A Drackon Christmas

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A Drackon Christmas Page 64

by Maia Starr

  Chapter 11


  “Well, where have you looked? Tell me? I will go look myself!” I shouted at the guard who gave me no useful information. I was so annoyed at him as I paced back and forth in the cabin.

  “Ms. Perkins, we can’t have you walking out there in the woods. It is not safe for you. In truth, I’m not sure that it is safe for you here with the commander gone. Things have become very tense. I advise that you get back into that car outside and go to New York and wait there. I will be in touch when we hear of any news.”

  “I already sent him away. The driver, I already sent him away. I’m not going anywhere. Now I demand to speak to someone that was there that day. This is ridiculous. Kasian is a skilled warrior and would not have just disappeared. There’s something going on here. What if he is laying in a ravine unable to fly? You should be flying high and searching!” I shouted at him.

  He rolled his eyes at me and said, “We have done that for many weeks now. If you will excuse me, I am going to call another car for you to take you back to the city. You cannot stay here!”

  As he walked out of the room, I felt a rumbling of the ground. At first I thought that it was just me. But then a loud noise, like thunder, roared over the house. “What the hell is going on?” I said as I stood up from my chair.

  Crash! Suddenly the glass windows shattered as an Earth SWAT team broke into the house. There was a lot of chaos and shouting and I was completely freaked out and frightened. Before I could move, there were two men in black pointing guns at me.

  “Put your hands up, now!” they shouted.

  I put my hands up in the air and said, “What is going on here? I only just arrived. I’ve been here for thirty minutes. I am looking for Commander Kasian Jade!” I shouted as I began to cry.

  “We will ask the questions! Now keep your hands in the air,” the swat member shouted at me. Then the other grabbed my hands and put them behind my back, ready to cuff me. He was being very rough with me and I had no choice but to say, “I am pregnant! Please be careful! I am with child!” I shouted.

  “What? What did you say?” I heard a very familiar voice say. My heart exploded as I saw him walking toward me.

  “Kasian! You’re alive! They told me you were dead!” I shouted as I broke into uncontrollable tears.

  He ran to me and put his arms around me as he said, “She’s all right. Do not touch her,” to the team. They let me go and moved on to other business. I collapsed into Kasian’s arms.

  “Come with me,” he whispered into my ear. Then he pulled me into a downstairs bathroom.

  “Kelly, what the hell are you doing here? Do you know how this looks right now? Do you know what is going on?” he asked.

  I gasped for air and through my crying fit said, “No. What the hell is going on? I just got here. I had to come tell you. The registration office tried to get in touch with you, but they couldn’t. Then I got here and they told me that you were dead. Oh, Kasian, I am so glad that you are alive.”

  “Is it true? What you said out there. Is it true or were you just saying that to get out of trouble? Please tell me you are not part of this?”

  “Part of what? Kasian, tell me what is going on here?”

  “Is it true? Are you with child?” he asked again.

  “Yes, it is true. I have been known since I returned to Los Angeles,” I said.

  He smiled a big smile. He was happy. I longed to see that happy grin on his face for so long. I smiled a weak smile in response. Then his smile faded as he grabbed my arm and said, “Is it mine? Or is it my brother’s?” he asked.

  I stopped smiling. I had to tell him the truth. I could not hurt him with a lie; I never wanted to hurt him again. “I don’t know, Kasian. I wish I could tell you, but I honestly don’t know. I won’t know until after the birth,” I said.

  He ran his fingers through his long hair. I knew that move; he was angry. “What are you doing here? Do you know what’s going on here? Please tell me you are not part of this?”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about. I only just arrived. Check my flight information. Check the boat I took here, and the driver. I was barely here when the SWAT team burst in.”

  He sighed and said, “The SWAT team is worth the Earth Council. We discovered that some of my team is working with my brother. They are traitors. We had no way of knowing who, so the king ordered this raid. Then to find you here among them at this time.”

  I gasped. This was not good. He had already thought I was working for his brother before and now for me to show up at this time. I felt sick to my stomach. I kept being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  “Oh, Kasian, you must believe me. I had no idea. I only came here to find you. I had to tell you about the baby. I didn’t know what else to do. You must believe me, please,” I begged.

  “Commander, your brother has been captured!” a voice yelled through the door with a loud knock.

  No, I thought. I was just in the process of reuniting with Kasian and now they were going to take him away. Kasian opened the door and said, “Where?”

  “On the river! On a river barge heading toward the city.”

  Kasian grabbed my arm and led me outside the cabin. “This is Kelly Perkins. Take her with you to the Earth Council for safety. She is with child. She is not part of this raid; she is my special guest, is that understood?”

  “Yes, Commander,” the swat team man said.

