Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12

by Susan Hayes

  “Because this is too good to rush. We’ve waited a long time for you, baby. I want to remember this.”

  “Oh, okay.” Her face lit up with a radiant smile and she wrapped her legs around his hips, drawing him in closer. “Just don’t take too long.”

  “Brat!” Rory gave in and began making love to her in earnest, his body braced over hers as he drove himself in and out of her pussy. He made sure he angled his body so that his pubic bone hit her swollen little clit on every thrust, and soon she was panting and bucking beneath him. Her passionate responses kept pushing to the brink of his control, and as he started pumping into her hard enough to move them both up the bed, Rory knew he should ease back, but he couldn’t.

  Evan dropped his hand to Jess’s head, protecting her from the headboard as Rory’s control shattered and he fucked her hard. Her tits bounced with each thrust of his hips and she started chanting his name brokenly, spurring him on. Her cunt was so hot his cock felt like he was plunging it into a forge, and she reached up to wrap her hands in his hair, tugging at it so that there was a brief bite of pain as he bottomed out inside her again and again. The sensation of her hands in his hair nearly broke him, but Rory managed to hold back his orgasm until he felt the telltale flutter of her vaginal walls around his cock and heard her ecstatic cries as she climaxed. Only then did he give himself over to the moment, grinding his body against hers as he sent jet after jet of his cum into her body.

  “Mine,” he growled and slumped over her, his mouth tracing down her jaw to seal her mouth with one final kiss.

  “Ours,” Evan corrected him and laid a hand on Rory’s shoulder, his other still resting on the crown of Jess’s fair hair.

  Jess turned her head and broke the kiss and looked up at them both, flushed and panting from her latest orgasm. “Are you two always going to be this possessive?”

  “Yes,” they answered together and Jess laughed.

  “Good. I just wanted to be sure.”

  Rory eased himself away from Jess and settled down on the opposite side of the bed from Evan, leaving her sprawled between them. There wasn’t much extra room in her queen-size bed, and Rory was already trying to figure out how to convince her to come home with them, hopefully to stay. Rory didn’t care what his father or anyone else thought about him and Evan taking a human mate. As far as Rory was concerned, it was a done deal.

  Chapter 11

  “You need to tell them, Rory.” Evan was sitting at the table, making short work of yet another lunch of grilled ham and cheese sandwiches as the two of them argued. He knew why Rory didn’t want to go to his parents about Jess, but they couldn’t continue on the way things were. Not that things aren’t damn near perfect these days.

  Since the night Jess had cooked them dinner, the bonds forged between the three of them had only grown stronger. In the tradition of the selkie people, he and Rory had started making a point of keeping an eye on Jess, and she was usually in the company of one or the other of them. He wasn’t sure she’d noticed yet, but if she hadn’t figured it out, she would soon. It was an ancient practice, and a necessary one for a race whose women were renowned for their beauty and wifely attributes.

  The selkie legends made constant mention of the fact that fishermen would try to steal a selkie woman’s pelt, thus preventing her from returning to the sea and keeping her tied to him as wife and mother to any children they might have. In an attempt to safeguard their women, selkies had long ago devised a three-way marriage, ensuring that no mated selkie female was ever left unguarded. Despite the fact that their arrangement with Jess hadn’t been formalized, they were already treating her as their mate.

  “You know that’s not going to go well,” Rory said as he set his plate of sandwiches down on the table and joined Evan to eat.

  “Uh, yeah. Your dad was ready to it lose it over the idea of you and I mating with someone who wasn’t of the right bloodline. He’s going to go off like a thermonuclear warhead when he finds out Jess is human. But we can’t tell her who we are without his permission, and there’s no way I’m going to ask her to consider making this a permanent arrangement without her knowing the truth. I won’t lie to her, Rory.”

  “I don’t want to lie to her, either. She doesn’t give her trust easily. If she ever thinks we betrayed her or lied to her…” Rory trailed off and shook his head.

  “She’d be gone, and we’d never get her back again.” Evan finished the gloomy thought and they both stared at their meal for a long moment.

