Mail Order Brides of Wichita Falls Boxed Set (Historical Western Romance)

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Mail Order Brides of Wichita Falls Boxed Set (Historical Western Romance) Page 18

by Cyndi Raye

  Ben grinned. “I told you.”

  She looked at him adoringly, even though she tried hard to be neutral. “I love it and can’t wait to get started.”

  “First things first. Let’s get you settled upstairs. Follow me.”

  Lily followed behind Ben up the wide steps. It was perfect. In her mind’s eye, she pictured a small Victorian settee on the landing where visitors could sit and rest, yet it overlooked the lobby downstairs. Although, they needed to discuss the theme of the hotel. Would he want it to be more modern or antiquated? Her thoughts going in circles, she almost ran in to the back of him while climbing the stairs.


  “I’m sorry.” Her hand reached out to grab his shirt, almost pulling him backwards. If he hadn’t dropped one of the carpetbags and grabbed her, Lily would be tumbling down the steps. Instead, their arms were intertwined around each other, holding the other up near the top of the stairs. Being so close to him rent shivers down Lily’s spine. Her body pressing against his was not a good thing.

  When she looked up at him, there was a devilment in his eyes. She worried her bottom lip, afraid he was going to kiss her. It would be her undoing. She could not allow herself to get so close to him again. “I’m fine,” she squeaked, “please, let me go.”

  The seriousness on Ben’s face alarmed her. “I’ll never let you go, Lily. Until I take my last dying breath, you will always be my one and only true love.”

  She closed her eyes. Oh, God, please get me through this. I want to acknowledge him but I can’t, I just can’t do it!

  She didn’t have to do a thing as he eased his arms from around her, turned and went up the stairs as if he hadn’t whispered those loving words in her ear. She shook herself, confused. Had she imagined those words of love? Following him up the last few steps, she touched his arm. “What did you say?”

  Ben grinned. “You heard me, Lily. I’m not repeating myself. Ah, here is your quarters. It’s a lovely room with it’s own balcony. You can step outside for fresh air and enjoy the morning breeze before starting your day.”

  He opened the heavy solid door, it’s gold-plated knob turning in his hand. Lily was impressed. The hotel was top-notch. “Where did you find such lovely furnishings?” she asked, intrigued. A beautiful Dutch Mahogany sleigh bed with veneered marquetry was tucked in a corner of the room. Lily ran a hand across the scrolling foot boards.

  “It used to be mine,” he told her before trying to change the subject. “Look at this view.” Opening another door that led to the balcony, Ben stepped outside. She had no choice but to follow. A view of the entire town could be seen from there. Leaning over the balcony, she could even see when the train rolled in. Lily wasn’t about to defer from the subject though. “If that beautiful bed used to be yours, what will you sleep in?”

  “I have another one. My parents, especially my mother, loved to find unique pieces of furniture. They spent many months abroad and each time she would have special pieces sent home on ships. When I was a boy, there was always a delivery from afar.”

  Lily knew when she laid her head down to sleep there would be no rest knowing he had slept in the same bed. Had he done this on purpose? A nervous flutter had Lily biting her bottom lip. She turned back to go inside but Ben took her elbow in his hand.

  “Lily, I know you want to be friends. I promise while you work for me I’ll do my best to remain as friends. The thing is how can you blame me for wanting to take you in my arms and holding you when my heart cries out for you every single moment of the day?”

  Oh, please God, don’t let him cajole me like this! She took a deep breath, the heat from his touch burning into her skin. “Ben Sloan, stop it right now,” she whispered, barely able to get the words out. “Let’s get to work. Where should I begin? Downstairs?”

  As she backed away, he came towards her. His slow movements caused Lily to back up, one tiny step at a time. “Oh, dear. Ben, what are you doing?”

  “I’m aching to kiss you, Lily. Except I know it will chase you away if I do. So, I promise you that I will not kiss you, unless you ask.”

  His warm breath tickled her skin as he said the words against her ear. He lingered there for a moment before pulling himself away and giving her a smile as if he were so proud of his restraint. She almost leaned in to him but refrained. “Promise?” she asked, unable to speak much louder than a mere whisper.

