A Night to Remember

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A Night to Remember Page 10

by Adrienne Basso

  “Eleanor, come over here,” Warren boomed out. “I have some old friends I’d like you to meet.”

  Effectively caught, Eleanor reluctantly drew closer. Her sensitive nose inhaled the scent of expensive perfumes, and her tension increased.

  The introductions were a flurry of odd-sounding first and vaguely familiar second names. Names she recognized as companies traded on the stock exchange or appearing in the society and gossip columns of national newspapers. This was indeed a select crowd.

  Eleanor struggled to keep everyone’s identity straight. It was difficult not only trying to match the odd-sounding first names with the correct faces, but trying to recall how they were all connected.

  “I didn’t catch your name,” a tight-lipped woman said. “Who are you again?”

  “I’m Eleanor,” she answered, lifting her chin and forcing herself to look directly into the woman’s condescending eyes. “Joshua’s friend.”

  “Really?” The woman studied her with more interest. “I wasn’t sure I had heard Warren correctly. Joshua is usually switching girlfriends so fast it’s hard to keep up.”

  “Not anymore,” Eleanor replied with an artificial smile, deciding she didn’t like this woman very much. What was her name again? Mitsy? Muffy? Eleanor only remembered it was something that ended with a y and was better suited for a dog than a person.

  In fact, this haughty woman was a tiny, compact creature that reminded Eleanor of a small breed dog, the little yippy kind that barks at anything in a challenging, ferocious manner.

  “Good morning.”

  For one brief instant, Eleanor’s brain reeled at the sound of that familiar male voice.

  “Hello, Joshua.” Eleanor smiled bravely. Her momentary annoyance over the snotty woman vanished as Joshua gave her one of his heart-melting smiles. She fully expected him to walk away after his greeting, but he stayed near. They moved from group to group together, making small talk. Eleanor couldn’t help but notice she was on the receiving end of many open, curious stares.

  She put on a confident front, yet was ever alert to the opportunity for escape. All this attention was more than her nerves could handle.

  “Ready for that walk now, Eleanor?”

  Although he was standing right beside her, Joshua’s voice sounded like it came from a great distance away.

  “I’d love a stroll on the beach,” she replied steadily, conscious of the stares being thrown her way.

  Joshua took her arm and led her down to the white sandy beach. She told herself to ignore the sensual heat that traveled up her arm at his touch, deciding it was high time she learned to conquer this impressive power his physical nearness had on her body.

  When Eleanor judged they had walked far enough to be out of sight, she took a deliberate step away from Joshua, just to prove to herself she could. Besides, it seemed safer.

  If Joshua was aware of her withdrawal, he made no mention of it. They walked for what seemed like hours, but must have been only minutes. Yet the farther they went, the more relaxed Eleanor grew. It was a bright, sunny day, and the hot sun felt wonderful on her head, neck, and shoulders.

  The warm ocean breeze was invigorating, and the fresh, tangy smell of the sea along with the rhythmic pounding of the waves gave her an odd sense of peace. Eleanor was content to merely follow Joshua’s lead and they strolled for quite a distance before stopping.

  Joshua placed his hands on his hips and stared out across the water toward the endless horizon.

  “Do you like to surf?”

  Eleanor gulped. “You can’t possibly mean on a board?”

  “A board?” Joshua turned toward her and grinned. “No, I meant body surfing, but that’s an even better idea. I haven’t been on a board in years. Would you like to try it? I bet I could find one or two if I looked around the beach cabana.”

  “There’s no need to go to such trouble on my account.” Eleanor fumbled for the sunglasses tucked inside her beach bag and slapped them over her eyes. To hide the fear. And panic. “I’m sure we can have just as much fun body surfing.”

  Had those insane words actually come from her own lips? The girl who had been constantly teased by her father whenever the family had ventured to the shore for merely “dipping” into the water, and never attempting to swim?

  Eleanor actually did enjoy the water. She had even taken swimming lessons as a child in a pool. But she had never swum a stroke in the ocean, just bounced around in the waves.

