Persuading Perfection

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Persuading Perfection Page 18

by TC Matson

  “Awww…” Freya croons from across the room and it makes me peek out of my closet.

  Thankfully, she took the day off to help me unpack after the moving company Zach hired unloaded my whopping ten boxes and one dresser. The rest of it was Freya’s anyway.

  She holds up the pictures I’ve kept of Zach since I was younger. I rush to rip them away and hide my chagrin, but she holds them out behind her where I can’t get them.

  “Give me those.” I sound like a kid not getting my way.

  “Don’t be ashamed.” She cackles. “Everyone knew you crushed on him. I think these are sweet. Does Zach know you have these?”

  “No. Only the one of me on his shoulders because he found it in my underwear drawer,” I snort.

  She flips through them again, my heart beating like crazy. I’ve never shared these with anyone. They’ve been my secret memories. She sucks in a breath when she unfolds the graph paper. “He drew this for you?”

  It makes me grin a little silly. “Yeah. Designed my dream house.”

  “He was thinking seriously even back then.”

  I roll my eyes. “We were young. It wasn’t like that. He was just being nice.”

  “Jesus, Jade. You’re like a naive dumbass. I mean, back then I could understand why, but you’re an adult now which makes you being a naive dumbass worse. He was being nice? Puh-lease. Tell me you don’t believe the stupid shit coming from your mouth.” She blinks down at the photos and holds up the one of him and me at the fair in that run down photo booth. “Look at how he’s looking at you. Only best friends and lovers do a photo booth.”

  “He was sort of like my best friend,” I blast back sounding more childish than before. “Besides, he was with Tiffany then. He wasn’t interested in me.”

  “Did dating Tiffany stop him from fucking you.”

  I narrow my eyes.

  “He’s been in love with you for years. You’re just a dumbass.”

  “He’s told me a time or two. I figured he was just fuck drunk,” I admit, knowing I’m half lying through my teeth. I know he cares with a passion.

  She knows me too well and calls my bluff. “Yeah, right. You just don’t want to believe it because the circumstances made you both break each other’s hearts.”

  Right now, I’m starting to hate I confide in my best friend. “Because I love my brother.”

  She pats my baby bump. “Looks like you love Zach’s dick more.”

  I snatch the photos and the drawing out of her hand and shove them back into the drawer, in the same spot they’ve been for years with a slam as I shut it. Huffing, I rip it back open and grab the picture of me on his shoulders, pushing it back into the corner of my mirror where Zach put it when he found it.

  “Jade?” Max calls out from somewhere inside the apartment.

  “I’m in here,” I yell out.

  Max steps around the corner, filling my doorway with his frame. He’s just come from work, his brown hair tousled as usual, his light gray suit pressed against him. He takes in the room and smiles widely before shifting to my know-it-all best friend. “Little Freya.”

  She huffs. “Oh, please. It’s not been that long since we’ve seen each other.”

  “But you’ve always been the annoying little brat sister to me,” Max banters.

  “And you’ve always been the punk ass brother I’m glad I never had.”

  Footsteps echo from the hall and Max’s glimmer shifts into mischief. “You’ve got about ten seconds before you go mute. So you might want to say what you need to…brat.”

  “What the…” She loses her voice when Easton crowds the empty space of my door.

  Poor Freya, with drool all over her lip, has always, and I do mean always had a crush on Easton as far back as I can remember. The first time she came to my house and he was there, she stumbled and ran flat into the corner of the wall, busting her eyebrow on it. A week later, we were at school yapping in the hall when the trio walked up on us. Freya lost the ability to speak intellectually around him and went completely tongue-tied. She sounded like an idiot. That’s never gone away, even as she’s grown up. Easton’s her weakness…and her wet spot.

  “Well, hell. I never thought this day would come.” Easton steps in and kisses my cheek. “Baby sis finally at home. You’re looking good. How’s the baby?”


