A Matter of Honor

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A Matter of Honor Page 3

by Kit Tunstall

  He leaned over the edge of the bed, plucking the dagger from the floor. “Hold out your hands.”

  Rebecca’s compliance earned her freedom. Reflexively, she rubbed her wrists, although the bonds had not been tight enough to restrict circulation. Once Christoph had cut through the bonds on her feet, she was able to pull her legs apart, and she noticed the cramps in her thighs.

  When he leaned forward to kiss her, Rebecca didn't bother to keep up her pretense of no response. What was the point now? He had overcome her defenses, but it hadn't been an unpleasant experience. She ardently submitted to his kisses, returning them with equal fervor.

  Soon, he was kneeling between her thighs. “I fear you will not enjoy this aspect so much, Rebecca.”

  She found that difficult to believe, remembering the last experience. “I am ready.” She frowned as he pulled on her thighs, bringing her pussy closer to his cock. “What are you doing?”

  “Claiming your maidenhead.”

  “But…” She nibbled on her lip and winced as her teeth raked across the exposed wound. “How?”

  He lifted a brow. “It requires a joining between us.”

  Her eyes widened as she remembered her sister's account of her wedding night. “Dear Heaven. Could Elizabeth have told me the truth?”

  He laughed. “I imagine she did, judging from your look of horror.”

  “You cannot,” she blurted. “It is impossible.”

  “It is possible and highly pleasurable.”

  Rebecca shook her head, but her protests were cut short by his sudden possession. A cry tore from her throat. “It hurts.”

  “Only for a few moments, m'lady.”

  Rebecca shifted, trying to push him away and relieve herself of the stretched, burning sensation between her thighs. “I do not like this.” She glared up at him, pounding her fists against his chest ineffectually. “I demand you desist.”

  Sweat beaded his forehead, and his jaw was tightly clenched. Through gritted teeth, he said, “Quit squirming. Remain still, and the pain will fade.”

  “I do not believe you, sir. I wish to end this now.” She put the palms of her hands against his chest, pushing with all of her might. “I said…” She trailed off with a startled gasp as he moved his hand between their bodies. Rebecca's eyes widened when she felt his thumb sliding across the tiny nub that had given her so much pleasure. To her surprise, the pain began to fade as the tingling sensation took over again. “I—” She moaned as he withdrew slightly, then thrust into her again.

  “Has the pain faded, m'lady?”

  “It has lessened.” Even as she responded, the pain became negligible, almost completely usurped by the pleasure. Her body responded instinctively to his, as her hips rose to meet each of his thrusts. He continued to touch her while he surged into her, and Rebecca felt another explosion coming on. As he filled her again, she felt her insides quiver. Her pussy contracted around his cock, and she started trembling. She clung to him as the little death revisited her. Soon, she was sobbing and crying out his name.

  As Rebecca fell back against the bunk, he withdrew. She made a murmur of protest and frowned as she felt wetness across her stomach. “What are you doing?”

  “Preventing babies.” Christoph slowly eased away from her, yawning. “I believe this was a most pleasurable bargain we made, m'lady.”

  A blush swept across her cheeks, and Rebecca averted her eyes. She refused to confirm his words. “Well, it is over now.”

  He chuckled, throwing his arm across her waist. “Not yet. We shall sleep, eat, and partake of each other a bit more before this day ends.”


  He pulled her head onto his shoulder. “Rest, Rebecca. You will need your energy for later.”

  With a sigh, she submitted to his request. She nuzzled her nose deeper into his neck, enjoying the male scent of him. How had she become such a wanton in so short a time? Her lids were heavy, dragging themselves down, and she was too tired to dwell on her descent into decadence. Later, she would worry about that.

  * * * * *

  She awoke to the pleasurable sensation of his tongue in her pussy, probing for the sensitive spots that elicited so much pleasure. Rebecca blinked open her eyes and raised her head. He had removed the remnants of the nightdress before beginning his exploration, and she was completely nude. Her stomach clenched with excitement at the sight of the pirate kneeling between her legs. “Sir,” she whispered shyly, as her juices flooded his mouth. “What are you doing?”