  “I promise,” he told her, crossing his hand over his heart. “Now, let’s take a tour of the rest of the hotel. Ready?” He held out his arm.

  She tucked her hand in his arm as he led her through the upper rooms, opening doors for a brief look inside each private chamber. At the end of the hall, there were three doors along the back wall. “What are these? They don’t look like rooms to let?”

  Ben turned to her, a well satisfied grin on his face. “These three doors will be the reason my hotel will be the finest in all of Wichita Falls and beyond. At least until more modernization comes to the area. Take a peek.” He held out his arm, spreading his hand out offering her the opportunity to open any door.

  She giggled. “It’s like a game, which door do I open first?” Lily took a step forward, deciding to open the middle door and gasped when she took a step inside. Ben followed behind.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s called indoor plumbing.” A well satisfied grin crossed his handsome face.

  “Indoor plumbing?” Lily’s eyes grazed over a tub encased in mahogany and lined with sheet lead. There were two odd fittings in the top part of the tub. “What is this?” she asked, gently brushing curious fingers over the metal pieces.

  Ben stood beside her. “They are called facets. The water runs through them, it’s the reason you see two. One brings cold water, the other hot. No more lugging water in buckets to take a bath.”

  “Oh my!” Her hand flew to her cheek. “Where does the water come from? This is like magic.”

  Ben chuckled. “I’m afraid there’s no magic but something greater called invention. There are private rooms on the first two floors of this hotel but on the third floor I’ve had cisterns installed that hold water. The pipes lead to them. Go ahead, turn the facet.”

  Lily was almost afraid to try but she took the cool facet in her hand and turned. Water began to gush out the more she turned the facet. A shout of joy came from deep inside. “Oh, how wonderful!”

  “You have the cold water running but there’s also hot. The hot water pipe is coiled down the chimney so it heats as it passes through the coils.”

  “I’m astonished, Ben. This is brilliant. Did you invent these gadgets?”

  “Hardly. I’ve followed the workings of an architect, Isaiah Rogers. He invented water closets for theTreemont Hotel in Boston. My parent’s told me about his work years ago. When I bought this hotel I knew I wanted to implement indoor plumbing. This is the first in town, I may add.”

  “It will be a big hit.” It occurred to Lily she was supposed to spy for Byron. There was no way she could indulge this information. He would have to find out on his own. This was huge. On the other hand, she had to come up with some way to expose Byron before he got back in town. She’d think about him later. All she wanted to do right now is take a bath in that beautiful mahogany tub.

  “Can I be the first to try this?” she asked, not ashamed of asking.

  Ben placed an arm around her shoulder. She pretended he didn’t.

  “You, Lily, have a date with the bath tub this evening. However, may I introduce you to something extraordinary.”

  “There’s more?” How could it get any better?

  She followed Ben to the solid wooden door on the right with a gold plaque in the middle. “Go ahead, open.”

  Another privy sat in the corner of the water closet but instead of a big, wooden tub, a wall of sorts blocked her view. She peeked around the corner to find a long fitting sticking out from the wall with a large oval shaped contraption at the end. Her eyes widened. Puzzled, she reached
up to touch it. “What is this?”

  “It’s called a shower. What you have right there is a shower head. See those tiny holes. Stand back.” Ben moved them both away to the side and turned the facet embedded in to the wall below the shower head. All at once water sprayed from the tiny holes, showering through like a rainfall.

  Lily gasped, reaching out to feel the water cascade through her fingertips. “Oh, it feels lovely. I want to try this first.”

  “Then you shall, Lily, darling.”

  Lily was too enamored by the new invention to comment on his use of the phrase, darling. What she wanted to do was give him a hug for bringing these modern inventions to Wichita Falls. “I’m flabbergasted, Ben. This hotel will be the talk of the town.”

  “That is the intention, Lily. Just think, you will be involved in bringing the modern facilities to this small town, too.”

  “Thank you, Ben.”

