Persuading Perfection

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Persuading Perfection Page 9

by TC Matson

  “That’s not what happened and you know it. I was hours away in college and you didn’t want to be with me. I had no choice.”

  “I begged you to be with me. I might as well have been on my knees pleading.”

  My brows jump high. “You and Noah had just broken up. You didn’t want me, Jade. You wanted me to pick up those pieces and put them back together for someone else.”

  “I broke up with Noah for you.”

  I laugh. “Noah broke up with you for the same reason Tiffany left me. I tried so hard to hold on to her so I could get over you. But she knew. She wasn’t stupid. She knew I was in love with you, that she could never have my heart like you did. And for the record, you’ve broken my heart far worse than anyone could ever imagine.”

  Malevolence rolls her eyes. “How the hell did I break your heart? Everyone knows Zachary Calloway doesn’t suffer from broken hearts. He causes them.”

  I shift unable to stop the chuckle from rumbling out of my chest. “Remember when I first told you how I felt?”

  Her mouth falls open before angry words sputter out. “You were fuck drunk!”

  “How many times have I told you since?”

  “Yet you spend a lot of time screwing every woman you run into,” she spits.

  I arch a brow. “I’m not going to sit around and twiddle my thumbs love sick because you don’t want me. I’ve spent years looking at every woman and comparing them to you. I can’t feel for them because it doesn’t feel the way it does with you. I fuck them wishing they were you. I don’t do relationships because I only want one with you. Don’t you try punishing me for you pushing me out.”

  She turns and walks out the door, slamming it behind her.


  I drink in a deep breath of courage as the elevator opens into Max’s penthouse. I’m praying he got rid of his date and I’m not about to walk into some mad fucking. The last thing I want to see is my brother pounding into some woman. God, that’s disgusting.

  He’s sitting on the couch with a glass of liquor…alone. The long curtains are pulled closed with soft lights illuminating the room to a quiet glow. He doesn’t acknowledge me, keeping his stare on his glass. His gaze doesn’t lift when I sit at the end of the couch facing him.

  Silence. It’s uncomfortable, the tension so thick in the room the air is almost unbreathable. And it sucks. We’ve always talked about anything and everything our entire lives—except this. He’s always been my best friend. My hero.

  I pick at my fingernails. “I know I should have told you. I was scared. Scared I’d ruin your friendship with him. Petrified you’d be disappointed and mad at me.”

  He doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t move.

  “We didn’t want to upset you. You’re his brother too and I didn’t want to come between you two.”

  “Seems he didn’t feel the same way,” he breaks his silence with the most menacing voice. “He betrayed me. You and him.”

  “We loved each other, Max. But he was with Tiffany and I was with Noah, and we knew it couldn’t work because you wouldn’t condone it.”

  His irritated glower lands on me. “That long?”

  I nod without voice.

  “You two did this behind my back for years.” The ice in his glass clinks as he points. “My best friend and my sister?”

  “It wasn’t ever serious,” I lie. No need for him to know it’s been years of push and pull. “He was upfront just as I was. We laid the ground rules and we followed them.”

  He puffs a chuckle and shakes his head. “I don’t want to hear this shit. You act like I don’t know how he works. He lays ground rules with them all.”

  “I know,” I reply honestly.

  “Do you? All of them? You know how many women he’s been with? Or how many women I’ve seen him leave with tears in their eyes?”

  “He’s not my boyfriend. He can do what he wants.” Although when hearing it from Max, it makes me nauseated. It’s one thing to assume. It’s another to hear it from someone who knows.

  “Who else knew? Easton? Exactly how stupid do I look?”

  “No one knew.” I shake my head. “It’s been our secret.”

  He rubs his forehand and then rakes his hand down his face. “Dammit, Jade. Out of all the people…” he trails off with a long sigh.

  “I’ve learned to protect my heart with him. I’m not young and stupid anymore. I know what Zach does and what he’s incapable of. But I do know he’d never intentionally hurt me.”

  Max slips back into his silence.

