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Kestrel Page 24

by A. M. Hargrove

  My hand is at my throat, because my heart thrums so hard I fear it will somehow rupture through my ribcage. I knew we were headed in this direction but I thought I was way ahead of him. Unexpectedly, a grin stretches across my face and I feel like the sun has just risen in the room. Tears of joy strangle me for a moment and I’m speechless. Kestrel watches as my hands move from my throat, to my face, back to my throat, and then he finally pulls me into his arms as I softly whimper.

  “I hope these aren’t sad tears,” he murmurs into my hair.

  “No,” I say. I pull myself together and say, “I love you too. I … no one has said such kind things to me …” and then I cry some more as he holds me. He leads me back to bed and says all kinds of sweet things to me, of which I hear nothing of, because I’m still hearing the part about how he loves me and it’s irrefutable.

  Finally I wiggle myself on top of him and say, “How do you always know the right things to say to me?”

  “This wasn’t about being the right thing to say, Carter. It was about my feelings toward you. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it and finally figured it all out, so I decided Christmas Day would be the day to tell you.”

  “Isn’t it strange how things turned out?”

  “Yeah. Karma, huh?”

  “Uh huh. And now, Karma says we need sleep because I have breakfast to fix soon.”

  Kestrel grabs my butt and squeezes. “Don’t worry, angel. We’ll have help from Mary and Mimosa.”

  “Yum can’t wait. Good night.”

  “Night, angel.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Christmas Eve begins with a bang. Carter is busy in the kitchen while I’m in charge of all the beverages. Mom is happy because I have her Charles Heidseick, Piper Heidseick, and Veuve Clicquot Grand Dame for her. I only hope everyone isn’t falling down drunk by this afternoon. Oh well, if they are, they can all take long naps before dinner tonight.

  Carter serves breakfast around eleven. She has several of what she calls Southern specialty casseroles. Apparently this is a big thing down here. There is one sausage, egg, and cheese concoction that is so good I’m afraid Kolson is going to lick his plate. Jesus, that guy can eat. Gabby looks horrified as she watches him scarf it down. Then Carter also has a French toast casserole that is so good, my mother drools between dainty bites. Even Gabby, who loves to eat (but not nearly as much as my brother), has unbuttoned her jeans. Carter’s added some type of a hash brown potato casserole, along with a cheesy grits casserole. Then to top all that off, there are perfect crispy bacon and sausage patties to go with it all, along with huge Southern style biscuits. It is one gigantic spread of food.

  My mother says, “Why, Carter, you are going to spoil us with your cooking.”

  Carter beams. “Thank you, Sylvia. It’s nice to have someone to cook for. I love to cook.”

  “It’s all so delicious. Do you eat like this all the time?” Mom asks.

  Carter laughs. “Heavens, no! I’d weigh three hundred pounds, if I did. Not to mention I don’t have time.”

  Kolson adds, “Well, Carter, my little brother here would love it if you cooked like this all the time, wouldn’t you, Kestrel?”

  “You could say that, but I do love what she cooks. She usually does dinner and that’s plenty for me.”

  “Yeah, he’s very appreciative of when I cook. He’s not very handy in the kitchen.”

  “Well, you can blame me,” Sylvia says. “Or that damn asshole I was married to.”

  I drop my fork. Gabby laughs and Kolson’s mouth hangs open. Carter is pretty much oblivious because she was never around when Langston was alive.

  “Oh, Kestrel, Kolson, don’t act so damn shocked. The man was an asshole and you both know it,” Sylvia adds.

  I say, “True, Mom, but I’ve never heard you talk like that before.”

  “It took me a while to come out of my shell. But now that I’m out, I’m here to stay. And thank God the bastard’s dead.”

  Gabby raises her champagne glass and says, “Here, here!”

  Carter stares and me and I only shrug.

  Brunch ends and we hang out in the den afterwards. Carter’s friend Harper calls. She wants to drop by to exchange gifts with Carter. Carter tells her to meet her in the carriage house in an hour. This is something they’ve been doing since they’ve been kids.

