed into the land of ecstasy and quelled our desires with sensual fulfillment again and again. Flo was a marvelous lover and as those wonderful long legs encompassed me and urged me into her deepest places. I was glad after all…I was glad that I had allowed that instinct to release itself, for none of it was wasted—that one lovely woman is as genuinely enjoyable as the next. It’s man’s illusion that so many differences exist in his current pleasure model, that two people can exchange on a par level and give equally to one another with no promise of a tomorrow. Finally spent, we slept wrapped up in each other’s arms, lulled by the faint hum of the ceiling fan.

  I woke up horny for that knock-out dame beside me, but she was fast asleep. Her breathing was slow and almost non-existent. I thought it would be a naughty but nice way to wake her up by some slow sexual stimulation. I slowly moved my hand up her leg into her thighs, brushed lightly over her mound and started for her stomach. I was shocked to feel that somehow during the night her belly had distended to the size of a small watermelon! I continued playing out my game, reaching her two mountainous breasts and fondling them with sweet tenderness. She began to stir and sigh. I moved back down over the swollen belly and cupped her pussy with the palm of my hand. She opened her eyes. But there was something strange about them that I couldn’t put my finger on. It was as if they had changed to a slightly more greenish-blue than I had recalled the day before. “Hello, there, sleepy head,” I spoke softly.

  She smiled and rubbed my hand more firmly into her womanhood. Then suddenly she cried out. “Owww!” Then she threw off the sheet and looked at her stomach. “God, Cable, what happened?! My—my stomach—it’s all swollen—what did we eat yesterday—I don’t un

  I was trying to wake up and do some thinking at the same time. I tried to make light of it. “You were saying you wanted to have my baby—and we did make love about a hundred times unprotected. I just didn’t know they grow in there so fast!”

  She tried to laugh. “Owww! Damn! These pangs, it hurts, Cable!”

  I didn’t waste any time. I threw on my clothes and went downstairs and got Eddie Contino out of bed. “It’s Mrs. Wilson, Eddie—we’ve gotta get her to that clinic now—and I mean now! Contino didn’t say a thing but put his clothes on hurriedly and we both went up to get Rusty. As we burst into the room the window closest to the bed was open and the dirty yellow curtain was blowing in the morning breeze. Rusty Wilson was gone! Furiously I ran through the three rooms, checked the closet and looked out both windows, one overlooking an alley, the other the street out in front. Nothing! I was about to run out with Eddie when I spotted something on the open bed. There scattered in a small area on the sheet were unmistakable fragments of the slick, leathery skin Rusty’s husband had shed back in L.A. I swept them up into my palm, threw them in my pocket and asked Eddie to get us to the clinic as soon as possible. We rode through donkey dung, vegetable carts, chickens and goats in the street and erratic drivers so anxious to commit suicide that I felt like jumping out and walking the distance. Finally the taxi pulled up in front of a very modern building and we flew out. I went immediately to the main desk, but it took Eddie to explain who we were. We were shown into a large waiting room where just the two of us stood. Soon a middle-aged man with a large moustache and thick glasses presented himself.

  “I am Dr. Zellini—your young woman is not due until 9:00 p.m.—you are aware of that.”

  “Yeah, we are, Doc, but you see the lady in question has disappeared. Maybe forty minutes ago from the hotel Estrellita.”

  “Oh. That’s unfortunate. We’ll have to notify the authorities. In Mexico, that isn’t easy. In the meantime, I think one of you should communicate back to California and explain the situation.”


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