Demon Ash (Resurrection Chronicles Book 3)

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Demon Ash (Resurrection Chronicles Book 3) Page 9

by M. J. Haag

  A tremble ran through Drav’s arms, and a low rumble began in his chest.

  “If it’s all right with you guys, I think I’m ready to lay down for a bit.” I looked up at Drav and gently set a hand on his jaw. The contact warmed my chilled hand.

  “I’m okay,” I said softly. “Really.”

  Drav’s gaze held mine for a moment, then he leaned down and kissed me tenderly.

  I’d completely forgotten our audience until he tore his gaze from mine to look at Molev. Flushing, I focused on him, too. Molev smiled, flashing his fangs.

  “Go rest. I’ll tell the others to leave you alone.”

  Kerr handed me one of the wrapped quilts as Drav turned.

  “Thank you.”

  Kerr nodded.

  The blanket almost slipped from my arms as Drav took the stairs to the office two at a time. His rush to get me alone worried me. I’d seen Drav angry enough to not want to be on the receiving end of it. Now, he had plenty to be angry about. He’d told me repeatedly to stay close, and I hadn’t listened.

  “You can put me down,” I said when we arrived at the top of the stairs.

  Instead of listening, he stepped inside the office with me still in his arms. The door ominously clicked shut behind us. My stomach churned, and I struggled not to let my guilt or worry show.

  “Seriously, Drav. I can’t make our bed if you’re holding me.”

  He finally set me on my feet, but he didn’t release me. I peeked up at him, ready to apologize again. Instead of anger in his gaze, I saw desperation and fear. He gripped my sides and pulled me close. I could feel the tremble in his hands as he set his forehead to mine.

  “I can’t lose you, Mya.” The anguished rumble of his voice almost broke me.

  How many times had he told me I was the best thing here? He’d proven time and again that I was his world. My death would have destroyed him. The thought of it still tortured him.

  “You won’t, Drav. Their bites won’t turn me. I’m safe.”

  My words didn’t change his grip or his shaking. He was in a dangerous place, and I wasn’t sure how to help him move past what had almost happened.

  I lifted my hands to his face, cupping his cheeks.

  “I’m here, Drav. In your arms.” I tipped my head up and gently kissed his lips. “I’m not going anywhere.” I kissed him again, trying to prove my words.

  His hold loosened, and his lips moved under mine. My heart leapt as I understood what he needed. I pulled back and met his tormented gaze.

  Any hint of lingering doubt left me. Simply loving Drav wasn’t enough. I needed to show him that he’d become my world, too.

  “You’re my family now, Drav. And, I’m yours.”

  “Mine,” he echoed.

  His lips crashed upon mine, demanding proof that I meant what I’d said. I gave it willingly.

  When we finally broke apart, we both panted for air.

  “Just a minute,” I said, escaping his hold.

  I moved to the windows and pulled the cord to release the blinds then went to the door and did the same. When I turned, Drav still watched me with the same desperate intensity.


  I walked to him, framed his face with my hands, and brought his lips to mine for another searing kiss.

  “I love you, Drav,” I whispered against his lips. “No matter what the future brings, I love you.”

  He growled low, but I knew it was his fear of losing me, not my words.

  I walked away from him once more to spread the quilt out on the floor. Kicking off my shoes, I sat down on the unforgiving, makeshift bed. Drav still hadn’t moved from his spot. The panicked glint still darkened his eyes, and his hands still trembled. He needed me as much as I needed him.

  “Can I use you as a pillow?” I asked, holding out a hand.

  As he knelt beside me, I got to my knees and wrapped my arms around his neck. I leaned in and pressed a small kiss right below his ear.

  “Do you trust me?” I whispered.


  “Then, love me back.”

  Drav growled and gripped my hips.


  I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my lips at the heated warning.

  “Trust me,” I whispered before kissing my way to his mouth.

  I nipped his bottom lip. He groaned and gripped the back of my head with one hand. When his tongue traced the seam of my lips, I opened with a throaty moan. His kiss demanded everything and left nothing untouched. It started a need that grew too consuming to ignore.