  “You can meet her here if you want,” I say.

  “I know, but we’ll meet for a little bit and then I’ll bring her over.”

  “Oh, I get it. Girl talk.”

  She nods. “Yep.”

  I grab her around the waist and mumble into her ear, “Don’t you give away any of our secrets.”


  As soon as Carter leaves, my family pounces.

  Gabby says, “I love her. She’s perfect for you.”

  Then my mother says, “She can cook and has a brain.”

  Kolson says, “Maybe I was wrong.”

  “About what?” I ask.

  “About her wanting you for your money,” he answers.

  “Carter doesn’t give a damn about that stuff. She would rather live the simple life. That’s why that lot was still sitting on Sullivan’s. If money were her goal, she would’ve sold everything immediately.”


  “Gabby, she said you put her through a test.”

  “Yep. She passed.” That’s all she says.

  “Thanks,” I say sourly.

  “Kestrel, you know how much you mean to me. I’m not about to let any woman sink her claws into you without digging into her mind a little.”

  “Carter has no claws.”

  “Oh, yes she does. She came back at me fighting for you. She has plenty of claws when it counts. You’re in good hands.”

  “Christ. I hope you are all finished.”

  “I happen to like the girl. I think she’s perfect for you, son.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “And this house. It couldn’t be better.”

  “Again, thanks, Mom.”

  We drop it all because it’s over as far as they’re concerned. I have an overprotective family and I should be glad for it. Not long after, Carter returns with Harper. After the introductions, Harper joins us for some Christmas cheer. Carter shows me the leather cuff Harper gave her while Harper shows off the earrings that Carter gifted her. Though I hate feeling this way, I still don’t trust Harper. Something nags at me, but I can’t put my finger on it. There’s a disingenuous aspect about her. I don’t want to bring this up to Carter because it will burst her bubble of happiness, so I smile and go about things. But I’ll be sure to keep a wary eye on her. Something’s amiss.

  Harper asks a few questions about our plans for the next couple of days and after about an hour, she departs. She says she has a family gathering to attend this evening.

  “Call me, Carter. Merry Christmas everyone.”

  Nudging Carter into the kitchen, I ask, “So, did you give away any of our secrets?”

  “Every single one.” Then she laughs.

  She doesn’t realize I’m serious. “Did she ask about us?”

  “Of course she did. She’s like a bloodhound.”

  “Why’s that?”

  Carter chuckles. “Because Harper is nosy, that’s why. She wants to know who’s doing what with whom. She wanted to know if you were any good in the sack.”

  “Hmm. Interesting. Do girls ask that a lot?”


  My brows shoot up. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah. Are you kidding me? They all want to know. Don’t guys?”

  “I wouldn’t know. You know I never really had any friends like that. So, what did you tell Harper?”

  “That it was none of her business.” She licks her lips and I find I want to be the one to do that.

  “You did, huh?” I feel myself smiling.

  “Yeah,” she says, her voice becoming very quiet. “I did.”

  My han
ds reach for her face, thumbs dabbing the spattering of freckles I love so much, and I dip my head for a taste of her. Then I tug her out the back door and practically drag her off to her carriage house.

  “What are you doing?”

  I don’t answer until we’re inside. “This.” I kiss her. Really kiss her. Like it’s the first, last, with no in between. I don’t want there to be a beginning or an end to us. I want us to be a circle that goes round and round forever.

  “Which way?” I ask. “You decide. Front, back, side.”

  “From the back. My front against the wall.”

  I push her pants and panties down to her ankles and then do the same for me. Next, I put on a condom. My fingers stroke her and she’s wet for me.

  “Oh, angel, you never disappoint.” I rub my cock around her opening and she moans as she arches her back. I love it when she does that.

  “Now, Kestrel.”

  Gently, I ease into her, but she pushes herself back onto me and tries to take over the rhythm. Pulling her against me, I say in her ear, “Let me lead.”

