Cuckold's Voyeur Road (Book 3 of The One Less Traveled )

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Cuckold's Voyeur Road (Book 3 of The One Less Traveled ) Page 8

by J. C. Wittol

  Nicole got home before me, and she had dinner ready for the kids. Thank goodness, for Hamburger Helper and Shells and Cheese, those two products were responsible for probably 50% of the meals we fed the girls. I loved to cook, but lately work prevented me from getting a home cooked meal on the table. The girls were at the table with Nicole, and laughter greeted me when I entered the house.

  “Hey, Dad!” The girls said in unison.

  “Hi, girls.”

  My wife smiled at me. “Hey, baby. How was your day?”

  “It was good,” replied. “I think we’re in a good position to win this account!”

  “Seriously? That’s awesome.”

  She looked at the girls. “Dad is working on this huge account for a professional sports team! If he wins the account, dad gets a huge promotion. Isn’t your dad the best?”

  The girls got up and gave me hugs as Nicole looked on and gave me a wink. Okay, my wife is awesome. I sat down and inhaled some hamburger helper, before stepping into our bedroom to change. Nicole joined me a few minutes later. She laid out some nice dressy clothes, and then started undressing. I knew her routine by heart, and her actions were a clear indication she was going out tonight.

  “What’s up?”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “As a matter of fact I am going out tonight. Collin called me and he needs a date.”

  “Is that so?”

  I stretched the sentence out in a playful manner. When I wasn’t buried in work, I’d had a chance to think about Nicole and Collin dating this week. Long story short, I was more comfortable with it now and I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Collin even put my name on the guest list so I could attend. I still wasn’t going to put the chastity device on and give him the key.

  No fucking way.

  Nicole asked me to help her get dressed and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed helping her. It was completely weird, but exciting at the same time. She picked out three different dresses and I helped her try on each one, and of course, helped her pick out shoes. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m completely clueless about shoes and dresses, but I gave her my opinions on each one.

  The best part of the night was watching her put on her thigh high hose. Holy shit that was erotic. She slowly slid each one up her thigh and adjusted it, before giving me a naughty smile. She stepped into her dress and pulled it up. A quick look over her shoulder at me and I stepped forward to zip up her dress.

  “No underwear?” I whispered to her as I raised the zipper.

  She gave me a sly smile over her shoulder. “No, not in this dress.”

  I was stunned. Those few words were probably the most erotic thing I’d heard since…well since the last most erotic thing. What can I say; my erotic-thing meter had seen a lot of use lately.

  Her perfume smelled amazing and I couldn’t resist running my hands over her skin and dress. The little black dress fit her like a second skin and emphasized all best parts of her body. She had to remove my hands several times. The dress showed just the right amount of cleavage and it was long enough to come to her mid-thigh.

  Classy, but extremely sexy, just like my wife.

  “Nick. Stop it.” She looked at me. “I’m going out with Collin tonight.” She pushed me away from her gently. “Seriously, you need to stop touching me and keep your hands to yourself!”

  Denied simple touch and contact with my beautiful wife drove me crazy. I read about teasing and denial on the cuckold website, but I doubted it could ever become exciting. Experiencing it firsthand gave me an entirely new appreciation for it. Of course, I wanted more!

  “Are you meeting him at the bar?”

  “No. I’m meeting him at the hotel and we’re driving over together.”

  “Good. I feel better knowing that you’ll be escorted in and out of the bar.”

  “I’ll be fine.” She checked her makeup one last time, snapped the lock on her purse, and patted my chest. “Thank you for your concern. Collin will take care of me.”

  I got a kiss on the cheek as she walked out of the bedroom. Of course, I admired her backside as she walked away. It was amazing. She stopped at the door and turned back to me.

  “I’m off. Are you going to be okay?”

  “Absolutely.” I smiled confidently at her. “I’m all good, have a great time tonight and be safe.”