  “But, Kasian, wait…” I said. But it was no use. He only looked at me as he moved away and shifted. Then he followed a group of Drackon toward the river. I sighed. But I was glad that he was alive. He was still out of reach, but he was alive and that was all that I could really ask for today. There was hope.

  I waited at the Earth Council for two days, growing more and more anxious. The mission was top secret and was not able to get any information out of anyone. I was given a comfortable room in the living quarters of the council with an amazing city view. Each day I looked over the courtyard wondering if I could see Kasian walk in, but I never did.

  Being pregnant made me increasingly sleepy and it was during one of the many naps that I had grown used to that I had a wonderful dream about Kasian. It was back in the days before his brother made himself known to us. I was in his garden, picking vegetables for breakfast. I was going to make veggie omelets.

  “Does this make you happy?” Kasian asked as I pulled potatoes from the ground.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “This type of life. Does it make you happy? Picking your own foods to cook, and living out in the wilderness? You know, my home on Mooreah is a lot like this. It is outside of the city, in the wilderness. You would like it there.”

  “Mooreah. I never thought about going to Mooreah; in fact, that is why I picked you, because you were on Earth. But yes, this does make me happy. This simple life, and perhaps a few babies too.”

  He laughed and kissed my lips. His kiss was so real in the dream. I thought that I could feel his lips on mine. They grazed softly over mine back and forth. I could smell his delicious, manly scent and I let out a soft moan in my sleep.

  “I’ve missed that sound,” he said. But his voice was very loud and clear. I opened my eyes and couldn’t tell if I was still dreaming. Kasian was lingering above me. His hand moved my hair off my forehead.


  “Yes, I’m here. I’ve returned.”

  I sat up in bed and looked around. It wasn’t a dream. I threw my arms around him. “I was so worried I was never going to see you again.”

  “No need to worry. I am a very strong warrior.”

  “I am so happy that you are here. I know that you can never forgive me, but please do not shut me out, not now,” I said to him.

  “I have come to terms with what happened. Time has helped to heal that rage. My brother admitted to me that he went after you on purpose. He held a grudge against me for stealing a female Drackon he loved when we were fifte

  “He did?” I said, wide eyed and filled with relief.

  “Yes, he did, and he has been captured. He is on his way to a prison on Sala. He can never bother us again.”

  I sighed and threw my arms around him. He rubbed my back up and down and said, “I’m so sorry for everything I put you through. It was wrong of me.”

  “No, I apologize for being so reckless while I was here in the city before meeting you. I really thought I was just having my own, private bachelorette party and now I ruined everything.”

  “No, you did not. We have this child,” he said putting his hand on my belly.

  “But Kasian, I do not know,” I said feeling sad.

  “I know, but it does not matter. I will raise it as my own. My brother is not a good Drackon warrior; he could never be a good father. If this offspring is his, we will still raise it together as a family.”

  “A family? You mean…”

  “Yes, if you will have me. I still want you to be my wife,” he said seriously.

  “Yes! Yes, Kasian, I want you. I will be your wife,” I said.

  “Good, get dressed. We will go now. There is a councilmember that can marry us today. He is waiting on the fifth floor for us,” he said smiling.

  “What? Now? Are you joking or are you being serious?” I asked.

  “Oh, I am not joking. I will not be letting anything get in the way of our marriage ever again, and the sooner we do it, the sooner we will be married before you clumsily fall into some trouble,” he said playfully.

  “Kasian!” I said. Then I kissed him hard and fast. Before I knew it, we were ravaging each other. So much longing and desire had been held back for so long. I pulled away from him and said, “Do you think that the councilmember can wait another hour or two?” I said breathlessly.

  “He is going to have to,” he said as he kissed me and pushed me back on the bed. Then he made love to me. This time, with all the animosity between us gone. It was beautiful and sensual as he took his time savoring every inch of me, and took my time enjoying his every touch. Tears rolled down my face as I had finally had what I wanted since I first saw his photo: his love.

  After two hours of making love, we forced ourselves out of bed, but only for an hour. We went down to the fifth floor and were quickly married in a brief and simple ceremony. It was perfect. Then it was only an elevator ride back to the room, which we would make our honeymoon suite for a week. We never left the bed.

  When the time came, our hybrid Drackonian son was born. He was perfect and the Drackon test proved that he was Kasian’s child. His blond locks and blue eyes left no doubt in my mind anyway. We named him Kild. It was a mixture of the wild from the forest that we loved, and the initial of our names: Kasian and Kelly. And although we started our family on Earth, we eventually moved to Kasian’s home on Mooreah. If I had known that Mooreah was something out of a medieval fairy tale, I would have wanted to move there sooner. It was stunning, and it was perfect for our perfect family.

  The End(flip next page for me bonus books!)