  He lifted his head and smiled at her. “Preparing you. I wish to be inside you again.”

  She shifted restlessly, pushing her hips upward to reclaim his attention. “So soon?”

  “Aye,” he said, and returned his mouth to her pussy.

  Rebecca tilted her pelvis upwards to allow him better access and winced as her sore muscles protested. Soon, his tongue made the flash of pain a memory, and she buried her hands in his hair, pulling him more firmly against her. She felt a twinge of conscience as she imagined the picture they presented. Her legs spread wide, and Christoph lying between them. What would Mama say if she knew?

  She bit back a giggle at the thought of her mother catching them. Rebecca would be as horrified as her mother, but she couldn’t resist picturing the expression Mama would have on her face. If she had been near apoplexy the time Rebecca, as a child, lifted her skirt to her knee to show off a nasty scab to her cousin, she would probably collapse if she saw what her daughter was doing this day.

  Within seconds, her thoughts detoured from Mama’s reaction, as Christoph’s tongue pressed firmly against her clit and began rotating in slow circles. His hands were under her buttocks, kneading her cheeks, and pressing her upward. Rebecca moaned as her lower body clenched with anticipation. Her nipples throbbed almost painfully, and she reached up to rub them to ease the ache.

  When Christoph sucked the nub into his mouth and grazed it with his teeth, she cried out and tightened her thighs around his head. Within seconds, the first wave of an orgasm swept over her, and she was convulsing. He continued to slide his tongue through her pussy, causing already sensitive areas to become supersensitive. Before the first little death faded, another was upon her.

  She trembled and shook, and slowly her body calmed. Her heartbeat slowed in her ears, and her legs stopped shaking. Rebecca took a deep breath and stopped rubbing her nipples.

  Christoph lifted his head and licked his lips. “You have a delicious pussy, m’lady.”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  He chuckled and traced his fingers across the swollen lips of her cleft. “Your pussy is not only beautiful, but tasty. I could eat you for hours.”

  A hot blush swept up her necks, across her cheeks, and settled in her ears. “You should not say such things.” She tried to deny the way her pussy spasmed at his inappropriate words.

  He sighed and raised himself onto his knees. As he crawled up the bed toward her, his cock jutted out.

  She quickly slid her eyes from it, still not able to look at his cock or touch it. When he lay down on top of her, she spread her legs farther. She frowned as he lowered his head. “What are you doing, sir?”

  “I am attempting to kiss you, m’lady,” he said, and his lips brushed against hers. “Did you not find the experience pleasurable…before?” His last word was spoken into her mouth, as his lips parted hers.

  Rebecca remained still as his mouth touched hers gently. Christoph’s mouth pressed more firmly on her own, and his tongue slipped through her parted lips, stroking across her tongue.

  She jumped when she tasted her own juices on his tongue. The taste was musky and salty, but not unpleasant. As he explored her mouth, his hand cupped her breast, and he fondled the nipple.

  Rebecca’s thighs clenched as a jolt of electricity shot through her. She felt her pussy getting wet again as his tongue pressed against the back of hers, while his fingers massaged her nipple. “Please,” she moaned into his mouth. She was exhausted
, but she wanted him to work his delicious magic again and bring her the little death.

  Without moving his mouth from hers, Christoph adjusted their position, and his cock pressed against the opening of her pussy.

  Rebecca whimpered as he pushed into her. The brief pain she had felt earlier returned in force, making her cry aloud. She pushed against him, urgent to dislodge him.

  He moved away quickly. “Is there pain?”

  She nodded.

  “It is too soon, m’lady.” He sighed and sat up. “You cannot take me again, I think.”

  Disappointment darted through her, but she wasn’t able to overcome her aversion to pain, even with the promise of pleasure. “I do not think so, sir,” she agreed.

  He shrugged. “There are other ways.”

  She frowned as he leaned over to retrieve her dressing gown from the floor. When he returned to the bed and stretched out beside her, she watched with puzzlement, waiting for him to explain.

  “It is an interesting sensation, the silk against my cock.”

  “I do not understand, sir.” What did he want from her?