  Charm, Easton’s bread and butter, flashes at Freya. It’s the very thing he knows creates that wet spot in her panties and short circuits her brain. “Little Freya. It’s good to see you.” He drops his voice low for the added pleasure of seeing her dive further into brainlessness. He’s done this on purpose since she hit that wall. What man wouldn’t?

  She giggles, breathless and super ditsy. “H-hey, you.”

  I tuck my lips hiding my laugh. I’d feel bad for her, but she gives me no choice. She’s not like this toward anyone else other than Easton and I haven’t seen this reaction in a few years.

  Easton’s chuckle is deep and he licks his lips, turning around and slapping Max’s stomach. “Gonna grab a drink. Want one?”

  Max nods and then looks back to me. “Do you need any help?”

  I tighten my lips and shake my head. “Nope. We’ve got it. I’m pretty sure Freya needs to sit for a moment or two anyway.”

  Easton’s devilry shines when he glances between her and me and then disappears out the door. And I swear, Freya just took a breath.

  Amusement pulls Max’s lips up. “You up for something to eat?”

  “Yeessss,” I moan.

  “Will you be blessing us with your infatuated beauty?” Max quips to Freya.

  She scrunches her face with a playful scowl. “I’ve got to get going soon.”

  “I’m glad he was able to fire up the car for the next driver,” Max teases and I burst out laughing. “I’ll order some Chinese.”

  “Pizza,” I hurry out. “I want pizza. Or chicken. But not Chinese.”

  Max taps the wall with his knuckles and disappears from the door when Freya smacks the ever-living fuck out of my arm.

  “You two just had to do that, didn’t you?”

  I’m cackling. “Aww, Freya. Who knew he still had that effect on you. I thought for sure you grew out of the awkward silly girl crush.”

  She cuts her eyes at me. “Bitch.”

  It makes me crack up harder.

  Freya fumbled her way out of the apartment without crashing into any walls as the pizza arrived. Of course, it set her up to be the talk over dinner and as usual, her ridiculous act still blows up Easton’s dumb man brain.

  Zach: Dinner tonight?

  Jade: Not tonight. Max is feeding me.

  Zach: Are you all unpacked?

  Jade: Yeah.

  Zach: Sorry I’m not able to help.

  Jade: I didn’t have much. No worries.

  Zach: Call me before you go to bed.

  Max is glaring at his food when Easton nudges him with his foot. “Breathe, man. You’re going to have to figure this shit out because once that baby comes he’ll be here and if he can’t be, I’m positive she’ll be there. You just got her here. Don’t push her away.”

  “I’m working on it,” Max bites.

  “Zach has stepped up. He’s not out fucking around. His intentions are in the good. He’s a good guy and you know it. Just so happens your sister brings that out of him.”

  “Whose fucking side are you on?” Max rises to his feet.

  “No one’s, but I’m in the middle of this shit storm.”

  “He was fucking my sister!” Max’s anger roars and he slings his finger at me.

  “Excuse me? I’m right here,” I interject. “Please have some respect for the father of my child and me?”

  His head snaps my way, but Easton stops whatever words were about to come spewing out. “I know it’s hard. I can’t imagine what you feel, but man, the situation is what it is. You can’t change it and giving everyone hell isn’t helping shit.”

  Max sits back
down and fists his hair.

  “We have to find a common ground,” I say. “We have to. We can’t change it, but we can adjust. If I can, you can. And if you can’t, I’ll pack up and leave because I have a baby to think about and I don’t want to raise him or her in turmoil.” I look to Easton, finished with this conversation. “I’m going to shower and go to bed. I’m exhausted. Tell Zoey I hate we missed each other.” I flick my view back to Max’s wrenched face. “I love you.”

  I settle in the bed after my shower when there’s a light knock on my door. Max enters and sits on the end of my mattress keeping his back toward me. His shoulders are slumped. “I’m sorry…again.” He sighs. “I’m trying to get over it and find a way past it. I tell myself I’m going to accept it and everyone moves on, but every time I think about the entire situation, I get pissed all over again. Jade, you’re my baby sister.”

  The agony in his voice makes me want to wrap my arms around his shoulders, but I hold my ground and stay put.