  “Whether you believe it or not, Zach loves you. You’re his brother at heart. His intentions weren’t to betray you. If you want the truth, I first initiated. I’ve been turning him down and leaving, breaking his heart every time he tells me he loves me.”

  Keeping his glare on his glass, his brows knit together. “He tells you he loves you?”

  “Yeah, Max. All the time. But I believe you once told me guys say shit when they’re fuck drunk.” I cringe with a laugh. “But I also feel the safest with him. I need you to find a way to…I’m having a baby with him and he’s going to be in our lives. I need you, whether fake or not, to manage some sort of cordial relationship with him. He’s the father of my baby.”

  “Do you love him?” His voice is barely audible.

  I look heavenward, about to admit something only I know. “I do. But it’s a dead-end road to a broken heart.”

  He swallows a sip of his drink and then rests the glass on the arm rest. “Zach doesn’t tell anyone he loves them.”

  “I know this too. Our relationship is pretty transparent. I know more than my fair share…more than what the hell I want to.”

  “Have you told Mom and Dad yet?”

  “No. Zach wanted you to know first.”

  When his gaze lifts to me, he’s still mad, but tenderness has glazed his eyes. The corner of his lips tic. “You’re pregnant.” He tastes his words in wonderment.

  I grin. “I am. I’ll find out in a few weeks what I’m having. Wanna place a bet?” I tease, trying to lighten the depth of our talk.

  He rocks his head from shoulder to shoulder, I’m assuming to ease the tension. “You’re going to be in trouble if it’s a girl. You know that, right?”

  I cackle. “Yes, I do. Uncle Max will be as overprotective and overbearing as he is with me.”

  “What do you need me to do? Do you want to move in to be closer to—”

  “No,” I interrupt. “I’m staying home.”

  He frowns.

  “That’s a step I don’t really want to take. I moved away for a reason and it’s one of the same reasons why I’m staying away.”

  He nods like he understands, but I’m sure he doesn’t. How could he? I barely understand it.

  I love Zachary Calloway and I don’t want to.

  I left early this morning when Max left for work even though I’m not scheduled to work today. I’ve ignored the texts and calls from Zach on my two-hour drive back home. I’m not ready to talk to him, not yet. Yesterday was deep and I’m not talking about the sex. All the emotions flinging around…I just need a breather.

  I’m so ready for a mid-morning nap when I push into my apartment—emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. Freya pops up from the couch, scrambling to her feet.

  “How’d it go?”

  “As well as we knew it would.” I grab a root beer from the fridge.

  “Does Max need help burying the body?”

  I laugh. “He beat the shit out of him, but Easton was there to help.”

  Her eyes glaze over at Easton’s name, instantly being yanked into a dreamy swoony little girl, before shaking her head back to reality. “So it was an ugly brawl?”

  I wobble my head. “Sort of. Zach didn’t really fight back.”

  “That was mighty noble of him,” she deadpans.

  “He said he deserved it.” I shrug.

  “What about you two? What’s happening there?”

scrunch my face. “Nothing. I don’t want to be with him. He’s just my baby daddy.” I snicker. No way I can get used to saying that with a straight face.

  Suddenly the bathroom door creaks and down the hall walks a tall man in a pair of shorts with a white t-shirt clinging to his body. My eyes are huge glancing back to Freya.

  Nervously, she giggles and throws her thumb to the man. “This is Will.”

  “Jade, right? Yeah. Freya was telling me about you.”

  Holy deep voice batman…

  I purse my lips. “Oh really? And what all did she say?”

  Ohhh, his chuckle is deep too. He glances to Freya before smiling his big pearly whites at me. “Nothing bad. I promise.”

  I waggle my brows to Freya. “I’m tired, so I’m going to take a nap. Don’t do anything that I haven’t already done.” I rub my stomach with a titter. “It’s nice to meet you, Will.”

  Several pings in succession force me to open my eyes. I glance at the clock and groan. I’ve been asleep for two hours, but I feel like I was right on the edge of reality the entire time.