  “Fast and hard. Pleeeease,” she begs.

  One arm around her waist so I can reach her clit, I do as she asks. She’s so hot and tight around me. I feel myself wanting to disintegrate.

  Her hand sweeps back and fingers dig into me. Then I understand that Gabby is right. Carter does have claws because she uses them on me during sex. A lot. And I relish it.

  “Yes.” Her voice has taken on that throaty sound that sends me soaring. I thrust even harder and my fingers find her to bring her to orgasm. When she comes, I let my own loose.

  While we dress, Carter says, “We’d better get back before they notice we’re gone.”

  “Angel, they’ve already noticed.”

  We walk back to the house and three sets of very curious and knowing eyes greet us when we enter the den. There’s no hiding Carter’s embarrassment. Her face is as red as the embers in the fireplace. And I’m sure her cheeks are as hot, too.

  “Have fun?” Kolson asks.

  “Uh huh. About as much fun as you and Gabby used to when you’d go to the mansion and would disappear for hours. At least we were only gone,” I glance at my watch, “for thirty minutes.”

  “Quickie, huh?”

  “But thorough,” I say.

  “Jeez, guys. Can it, will you?” Gabby says.

  I look at Carter and she has a stricken look upon her face. I quickly pull her into my embrace and say, “It’s okay, angel. Kolson and I do this banter thing all the time.”

  “Maybe, but not about us you don’t.” She purses her lips as though she’s trying to work this thing out.

  Gabby says, “They’re a couple of cretins, aren’t they?”

  “Um, yeah. I think so,” Carter says.

  “Like most guys. Thirty-something going on thirteen,” Gabby says, chuckling.

  Nuzzling Carter’s neck, I say, “Nah, that’s not me. I’m just a guy who is utterly in love.”

  My mother beams and claps her hands. Kolson stares open-mouthed and Gabby shakes her head and says, “And the mighty has fallen.”

  “It’s true. Not that I’m mighty, but I’ve certainly fallen. And who could blame me?”

  “Who indeed?” Kolson asks. He still stares.

  “What’s wrong, brother?”

  “I just never thought it would hit you.”

  “Like I never thought it would you.” Then we both laugh. “I guess this calls for a toast.” I pour us yet another round of champagne and we all toast to falling in love.


  That evening, Carter treats my family to her specialty of shrimp and grits. My brother is overwhelmed. For a minute, I think we are going to have to call EMS. He doesn’t speak, move, or even breathe. Then a huge toothy grin emerges on his face and he declares Carter needs to open a restaurant.

  “Carter, come home with us to Manhattan. We could set you up and you’d have more customers in your restaurant than you could ever dream of.”

  We all laugh.

  “I’m not joking. She is one badass chef. We could call it Down South Up North. Seriously.”

  “She’s not moving to Manhattan. She’s a scientist with a dream. A dream that is going to be a reality. And soon.” I look at Kolson like he’s lost his mind. Maybe if I knew I couldn’t eat her cooking all the time, I would look as desperate as he does.

  “Okay. How about this? I get a chef and she passes her recipes on and I open the restaurant anyway?”

  “Kol, you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t steal my girl’s time from her.”

  Carter only laughs and suggests a Christmas movie to watch after dinner so we all vote on Christmas Vacation. Sylvia is even game for it. But midway through, we’re all drifting to sleep, so I suggest we all call it a night. I lock up the house and Carter and I head to the carriage house.

  Once there, she asks, “Do you want me to stay in the big house with you?”

  “No, I actually prefer the privacy of the carriage house. Off to bed for us. All that champagne today. And we’ll be doing it again tomorrow.” I turn her around and propel her toward the bed.


  It’s a dim morning when I awaken at seven. I’ve slept later than usual, probably due to all that damn champagne. Carter makes her little snores, so I know she’s still asleep. Unfolding myself from her, I decide to take a quick shower and let her sleep. I can get things started in the house, such as coffee and drinks. She has another food extravaganza day planned. Today she’s serving another huge brunch but this one centers around a special frittata that she loves to serve and then we’re having beef tenderloin and lobster tails for dinner. Maybe we all need to go for a run this afternoon. I feel like I’ve gained fifty pounds since yesterday.

