Hollywood Redemption: A Hollywood Romance (Fairlane Series Book 1)

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Hollywood Redemption: A Hollywood Romance (Fairlane Series Book 1) Page 10

by Harlow Layne

  “Is the tub big enough for the both of us?”

  “Not very many places have bathtubs big enough for me to enjoy; I got lucky with this room. Stay here and I’ll come get you when it’s ready.”

  I watched Luke from behind and grinned at his sculpted ass when the lights came on in the bathroom. My core clenched, surprising me. Luke brought out my inner vixen and I couldn’t get enough of him. Never had I been so sated and lustful at the same time. I already wanted to jump him again after three of the best climaxes of my life.

  Enveloped in his scent and the warmth of the bed, I yawned, my eyes dipping closed as I waited.

  My body jumped when I felt the bed dip. I guess I’d fallen asleep. Three orgasms will do that to a girl.

  “The bath’s ready if you’re still up for it,” Luke said softly as he rubbed up and down my arm.

  “Sounds heavenly.” I felt like I was living out one of the many romance books I’d read and when I stepped into the bathroom and saw a few candles lit around the bathtub with steam rising from its depths, I knew I found my fairytale.

  Spinning around, I looked up at Luke in shock. “When did you do this?”

  He smiled, and his eyes twinkled. Luke knew that he’d pleased me. “You fell asleep for a few minutes. I came out to get you and took advantage that the hotel had a few candles throughout the suite.”

  “I’m glad you did.” It was romantic, and my heart swooned. “Will you help me step in?” All I needed was to fall and smack my head on one of the best nights of my life.

  “Anything,” he replied holding out his hand for me to take.

  Slowly I lowered myself into the water before scooting up to the front so that Luke could step in behind me. Once Luke had stretched his long legs out beside me, he wrapped an arm around my middle and pulled me flush against his chest.

  His cock was hard and hot as it pressed against my lower back. I had the urge to turn around and stroke it, but the water and the feel of Luke all around me was too perfect to get me to move.

  We were quiet for long minutes as we soaked our overused muscles. Luke cupped water and ran it over my arms, stomach and breasts before lacing his fingers through mine and humming to himself. It was bliss.

  “I’ve never taken a bath with a man before,” I murmured, turning my head to kiss his chest.

  “Another first,” His lips brushed against my ear. I could feel his smile. “But you’ve taken a bath with someone before?”

  “I have with Mason, lots of times. When he was young, he loved baths. I miss those days. Not that he isn’t a great kid now, but when he was a baby, he would look up at me with his big blue eyes like I was his everything.”

  Wrapping his arms around me, Luke asked. “Would you ever have more kids?”

  “It’s a possibility,” I shrugged in his hold. “I don’t want to say never, but if I decide to have more kids, the man would need to be special. My body’s not meant to stay pregnant, so every pregnancy is high risk and it felt like I was a single parent because Decker never did anything to help. I don’t want that again.”

  “Hmmm,” Luke hummed taking in the information I’d given him. “Why are all your pregnancies high risk? I know nothing about pregnancy and never thought there’d be trouble, although I do know that’s not always the case.”

  I wiggled closer into his arms and Luke tightened his hold as if he knew what I was about to say would be difficult. “The reason I married Decker was because I got pregnant right after my senior year in high school. Our parents made us get married; they had everything all planned out. We moved out and found our own place and I guess we were supposed to live happily ever after. Nothing worked out like anyone planned. We got married when I was three months along and I had a miscarriage only a few weeks later.

  “I think at that point I would’ve been happy to get a divorce and stay at home, but I didn’t want to disappoint my family. My grandfather was a very religious man, and he meant the world to me. I didn’t want to shame him anymore than I already had by becoming pregnant. Instead I went to college in a town not far from Fairlane and Decker landed a job as an exterminator at a company which he eventually took over and bought.

