Offside: A Bad Boy Sports Romance

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Offside: A Bad Boy Sports Romance Page 34

by Abbey Foxx

  This is Landon fucking Maddox. This is the man that has been filling my scrapbooks and my teenage fantasies for as long as I realized they were even a thing. This is the number one prize douchebag that is on every other billboard poster across the country. This is The Donkey, my fucking stepbrother now too, and here I am alone with him. If I don’t do something about it, I’ll end up doing something I shouldn’t. The last thing I need is my own stepbrother to fuck me and then fuck me over. Way to fuck up the new family, Tilly.

  No, I’m not going to let that happen. Even if he finally shows his cards, I’m not going to show mine. I’m not going to be that relief fuck that gets dumped all over when reality sets back in, when Shoreville are back on a winning streak and the coach gives Landon free reign, or when he just heads back to the city after this little vacation break is over and puts himself back into a situation where he’s surrounded by it.

  I’m not going to devalue myself like that, or stress myself out by competing with what he’s used to getting, and part of me just doesn’t want to anyway so Landon doesn’t get his way. No matter how good he says he is, or they say he is, or I expect he is, I’m just not going to do it. Perfect ass, incredible arms, huge cock or not. Definitely not. Uhuh. Not this girl. Not for a minute. It’s not going to work with me.

  “We have to go home.”

  “What do you mean we have to go home?”

  “Home, New York, you to yours me to mine. Home.”

  “I don’t think we need to do that. Your Mom said we should stay here. Besides which, we have to wait for news. We can’t just go back to New York because you can’t stand to be in the same room as me. Dad might be fine later on, and if he is, he’s going to want to come back.”

  “So we just stay here?”

  Landon can’t hide his delight that the possibility of that happening is making me agitated. He’s enjoying watching me squirm.

  “We just stay here, or we go to that bar, or we go for a walk, or we sit naked in the jacuzzi, or whatever, we stay here. Haven’t you always wanted to be alone with a superstar?”

  Yes, since, like, whenever, and no, absolutely one hundred percent not, because I know what you are like. I know just what Landon Maddox is like, and I bet he’s loving this situation even more than he’s letting on.

  “You tell me when that happens and I’ll show you how excited I get.”

  “You know there are a thousand women-.”

  “Yeah, you already told me that.”

  “Why do you hate me so much, Tilly?”

  Um, let me think. Is it the natural talent that oozes out of you or your almost God like perfection that annoys me the most? Is it because you demand to be the centre of attention, the arrogance that masks deep seated abandonment issues, or the fact that you think you’re just better than everyone else, period? Or is it really the fact that I hate you because you make me not want to, and I really, really should, for everyone’s benefit?

  “I don’t hate you, Landon. I-. It doesn’t matter.”



  There is a gap of space between us that I wish I knew how to close.

  “It doesn’t matter, you know. What you think matters, it doesn’t.”

  There goes that subtext again.

  “And what is it that you think I think matters?”

  “The way you feel, what you do about it, the way I do.”

  “I thought you didn’t feel, I thought you just did.”

  “Don’t believe everything you read in the papers.”

  “And it does matter, I thought you would have learned that by now, based on the situation you’ve found yourself in.”

  “Yeah, that. Well I suppose without it, I wouldn’t be here, so maybe it’s fate after all.”

  “Is that what you think this is? The same fate that made you my stepbrother.”

  “I guess you have to take the good with the bad.”

  “And what about the impossible?”

  “That’s not for us to decide.”

  I’m not even sure if we are having it, but if we are, this is already way too serious a conversation to be indulging in right now.

  “What are you scared of?”

  Mice, heights and having my heart broken. Making a fool of myself. Selling myself too cheaply, to Landon fucking Maddox. What people think. Being thrown away when I’ve been played with enough. Being The Donkey’s last fuck. I’m scared of being wrong about you.

  I realize I’m not saying anything. I think I’m trying, but nothing’s coming out.

  “I’m not some big bad wolf, Tilly. I’m not the person you think I am.”

  “What do you want, Landon?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Why is he so damn confident and blase about this? Why are we even having this conversation?

  “I like you.”

  “You seem to like every girl that crosses your path. Isn’t a skirt and a pulse the only criteria Landon Maddox needs? After that it’s win win for you, right? And you don’t like me, you just think you do.”

  “That’s funny.”

  “Besides which, if you are asking me what I think you are asking me, or telling me, or whatever, you may not have realized it yet, but you and I are step siblings.”

  “So what?”

  “Step siblings don’t fuck each other!”

  Did I just say that out loud?

  “You’ve obviously never been to Kansas.”

  “Landon, I’m serious.”

  “You need to chill out, Tilly. Let your hair down.”

  And let you get close, you mean? Let you get inside me and then let you get away like it means nothing? Let you break my heart?

  “I am chilled out.”

  “You don’t look it. You look nervous.”

  “Not everyone wants to get naked and jump in the jacuzzi.”

  “Not everyone wants to admit it, you mean. I did find you in my bed, after all.”

  “That was different.”

  “Yeah, I know, you were tired, right?”