  By the time I get out of the shower, Carter is stirring. She stretches long and slow like a cat and climbs out of bed. It always makes me pause when I see her naked. She’s that stunning.

  “Merry Christmas, angel. To think I have my very own angel on Christmas. Who ever thought I’d be this lucky?”

  “To think I’d have my very own art-covered sex god.”

  When she says that, I drop the pants I’m holding and howl with laughter. “Sweetheart, I may be many things, but sex god isn’t one of them.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that,” she says with a smirk and a wink. Then she disappears in the bathroom. A few minutes later she comes out and asks, “You remember that time we had sex without a condom?”

  “Yeah. Why?” I’m putting on my shoes and I look at her. Her face is about as gray as her eyes.

  “How long ago was that?”

  I have to stop and think. “I don’t really remember. Why?”

  “I just thought of something. I haven’t had my period in a while.”

  As casual as I can, I say, “Oh, yeah. Since when?”

  She scrunches her eyes shut and then says, “Maybe five or six weeks.” Then she groans. I’m by her side right away, holding her.

  “Hey, it’s okay.”

  “No, I never keep track because I don’t have to. At least I didn’t until you. And I’m way smarter than that. What the hell is wrong with me?”

  Hugging her, I pat her hair. “Shh. Carter, it’s okay. Everything is okay. You don’t even know how late you are.”

  “I know, but I do know I’m late.”

  “True, but you don’t know if you’re usually late or not, by your own admission. Listen, tomorrow, we’ll go get a test and you can check. But let’s not even worry about this now. It was only one time. And remember, you jumped around afterward. You most likely jiggled everything right out of you.”

  She half smiles at my feeble attempt at humor. But the honest truth is I don’t care if she’s pregnant. If she is, we’ll do the right thing. If she’s not, she’s not. So I tell her.

  “If you’re worried about my feelings regarding this, I don’t care if you’re pregnant. If you are, we’ll have a baby. If you’re not, t
hen you’re not. I love you and I have your back. Clear?”

  “You don’t care?”

  “Maybe that’s a poor choice of words. I do care. In fact, I would be thrilled. What I’m saying here is that I am by your side, no matter what. So don’t worry, angel. I will do the right thing for you. And not because I have to, but because I love you.” Then I kiss her lovely face.

  Her arms wrap around me and she says, “You always say the right things. Always.”

  “I only say what’s in my heart. Now get in the shower. I’m going to the house to make coffee. And please, sweetheart, don’t worry. This is Christmas and I want it to be the best one you’ve had since Ells was here.”

  “Okay. No worries.”

  I watch her as she walks to the bathroom and I’m feeling better that her mood is lifted. Now I have to go and see if anyone is up. When I get to the kitchen, coffee is on and Kolson is up.

  “Sorry,” I say. “We slept a little later than expected. Damn that champagne.”

  “I know. Another day of it, too.”

  “Would you and Gabby be interested in a run between brunch and dinner?” I ask.

  “Hell yeah. We’d love that.”

  “Good. That’ll help with the champagne slugs too.”

  Soon the kitchen is a hive. Mom is chatting, Gabby is scurrying around, and Carter is pulling stuff out of everywhere putting together our meal.

  “I’m moving to the den, where it’s more peaceful,” I announce.

  “Thank you,” Carter says. “More room for the cook!” She laughs.

  The women stay behind in the kitchen while my brother joins me. Brunch is another feast and later we go for a run, leaving my mom behind to take a nap.

  Carter leads the pack, touring us all over downtown Charleston, including the battery, Colonial Lake, White Point Gardens, Rainbow Row and then we circle back home. Kolson and Gabby love it. They see some of the old Charleston architecture as Carter leads us around old churches, homes, and even past graveyards with tombstones dating back to the 1700’s.


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