  “You were blue and dead. I swore if you’d live, if whoever was in control of life and death would let you pull through, I’d protect you for the rest of my life.”

  “Max…” My voice strangles.

  “I thought I could trust him. He was my best friend and he deceived me.” With his back still toward me, he drags his hands over his face. “What’s that say about me protecting you if I didn’t know my brother at heart was sleeping with my sister?” He stands to leave, stopping at the door, and casts a glance my way. “Give me time. I’ll never forgive him, but I’ll find a way to deal with it.”

  He shuts the door behind him.

  Jade: I’m not going to call. I’m going to bed. I’m exhausted.

  The screen is blurry from my eyes full of tears. I never considered my brother felt like he failed me. To see him so crestfallen and broken…it fractured my heart.


  Jade moved into Max’s almost two weeks ago and I’m growing impatient as ever to see her. I’m itching to feel her, to kiss her lips. She’s this fucking close to me and I can’t do shit about it but hear the distance growing in her voice over the phone.

  I’ve kept myself busy at the house doing little odds and ends to keep myself sane. Easton and Zoey have come over a few times to shoot the shit, but I’m mainly at home alone.

  Jade started with Max this week and it killed me not to wish her luck and send her out my front door for her first day. But I did send her flowers. I debated on heading to the winery, but I thought twice. She doesn’t need the extra stress with just starting, so I’ve laid low.

  She was able to get a doctor’s appointment for next week and I’m stoked. It’s the appointment—the one where we find out what we’re having. Thankfully when she called to see about switching locations, they had an opening.

  It’s late. I’ve been working around the house trying to keep Jade off my mind, but that shit isn’t happening. The girl is permanently there even if she’s not here. I grab my phone and drop to the couch, kicking my feet up on the coffee table.

  Zach: So…can I take you out on a date tomorrow night?

  Jade: You’re asking through a text? How chivalrous ;-)

  I laugh, grinning at my phone.

  Zach: I’ve always wanted to text you out. Let me have my moment.

  Jade: You aim high, don’t you?

  Zach: My 17-year-old self thought so.

  Jade: Your 17-year-old self was hawt!

  My brows raise and suddenly I’m transplanted back at my dads’ house, lying in the bed and texting my crush.

  Zach: I’ve always been hot. But you? You used to be pretty. Now you’re a bombshell.

  Silence…Yeah. Just like old days. She’s always struggled with compliments from me.

  Zach: Come on, Jade. It’s been weeks since I’ve seen you. Let me take you out tomorrow night.

  Jade: What do you have in mind?

  Zach: For starters, something to eat. Do you still like Japanese?

  Jade: You’re talking very dirty to me. I think this may be inappropriate.

  I’m at home alone, laughing like an idiot into an empty room, but I’m loving every minute of the old feelings.

  Zach: I haven’t begun to talk dirty to you. It’s amazing what I can do with my mouth.

  Jade: Oh. I’ve heard the rumors.

  Zach: I’ll pick you up at nine thirty tomorrow. That gives you enough time to get off work and change, right?

  Jade: I haven’t agreed to a date.

  Zach: Oh, you have, you just don’t know it yet. While you lie in your bed tonight, you’ll think of my tongue riding every dip and curve on your body, tasting everywhere, and bringing you to heights only I can take you. You’ll beg for me.

  Jade: Beg you for what?

  My brows shoot up. She’s frisky tonight and it’s turning me the hell on.

  Zach: In order for you to find out, you’ll have to join me tomorrow.

  Jade: Fine. You have me curious. But instead of some fancy Japanese restaurant, can we settle for a super sloppy cheeseburger?

  Zach: Anything you want. I’ll be there after you get off. But you’ll have to meet me outside.

  Jade: See you then.

  I’m grinning like a bastard for many reasons. One, I get to see her and two, I’ll get to see her scream for me. It’s been a while and I’m ready to drive into her while driving her insane.

  I’m leaning against my car in front of the building when Jade comes walking out in a burgundy dress showing off her cleavage and long sexy legs wearing nude open-toe heels—I’m fucked.

