Persuading Perfection

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Persuading Perfection Page 2

by TC Matson

  “Do I need to grab a shovel and help bury a body?”

  Her unwavering and tenacious friendship causes me to titter, but quickly it slips away. “You might. I’m sure my brother will need some help,” I say, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans.

  Her face screws up. “The Lauders need help? This is juicy.” She rubs her hands together with excitement. “Definitely include me.”

  I count to three. One…two…three… “Freya, I’m pregnant.” Uttering the words takes my breath and hers.

  She gasps, slapping her hands over her mouth. Her amber eyes widen with shock. “Oh, shit. Does he know? Have you told him?”

  I shake my head. “No. Not yet. I went to the doctor yesterday.”

  She slaps her hands on her thighs, snaps her fingers, and then points at me. “That’s what you were doing in the bathroom!”

  I frown and then drop my head into my hands. “What the hell am I going to do?”

  “You’re going to tell Zach. You have to. You know it wouldn’t be fair if you didn’t.”

  “I know.” My voice sounds small and tired.

  “Sooo, you seriously forgot to fill me in on the last visit with Max,” she snickers, resting back in her chair.

  Dropping my head back, I glance to the ceiling. “It’s the same thing every time. You know this.”

  She laughs and then moves beside me on the bed. “You two have always consumed each other.”

  I blink several times, keeping the tears at bay. “I don’t want to be with him.”

  “And yet you’ll let him fuck you over and over until it’s his name engraved into your heart and possibly on your dildo.”

  I puff a chuckle. “Shut up.”

  She drops her cheek to my shoulder and hugs me. “Regardless of what Zach’s reaction will be, I’ll be right here. Whatever you need. I’ll even hold your hand when you call him if you need me to.”

  “No. This is something I have to suck up and say to his face. I need to gauge his reaction.”

  “You inspire me, Jade Lauder. You’re strong as hell. Don’t let this knock you out of your lane. You’ll handle this with finesse.”

  I rest my head against hers. “I’m terrified.”

  “You’ll overcome it.” She pats my knee and I leave drifting in a daze.

  On shaky legs I grab my phone from my purse and go back to my bedroom, falling backward onto my bed.

  “What’s up, sis,” Max answers.

  “Hey, butthead. Whatcha doing?” I strain to keep my normal peppy cheer.

  “’Bout to head to the house to shower and then scoop Zach up for some dinner,” he tells me.

  Just hearing his name causes my heart to flutter with nerves. “Ah, bro-date. You two won’t ever get lucky hanging on each other’s arms,” I jest because keeping it routine…

  His loud laugh bursts through the phone and it causes me to giggle. “Why is my sister worried if I get lucky or not?

  “Because it promotes a healthy life, relieving stress and reducing depression unless you’re shacking up with a psycho. Then you’re definitely screwed. Aannd studies have shown it makes you look younger, which you are getting older every second.” I’m cracking up as he cackles. “Plus you’re an ass when you’re in a dry spell. See how much I love you?”

  “Sure, if that’s what you’re going to call it.”

  “I’ve got this weekend off. Care if I come and enjoy the shopping on your side of town?”

  “You know you don’t have to ask. You’ve got a key and a bedroom. Come and go as you please,” he says.

  That’s my Max. My loving, protective, overbearing brother. As much of an annoying pest that he is, I love him.

  “I still think you’re dumb for buying yourself a snazzy penthouse with an extra room just for me when I don’t even live close by.”

  “One day I’ll talk you into moving in and helping out with the winery,” he replies.

  I groan, loud, drawn out, and super obnoxiously. “I’m a wine-ron, Max. You know this.”

  A deep chuckle rumbles in my ear. “Wine’s in your blood. You just need to tap into it.”

  “Whatever you say,” I grumble because we have this talk every chance he can. “I’ll head your way tomorrow morning so I don’t interrupt your bro-date with Zach.”

  “You have a key, Jade. Use it,” he reminds me.

  “It’s one thing to suggest you’re screwing. It’s another to hear you doing it. I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you.”

  I hang up grinning at my phone because I won the brother-sister argument tenfold this time.