  Breaking the kiss, I ran my hand down his cheek, drawing my fingers over his neck until I reached his shirt.

  “Your shirt needs to go,” I said.

  Gathering the material in my hands, I tugged it upwards. He helped, snatching the end and pulling it over his head in a quick movement.

  His gaze held mine as he reached out, his fingers sweeping under my shirt and brushing over my stomach to leave trails of fire in their wake.

  “Yours, too.”

  I reached for the bottom of my shirt, but Drav stopped me from removing it; instead, he carefully eased the material up, showing extra concern for my bandaged shoulder.

  My heart melted as he removed my shirt then slipped off my bra. Bared from the waist up and still on my knees, I held still as he looked at me. Heat and hunger like I’d never seen before filled his gaze.

  He reached out and reverently covered one breast with his big hand. I closed my eyes, reveling in the feel of his gentle caress. The warm, firm squeeze he gave made me ache for more. His lips settled on mine as he explored with his hands. The combination of his kiss and rough texture of his fingers heightened the sensation of each touch. I moaned as his fingers found my nipple, and gently plucked at the sensitive peak.

  Slowly, he lowered us to the blanket. His lips left mine to graze kisses in a searing trail down my throat. My breath caught at the touch of his tongue to the skin over my collarbone. An ache started in my breast. His fingers, his hands, were no longer enough.

  I reached up and threaded my fingers through his hair. His lips skimmed lower. I held my breath, waiting.

  A second later, his mouth latched onto my tight nipple. I moaned and arched into his touch, desperate for more.

  He sucked and played with the aching peak until I felt each tug in my very core. Releasing my nipple with a lick, he focused on its twin. My hands clenched in his thick hair as his mouth closed over the tip. His tongue flicked, circled, and teased, and he gave a low rumble of approval as he paid the other breast the same attention as the first.

  The heat of his touch consumed me and spread lower. I slipped my hand from his hair down his back, exploring the muscled planes until I touched the waist of his pants. He growled, the vibrations doing things to my nipple and making the ache between my legs grow.

  He gently pushed my hand away.

  “Drav.” I arched my hips, needing him to understand.

  A moment later, his fingers plucked at my jeans, freeing the button and easing down the zipper. His mouth left my skin, and my heart thumped heavily in my chest as he reverently slid the material free.

  Tossing my clothes aside, Drav sat back and looked at me. I swallowed hard and parted my legs slightly. Desire darkened his eyes to a forest green.

  “Mine,” he growled.

  He stood and removed his pants. The thick erection twitched as I stared. He knelt beside me, his fingers and gaze sliding up my legs. When he reached the V, he stopped and braced a hand on each side of me. With care, he settled his weight over me. A breathy sigh escaped as his hips touched mine.

  He kissed my chin and reached between us, his thumb brushing my curls and parting my folds.

  “Drav…” It came out as a plea as I opened for him. His exploring fingers found my sweet spot and circled the tender flesh slowly. Bliss shuddered through me.

  “I trust you, too, Drav,” I said, setting my hands on his back.

  He hissed
out a breath, his fingers delving deeper and parting me. A moment later, he positioned himself at my entrance. His gaze remained locked on mine as he slowly pushed forward.

  Each minute thrust kindled the desire growing inside me. Once he filled me, he stopped moving. I ground my hips against his, eager for more.

  “You’re going to need to move, or I’m going to do it for you,” I said.

  He grinned wickedly, his fangs dimpling his bottom lip. Then, he moved. The first stroke of his withdrawal left me breathless. The next thrust made my eyes roll closed. He set a slow, steady rhythm, and I moaned unable to keep my satisfaction to myself.

  Drav rumbled his approval and moved faster. The friction sent waves of pleasure through me, pushing me toward the place where I knew even more waited. I panted and wrapped my legs around his waist. Tension coiled inside of me, building to a breaking point. I hovered there, grasping for the release that waited just over the edge.