  Grinning like an idiot, excited to finally land my eyes on her, I open the car door. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

  She flashes a coquettish gaze at me and pulls the side of her lip through her teeth. “You’re pretty hot yourself.”

  Shutting the door behind her, I stride around the car, crank it, and pull out of the parking lot. “Are you still in the mood for a cheeseburger?”

  “God, yes.” She drops her head back, closes her eyes, and moans. Yup. Fucked. “So bad. I’m already drooling for one.”

  “Good,” I say with a strained voice, peering at her neck. “Then you’ll love where I’m taking you.”

  We drive several blocks as I steal peeks of her legs, her thighs as her dress rides up, her tits, her glossy lips… Holy fuck. I’m on an actual date with Jade Lauder, the only girl who has truly stolen my heart. I chuckle, inwardly as I pull in front of BurgerFuel, the small restaurant close to our old high school. It used to be the hot spot, other than the pizza place down the road. If you weren’t at one, you were bound to be at the other. I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve wasted here.

  Her eyes light up, staring up at the brick facade of the old building. “Oh, my god.” She beams back at me and it makes my chest swell. “Seriously?”

  I wink. “Seriously.” And I push out of the car.

  Not a lot has changed over the years. It still bears the industrial feel, the open ceiling with overhead beams and exposed duct work. And like a blast from the past, the large chalkboard sign—Please Seat Yourself.

  “This place hasn’t changed a bit,” she says sliding into the booth and looking around. “Except the booths have shrunk.”

  We order our drinks and the exact same thing we use to eat all those years ago, when Jade tucks her chin as her shoulders shake.

  “Are you laughing?”

  “I’m on an actual date…in public with you. As stupid as it sounds, I used to dream of you bringing me here. Just you and me and none of the other crazy people in our lives.”

  “You fantasized about going on a date with me?”

  Her glossy lips purse. “Of course, I wanted to go on a date with you. I was young and stupid.”

  “Ouch,” I say with laughter. “But I always thought you were pretty smart.”

  “It’s only because I had a crush on you.”

  I rap my knuckles on the table. “Again. Smart.”

  “I told
Max what I was doing. He said for us to have a good time while doing a marginal job at hiding his disdain.”

  “He’ll come around. I betrayed him, broke a solid trust. Ever broken a glass? You can glue it back together, but it’s still broken. We’ll get back on track. I’m working him the best way I know how.”

  “By dropping out of his life completely?”

  “I’m not out of his life. In fact, it’s the opposite. I could easily send Ethan to check on the progress, but instead I go. And trust me,” I smirk. “That gorgeous baby bump is a constant reminder that I’m still around. He’s still processing. I’m giving him space and pressure by being around just enough.”

  She runs her hand over her belly. “It’s starting to show more and more every day.”

  “And it’s sexy as fuck.”

  She rolls her eyes in disbelief. “I’ll be working next Thursday, so I’ll meet you at the doctor’s a quarter til.”

  Not a fat chance. “I’ll pick you up.”

  “I’ll be at the winery. It’s out of your way.”

  “And I’ll still pick you up. Are you as excited as I am?”

  Her face pinches up. “That’s a stupid question. Of course. I’m so sick of looking at things but not being able to buy anything because I have no clue what we’re having. How are you going to handle it if we’re having a girl?” She gleams with amusement.

  “Very carefully.”

  She belts a cackle. “You’ll lose your mind.”

  “Only when she starts noticing boys. I’ll cherish her, just as I do her mother.”

  She sighs, ignoring the compliment. “I don’t know if I want a boy. A little Zachary Calloway. That’s actually pretty scary.”

  My lips twitch. “And why’s that?”

  Her playfully narrowed eyes cause a tug in my chest. I’m so damn in love with her. “Because one Zach in this world is enough. He’ll have player already running in his blood and I don’t want him to be like that.”

  “Be like that…” I repeat, tasting her words. “And what’s so bad about being like that?”

  She arches her left brow.


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