  He was so close. Now that the initial surprise was over, Lily realized just how tight a fit it was for the two of them in the small room. She edged her way towards the door, determined to go back out in the hall. It seemed Ben kept putting them in compromising positions. “Show me the rest of the hotel.”

  Downstairs, Ben took her down the long halls, opening more doors of small rooms to let. There were several maid chambers, a comfortable looking salon where visitors could gather, a room that needed to be filled with décor that Lily couldn’t wait to get started on and a room Ben suggested they turn into a ballroom. It had a small area for a coat check. Beyond all the rooms were Ben’s offices, two of them. “We can work from here,” he told her, offering the smaller office to Lily. “Since I’ve just appointed you general manager, you’ve already earned this space.”

  “Ben, that’s silly. I haven’t earned anything yet.”

  He turned to her, a strong, serious look on his handsome face. She could handle the devilry and teasing from him but a look that serious made her blood pump harder. She could not, would not, get involved with this man. They were friends. She had to keep telling herself there could never be anything more serious.

  “Lily, I am a businessman. If I didn’t think you deserved a chance at this, I never would ask you to come here and take a chance with me. Don’t you see, this is our hotel. I may have footed the bill but this can be our dream.”

  Lily held her breath. Was he saying the two of them had a future? Here? Then Byron’s ugly face hovered over her head and she turned away. There would be no future for them. Not yet. Not as long as Byron was in the picture. “As friends, Ben. Nothing more.”

  Ben’s shoulders dropped. He nodded. “Whatever you say, Lily. I put some catalogs on your desk. The mercantile may have some things you need but we’ll order most of the furnishings and have them come in by way of the rail road. I’m off to the bank. I’ll be back in awhile.” He abruptly turned and left her standing in the middle of the room. Lily shook her head. What just happened?

  Instead of dwelling on the impossible, she decided to get started. There was a lot of work to be done before the launch of the hotel opening.


  Ben left the hotel with a heavy heart. It made him sad and angry when Lily acted so distant. They were friends, yes, but much more. He stopped abruptly, stepping back as an entourage of horses and two mules pulling a buck board went by, almost running him over. Byron Ward sat on the seat, reins in hand, a cruel smile under his waxed moustache. “Careful, Sloan, pay attention to what you’re doing. Never know when something may happen.”

  Ben stared at the man hard before turning back to the hotel to find Lily watching wide-eyed out the window, a hand slapped over her open mouth. He tipped his hat, watching her surprised face staring at Ward as he passed through town. There was something off about that man and he aimed to find out what it was. There was also a connection between Byron and Lily but it wasn’t a good one. For the life of him, Ben wasn’t too keen on him getting anywhere near Lily but he couldn’t tell her what to do.

  At least not yet.

  Not until he convinced her to become his wife. It seemed the only way to move her heart was to make her feel something for him. Was jealousy an option to get her to move in the right direction?

  Perhaps a visit to Miss Addie was in store.


  Ben tipped the fancy cup back, sloshing tea around in his mouth. Miss Addie had poured him a cup, insisting he oblige. It was hard to say no to the woman even if the concoction was bitter.

  “Now, Mr. Sloan, what is the reason for your visit today?”

  “I’ll get right to the point, Miss Addie. I want you to order me a mail order bride.”

  Miss Addie made a choking sound before catching herself. “Oh dear. Are you sure, Mr. Sloan? I assumed you and Lily?” She left the sentence hanging.

  “I love Lily.”

  “Am I missing something, Mr. Sloan?” Miss Addie placed her cup on the porcelain saucer and clasped her hands together. She gave him a haunting look.

  “It sounds senseless but I must ask you a favor, Miss Addie, although it may put you in a rather odd predicament. I can honestly say you will be doing the town of Wichita Falls a big favor if you comply.”

  “I am certain I already know what you are about to ask me to do, sir. You want me to lie to everyone in this town in order for Miss Lily to believe you’ve ordered a mail order bride? How will this news help the whole town?”

  “Lily’s odd behavior has prompted me to go to drastic measures to win her heart back. I am not sure what is going on but mark my words, there is something brewing in this town and I will to get to the bottom of it. Lily loved me back at one time. Something happened and I aim to find out what.”