  Drav slid a hand under my hip, changing the angle of his thrusts. The hot, hard length rubbed the top of my channel, and the tension exploded in a release of pleasure, ripping a scream from me. As I arched in ecstasy, his mouth latched onto my nipple. The suction of his mouth sent another wave of pleasure through me, my walls clenching around his engorged length.

  He released me and thrust deep with a roar that I was certain the remaining fey back in Ernisi heard.

  Drav kissed me hard then slowly withdrew. He didn’t collapse on top of me but turned us so we lay on our sides, facing each other.

  “I love you, my Mya.”

  I brushed a kiss to his chest.

  “I love you, too.”

  The exhaustion of the day, and being cradled in Drav’s embrace had me fighting to keep my eyes open.

  * * * *

  Still undressed, I stirred from sleep, my skin covered in goosebumps. I curled closer to Drav, seeking his warmth.

  His hold tightened around me, and he pressed his lips against my forehead.

  “I’ll go get another blanket and some food, now that you are awake.”

  “No, I’m okay.”

  I reached for the edge of the quilt we laid on and pulled it over my exposed back.

  “Your stomach has been very loud in its demand for food,” he said softly, his fingers finding their way to the skin covering the insistent organ. It growled loudly again.

  “Fine, but you’re going to have to hurry because you’re the only thing keeping me warm.”

  Drav sat up and tucked the blanket around me.

  “I’ll return quickly,” he said.

  Completely nude, he strode out the door.

  I shook my head and fought not to blush. Hopefully, there wouldn’t be too many fey awake. Sitting up, I wrapped my arms around my knees and placed my cheek against them. I sighed contentedly and reflected on what we’d done. I didn’t regret it. Not a single moment. Although I still wanted to find my family, Drav was my world now. My future. There would be no going back.

  Drav returned a moment later with a blanket and two cans of food. I lifted a corner of the blanket and he joined me, covering us both with the new blanket as well.

  We shared the food, even though I tried to push the tuna away. Our meal didn’t last long before our hunger turned into a different kind.

  * * * *

  As soon as the sun rose, we dressed and left the office. If the men had heard us, they didn’t mention anything when we joined them on the main floor. Probably because they were too focused on the new arrivals who still slept on the cardboard piles near the shelves.

  “When did Ghua get back?” I asked Molev softly.

  “Not long before the sun brightened the sky.” He picked up a can. “Will Timmy eat this?”

  I looked at the can of fruit and nodded.

  “We need to make sure we feed him a balance of foods. That’s a fruit. It’s good for him. But he also needs some kind of protein, like meat, beans, cheese, or milk.” I picked up one of the cans of evaporated milk. “He should have one of these a day, for sure. Oh, and he needs to brush his teeth. Twice a day. You all should, now that you don’t have your leaves to chew on.” I caught myself before I let the conversation distract me from the question I should have asked when we’d first arrived.

  “Where did Ghua go?”

  Molev gave me a slight smile.

  “He and a few others followed the humans when they left.”

  Excitement filled me. Why hadn’t I thought to suggest that?

  “And?” I asked.

  “They stopped at a place further north and east from here. There were more healthy humans at this place.”

  Relief coursed through me. Now we wouldn’t be wandering around aimlessly in search of a safe zone.

  “That’s great. Did Ghua say how long it would take for us to get there?”

  “He thought we should reach the next human place just after the sun is at its highest.”

  “How long does he need to sleep?”

  “They can wake now,” Molev said.

  “No, that’s fine. Let them sleep. We need to divide up the supplies we brought back and repack and do a few other things before we’re ready.”

  He let me take charge of that. I handed out the regular toothbrushes we’d grabbed, explained how to use them with toothpaste, and pointed to the employee bathrooms. Little Timmy scampered after Byllo, who also carried a child’s toothbrush for the boy.

  Drav stayed beside me, tracing lingering touches down my arms or over my shoulders as I inspected our final haul from the superstore. We distributed the items so if we lost a bag we wouldn’t lose all of one thing. It also helped keep the bags evenly weighted, even though Drav assured me that wouldn’t be an issue.

