Torn Hearts

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Torn Hearts Page 10

by M. E. Gordon

  “I’m fine. I just have to sit down and figure out if I want to open this or toss it in the trash.” Sitting in the lobby, I dropped my bag next to me and sat, placing the box on my lap.

  I weighed my options. On one hand, he was a freaking Greek God, and if a Greek God sent you something, you should probably open it. On the other hand, Salvatore was absolutely baffling. Who goes around grabbing random people’s ankles? And who sends someone flowers and love notes, and then goes out to be publicly photographed with another woman? What, he didn’t think I’d see it? Maybe he is into kinky, underground, multiple partner sex/relationships. Yuck! I think I need to bow out before I find myself chained to a bed.

  I started to think that maybe Teddy was right. I needed to stop day dreaming about someone who wasn’t at all who I was pretending they were, and focus on the man I was getting to know and really like. Taking to my feet, I grabbed my bag and put the box under my arm as I started to head toward the elevator.

  Standing outside my door, I could hear talking. Damn, Gia must have the TV up loud. Turning the knob, I opened it slowly, taking one last breath to clear my head of anything having to do with Spencer Salvatore. I looked down at the box in my hand before covering it with my jacket and placing it on our entry way table.

  “Hello, Belle.”

  Spinning with sonic force, I whirled around to see Simon standing at my kitchen island next to Gia.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming home until Friday?” Dropping the rest of my belongings, I did a double take to make sure the box was securely concealed from Gia’s prying eyes.

  I met Simon halfway in the living room. He grabbed me in a tight embrace. I had almost forgotten how strong he was and what it felt like to be wrapped in his gentle arms. Guilt hit me hard as I realized I hadn’t thought about him since I was trapped in the elevator with Spencer.

  “I’ve missed you so much, Belle.”

  His voice was deep as his eyes raked over me. The hunger in them was so real, I thought he might throw me over his shoulder and take me to my room right then and there.

  “I missed you, too,” I said a little less enthusiastically.

  I didn’t mean it to sound as bad as it did. It’s just been one hell of a confusing day.

  “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you all day. I tried calling, but you never answered. Your phone just kept going straight to voice mail.”

  Crap, my phone! Everything before Spencer came rushing back to me. I remembered getting a call from him and missing it. I was going to call him back, but Spencer happened. I never even looked at my phone the rest of the day.

  Did I even have it on me? I think I would have heard it ring. Taking a step back from Simon, I held my hands up to his chest.

  “Hold on a minute, let me check my bag.” I dived head first into my bag, searching through the black hole. Nothing. “I must have left it at my brothers’ office, God I hope I didn’t lose it.”

  I looked up at Simon. He smiled back at me, holding his hand out for me to take.

  “I’m sure you just left it with your brothers,” he said confidently.

  “I hope so.” Placing my hand in his, I came toe to toe with him. I almost forgot how wonderful he smelled too. Stupid Salvatore.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you are?”

  The warm breath that escaped his lips ran over my ear. The sensation sent a chill through my body, waking it up from its Spencer slumber. I pulled back to look deep into his warm, brown eyes. This is the man I should be thinking about. This is the man who treats me the way I deserve to be treated. It took long enough, but I think I finally found him.

  I draped my arms around his neck and pushed up on my tip toes to kiss his waiting lips. As he pulled me closer, I forgot where I was and concentrated solely on the hand that was running from the middle of my back and over the curve of my bottom.

  “Ahem, I’m still standing in the room.”

  Gia’s voice brought me back. Breaking our kiss, I smiled up at Simon who still had a firm grip on me.

  “Sorry,” I said apologetically.

  “It’s fine. Just take it to your room. Otherwise, sit your ass down, Survivor’s about to start,” Gia said on her way to sit on the couch.

  Looking up at Simon, I pleaded with my eyes. I wasn’t really in the mood to go to my room. Unfortunately, Spencer was still clawing at the corners of my mind, evidently not wanting me to have any fun with Simon.

  We sat on the couch with Gia and I tried to focus on the show, but I wasn’t even in the same room as them. I heard Gia talking and felt Simon rubbing my arm, but as much as I hated to admit it, I was stuck in a small elevator with Spencer Salvatore.