  Zach: How are you feeling this morning?

  Zach: If you’re ignoring me, stop. I’m getting worried.

  Zach: You win. I’m worried now.

  Zach: I had Easton call Max. Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving this morning?

  Zach: Jade. If you don’t answer me soon, I’m heading your way.

  The last message came in twenty minutes ago mixed between four phone calls. I didn’t hear a thing. I call him back and he answers on the first ring.

  “Jesus, Jade. Are you okay?” His tone quiet and caustic.

  “Yes. I’ve been sleeping.”

  “You can’t fucking do this to me,” he snaps, his voice still low.

  “Since when have I ever had to let you know I was home?” I ask, confused as hell.

  “Since I got you pregnant,” he growls.

  “What the hell? I’m fine. You’ve never needed a check-in. Calm down.”

  “Jade,” his voice shakes, no doubt trying to restrain himself. “I’d like to start getting check-ins from here on out.”

  “Zachary Calloway. Do I sense a tinge of worry from you?” I tease him.

  “You do.” That’s calmer…

  “Are you sick? Dying? You never worry.”

  “I worry all the time. You just don’t see it,” he chides.

  Scolding me like a child plucks the wrong nerve and it aggravates the shit out of me. “I’m home. I got here a little after nine and was asleep by nine forty-five. Would you like to speak with Freya to confirm? This is ridiculous.”

  There’s a muffled sound on the other side of the line and then I hear a door slam. “You’re carrying my child too, Jade. I’m entitled to know you’re okay. You’d be pretty fucking dense to think otherwise. Get your head out of your ass and accept things will be different now. It’ll be pretty selfish of you to deny me that.”

  Zach doesn’t get mad often, not at me anyway. Normally, he stays level and composed with me, but right now he’s more pissed than he’s ever been at me.

  “Okay,” I stammer, baffled.

  “I’m in the middle of a meeting so I have to go. I’ll call you later.” He hangs up.

  He hangs up! He never hangs up. Ever.

  I stare at my phone, dumbfounded as hell.

  Holy shit.


  I texted Jade this morning before coming into work and haven’t gotten a response yet, which is odd. Ever since I wigged out on her the other day, she’s been good at responding. It’s not a lot to ask. I want to know she’s okay, the baby’s okay…I have the right to worry. Since then, we’ve settled into a routine. I text her in the morning, talk to her in the evening, and occasionally get a good night from her.

  “Good morning, sir,” Valorie greets me as I stride past.

  “Morning,” I grunt, and once in my office, push the door shut.

  I drop into my chair, tugging my cell from my blazer, and dial her number.

  Four rings, each one of them causing my heart to pound faster.

  “Hiiii, Zach,” Freya answers, and something is off.

  “Is Jade okay?”

  “Well…not really. Hang on.”

  There’s shuffling on the other end, hushed voices, a distinct frustrated groan from Jade, and then…

  “Hello?” she croaks.

  “You sound like shit? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah…” There’s a pause and then she sighs. “No. I’ve been getting acquainted with my toilet bowl.”

  “Kneeling down in front of the porcelain god doesn’t serve as going to church,” I quip.

  “Shut up,” she mumbles but it’s playful. “Either I’ve got a bad case of morning sickness or this baby hates taquitos. I’ve been here since three this morning.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?”

  “Why should I have? So you can hear me vomit while you say sweet nothings in my ear?”

  Even sick, her smart mouth is sexy.

  “You’ve always enjoyed my sweet nothings in your ear,” I hum.

  “I’ve got to go. I’ll call you ba—” She hangs up.

  Closing my eyes, I rest my head on the back of my chair. I hate she’s so far away. Absolutely despise that I can’t take care of her when she’s sick. Not like she’d let me anyway, but it’s worth a damn try.

  There’s a knock on my door and Valorie sticks her head in, her black hair tight in a bun. “Sir, I—”

  “Let me ask you something, V.”

  She moves to stand in front of my desk.

  “How hard would it be to reschedule everything for the next few days?”