  As soon as the men finished brushing, I ducked into the bathroom to clean myself up as best as I could and to check the bite on my shoulder. The whole thing had already scabbed over but remained tender to the touch.

  I stared at the wound unable to believe I was still me and not some mindless infected. I thought of Drav and what would have happened to him and my family if things had gone differently. Nothing good rose to mind. Thankfully, I’d survived. Something I seemed to be pretty good at. Something I resolved to stay good at. I had a lot to live for.

  Thoughts of the previous night filled my head again, and I let go of my shirt to study myself in the mirror. I still had no regrets. My family would accept Drav because I did. The rest of humanity worried me, though. The dark fey deserved to be welcomed, not shunned or subjected to suspicion. Yet, that was what they were likely to encounter. I couldn’t help but wonder what else we would need to confront at the new place.

  Nervously, I smoothed back my hair and re-secured my ponytail.

  I wouldn’t let the fey be so easily dismissed. Not this time.


  The safe zone didn’t look like much, just a cluster of metal buildings in a large parking lot surrounded by a fence on steroids. Different forms of temporary housing had been set up near the perimeter. A few military-style tents rustled in the wind, and a weird little weather vane on top of one of the RVs shifted direction and let out a low creak. Nothing else moved. At least, not that Drav could see or hear from our current distance.

  The majority of the fey waited behind the barn that belonged to the house across the road from the safe zone, a good half a mile away, while Drav watched and listened and described everything to me from a small group of trees much closer to the base.

  Since arriving, Drav hadn’t seen any human movement. However, Ghua assured us that Tucker and Jerry had driven right up to the gate, and it had opened for them.

  Drav picked me up and sprinted back to the barn followed by the few fey who’d accompanied us close on his heels. Molev listened to Drav’s description of the place.

  “Do you think the humans are still there?” Molev asked me.

  “Yes. I think they’re just hiding. I want you guys to stay here,” I said. “Just Drav and I will go forward. When they see us
, they’ll come out.” Probably heavily armed, but I didn’t say that. “Drav, you’ll need to walk behind me.”

  “No, Mya,” Drav said, gently cupping my shoulder because of the bite. “Your body is not meant to protect me. Mine is meant to protect you.”

  I sighed.

  “Would you listen if I said I’d rather you not come with me at all?” I asked.

  “No. I won’t. We will walk to the gate together.”

  “And we will follow at a distance,” Molev said. “Not all humans are like you, Mya.”

  Molev and the fey hung back by the trees midway between the house and the fence while Drav and I approached the gate.

  “Stop there!” a voice yelled when we stood within twenty feet.

  “My name is Mya,” I called. “This is Drav. We’re looking for the safe zone where people from Oklahoma City would have been taken. I’m trying to find my parents.”

  “We know who you are,” the voice called back. “You need to leave.”

  “Leave? Are you kidding me? Do you know what I’ve gone through to get here?” I took a step toward the fence, but Drav scooped me up in his arms and turned his back to the gate.

  “You put me down right now, Drav,” I said. The anger in my tone wasn’t meant for him, but the asshole yelling at me.

  “He has a gun pointed at you,” Drav said.

  “Leaving isn’t an option. Please, Drav.”

  He scowled stubbornly.

  “Will you at least turn around?” I asked.

  He did, and I looked for the speaker but didn’t see anything.

  “If you really did know me and who I’m with, you wouldn’t bother with a stupid fence and guns. Ask Tucker and Jerry how well that worked for them. We don’t want your damn supplies or whatever else you have in your buildings any more than we wanted theirs. I just want to find my parents.”

  “Can’t help you. Leave.”

  “No. You want me to leave? You’ll have to shoot me.”

  Drav growled very loudly but held his ground.

  “And I can promise you shooting me will be the biggest mistake of your life. You don’t want to see these guys angry.”

  “We already have. Two of them took out three units in less than a minute.”


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