  A wink, a smile, and she was out the door. The thought of her entertaining guests with Collin was exciting for me, and I knew she was looking forward to it as well. My wife had always been good with people and they responded to her.

  The girls were upstairs and I went to check on them. My youngest, April, was getting ready for bed and I tucked her in. We read part of a book together, before I gave her a kiss on the forehead. The Little Mermaid nightlight lit the room in a warm soft glow. She looked so much like her mother when she slept, it was hard for me not to stand there all night and watch her sleep.

  Jasmine was lost in her headphones and computer. She gave me a smile and wave as she continued to work on the computer. School was starting soon and she was working on the homework she received at the end of last school year. I motioned for her to take off her headphones.

  “Hey, kiddo. How’s it going?”

  “Good dad, what’s up?”

  “Would you mind if the sitter comes over for a few hours? I wanted to go meet a friend for a quick drink.”

  “Sure. Y’know I’m getting old enough to watch April. You don’t always have to get a sitter.”

  “Honey, I think you’re right, but mom still wants us to get a sitter. Just for a little while longer. You okay with that?”

  “Yes, for now, but dad can we talk about it with mom? Soon?”

  “Absolutely, Jas. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  The headphones went back on and I left her room. The sitter was available and came down to watch the girls. I told her I would only be a few hours.

  “It’s not that I don’t appreciate the extra money; but Jasmine is old enough to watch April.”

  I nodded and resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Holy cow, it was a conspiracy or something.

  “Yes, we talked about that already. I’m going to speak with my wife and see if she can get comfortable with Jasmine and April being home alone.”

  “Okay. Have a good time, see you in a few hours.”


  My heart was racing as I stepped into our closet. I had ironed a shirt and put some clothes aside earlier so I started to get dressed. Nicole had got me some ‘going out’ clothes recently, so I slipped them on and put my sports coat over the top. The shirt had a crazy design on it that Nicole said was in fashion. The jeans were soft and fit great. I’m not a real good judge of what’s in style, but I liked what I saw in the mirror.

  A couple deep breaths helped me steady myself. Initially, I hadn’t planned to attend tonight, but I changed my mind after I saw Nicole tonight. The thought of seeing them together in a social situation that didn’t include me was powerful. It was a need, a compulsion that I couldn’t explain even to myself, but I had to see them. The pleasure I received from just watching them was amazing, powerful and all-consuming, and I couldn’t wait to watch them tonight.

  Tonight would be different.

  Tonight I was a bystander.

  Chapter Nine

  The parking lot was packed, but I was able to find a spot well away from the door. The valet stand was open, but I didn’t want to valet park in case I accidentally ran into Collin and Nicole. Secretly, I was hoping they wouldn’t notice my presence tonight.

  A quick look, I told myself, then I’m back home and into bed.

  My footsteps echoed into the night, as I approached and I was certain my heartbeat was loud enough for the door guy to hear. A line had formed outside the entrance, and I considered getting into it, but Collin said I would be able to get right in, so I took a chance. Dirty looks followed me as I approached the entrance. Two men, two big men, stood guard
at the doorway.

  “Help you?” The smaller of the two asked. His tone was bored, suspicious and I could tell he was prepared to tell me to fuck off. Unless of course, I had a couple of gorgeous women on my arms because those guys always seemed to get right into a club.


  I gave him my name and he checked his list. His friend peered over his shoulder, and I could tell when he reached my name, because he looked up at me again and gave me a quick appraisal. His talkative friend raised his eyebrows.

  “You’re good to go,” he said and motioned me forward. He leaned down and put his hand on my shoulder as I passed him. “There is a spot at the bar reserved for you. Check with the bartender when you get in and give her your name. Have fun tonight, sir.”

  “Thank you.”

  The club was dark with pools of light dispersed throughout the main floor. Raised VIP sections ringed the dance floor, and I could see stairs that led up to another level. My view wasn’t the best, but it appeared that the entire second floor was a VIP area and another bouncer stood at the stairs. The dance floor was crowded already and the bar area was standing room only. There was no way I was going to get a spot at the bar; it was prime real estate in this club.