  Addie smiled, tapping the tips of her fingers together. “You still haven’t mentioned how this will help the town of Wichita Falls, sir.”

  Ben grinned. “I plan on running for mayor someday, Miss Addie. Who better to be my side than Lily as my wife.”

  “We don’t have a mayor.”

  “We will. The town is slowly growing. Soon, we’ll need a sheriff and the more families we have, someone will need to build a school. With my connections to the land office, it won’t be hard to have a school house built. I’d say there’s no one more interested in growing this town than the newly elected mayor.”

  Miss Addie clapped her hands together, barely making a sound. “A mayor is perfect, Mr. Sloan. Well, then, tell me your plans.”

  Chapter 4

  With Byron out of town for now, Lily knew she didn’t have much time to find a way to stop him from threatening Ben’s life. She figured she had two choices. The first was to leave Wichita Falls forever so Ben was out of danger. If Byron didn’t know where she was, Ben was safe. The second was to tell Ben the truth once and for all and try to figure it all out together. Except it would put Ben at risk. She worried her bottom lip. Was there a way to keep Byron’s secret and keep Ben from harm? It seemed that no amount of promises she made to Byron had worked. He was intent on killing Ben if she ever told his secret. In these lawless towns, a man could be shot down for just about anything and no one questioned why. What they needed in Wichita Falls was a real Sheriff and jail for those who broke the law or threatened others. Especially for those men who thought they were above the law, like Byron.

  Looking back, it had been a mistake to work in the saloon in the first place and yet Lily had felt at the time as if she’d had no choice. No one would hire her when her parents had died and Sam had been kind enough to give her not only a job but a place to sleep, too. It wasn’t anyone’s fault the other thing happened.

  Lily needed to think everything through before she made a wrong decision. She stepped through the door on the far right, stripping off her clothing to hang her dress on a hook behind the door. The shower Ben had introduced her to stood in front of her, its faucets shining like a beacon beckoning her.

  Ben was downstairs stoking up the fireplace so the water would run through the coils before it came out of the shower h
ead. She slowly began to turn the hot water knob. As the steel piece loosened, water trickled out, cool at first until a few shots of hot water spurted out. Lily screamed, jumping back before the heated water scalded her skin.

  Before long, a banging on the door had Lily scrambling for something to cover herself with.

  “Lily! You okay? Lily, open up or I’ll break down the door!”

  She dashed around the small closet, grabbing her dress from the hook, placing it in front of her before cracking open the door. “Don’t come in! I’m fine. The hot water shot out first and scared me.”

  “Turn it off, Lily. You must use cold water first and then turn on the hot.”

  “I know that now, go on, Ben. If any of your employees see you peeking in here, I’ll be ruined.”

  “You may be forced to marry me.”

  She could hear the laughter in his voice. She pushed the door shut. Ben recently hired several employees who were working day and night for their grand opening in three weeks. If any of them saw her in this position she’d be scandalized. A small smile curved her lips as she made her way back to the heavenly shower. Turning the water on the correct way, Lily enveloped herself in the waterfall, the warm water flowing over every inch of skin. It was like nothing she had ever experienced and had to stop herself from taking too long, even if she wanted to stand under the falling water forever. She began to hum a lively tune when Lily picked up the lavender bar of soap she bought special from the mercantile.

  She sighed, remembering the shipment of items waiting on her to distribute to the guest rooms. There was so much more to do, she couldn’t dally much longer. Turning off the knobs, Lily shook herself off a bit before taking a sheet of material hanging on a hook to dry off as best as she could. This showering was such a remarkable thing, Lily didn’t know if she’d ever take another tub bath again.

  After getting dressed, she took the sheet and scrubbed her hair dry, twisting the long dark lengths into a knot where she secured it on top of her head, unable to stop the small loose pieces that framed her face. An oval mirror hung on the wall by the door so she swiped the foggy glass with the dry part of the sheet. Her cheeks were flushed so she didn’t have to pinch them.


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