  “He’s going to kill him. You know that right?” Freya stands with her shoulder against the frame of my door.

  And just like that, my smile is stolen from me, replaced with the truth of reality. “Yeah. It’s going to be a blood bath.”

  “You better figure out how to run the winery because he won’t be able to do it sitting in prison.” She smacks her lips, sucking air through her teeth, and disappears back down the hall.

  I glance over to the drawer holding my pregnancy test and my ultrasound picture and then roll my eyes heavenward. “Oh, this is going to suck.”


  She’s pretty. A bit too overzealous in her approach, which makes her seem desperate, but she’s confident in her game. She knows what she wants, saying every over practiced line like it’s her first breathy time. Her lips are unbelievably appealing—full, luscious, smooth, and pouty. They’d look perfect wrapped around my cock sucking the life out of my nuts. They’re all I can concentrate on as she rambles on about how her day was shitty. Like I give a fuck.

  She’s in a hunter-green dress with spaghetti straps. Her long auburn hair falls over her shoulders and gathers between her tits. I’d fuck them too.

  As she talks, she slides her hand up my thigh and grazes my dick under the table, wearing the sultriest come hither eyes. Women can’t help but want me. I’m their every fantasy—tall, tanned, and sexy as hell. I take pride in how I look, keeping my body toned and in check. I’m not an idiot. A woman likes a hard chest, flat abs, strong arms and a big dick. Add all my physical characteristic with my charismatic personality, my intelligence, my wealth, and my sex appeal—I’m a no brainer fuckfest.

  Even though I may be labeled as a player, I’m quite the opposite. I don’t manipulate women to get what I want. I’m always upfront with my intention, always laying down ground rules—no relationship, no romance, no lovey dovey bullshit. It’s just fuck and vacate. I have absolutely no interest in settling down with just one woman, not when I can have several. I don’t need to be held hostage by the power of sex and the overloaded “commitment” woes when there’s not a fucking thing to be woeful about only because you’re bleeding for a week and not dead. That, in of itself, should be a celebration.

  I don’t need the entrapment or the constant demand for affection. I prefer being unattached. I’m a loner and have been since my sophomore year in college. You know when you burn your mouth from something scalding hot? It causes you to be unable to taste anything else for an ungodly amount of time. Well years later, my mouth still hurts.

  I’m an animal—ferocious, powerful, independent, and of course, rich. I’ve sharpened my skills over time and because I have, I can see thirsty takers circling to get a taste of me. Most I’ll indulge in, but only for a good lay. Relationships, whether part time or full time, are off the table. I’m too damn old to bounce in and out of them trying to find Ms. Right. It takes too much time and energy that I’m not going to put in. I don’t care to play the games to get into a relationship—wining and dining, wooing and winning her over. That shit doesn’t speak to me. And I definitely don’t have the patience to deal with the feminine species of emotions.

  Sex. Hopes. Dreams. Orgasms. That’s what women want and I’m absolutely fine with delivering the first and last.

  Point of my ramble—when I do finally settle down, it’ll be because what I’ve got is gold and I’ll know it’ll last. Ho
w will I know? My gut intuition is a majestic sonofabitch who’s never led me wrong yet. I’ll have someone I’m proud to take home to Mom. Not someone who only knows my first name and not my mother’s.

  Max takes a sip of his whiskey and then sets it on the table. He’s turned away two smoking hot women who have approached him, which only means one thing—he’s menstruating.

  “You good, man?” I ask, my tone remaining level and not divulging the fact Heather is pawing my dick under the table.

  He nods. “Yeah. My sister called today. She’ll be coming in tomorrow. I’m not necessarily in the position to have a lady over.” A smug smirk raises the corner of his lips.

  Now, she piques my interest. Always has. Ever since I saw her petite perfect body in her black spandex shorts and tight hot pink volleyball jersey with the most incredible smile come springing into her living room. The following weekend after meeting Max and Easton in school detention, I went to Max’s to hang out with them. My house was boring as fuck. Easton said his parents argued too much. And that left Max, the one who had the most privileges—a pool, enormous television, an entire room dedicated to the latest gaming system and a mother who loved us as her own.