  “The water looks great. I can’t wait to get in,” Joshua enthused.

  She cleared her throat several times as she watched him throw off his towel and head for the shore. Joshua entered the water in attack mode, running into the surf and diving into a huge wave just before it broke. He surfaced on the other side, laughing, shaking the droplets of water off his head like a shaggy dog.

  Eleanor felt an odd mix of fear and envy as she watched him frolic in the waves. He looked like he was having a great time. How she wished she could be so bold and daring, so totally reckless. Feeling challenged, she walked purposefully to the edge of the shore. When the next wave broke and washed near, she experimentally dipped her foot into the foaming surf.

  Eleanor shivered. The water was freezing! How could he stand swimming in it?

  “You have to jump right in!” Joshua shouted.

  “Right.” She smiled weakly, hanging back. “I think I’ll watch you for a while until I figure out what to do.”

  He shrugged and swam out farther. Eleanor retreated to where Joshua had dropped his towel. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to see her very well, she courageously removed her cover-up and spread it on the sand. She positioned herself comfortably on the thick terry cloth, leaned back on her elbows, and settled in to enjoy the view.

  Joshua swam as he did most things—with power, command, and near perfection. Squinting into the bright sun despite her sunglasses, she enjoyed every moment of staring at him. But before too long the sun started making its presence known. Eleanor could feel the sweat trickling down her back, her arms, her legs. Even the back of her knees were getting damp.

  It was really hot. She had slathered on sunscreen and brought a wide-brimmed hat, so she wasn’t too worried about getting a sunburn. Heat stroke, however, might be a possibility.

  She shifted her position, but there was no shade, no relief from the heat. Finally conceding defeat to the elements, Eleanor stood up, removed her hat and sunglasses, brushed the sand from her hands, and walked cautiously to the shoreline.

  The water was still shockingly cold. Big surprise. But after a few moments of standing in the water, her feet no longer felt cold. Gingerly, she ventured out a few more steps, until the foamy, sea-green water reached her knees. Then her waist.

  “Great. You’re finally coming in.”

  Startled, Eleanor lifted her head and saw Joshua swimming toward her. Hell! Panicking that he was going to come close enough to get a really good look at her in her bathing suit she pitched herself forward.

  Her feet came out from under her as she fell. The shocking, frigid water disoriented her momentarily and she couldn’t find the bottom. Kicking her feet wildly, Eleanor felt herself being pulled under by the strong current. Real fear clutched at her. Oh Lord, I’m going to drown. All because I was too vain to be seen in a bathing suit.

  Just when it felt like her lungs were going to burst into flame from lack of breath, Eleanor’s feet touched solid ground. With a sob of relief she pushed her shoulders and head out of the water.

  “Are you all right?”

  Eleanor nodded her head. A strong pair of warm arms encircled her. Grateful for the solid human contact, Eleanor wrapped her arms around Joshua’s back and drew close. Her cheek rested against his wet chest and the steady thump of his heart assured her that she was fine now. Just fine.

  They bobbed in the waves together and Eleanor let herself float along, held securely in his safe embrace. She regained her breath and her heart reverted to a normal rhythm.

>   “Are you sure you’re okay? You gave me quite a scare.” He tucked a portion of her wet hair behind her ear and she felt his fingers linger on her cheek. She lifted her head.

  “I think I swallowed a live fish.”

  Joshua chuckled. “I think you swallowed half the ocean.” His finger brushed the tip of her nose playfully.

  Eleanor’s heart started thumping. His gaze was so sweet, so full of genuine concern. She tried to swallow and realized the tightness in her throat wasn’t caused by the gallon of seawater she had just ingested. “That was a real graceful entrance, huh? Would you believe I’ve been asked to show the Olympic diving team my moves?”

  His smile broadened. “Do you want to go back and rest on the sand?”

  Eleanor bit her bottom lip. “No. I’d like to try the body surfing. Will you teach me?”