  One thing was obvious, as soon as I had a chance to look around. This club was full of beautiful people and I felt immediately out of place. The women were all gorgeous and wearing as little as possible. It was a buffet of hot women, and I was so glad I wasn’t wearing my plastic prison tonight. The men were all in great shape, perfectly dressed, and obviously completely loaded with money.

  “So this is how the other half lives.” I muttered to myself.

  A hand lightly touched my shoulder. A gorgeous waitress, showing entirely too much cleavage, was smiling at me. “Hi, Hon. Can I get you table?”

  “I’m supposed to have a spot at the bar,” I said into her ear. “But that looks almost impossible at this point.”

  “What’s your name?” I gave it to her and she flashed me another smile with her impossibly white teeth. “I’ll check for you. Wait here and I’ll be right back.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Holy cow. There is more skin on display in this club than the swingers club where we met Collin.

  Not that I was complaining, but holy shit there was no safe place to look. It was probably good I hadn’t come with Nicole, because I was sure I would have received several punches already.

  A hand slid under my arm and I felt a body press itself up against me. Startled, I looked over and a gorgeous, petite blonde was smiling up at me. Her breath tickled my ear, as she leaned up and whispered to me.

  “Are you here alone tonight?”

  I nodded back. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I just waited for her to continue. I was less likely to make fool of myself, if I kept my mouth shut.

  “Cool.” She giggled. “Are you an agent? Coach?”

  “No, sorry. I’m more into the finance and money management.”

  Okay, it was a small white lie, but I thought it was safe answer, and it was also likely to send her looking for better prey. Excitement bled from her eyes as she processed my answer and I could see the gears turning inside her head. I was right, because it was also obvious when she made her decision to move on. Her hand moved back to her side and she gave me a sympathetic smile.

  “That sounds interesting, but I think I see a friend of mine.” She was already moving away, when she ended the conversation.

  “Happy Hunting,” I said to her back.

  My eyes followed her; because I wanted to ensure she reached her friend safely. That’s bullshit; of course, I couldn’t take my eyes off her, because she had an amazing ass. I loved the way it swayed invitingly, as she stalked more desirable prey.

  Another hand reached inside my arm. I was starting to feel like an ATM machine. Fortunately, it was the waitress. She led me over towards the bar area. A bouncer saw us coming and helped part the crowd. The bar was a little elevated and roped off. As a result, I had a relatively nice, open spot at the bar complete with a nice view of the dance floor and VIP areas. I still couldn’t see the second floor but I assumed that was by design.

  The bartender turned out to be another gorgeous, young woman, and I ordered a whiskey on the rocks. Booker’s bourbon was my favorite, and of course, they had it in stock. My drink arrived in record time and I leaned over to the bartender and motioned for her to come closer to me.

  “Is it okay, if I stay here a while?”

  “Of course!”

  A smile appeared for a split second, before she moved over to take another order.

  “Cool. Thank you,” I said to myself, because she was already gone.

  The bourbon was excellent and I sipped it slowly, while surveying the club. Hollywood had come to San Antonio, because this place and the people inside the club redefined upscale. I recognized some athletes and even some entertainers. Relief washed through me, as I sat at the bar and appreciated my out-of-the way spot. This was definitely not my crowd, but it was damn interesting to watch. I preferred my anonymity to the fame, fortune, and loss of privacy that many of these people endured.

  The bourbon was half finished when I saw Collin and Nicole enter the club. He led the way, with Nicole on his arm, and they looked great together. Confidence emanated from him. Accustomed to this type of party, he belonged here, and so did my wife. The same waitress that helped me, instantly appeared in front of him, and he smiled down at her and said a few words. She immediately signaled the bouncer and gave him a small hand-sign, which resulted in the bouncer nodding solemnly. The bouncer spoke to a well-dressed man at the end of the bar, who got up and went over to talk with Collin.