  Max wasn’t the typical spoiled rich brat. Even though his parents were wealthy, he never let it go to his head. He didn’t lose touch with reality and become a snobby shit head, which is why I deemed him cool enough to hang out with. It also helped his little sister, Jade, was easy on the eyes.

  She always stood out but in a damn good way. She’s tall and slender with an athletic build. Her beautiful brown eyes with hints of gold grounds and comforts you. Her smile is always real, always light and can stop the world around you.

  I’ve crushed on her for years, stealing glances and fantasizing what it would be like to have her between my arms. She makes me want to do all the things—sweet shit—I don’t want to do for any other woman. One night at her graduation party, things went too far and I took her virginity…not like I’m complaining. The girl was phenomenal at fucking. Unbelievable. Make your toes curl, white lights blind you, good. She felt incredible.

  But if Max ever found out, he’d murder me. He’s the type of man who will wait until I’m asleep, tie my arms down and paper cut my dick until the bastard falls off before slowly digging my heart out with a spoon just so I could feel every inch of pain. He’s protective over his little sister.

  “Oh yeah? What’s the occasion?” I ask not sounding overenthusiastic.

  Lazily, he lifts a shoulder. “Said she wanted to shop. She must have extra money to burn.”

  “It’s been a month since she’s been in town.” Trust me. I know. “Don’t spend the time she’s here trying to push her into the family business like you always do.”

  He puffs a chuckle because he knows I’m right. He’s always bringing it up, always forcing her to guess what type of wine he’s drinking. Impassively vying…

  Work has been busy with all the projects I’ve taken on, but you’ll never hear a drop of complaint from me either. It keeps me busy, the money rolling in, and my name in everyone’s mouth…Just the way I like it. Life is grand and business is plenty.

  I pull my Lexus into the garage and enter my house. Out of the three of us, I’m the only smart one who actually bought a house—foundation and without neighbors. Could be the architect in me or my need to not be connected to other people above, below, or beside of me, but either way, I’m content with my privacy and the lack of a landlord.

  It’s a decent sized house, one that when I do decide to settle down, we’ll live comfortably with space where a family could grow. I purchased it five years ago and since then, have done many small renos. It needed an update in a bad way, which drove the sale price down. That sweetened the deal for me. I nabbed it at a lowball price. And before I moved anything in, I yanked the hideous shade of walked-on, dog piss, bluish-gray carpet out. Carpet is a no-go for me. It makes a house look small and if not taken care of, smell horrible. I replaced it with a beautiful wide-planked cherry wood floor throughout the house. I also ripped out the shitty excuse of a kitchen and replaced it with luxury because when I have the chance, I love to cook.

  Yes, ladies. I’m a keeper.

  I grab a glass and pour some bourbon before taking a slow sip and allowing the burn to ease the workday woes. In my peripheral, something in the living room moves and I turn toward it. Jade stands there, gorgeous as ever with her light brown eyes flickering with want and her long brown hair shaping her face.

  I set my glass down on the counter and stalk toward her. “The shower is going to fuck up your makeup.”

  She sinks her teeth into her lip and grins wickedly. “I came prepared.”

  Hooking her waist, I pull her to me and peer down at her. “It’s only been a month. You miss me that much?”

  Something flashes in her eyes just before her left brow quirks up. “Trust me. I know how long it’s been.”

  I bend, running my nose along hers and then claim those sultry lips. They part allowing my tongue to delve. She grips the side of my face and her breath hitches when I squeeze her ass bringing her whole body flush against mine.

  When we get together, it’s an explosion of passion and lust, which leads to a whole hell of a lot of hot sex. We’re secret lovers full of desire and need, and we’re both downright greedy as fuck to get what we want. We’re like a fire that refuses to be contained as we rampage our way to what we need without a thought of oxygen being consumed.

  She breaks the kiss and pulls my shirt over my head, tucking her fingers into the top of my jeans and tugging me to follow. Her eyes are burning with heat. My dick is aching to feel her. I bring her mouth back to mine, kissing her like a hungry animal while backing her up the stairs. Our hands are everywhere, desperate to fill up on what we need and miss. I fling her shirt behind me and fumble to get her pants peeled off as quickly as I can while struggling to kick off my shoes.