  His eyes twinkled with admiration and Eleanor basked in the glow of his approval. It was a ridiculous choice really, considering her weak swimming skills, but something about being near Joshua made her feel compelled to take a few risks.

  Besides, if she really started drowning, she had every confidence he could save her, and in the process he might just have to administer mouth-to-mouth. Now, how awful would that be?

  Eleanor swam-walked to a shallow area and watched Joshua closely as he timed his approach, caught the top of the next large swell, and shot past her, curling on the wave. He rode it almost to the dry sand. Eleanor whistled in appreciation. It really did look like fun.

  “Ready?” he asked, swimming back toward her.

  “No, but I’m going to try it anyway.”

  “Good for you.”

  Bravely she followed him farther out. The pull of the current was strong, but she could still touch the sandy bottom if she stood on her toes.

  “I want to try it,” she declared again. “What do I do?”

  “You have to face the shore, look over your shoulder, and wait for a big swell. Timing is essential. Swim out too soon and you’ll get buried under the surf. Too late, you’ll miss the wave.”

  Eleanor hunched her shoulders and prepared herself, running Joshua’s instructions over and over in her head. No matter what else she did today, she was determined to “catch” at least one wave, even if it took all afternoon.

  Squinting into the sunlight, she watched the green, foamed wave rise and come closer . . . and closer . . .


  At Joshua’s command, she began paddling furiously, but her timing was off and she missed the first wave. The same happened for the second and third wave. But somehow she managed to catch the fourth. Again her timing was lousy and she got buried in the strong surf, but for a few wonderful moments she felt like she was flying through the air.

  The wave carried her to shallow waters. Eleanor came up sputtering, certain there was seaweed and all other sorts of muck clinging to her hair. But she didn’t care.

  “Wow, this is wild,” she announced.

  Joshua held out his hand and she automatically reached for it. They jumped a breaking wave and headed out to deeper waters.

  All was still and quiet as they waited for a good wave. The saltwater stung her eyes, but felt cool against her hot skin. Though hardly a person who embraced strenuous physical activities, Eleanor was surprised to realize this was the most alive she had felt in a very long time.

  The cool ocean waves lapped against her back, nudging her aside, but Eleanor held her position, treading water. Until a sudden, frightening thought entered her head.

  “Hey, Joshua, there aren’t any sharks in this area, are there?”

  “Not usually.” Joshua smiled and looked around. “I saw a few fins earlier, but I’m sure they were dolphins. It probably is a good idea to keep alert, though, and if something attacks you, smack it directly on the nose.”

  Eleanor’s sarcastic retort was lost on the howling wind. They rode a few more waves and she smugly acknowledged she was getting better at it. But she was also starting to get very tired. This time when Joshua suggested a rest on the sand, Eleanor agreed.

  Joshua gallantly spread his towel on the sand and they shared it.

  “It is magnificent out here.” Joshua sighed loudly. “ ‘I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide . . . Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied’.”

  “Longfellow?” Eleanor guessed.

  “No, John Masefield. From his poem ‘Sea Fever.’ Actually the opening line is more famous: ‘I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.’ ”

  “Masefield? I’m impressed. I thought most guys viewed poetry as a medieval form of torture.”

  “I’ve always liked poetry.” Joshua bowed his head and for an instant Eleanor swore he looked embarrassed. “The beauty and simplicity of the phrases, the power of the words and images, all that intense desire and emotion.”

  “Emotion?” Eleanor wrinkled her nose. “It has always been my experience that men are generally uncomfortable expressing anything that even resembles an emotion.”

  “Expressing them and reading about them are two entirely different matters.”

  “Mmmm.” Eleanor lazily swirled her index finger in the dry, warm sand. “Speaking of emotions, I noticed you and your father walking together earlier this morning. Did you have a chance for some meaningful conversation?”

  “Let’s just say he talked, I listened and struggled to hold my temper in check.” Joshua shook his head. “My old man is damn opinionated.”

  “From what I’ve observed it doesn’t take very much effort to get a rise out of you,” Eleanor commented dryly.