  Tired, horny, confused, whatever you want to call it.

  “I wasn’t naked, and I wasn’t doing it to get you excited.”



  “What if I was to get naked right now?”

  “Are you that desperate for attention?”

  “Impossible situations call for extreme measures.”

  “You think getting naked in front of me is going to make me admit that I want you, is that it?”

  “Do you want me?”

  Yes. Here, over the couch, up against the wall in the bedroom, out on the decking, rolling around on the hot grass in the garden, across the table, deep and unprotected, I want you.

  I laugh nervously, and realize, again, that I’m not saying anything.

  “The world’s not going to end, Tilly, you know.”

  Please don’t take your shirt off, that’s the last thing I need.

  “What about your career? You’d risk never playing football again, just because you can’t keep your dick in your pants? Just because you’re horny?”

  I shouldn’t be looking at it, but I’m caressing it with my eyes. That perfect abdomen caught like a framed picture between the open sleeves of a recently unbuttoned shirt. I want it close to me, pressed against my belly, and I want to follow those lines with my fingertips.

  “You don’t look like the kind of girl that kisses and tells.”

  “That lack of judgment has got you into trouble before.”

  “I don’t think you’d risk breaking up the family then.”

  His shirt is now a crumpled mess on the floor, and I’m looking at the square shoulders of a perfect athlete. He can tell I’m looking and he knows what he’s doing to me. I’m aware I’m not telling him to stop either.

  “More importantly, why would I risk the disappointment?”

  Landon smiles at that. Cocky men are impossible to undermine and Landon is about the be
st definition you’ll get of that word. I don’t move when he closes the gap between us, nor when he’s standing so close I have to crane my neck to look up to him. I’m trapped against the wall now, and from here, it would be so easy to reach out and pull him into me.

  “I come with a guarantee of perfection.”

  I have to laugh a little at that. I expect I’m not the first girl he’s used that line on, and I probably won’t be the last.

  “Oh, yeah? And how long does that last? A day, or two. Wait, what was it, I think three months was about your longest wasn’t it?”

  “You tell me. For a girl that pretends she’s not interested, you seem to know a hell of a lot about me.”

  “I read papers. Most intelligent people do.”

  “You know what I think?”

  “I know you’re going to tell me.”

  “I think you’re worried you’ll get addicted.”

  Addicted? To those bulging biceps, that incredible muscle definition. Wait, that huge, delicious cock. Impossible.

  “I’m worried you’re making a mistake, that’s all.”

  “Then let me make it. I told you, Tilly. You’ve got to let your hair down a little bit and chill out. I know you want me, it’s written all over your face. The trouble is, you just don’t want to admit it.”

  Is this it? Is this where I confess and let him take me? Is this the beginning of the downward spiral or has the ball already begun to roll?

  “You just don’t want to admit that there are some girls that you just can’t have.”

  “There are a billion girls I can’t have, and a billion more I don’t want, you’re just not one of them.”

  “I don’t think that’s for you to decide.”

  “You want me to carry on getting undressed so I can prove it to you?”

  Heart racing? Check. Moral compass set to explode? Check. About to make a decision I will regret later? Undoubtedly. Horny? Off the fucking scale.

  “I don’t think that’s going to be necessary.”

  “I’m sorry, Tilly, you’re going to have to repeat that.”

  “I said-.”

  Am I doing this? Yes. It appears as though I am very much doing this.

  “Fuck it. Kiss me.”

  I’m telling Landon Maddox to kiss me. I’m telling my stepbrother, the notorious womanizer who, due to an above average sized penis, is lovingly referred to as The Donkey, to kiss me. Alright, a massive penis. I’m risking everything. I’m showing my cards and I’m putting the ball firmly into his court. Let’s see if he has the balls to do the same, and please, God, don’t tell me this is a wind up.

  “I’m sorry, did you just ask me-?”

  “Do it now, I’m not going to ask you again.”

  This could either be the worst decision I’ve ever made, or the best. I could be crying into my pillow in the next minute or screaming into it.

  “Nah, I don’t think-.”

  Landon pushes himself away from the wall and there is a horrible moment that passes before I realize that he’s winding me up. Before I can get out of his trap, kick him in the balls for being a dick, or get the words out in anger, he pushes me back against the wall so I’m basically pinned against it, and then leans in to give me the best kiss I’ve ever had in my life. I mean, seriously. I never thought it possible that a kiss - that is lips pressed against lips and tongues touching each other in the moist heat of a pair of mouths - could be so good, but Christ alive, this kiss is like heaven.

  When Landon pulls away, neither too soon nor after too long, I stand there for a moment just staring up at him.

  “Kiss”, I say, my tongue licking the sweet numbness at the edge of my mouth. “That was a kiss.”

  I sound like I’m in shock, which I kind of am, both with my decision to ask for it, and the result of the action itself. Slowly, the realization dawns on me. Not only that I’ve kissed Landon Maddox, and the world hasn’t exploded, but that I’ve kissed Landon Maddox, and I know I’m not going to be able to stop myself asking for more.

  This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen.