  My eyes locked on the gorgeous couple as they walked towards the second floor stairs. Nicole had a cool, dispassionate expression her face that accentuated her beauty. She didn’t have the predatory hunger like some of the women, and I think that made her even more attractive. I couldn’t help but notice how much attention she received from other guys. She received attention from women as well, but their attention came coated in raw jealousy.

  They mounted the stairs and disappeared.

  Anxiety, disappointment and lust flowed through me simultaneously and I gulped my bourbon. I toyed with the idea of leaving, because I couldn’t see Nicole or Collin; but the bourbon still tasted great and the club was hopping, so I decided to stay a while longer. People watching was a hobby of mine and I took decided to indulge it.

  As I surveyed the crowd, I thought I could pick out the working girls and the women who were actually girlfriends or wives. The guys constantly surrounded by women, I had pegged as athletes, entertainers or just plain loaded with money, and I started to understand what Collin told me on Sunday. The girls were gorgeous, but they were also an obstacle to doing business.

  As I sat at the bar, I did receive some attention and I was mildly pleased. Occasionally, a hot woman, who was completely out of my league would tap me on the shoulder and ask me to dance. As I was a horrible dancer and I wasn’t about to pay for her company; I always declined. The bartender refilled my glass and smiled at me.

  “You’re popular tonight.”

  I smiled and shook my head. “I don’t think it’s because of my good looks.”

  A curious look passed over the bartender’s face. “Don’t be so modest. You’re a good looking guy.” She gave me a sincere smile.

  “Stop it..some more!” I teased.

  She laughed and moved on to another customer. Okay, so maybe I wasn’t a bad looking guy, but I was definitely married and definitely committed to my wife. I laughed at that thought, because ‘commitment’ had taken on a completely different meaning lately.

  Time passed quickly as my eyes bounced from person to person. Another bourbon slid across the bar, my third one in two hours, so I made it a point not to hold it in my hand. I was comfortable with one drink an hour. Anything more than that and I’d be impaired. A heavy sigh escaped my mouth and I realize
d I had seen all there was to see, and Nicole and Collin still hadn’t made an appearance. I checked with the bartender and she indicated everything had been taken care of, so there wasn’t a bill to settle. I still gave her a nice tip and she pressed something into my hand with a wink. I slipped it into my pocked without looking at it and mouthed ‘thank you’.

  I figured it was a free ticket to a future event.

  The bar was still crowded, but the dance floor had emptied a little bit. Apparently, folks had moved back to their VIP booths and now there was more room on the dance floor. Just as I was about to get up and head for the door, I saw Nicole emerge. She was laughing and pulling someone behind her towards the dance floor. I knew her well enough to know that she had been drinking, and she was in a mood to have fun. I’d seen that look on her face many times, but it had always been turned towards me….until now.

  My breath caught in my throat and I lowered myself back onto the barstool. The sight of my wife dragging another man onto the dance floor hypnotized me. I didn’t recognize him, but she was clearly comfortable with him. She started to move in time with the music. A slow, seductive rhythm and blues song played over the speakers, and she pressed herself against him. They swayed together, both smiling and talking, until she turned and pressed her back against him, a sly, erotic smile on her face. Her backside moved upwards and then downwards against his chest and stomach. She glanced over her shoulder, making sure to get his attention, and then pushed her ass into his groin. A wide smile, full of lust and anticipation, pasted itself on his face.

  A desert sprang up in my mouth.

  My eyes shifted from my sexy, slutty wife, to her partner. He clearly wasn’t an athlete, because he didn’t have the body. He wasn’t fat, but he didn’t have that athlete build and he didn’t move like an athlete. I didn’t recognize him, so I ruled him out as an entertainer.

  A good dancer, he moved nicely with my wife. His hands trailed along her arms and hips as he swayed with her. She raised her hands, closed her eyes, and swayed with the music, all the while keeping her back against him. His hands immediately moved to her hips and then slowly shifted to her stomach. A lustful smile crept over his face, and his hands slid upwards.


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