  “Okay, I admit it. I overreact to my father’s comments sometimes.” Joshua picked up a broken shell and tossed it into the ocean. “I’m working on it.”

  “Really?” Eleanor lifted a disbelieving eyebrow.


  “My advice is to work harder.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Joshua smiled. He took a deep breath. “It’s hot out here. Come on, let’s cool down.”

  She didn’t have time to answer. He stood up, hauled her to her feet and they ran to the water, hand in hand. Eleanor’s body felt a little stiff from their previous exercise, yet she willingly followed.

  They opted not to body surf this time, but were content to float lazily in the water, allowing the waves to take them on a gentle journey.

  “I usually swim out here alone,” Joshua commented. “It’s nice having company along.”

  Eleanor glanced back at the deserted beach. “That is a very foolish idea. It isn’t safe to swim alone, especially in the ocean.”

  “There’s never anyone I want to take,” he insisted.

  “It still isn’t smart.” She cleared her throat. “But I suppose I should feel honored that you invited me along today.”

  “Do you?” Joshua swam close, circling around her. She held her breath as he drew nearer. She wondered if he could tell how her pulse was racing, how her body suddenly felt alert, alive, because he was so close.

  “Do I what?”

  “Feel honored?” He clasped her shoulder and drew her forward, toward that beautiful bronze chest.

  - “Naturally,” she whispered, struggling to fix a nonchalant expression on her face.

  “Good.” He cupped her face in his hands, then pressed his lips to hers and initiated a slow, coaxing kiss.

  A wave lifted them gently upward and her shoulder bumped his, but Joshua didn’t break off the kiss. Instead he twined his hands around her neck and tipped her head sideways so he could deepen their contact.

  She felt the gentle thrust of his tongue and a sense of wicked satisfaction filled her soul. Last night wasn’t a fluke. He really does find me desirable!

  For a second she was so overwhelmed with sensations and emotions, she couldn’t react. Then his tongue slid heatedly over her bottom lip and she came to life.

returned his kiss ardently, her mouth sure and firm as it caressed his. She leaned into him, pressing her breasts against his bare chest. Below the water she bent her leg and rubbed it along his outer thigh, then boldly shifted her position, pressing her upper thigh against the hard ridge of his arousal.

  He felt incredible. Firm, muscular, solid. She couldn’t seem to keep her hands off him. She caressed his dark brown nipples until they grew erect, then boldly let her hands travel down his chest and across his flat, muscular abdomen.

  Joshua groaned. He pulled her even closer, initiating a suggestive rhythm with his hips that made her feel hot and carnal and incredibly sexy.

  “Inside, sugar,” he whispered harshly in her ear. “Put your hand inside my suit and touch me.”

  Oh, Lordy. A part of her brain commanded that she cease at once, stop this foolishness before it careened completely out of control. Yet floating out here together in some strange, erotic way seemed to separate her from reality.

  She moved her hand down and grasped him. Inside his bathing trunks. Carefully, she curled her fingers around his rigid maleness. The former somber hesitancy she had felt was tempered by the look of pure male satisfaction that came over his face.

  She moved her hand, stroking and soothing, brushing and gliding. Joshua arched against her and muttered something harsh under his breath. Eleanor felt the tremor that shivered through him and she kissed him, absorbing his passion. He feasted hungrily on her mouth, sucking her tongue until she felt dizzy.

  She had read about couples making love in the shower, but this was even better. There was something primal and seductive about the water that sensitized every nerve ending. Eleanor felt as if her entire world were centered on this man, this moment in time.

  He kissed her again. She tasted the tang of the salty ocean on his warm lips, and then on his skin as her mouth made a wet trail down the side of his neck to the hollow of his throat. His pulse raced against her lips. With a smile of triumph she felt the urgency in his body grow even larger.

  “That feels so damn good, but this ocean water is just too cold.” Joshua’s voice held a trace of resigned desperation. With obvious reluctance he pulled her hand away and brought it up to rest on his shoulder. “In this instance, being a woman puts you at a decided advantage.”


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