  “We need her,” Rory finally spoke. “It’s been less than a week and I hate it when I’m not with her. The bonding process has already started.”

  “It’s the same with me.” Evan looked up to grin at Rory. “And I think it’s affecting Jess, too.”

  “That’s not possible. She’s human. Everyone knows it takes humans longer to form the bond, and that’s even after they’ve gone through the bonding ritual.”

  Evan ran a hand through his hair, sweeping the bangs away from his face as he wondered how to say what was on his mind. “Yeah, I know.” He looked up at Rory and decided to get straight to the point. “The thing is, I don’t think she is human.”

  Rory snorted. “Yeah, okay. So what is she? A pixie? A runaway wizard from Hogwarts?”

  “I think she’s one of us.”

  Rory’s head snapped up and he stared at Evan like he’d just grown a second head.

  “Not possible. Have you ever known a selkie to drown? If she’d had a drop of selkie blood in her, she’d have changed forms instinctively.”

  “Not if she didn’t have her pelt,” Evan reminded him and Rory furrowed his brow in thought.

  “So the reaction we’re having to her might be real?”

  “You mean the fact we wanted to fuck her the second she came on board the Storm Lord and we don’t want to let her out of our sight? Yeah, I’d say that’s very damned real. It’s exactly the way the records describe a reaction to a true mate, and there’s no record of anyone having a true mate bond with a human.”

  “I cannot imagine growing up not knowing what you were or who your people were. Why would someone do that to her? And where the hell is her pelt?” Rory stood up and stomped across the kitchen and Evan could almost see the thunder clouds gathering over his blood-brother’s head.

  “Just the idea of someone doing that to her pisses me off!” Rory yanked open the fridge door and grabbed two beers, twisting the caps off and kicking the door shut behind him. He handed one to Evan and then threw his head back and downed a good portion of the contents before sitting down again.

  “We don’t even know for sure that’s what happened, it’s just a theory.”

  “No, it makes too much sense. I think you’re right, Ev.” Rory took another drink and slammed the bottle down onto the table with enough force to make the table legs shake. “Her family owns that cabin right? And it’s right next door to our lands. Maybe there’s information about them, something we missed?”

  Evan shook his head. “I checked. Summer visitors only since they bought the property more than sixty years ago. The Jones family is completely human.”

  “So that leaves her mother.” Rory sighed. “I really don’t want to make J.J. cry by asking her for her mother’s family history.”

  “Hang on, our serious conversation is going on hold for a second. When did you start calling her J.J.?” Evan watched in amazement as Rory’s face actually darkened as he blushed. Blushed! Jess might never realize the depth of the changes she was effecting on the both of them.

  “Well, it’s sort of been in my head since I found out she writes as J.J. Ford. It just came out yesterday while we were hanging out. I think it suits her.”

  “That is fucking adorable. I am going to tell your mom.”

  “Fuck off, Ev. You tell my mom one word of what’s going on I’ll toss your delicate ass off the dock the next time it snows.”

  The two of them lapsed into silence, drinking their beers and considering what t
hey were going to do about Jess. Finally Evan cleared his throat and said, “I don’t think we can talk to Jess about this until after we’ve dealt with your father. We can’t go asking her all about her background and then not be able to tell her why.”

  “When we do tell her, do you think she’s going to be able to deal with it?” Rory asked, new worry lines creasing his brow. “How did some of the others manage the whole, ‘Hey babe, we’re really glad you’re good with living in a permanent three-way relationship, oh and by the way we may have forgotten to mention the fact we’re seal shapeshifters, too’ conversation?”

  “Maybe we should ask them.” Evan arched a brow at Rory. “You’re technically their prince, so you could just swear them to secrecy.

  “Good thinking. I’m sure my mom will be happy to help, too, but I’m not sure how well-behaved Dad is going to be at first. Torin is going to love her, though.” Rory shrugged. “I guess two out of three isn’t too bad.”

  “You’re forgetting about your little sister. Katelyn is going to be thrilled we’re finally giving her a sister-in-law. Maybe this’ll be enough to get her to get her back home to stay.”