  “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  “You asked for it.”

  “I shouldn’t have asked for it.”

  “What else shouldn’t you ask for?”


  “That’s not a something, Tilly.”

  “We’re step siblings.”

  Landon shakes his head. “That’s not a reasonable argument now.”

  “Mom and Dad will be home soon.”

  “You’re in denial.”

  “Your career will be over if your coach finds out.”

  Not only is Landon now pressed up against me, I’m the one that’s pulled him there.

  “Then let’s make sure he doesn’t.”

  “I’m running out of reasons.”

  “Then stop looking for them.”

  “We can’t.”

  “We are.”

  “Kiss me.”

  What’s the worst that can happen? Three days of mindblowing sex and then nothing. People recover from broken hearts, right? What if Mom were to find out? I’ve never heard her views on taboo relationships, but in every other aspect of her life she’s fairly liberal. Maybe she’d adjust. Maybe the whole world would. Am I cheapening myself? Am I just serving his already inflated ego? I suppose at least now I know he likes me, or likes me enough to want to fuck me, I might as well enjoy the fantasy while it lasts, even if it doesn’t continue. He’s played his cards after all, I might as well see how cocky he really is.


  Well, what’s a guy supposed to do, especially when she asks so nicely? Less than an hour and she’s practically throwing herself at me, and all I had to do was remove my shirt and pin her against the wall.

  I know I probably shouldn’t, but probably shouldn’t is such a turn on. They’ll probably write that on my headstone. Here lies Landon Maddox, the man that probably shouldn’t have. The rest can be filled it with all the shit that’s got me in trouble over the years.

  Tilly. Am I just horny because I haven’t had even a sniff of it for longer than I can remember or is there actually something special about this girl, I can’t help but find irresistible? I guess I’m about to find out.

  She is pretty, there’s no denying that. She’s also got one hell of a body, not that she bothers to show it. I like that. I like that she’s normal, and modest, and naturally attractive. You see all these girls in the modelling industry that plaster on make up by the bucketload and underneath it all they are as ugly as sin. Tilly isn’t like that. First thing in the morning, last thing at night, she looks absolutely fantastic, even when she hasn’t slept and she’s chewing her face up complaining I’m taking up more space on the couch than I should.

  Well, she certainly isn’t doing that now. I’m going to make her screw her face up, but she definitely won’t be complaining about it.

  I know I’m playing with fire, but there is no way I can hold on any longer, especially now we’ve kissed. Tilly’s got no chance either. That was her last stand against it, and right now, anything goes. I’m going to make sure we both take advantage before either one of our parents gets back or Tilly has a freakout.

  If coach finds out about what I’m doing, my ass is as good as sold, so I kind of hope Tilly doesn’t do anything stupid. I’m obviously risking a lot here, but if the story gets out about us, we both stand to be affected. I can’t imagine Tilly would want her mother to know just how naughty her only daughter has been. Plus, I’m the one who’s being seduced anyway. Tilly told me to kiss her, Tilly pulled me into her, she’s the one that’s led me into our bedroom and even if I wanted to, there was no way she’d let me avoid it.

  “Are you always this forward with men?”

  “Only the ones I dislike.”

  “I knew you hated me.”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  Tilly smoothes her hands across my chest and down to my belly, daring herself t
o dip them even lower beyond the waistband of my pants. My cock is throbbing against the fabric, and I know she wants to see it. She’s sat on the edge of the bed while I’m stood by the side of it, the double mattress raising her up to the perfect height. Tilly guides her eyes from my cock up to my own, as though asking for my permission.

  “Take a look, Tilly. It’s better than the magazines.”

  Now she dares herself to run her fingers along the edge of it, tracing the form the bulge makes in my pants.

  “It may be big, but do you know how to use it?”

  “Why don’t we find out?”

  “I’m not that easy.”

  With a deft flick of the wrist, which makes me think she’s much more experienced than she looks, she has my pants open.

  “Good. I like a challenge.”

  With hungry eyes, and a pose that puts her close enough to kiss me if she wanted to, she eases my pants down towards my ankles and then sits up on the bed when she’s done, her legs spread so her dress falls open enough that I can see her panties, her head tilted to the side to admire me, reflected perfectly in the strap that has slipped over her shoulder to reveal the upper half of her breast.

  “Are you going to show me how much?”

  “I will if you take your clothes off.”

  “I thought you were the one that wanted to get naked, and besides which, I already told you I’m not that easy.”

  They are neither the red panties nor the ones she was wearing this morning, but it doesn’t matter either way. I want to admire her in them and tear them off her in equal measure. I want to show her what she doesn’t what to allow herself to admit to wanting.

  “I’m waiting.”

  She’d wait all day too, and she knows I know it. I’m the one that isn’t able to resist. Usually I get girls demanding it from me, not the other way round. If I walked out of here, chances are she wouldn’t chase me, but I’m not going to do that anyway. I’m going to give her what she’s asking for, because in doing so I get what I want. I’m going to make her unable to resist me because at the moment I feel like she’s doing everything in her power and succeeding in making me unable to resist her.


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