  We enter the bathroom and I grip her waist, pushing her against the vanity and lapping at her neck. She lets out a soft moan and the sound travels straight to my dick. I reach behind me and turn on the shower, hoping like hell it’s warm enough because I’m too fucking impatient. Nothing like a cold jolt to ruin a hard-on.

  I tug down the cup of her bra and pinch her nipple, rolling it between my thumb and forefinger. She closes her eyes, dropping her head back, and sighs toward the ceiling. My fingers drift, grazing along her smooth flat stomach, and dip underneath her purple lacy thong to circle her clit.

  She arches as she bites her bottom lip, and rolls her head forward, peering up at me from under heavy lids of burning desire. She shoves my pants down, and I, being the gentleman I am, reciprocate with her thong. I’m done teasing though. I snatch a handful of her hair and pull her under the warm water with me, capturing her mouth. Dainty hands roam my slick, wet skin, dropping low and gripping my dick. She strokes with perfect pressure, using her thumb to circle the head of it.

  No more waiting. “It’s been long enough,” I demand in a low, rough grunt.

  I spin her, placing her tits against the cold wall, and embed myself into her wet pussy. She sucks in a sharp breath. I hiss, dragging myself out slowly, and nudge in easily. She gyrates her hips, pushing back to meet me. It’s my cue that whatever adjustments she needed, she’s ready. I drive, plunging mind-blowing strokes into her. Her palms are flat against the wall. Face against the marble. Eyes closed. Mouth parted giving me her sexy ass moans.

  “Is this what you wanted?” I growl, my mouth beside her ear.

  “Yes,” she pants, nodding her head.

  I snake my hand around her body and knead her clit. Instantly her body reacts, jerking and shuddering, her hips heaving backward to meet my thrusts.


  “I feel you, baby. I’ve got you.” I wrap my arms around her stomach and haul her into my drives with more power. “Your pussy feels so fucking good,” I breathe thickly beside her ear.

  She loses it. Ja
de’s the perfect mixture of good girl gone porn. Her mewl is loud, chanting for more, deeper, and harder, and that shit fuels me. My dick throbs, and a hot thrill runs the length of my shaft and tightens my nuts. White lights flicker. My knees become weak. And I come hard, growling and hissing as I burrow deeply. Our bodies convulse together. She moans long and desperately. I growl and grunt as the cognitive part of my brain is drugged by her.

  I drop my forehead to the back of her head. “I’m so fucking happy you have a key.” My breath is still ragged. “When did you get into town?”

  She turns around and stretches to bite my bottom lip, tugging it. “This morning.”

  My eyes roll from pleasure for a second, and then I peer down at her. “Straight to the arms of a perfect fuck.” I kiss her forehead. “I’m glad you came…in more ways than one.” I smirk.

  “I can’t stay. Max has a dinner planned for me.”

  “I know. I’ll be there.” I kiss her forehead again.

  She rolls her eyes and sighs in frustration. “Please tell me without a date.”

  I tap her nose. “Come on, Jade. I may be a dog, but you know I don’t bite the hand that feeds me.”

  Her expression morphs, and disheartened apprehension hardens her soft features.

  Tucking a finger under her chin, I lift her gaze back to mine. “Don’t pretend to be an angel wearing a halo.”

  A small sad smile tightens her lips and she tiptoes to place a kiss beside my lips. “You took my halo and stashed it years ago.”

  I laugh because she’s right. “My safe keepings.”

  After we wash and get out, I toss her a towel before wrapping myself in one. She swathes her gorgeous naked body and exits the bathroom as I head into the closet to get dressed. As she returns, she saunters past me with her clothes, a black makeup bag, and absolutely no eye contact. It causes me to chuckle inwardly because I’ve told her a million times to leave a backup bag here, but she refuses.

  We’ve done this for years—secretly fucking. Our sexual attraction is explosive and has been since the first time we fucked. Max’s parents were out of town and he threw her a graduation party. Of course I came. Him being my best friend and Jade being the sexy little sister. No doubt I wouldn’t miss it.


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