  “Six years later I was even more miserable and wanted a divorce. The moment we moved in together Decker changed. He was no longer the person I met in high school. He turned cold and mean overnight. I’d been sick and not getting any better, so I went to the doctor and found out I was pregnant. You can imagine it was not the news I wanted to hear, but in the end, it was a blessing. Since I had a miscarriage before my OB-GYN told me that they would watch me carefully and do a few extra tests to make sure my pregnancy went smoothly. At twenty-six weeks, I started to have contractions and had to be put on bed rest where I stayed until I had Mason when I was thirty-six weeks along.”

  “I’m sorry,” Luke said softly from the top of my head. “With your history of pregnancy and your ex, I understand why you’d want to make sure the man you created a child with was worth the risk.”

  “I’m already a single parent, I don’t need to do it again. Do you want kids?” I asked as I rubbed my hands up and down his long, muscular legs that encased mine.

  Resting his head against the top of mine, he murmured. “I would like a family one day, but I’m open to many ways of attaining the family I want.”

  “Really? Like what?” Most men who wanted families in my experience wanted their children to be theirs by blood.

  “Besides the traditional way of having kids, I would be open to adoption, surrogacy, or finding a woman who already has a child or children.”

  Could Luke be talking about me? I wasn’t sure what to think about if Luke wanted a family with me. I was dumbfounded at the prospect, but I knew that I needed to take it one step at a time and not get ahead of myself.

  “You’ve really put some thought into it.” I was glad that Luke couldn’t see how wide my eyes were. I was more than a little shocked he’d put so much thought into how he might have children in the future.

  “I think it’s important to know your priorities. I’m thirty years old and my career has taken off.” His fingertips brushed the bottom of my breast back and forth. “I’ve been asked on numerous occasions in interviews if I want a family and it made me think about if I wanted to have a family and what that would entail.”

  “You mean being away while you work?”

  “I wouldn’t want to be away from my family much, so I would hope at first they could travel with me to wherever I was shooting and then eventually I would have to slow down or perhaps stop altogether.”

  “You would give up your career for a family?” I couldn’t hide the shock in my voice.

  Wrapping his arms around me with his cheek resting on the top of my head, Luke replied. “I would give up just about anything for love and family.”

  “I think that’s the way it should be if you really love someone.”

  The moment had gotten too heavy. We’d talked about things that were way beyond wherever we were in our relationship. I was confused because it felt too soon, but it also didn’t at the same time. Through emails and talks on the phone we had gotten to know each other more than we would’ve in a normal situation. I knew there were things I still needed to know about him, just as there were things I needed to tell him about me.

  Silence echoed through the room. In any other circumstance it would’ve been uncomfortable, but not with Luke. No matter what we did together I was always comfortable with him.

  Slowly one of his hands splayed out across my ribcage and started to slide down until it disappeared into the water. He only stopped once he met my already swollen nub, where two of his fingers caressed and pinched. His other hand massaged my aching breast, rolling my nipple before moving over to repeat the process on my other. My body arched against his chest, my head thrown back onto his shoulder.

  Biting my bottom lip, I chanted his name over and over again until I cried out, shaking and sloshing water all over the

  Once again Luke had blown my mind with another incredible orgasm. Where had he been all my life?

  A low rumble came from Luke’s chest, his voice was pure sex when he spoke. “Sweden.”

  Oh my God! “Did I just say that out loud?”

  “You did.” His amusement was evident in his tone.

  “You've scrambled my brain and given me more orgasms in one night than I've ever had in one month. Probably more.”

  Pressing a kiss to my temple, Luke spoke. “More firsts.”

  “Are you trying to give me every experience I've never had in one day?” Seriously, Luke was knocking them off the list faster than I could name them.

  “No,” he answered, turning my now limp body in his arms until we were chest to chest. My cheek rested on his shoulder. “I plan to give you many more firsts for a very long time.”

  “Sexually you can give me a lot, because Decker was very vanilla in bed and you already know about him not giving me any orgasms. It might take time before I'm ready to explore some things, but I'm open to just about anything.”

  “Do you think I'm some BDSM Dom?” he asked with laughter in his voice, pulling back to see my face.