  “Not likely, she’s still not forgiven Dad for trying to mate her to that pair from the Haida Gwaii colony. Are you going to tell Cameron?”

  Evan grinned at the mention of his little brother. “I already emailed him a few days ago and let him know there was a potential change in my marital status. Once he got over the shock, he emailed me back and let me know he’s going to try to book off once we actually get this figured out and set a date. He’s not due to be going back out to sea until early next year, so it should work out.”

  Rory suddenly laughed and raised his beer in a toast. Confused, Evan followed suit, tapping his bottle to Rory’s.

  “So what are we toasting exactly?”

  “To the fact that you and I just casually discussed the fact we’re getting married, and we haven’t even discussed our plans with the bride-to-be yet.”

  “So, I guess that makes it unofficially official, then?” Evan asked.

  “You think it’s time? Even without telling her the whole story?” Rory didn’t look completely certain.

  “I think we need to tell her how we feel. If she decides to walk away when it’s all said and done, then at least we know we tried.”

  “You know Dad’s going to hit the roof when he sees her wearing that, right?”

  “It’s our choice, not his. I’m never planning on letting her go, Rory. Are you?”


  “Then I think we should plan something special for tonight, and tomorrow we can go tell your mom, dad, and Torin the good news.”

  Rory nodded and finished the rest of his beer before asking, “Do you think she’ll like it?”

  “Have you ever met a woman who didn’t like jewelry?” Evan asked, laughing. “No, wait, I’m betting you have never given a woman jewelry before.”

  “Why would I spend that kind of money when I knew they weren’t the ones I was going to be spending my life with?”

  Evan groaned. “Let’s make a deal right now that you leave the big, romantic gestures to me and you stick with whatever it is you’re supposed to be good at.”

  “I’m good at the stuff that doesn’t require me to be in touch with my inner goddess,” Rory shot back.

  Evan choked on his mouthful of beer as he tried to laugh and swallow at the same time. “I never, ever want to meet your inner goddess. She’s probably six feet tall with a mustache and legs hairier than a sasquatch.”

  “All right, Mr. Romance. Do you any ideas on where to take Jess tonight?”

  “Of course I do. You’re going to hate it, though. It’s going to require you parting with some of our hard-earned coin.”

  Rory grunted. “She’s worth it. Are you going to share with the class or am I going to be left to guess?”

  “Let’s go find that necklace first, and then I need to make a few phone calls. Once I know if this will work, I’ll let you know.”

  Rory grimaced. “The necklace is in the attic. I stored it in the fireproof safe, along with our pelts. I guess we should bring those down, too. She’s going to want to see them eventually.”

  * * * *

  Jess had been deep in her manuscript when Evan had called and asked her if she had plans for dinner. When she’d said no, he’d cryptically told her to be ready for pick up at five o’clock, and told her to dress for a night out. As she went through her minimally stocked closet for the fourth time, she wondered again what the hell her men were up to.

  “I really need to go shopping for more clothes. Either that or I need to have Viv ship me another box or two of the stuff I put into storage. I didn’t pack with plans to be dating when I got here.”

  She finally decided to wear the one dress Vivian had insisted she pack with admonishments that no woman should be without at least one little black dress.

  “Thank you Viv, I owe you…again.”

  Jess was still fussing with her outfit when she heard the guys’ truck roll up the driveway. The dress ended just above her knees and the V-neck was deep enough she felt half naked as she tried to simultaneously tug her hem down and her neckline up. As a knock sounded Jess looked down and realized she’d forgotten her shoes, again.

  “One second!” She dashed back to the bedroom and grabbed her heels from beside the bed, where she’d left them expressly so she didn’t forget to put them on. “I’m losing my mind,” Jess muttered and headed back to the door, shoes in hand, to let her men in. The moment she opened the door she was grateful she’d opted to wear the dress.

  Both of them were dressed to kill, and her mouth watered as she dropped her heels and opened her arms to greet them both with a hug.