  A knowing grin spreads across her lips. “Not that hard. You don’t cancel normally, so it’ll be a shock.”

  “Rearrange everything. Contact Ethan and tell him to call me after his meeting with Douglas.” I gather my things.

  “Zach?” She never says my name and it jerks my head toward her. “She’s emotional. Her hormones are raging. Be gentle and more importantly, be patient.”

  I smirk. “I am. Have been for years. Call me if anything comes up.”

  And I’m out the door heading to my car to take care of my girl.

  No one answers the door when I knock twice, so I try the knob. It opens. Quickly, I make my way down the hall toward her room but am stopped by the unmistakable sounds coming from the bathroom.

  “Jade?” I push open the door.

  She’s on the floor in front of the toilet, her hair in a messy rat’s nest of a pony tail. She jerks her head up, her tired eyes wide. “What are you—”

  She hurls.

  I run a wash cloth under the cold water, wring it tight, and place it on her forehead. “Have you been in here since I got off the phone with you?”

  She sucks in a breath shaking her head. “I think I slept for an hour.”

  “Hold this.” I push the rag into her hand and rush to the kitchen.

  Checking all the cabinets, I find a package of water at the bottom of the pantry, thankfully room temperature, and grab one before jogging back down the hall and into the bathroom. Twisting the top, I hand it to her. “Take a sip.”

  Unfortunately, following only a few sips, she’s back at it. After several long minutes, she gasps for a breath, dropping her head onto the seat. I run my hands down her back and sit alongside her.

  She’s pale, the skin around her eyes red. She looks completely spent.

  “Come on,” I say, as I scoop her up into my arms and go to her bedroom.

  “Are you going to get in trouble at work?”

  Her question forces me to chuckle. “I’ll talk to the asshole boss. Surely he’ll understand.”

  I lay her down and pull the covers to her shoulders before going back to freshen the rag and grab her water. Her eyes barely crack open as I set everything onto her bedside table. I strip my pants and shirt, leaving on my white t-shirt and boxers, and then crawl in behind her. She doesn’t fig
ht me when I pull her close. Her body shivers and I squeeze her tightly.

  My phone is vibrating, humming against the table, and it wakes me. Slowly and extra carefully, I slip out of the bed so I don’t wake Jade. I grab my pants and make my way into her living room.

  “Hey, Zach,” Ethan, my lead architect answers. “Just finished up with Douglas. They’re asking for an elaborate concept and gave me two weeks for a mockup.”

  “Who was heading the meet?” I ask, zipping up my pants.

  “Reebs and Geils,” he replies.

  Those two drive hard. “Just one building?”

  “They’re looking into five. Two in Colorado, two in California, and one in Arizona with the possibility of expanding further.”

  As he talks, I search Jade’s kitchen, looking for something to put in her stomach, but the cabinets are ridiculously empty of food. There’s a box of noodles, a jar of marshmallow spread, a few cans of corn, a jar of spaghetti sauce and ranch—enough ranch to live on for two solid years if you’re eating it for all three meals. I move to the fridge with hope but am let down—root beer, and plenty of it, and whatever leftovers are in the containers.

  “Fucking hell,” I sigh out of disbelief. Who doesn’t have food in their place?

  “I’ll send you the design once I finish with it,” he continues. “Oh. Valorie said I needed to call you.”

  “Yeah. To add more to your already empty plate, I won’t be in town for a few days. Some personal shit came up. Hold down the fort and call me if you need anything.”

  “Will do,” he replies. “I got the Ankridge proposal last night. I’ll email it to you here in a few.”

  We hang up and I go back to searching the fridge, digging through the drawers until I strike gold—applesauce. And I don’t give a damn if it has Freya’s name on it or not. I grab one and then spot a green can of miracle shoved behind everything—ginger ale. She actually listened to me, and it makes me smile.

  Setting everything on her table, I sit on the bed, gently rubbing her arm. “Jade,” I ease. “Baby, wake up. I need you to eat a little bit.”


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