  “The thought never crossed my mind, but I wanted to warn you that although I want to try new things, there might be a few that will take some time before I'm comfortable doing them.”

  “Alex,” Luke said my name with such tenderness my heart instantly swelled. “I will never make you do anything you're uncomfortable with. Don't feel like you can't speak up if that's ever the case. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I answered. “Seriously, you’re too good to be true. Everything feels like a dream. How did a girl from Missouri find a tall, gorgeous, sweet, caring man from Sweden?” Ducking his head, Luke flushed, but I wanted him to know what I said was truly how I felt. “It's all true. I could keep going if you want.”

  “Maybe later,” he answered before his voice lowered and his eyes filling with lust. “Right now, I'd rather do something different if you're up to it.”

  “Something or should I say someone is up.” My hand snaked down between us to stroke his cock that had been hard the entire time we’d been in the tub. It was time to reward him for his patience.

  “Alex,” Luke groaned. Licking up my neck. “I want you to ride me.”

  I rose up on my knees ready to take Luke in when he pulled me down on him in one hard motion. Buried to the root, we both moaned as my sex clenched around him.

  “Oh God, Alex, you feel so good. I can’t get enough of you. Fuck,” he growled out. “Ride me.”

  His wish was my command. I wanted to be able to make Luke feel half as good as he’d made me feel that night. With one hand on his shoulder and the other on the side of the tub, I slammed down hard on his cock until I could feel him hit my cervix.

  The noises Luke made spurred me on, driving me to go faster and harder. Water splashed out onto the floor with each wave our bodies created.

  “Can you come again? I need you to come one more time for me. Come on, Alex.” His talented fingers rubbed my clit in slow circles as I continued to ride him.

  “I’m going to come.” I panted. With my fingers threaded through his hair, I tucked my face into his neck and rode out the fireworks that ignited inside me.

  Strong hands grasped my hips, continuing to move me up and down once, twice, and on the third time he stilled and dug into my soft flesh. Luke let out a low moan before enveloping me in his arms. We lazed in the cooling water, touching, rubbing, and kissing where we could reach. After a few moments, he stood with me in his arms as if I were as light as a feather and strode into the bedroom where he placed us both in bed, chest to chest, our legs tangled, and in each other's arms.

  “When I buy a house, I'm going to make sure it has a bathtub big enough for the both of us or put a new one in.”

  “You’re ruining me,” I murmured sleepily, my cheek resting on his chest. “I know I keep saying it but thank you for tonight and all the amazing experiences you’ve given me.”

  Tucking a wet lock of hair behind my ear, Luke smiled lazily. “You said that I was the first to tuck your hair behind your ear.”

  “You are.” I smiled just thinking about it. “I became like one of the women in the romance books I read who swoon after the hero over the most ridiculous of things. I never thought having it happen to me could make me feel so special. It makes me feel silly.” My face flushed, and I was silently happy Luke couldn’t see it.

  “There’s no reason for you to feel that way. I think it’s sweet. I hope to be able to keep giving you what you’ve missed out on all these years, and that I continue to make you swoon.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “If swooning equals sex like that, then I agree. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to walk tomorrow. You may have put my body out of commission.”

  Pulling my body up higher on his chest, I was splayed against Luke’s naked form when he looked me in the eyes. “It doesn’t have anything to do with sex. Yes, the sex was amazing and hot, and I want to do it again. Many more times, in fact. But I want to be that man for you. The one who makes you swoon, the one who gives you many firsts even at the age of thirty, the one who treats you the way you’ve always deserved to be treated. I want to be that man for you. I want to be the redemption for your past.”

  Tears welled, and my heart swelled from happiness. How could this be my life? There was no way I was the lucky one that Luke wanted to give all the experiences that I’d missed out on all these years and be in a relationship with.

  “I want that too. You have no idea how happy you’ve made me. It’s your birthday yet you’re the one giving me all the gifts tonight.”