  “You guys look amazing!” She curled her fingers around Rory’s deep-burgundy tie as she stood on tiptoes to kiss him and then turned to Evan, grabbing his blue silk tie before tugging his head down to her level before kissing him, too.

  She felt a hand travelling up her stocking-clad thigh and laughed as she swatted at it. “Hey! No rumpling the outfit before we even get out the door.”

  “But you look way too sexy to take out in public, sweetheart.” Evan grinned at her. “Maybe we should cancel and just stay in.”

  “Maybe we should. I’m going to need a stick to beat off the throngs of women who are going to try to get your attention tonight.” Jess let go of their ties but stayed comfortably settled between them, loving the sense of security they gave her whenever they held her this way.

  “Hmm. Other women you say? When you put it that way…” Evan winked this time and Rory just rolled his eyes.

  “Don’t pay him any attention. We’ve got the only woman we want right here.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Jess laid her head on Rory’s chest and beamed up at him. “So where are you taking me? Evan wouldn’t give me any hints.”

  “Ever heard of the Wickaninnish Inn?” Rory asked.

  “Heard of it, I can’t even pronounce it!”

  “Wick-an-inn-ish Inn.” Evan repeated the word incredibly slowly and she stuck her tongue out at him.

  “So you’re taking me to a tongue twister?”

  “No, but I’ll twist tongues with you anytime you want.” Evan waggled his blond brows at her and she found herself rolling her eyes at the same time Rory did.

  “What’s got into you tonight, Ev? You’re full of sass and vinegar.”

  “I’m just looking forward to taking our beautiful girl out for a meal that you don’t have to cook yourself or Captain Grilled-Cheese Sandwiches over there didn’t make for you.” Evan stepped back and offered Jess his arm. “Shall we, milady? Your carriage awaits.”

  Jess pointed to her shoes with a sheepish smile. “I just need to get these on, and my shawl.”

  Rory let her go and slipped past her to grab her shawl and purse from the chair nearest the door, and Jess gripped Evan’s arm for balance as she stepped into her heels. She felt t
he heavy pashmina she’d chosen to wear being draped over her shoulders, and a shiver ran down her spine as Rory’s fingers brushed the nape of her neck as he drew her hair out from underneath the shawl and released it to fall down her back again.

  “Did I mention you look breathtaking?” he whispered near her ear and the delicate caress of warm air made her shiver again as thrill bumps chased across her skin.

  “If you keep talking like that, we’re not going to make it to dinner.”

  “Come on you two, I promise this is worth leaving the house for.” Evan jangled his truck keys for emphasis.

  He and Rory offered her an arm at the same time, and instead of choosing, Jess slipped an arm around each and nodded. “All right, then, you may escort me to the carriage.”

  Chapter 12

  As they walked into the hotel lobby, Jess gasped softly, and both Rory and Evan seemed to relax as they realized she was pleased with their choice of dinner spots. The entire inn was built onto a large, rocky headland and was tucked into the old growth forest that surrounded the area. It was beautiful, inside and out, and Jess was amazed to find such an elegant retreat so far from what she’d always considered civilization.

  Her surprise must have shown on her face, too, because Evan glanced down and gave her a wink.

  “See? We can be sophisticated when the situation calls for it.”

  “It’s just not very often we have a reason,” Rory added, his fingers squeezing her hand as he led her further into the building.

  She spotted the sign for the dining area and took a step in that direction, only to have Evan and Rory shake their heads. “Evan’s got something a little more intimate in mind for dinner,” Rory told her and drew her to a halt as Evan went to the front desk and began speaking to the clerk there.

  “More surprises?” she asked Rory.

  “My lips are sealed. You’re just going to have to wait and see.”

  Evan rejoined them a few minutes later and handed Rory and Jess both keycards. “I’m going to go get our things out of the truck and I’ll join you in a few minutes.” For a second he looked unhappy, but then he gave Jess a lopsided smile and shrugged very slightly. “Officially we have two rooms. You and Rory are in one, and I’m booked in just down the hall. This is one of those times when discretion is needed.”


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