  “I will show you what to do.” Christoph took a corner of the garment and wrapped it around his hand. Then he took his cock in his hand and began to slide his hand up and down.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered, fascinated by what she saw.

  “Relieving myself.” With his free hand, he took one of hers and brought it to the dressing gown. “Sit up. You will do it now.”

  She sat up, frowning as he pushed her hand against the silk. She mimicked his motion of wrapping it around her hand as he moved his hand from his cock. Her gaze flicked across it, taking in the engorged head and purplish tint, before she quickly looked away. “I cannot—“

  “You can. Grasp my cock firmly.”

  Rebecca wet her lips and fumbled for his cock, determined not to look down. She heard his breath hiss through his teeth as she cradled him in her hands. “Now what, sir?”

  “Move your hand up and down.”

  She did so, intrigued by how hard his shaft was through the barrier of the silk. It was like nothing she had ever felt.

  “Maintain a firm grip, Rebecca,” he reminded.

  She squeezed her hand around his cock and rubbed him with the silk. She heard his breath coming in ragged gasps and realized she was breathless too. A flood of warmth between her thighs caused her to squirm, and when his hips bucked against her hand, her pussy spasmed.

  “Faster,” he grunted. His face was bright red, and he looked like he was in pain.

  “Are you certain?”

  He nodded, appearing to struggle with the simple movement.

  She increased the speed of her hand as his cock swelled in her hand. Rebecca continued to squeeze and stroke him as he thrust against her hand. When she felt warm stickiness splash against the silk, immediately followed by a slight softening of his cock, she instinctively loosened her hold and moved her hand away.

  Christoph lay on his back, panting heavily, for several moments. Gradually, his breathing slowed, and his color returned to normal. He lifted his arm and pushed back her hair with his fingers. “I do wish we had more time, m’lady. You are an excellent pupil. I can only imagine the things I could teach you.”

  She dropped her gaze from his. “The day is almost done, sir.”

  “Aye. Let us rest awhile, Rebecca.” He moved his hand to the back of her head and pulled her forward, until her face was against hers. “Kiss me.”

  She kissed him enthusiastically, feeling a twinge of regret when he pulled away. She settled against him, and her eyes closed. She could feel sleep forcing itself upon her, and her last thought was the pirate would be gone when she next awoke. She knew it with absolute certainty, and the knowledge was accompanied by another dart of regret.

  Chapter 4

  She awoke to a timid knock. Rebecca lifted her head, realizing she slept on her stomach. She glanced first at the window in her cabin, noting the complete absence of light. She looked over to the ruined doorway, finding Nora hovering at the entrance. She rolled over, blushing when she remembered she was naked. She pulled the covers up to her neck. “Yes, Nora?”

  “Will you be wanting dinner now, m'lady?” Nora held a bowl in her hand.

  She nodded. “And a bath when I have finished eating.” She frowned at her companion. “There is no need to lurk in the doorway.”

  Nora shuffled inside and placed the bowl on the table. She averted her eyes as Rebecca slid from the bed and lifted the emerald dressing gown from the planks where Christoph had tossed it for the final time earlier in the day. She noted it was now a few inches shorter, thanks to the strips Christoph had torn from it. She tried to be casual when she asked, “Have the pirates left?”

  “The crew departed our ship several hours ago. The captain left at sundown, m’lady.”

  Rebecca denied the dart of disappointment. Why would she care if he said goodbye? The man meant nothing to her. “I see. How long ago was that?”

  “Nearly two hours. He left instructions that I should wake you about now for dinner. He said it would be alright to release the crew after you were up.”

  She nodded. “I suspect he wanted to be long out of our reach in case we changed our minds.”

  “Will we?”

  “No. A bargain is a bargain.” She lifted her head from the warm stew, noting Nora's distress. “Did he keep his word? You are…unharmed?”

  “Yes, and the remaining crew is still tied in the galley, but otherwise unhurt.”

  “Very well. You may release them now, Nora.” Rebecca frowned when Nora remained standing. “Was there something else?”

  “Was it awful, m'lady? Has he hurt you terribly?” Nora's eyes were wide with apprehension.