  “You’re my gift, Alex. It might take some time before it sinks in, but one day soon you’ll realize what you brought to my life. Now sleep, beautiful girl.”

  Rolling to the side, I slid my leg in between Luke’s as he settled his over mine. His hand came to my chin, tilting it back before his soft but firm lips found mine. It was only a caress. A goodnight kiss. But in that moment, I realized that Luke Sandström was the greatest kisser of my life, and I was falling for him with no turning back.


  Waking up in Luke’s arms was what dreams were made of. I actually had to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn’t still dreaming. Never did I think this could be my life. No man had ever held me in his arms like Luke had last night. Even with our height difference, we fit perfectly together, as if we were made for each other.

  The way Luke held me told me a lot about him. I could tell that he would always be there to hold me and give me the strength to endure anything that came at me. He made me feel safe and cherished and, most of all, beautiful. Luke's embrace said everything we couldn't yet say to each other.

  Still snuggled against his long, warm body I scooted my head back on the pillow to take him in better. Luke was still asleep and very naked. His long blond lashes fanned out on his cheeks, eyes moving behind his lids, his full lips parted with soft puffs of air coming out. Stubble covered his jaw making him even more handsome in the morning light.

  The bedding had fallen to his waist, so I wasted no time taking in his muscular chest and chiseled abs. His body was perfection. Without any control, my fingers traced the sparse, short hairs on his pecs. Last night it was too dark to see him properly and now that I wouldn’t be caught ogling him, I couldn’t get enough. I could take in every glorious inch of him.

  My hand dipped down running across each ridge of his six pack where a trail of hair disappeared under the sheet. I was surprised at how little hair Luke had on his body and what little he did have was most probably kept trimmed. On anyone else it would have seemed pretentious, but he knew what looked good on his body and I fully appreciated everything he had to offer. Especially the delicious ‘V’ that led down to what I wanted to see the most.

  Sliding down the bed, my tongue sought out the smooth skin of that wonderful ‘V’, trailing i
t until I needed to push the sheet down past the promise land. I was going to wake Luke up and thank him for all the orgasms he’d given me yesterday the best way I knew how.

  My eyes feasted on every inch of his body as I ran my hands along his muscular thighs and up to his shaft where I froze.

  Luke was large and thick, and already hard. His penis was begging to make my acquaintance once again. I wanted to make him happy, but I had no clue how to do that. Luke was uncut, and I’d never seen a cock look like that, let alone knew what to do with it.

  “Are you just going to stare at it or…” Luke’s voice broke the spell his uncircumcised cock had put me in and I jumped almost falling off the bed. “Shit!” Strong arms pulled me over him until I was safely away from the edge of the bed where I promptly buried my head in embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “I know. I was transfixed by your penis.” My hand slapped over my mouth. “Oh God, I can’t believe I said that.”

  “I think it's pretty great if I do say so myself. If you need more time to…” Luke pointed at his still hard shaft.

  “Well, I… I’m not sure how to say this.” I sucked in my lips in an effort to not say the wrong thing. “I’m not very worldly and I…”

  “What does that have to do with my cock?” His eyebrows furrowed as he looked from me to his penis that was now laying against his stomach, slowly softening.

  “I haven’t been with very many men in my life. You’re lucky number five.” He smiled as if honored to be my fifth. “What I’m trying to say is that I’ve never seen, let alone handled anyone uncircumcised. It caught me off guard.”

  “I can see that.”

  There was nothing on his face to give him away, Luke’s face was blank as he silently looked at me. The worst part about the whole situation was that I had a feeling that I’d hurt his feelings. Had I made him feel as if I was disgusted by him?

  “Luke.” The one word was filled with sadness and regret. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m the ignorant one here. I never thought about the fact that you would most likely not be circumcised. I wanted to wake you up in a pleasurable way, but when I saw you, I had no idea what to do. Am I supposed to leave it alone, pull the skin back, or hell, I don’t know. Ugh!” I covered my face with my hands. “I’m just digging myself a bigger hole. I’ve messed this all up. I’m sorry.”


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