  (Zenkian Warriors)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1


  I had it all. Not to mention that I was the most skilled Zenkian soldier of the Waysaw Army. I was the star soldier of the Waysaw soldiers in our war games as well as on the real battlefield. I was second in command to Leader Rangellis, and everyone knew it.

  “Evlon, you looked very skilled on the war game field,” a scantily clad Zenkian woman said as she sat on my lap in the tavern.

  “I know. I am the best,” I grinned at her.

  She gasped. “You are an arrogant Zenkian, aren’t you?”

  “I have reason to be, Zenkian female.” I looked down at my crotch.

  “Oh, is that so?” she smiled. She ran her hand down my broad chest, over my abs, and onto my rigid cock. Her green eyes grew wide with shock.

  “I see, soldier. You do have a very grand reason to be cocky,” she said.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “So, when will I get to see this reason for being so cocky? I want to see your skills, soldier,” she said.

  I looked at her. She was all right for a Zenkian, but my tastes lay elsewhere.

  “No, you’re not a human. I only want human females,” I said. I pushed her off of me.

  “How dare you! I am just as good as a human. Learn to respect your own kind!” she said before stomping off.

  I laughed. The tavern was loud this time of night and was in complete debauchery. It was what I liked. There were Zenkian females engaged in pleasing Zenkian males in the dark corners, and human female slaves were kept upstairs. Those were coveted and expensive. It was what we did as the Zenkians of the Waysaw region of our planet Anvin. We took from Earth. We took their resources and their women. We were not like the Grantsion Zenkians from the Grantsion Mountains on Anvin. They were trying to make peace with the humans. They were foolish and soft to do so. No, if we wanted something in Waysaw, we would take it.

  “What was she angry about, Evlon?” said another Zenkian female. I turned to see her at my side, trying to seduce me. They were crawling all over me at all times; tonight was no different.

  “I don’t know, and frankly I don’t care,” I said.

  “You are Evlon, the victor of the war games, aren’t you?” she asked as if she didn’t already know.

  “Yes, I am,” I said proudly.

  “I am called Hemina.”

  “Well, Hemina, what is it that you want from me?” I asked.

  “Evlon, I think you already know the answer to that question,” she said taking a drink from glowing yellow beverage, a liquid drug.

  “Yes, I do know, Hemina. You want me to take you to my home and fuck you. That is what you want, isn’t it?” I said looking at her up and down.

  Her green eyes grew wide with excitement. “I guess that’s one way to put it.”

  “You are wasting your time with me, Hemina. You are not my type. You’re are not a human,” I said. “That is the only taste I have lately.

  She narrowed her eyes at me and got up from the bench. I didn’t care. I didn’t care what any of them thought of me.

  “See anything you like tonight, Evlon?” Tormunt sat next to me. He was a soldier that worked alongside me often. I trusted him with my life. We were like brothers even though there was no blood relation.

  “Not so far but I have not been upstairs yet. That is where I know I will find what I want,” I said.

  He laughed. “Yes, you want a human. I don’t blame you. After I first had one, it is hard to see the Zenkian females the same way. Though it is hard to speak with the humans. They are so different.”

  “I never said anything about talking to them,” I said, grabbing my drink off the table and gulping down a drink.

  He laughed again. “Right, not your style. But you will see, Evlon, in time. One day you will want a mate to share your life, and it will not be a human. It will be a Zenkian. The humans are just contraband and for fun.”

  “Maybe,” I said.

  “Right. I am calling it a night. Heading home. We practice for the war games tomorrow, remember?” he said.

  “You are going home alone? Why alone? Any one of these Zenkians would be happy to go with you and fulfill your night. Shit, take as many as four with you; they won’t mind.”

  “But I do. I need my rest tonight. I will see you at the war game practice,” he said.

  All this talk of orgies and human females had me ready to go. I swallowed my drink and headed upstairs. I was ready to indulge. I picked out a human with yellow hair and showed her what I could do.

  The next day, Leader Rangellis called me into his offices.

  “Evlon, as you know, these upcoming war games are more important than last years’,” he said.

  “Yes, I am aware, Leader Rangellis. I will not let you down,” I said.

  “I know that you will not. But there is something that might
throw us off. The humans are sending an envoy from the alien relations agency on Earth. The envoy wants to speak with us about a possible peace treaty.”

  I laughed. “They cannot be serious. Why would we speak peace with them? We are stronger than they are. We could take Earth at any moment if we wanted to. We will in time take over the entire planet.”

  “Yes, that is true. We only take their resources right now, and slaves, but we must not forget that they want a war with us, to stop us once and for all. We want that war too, but in time. We do not want the humans to destroy Earth in the process of this war. We need the planet pristine and unharmed.”


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