  “Nay, it was bearable.” The aching in her thighs reminded her it had been much more than bearable.

  Nora sighed. “This voyage was all for naught. The cargo is gone, as is your precious family heirloom.” A wail broke from her, which she quickly stifled. “Worst of all, you have lost your innocence and any chance at a good match.”

  Rebecca winced, but forced herself to be pragmatic. “None know of the incident but you and the crew. They do not move in the upper echelons of society. However, should their tales reach the ears of any gentleman offering for me, I am not overly worried.”

  Nora frowned. “Why is that?”

  “Do you remember Cynthia Summerland? Her papa caught her at an inn during a rash elopement attempt.”

  “I remember.”

  “The boy was sent to the Colonies, and she was packed off to the country estate for the remainder of the year. During the next Season, the rumors peaked within a month. By the end of that Season, she had three offers for her hand.” Rebecca's brow furrowed. “I believe she settled on the viscount, deciding his wealth and vitality compensated for the lower title.”

  “Yes, but what has that to do with your situation, m'lady?”

  “Lord Summerland is quite wealthy.” She shrugged. “He bought acceptance for his daughter's scandal. Mama shall do the same, if needs be.”

  “You are most logical, m'lady.”

  “How else should I be? It is done now, and I cannot alter events. I am who I was. Nothing has changed.” She ignored the clenching in her stomach that might have indicated otherwise. Rebecca looked pointedly at the tub. “Now, I suggest you free the crew so that I may have a bath sometime this evening.”

  Nora curtsied, something she hadn't done in years, and scurried from the room.

  Rebecca returned her attention to the tepid stew, but found it unappealing. She pushed herself away from the table and went to the trunk to fetch a change of her father's clothes so the men could enter her cabin. As she lifted the lid, her breath caught in her throat. With a trembling hand, Rebecca lifted the velvet pouch, noting it felt lumpy. Her heart stuttered with anticipation as she opened it. The glittering diamond necklace spilled into her hands.

  Part 2: Taming The P

  Chapter 5

  “Nora, I would like to speak with Johnson before we leave the ship.”

  “May I ask why, m'lady?”

  Rebecca set aside her teacup. “I wish to discuss a business matter with him before we meet Elizabeth.”

  “Of course.” Nora hurried from the cabin, exiting through the hastily repaired door.

  Rebecca leaned back in the hard chair, shifting restlessly in the unaccustomed encumbrance of the rose-colored day gown, confining corset, and heavy slip. Instead of the sturdy boots she had gotten used to wearing, dainty silk slippers stretched across her feet. A parasol sat across the bed, awaiting her departure from the Margaret's cabin. Nora had carefully groomed her black locks into a prim roll, adding only a pink barrette to soften the starkness. Once again, she was Lady Rebecca Stanhope.

  She sighed, fiddling with the white gloves lying by her china teacup. Why didn't she feel like Lady Rebecca? For two weeks, Christoph's image had preyed on her mind. Images of their day together haunted her sleep, causing her to awaken wet and ready for him, only to discover his absence once again.

  She had meant nothing to him, so why did he continue to plague her? Well, he had left the necklace, but that didn't mean anything. It might have been a simple oversight on his part.

  She frowned, knowing how ridiculous that was. A man driven by profit and plundering didn't accidentally leave a diamond necklace in a secure place. Again, she was forced to wonder about his motivation for allowing her to keep the heirloom.

  A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. “Come.” She looked up from the gloves as Nora reentered the cabin ahead of Johnson, who removed his cap.

  He was tall and tanned, with white-blond hair, a heavenly smile, and a dimple in his cheeks. He had worked his way from cabin boy to second mate during his ten-year tenure with Stanhope Shipping. He was also the only member of the crew who did not openly leer at her now, or treat her with less respect than due a woman of her station. “Ye sent for me, m'lady?”

  “Thank you for coming. I want to discuss a business matter with you.” She pleated the gloves before she saw Nora's reproving glance and dropped the delicate silk scraps onto the table again. “When the Margaret returns to England, you will be first mate.”


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