  I found myself making a dumb excuse about being tired and needing to sleep after the show was over. Not even arguing with me, Simon simply kissed me goodnight. How much more perfect could he possibly be? The guilt of thinking about another man while being in the arms of this one was gnawing at my insides. I don’t deserve Simon. I found it hard to believe Simon was so laid back and easy going.

  Chapter 11

  Grabbing my jacket with the box tightly concealed under it, I made a break for my room. “I’ve got a lot of work to get done, so I’m just going to call it a night,” I said, keeping my head down and heading for my room.

  “Hey, are you all right? Did something happen today?” Straining her neck before I slipped into the hall, Gia shot a concerned look my way.

  I can’t get into this with her right now.

  “Nah, I’m fine, just a lot on my mind with the charity event and school.” Hopefully that will keep her off my back until I’m ready to bring another person into my twisted love life.

  Turning back to the TV, she called down the hall, “Well, I’m here if you need me.”

  “Thanks, Gia,” I said, before closing my door.

  That night my head was moving at warp speed. How could someone I barely knew, have such an effect on me? I should have been knee deep into Simon, yet I was lying in bed, alone, watching the clock tick as my mind kept throwing ridiculous fantasies of Spencer at me.

  It was a good thing I didn’t have classes tomorrow because, before I knew it, it was two in the morning and I hadn’t even closed my eyes yet. Oh, this is ridiculous! I ripped the covers off and went to sit at my desk. I turned the computer on and waited for it to start up.

  Fame’s website stared back at me. It wasn’t a good idea. I shouldn’t be interested in anything on this web page. Oh, what the hell? I moved the cursor to search and typed in Spencer Salvatore. The page went black while it loaded. Lovely. His beautiful face was staring back at me when I looked up. Scrolling down, I read the little biography they had on him.

  Spencer Salvatore, young, determined, and sexy as hell! This thirty-year-old has taken the night, bar, and restaurant scene by storm. Having over twenty hot spots all over the world, this newcomer has plans to expand even more. Did I mention he’s single, ladies? Although Mr. Salvatore is rarely seen with a woman by his side, it seems times are changing. Recently spotted with Elizabeth Monroe--the mysterious sister to Theodore and Charles Monroe--it seems there is still hope for those of us waiting for this very eligible bachelor to pick the perfect woman. We’ll all be on the edge of our seats, waiting to see what happens.

  Bad idea, very bad. I slammed the computer shut and threw myself into bed, thankful that sleep finally came, but not before I imagined what it would be like to be with Spencer, to be his “perfect woman.”

  I woke up in a haze, not sure how to deal with the day that was ahead of me. I still hadn’t opened that stupid box and I had to find a way to get excited about Simon, since Spencer pretty much made me forget about him with one look. I needed to shower. Maybe I can wash Spencer out of my mind.

  With my thoughts back together, I called Simon on the house phone.

  “Hey, babe,” he answered.

  “Good morning.”

  “You just get up?” he asked with concern
in his voice.

  “Kind of, I was up later than I expected catching up on school stuff.” Well, not all of it was a lie.

  “Oh, well, do you want me to come over and pick you up? I’d like to spend my whole day looking at you.”

  Damn he knows how to make me feel good. “Yes, please. I wouldn’t mind looking at you all day, either.”

  “I’m on my way,” he said, before hanging up.

  I was watching TV when the doorbell chimed. There on the other side of the open door stood Simon, arms crossed and the devil in his smoldering brown eyes, not saying a word. I had to back up to give him room as he walked in. Smiling at me, he moved quickly. His strong arms lifted me up and spun me around.

  My first reaction was to wiggle free. Not one to be picked up like a rag doll, I was petrified he was going to drop me. How embarrassing would that be, my fat ass landing on top of him.

  “Oh my God! Simon, put me down.” My half-laughing, half-shrieking protest was high-pitched and not normal coming from my mouth.

  “I’ve never heard that sound before. I like it,” he said, nuzzling his head in my neck, as he let me slide down his solid body.

  Blushing--I know I am.

  “There it is, that beautiful pink hue on your cheeks.”

  I took a moment to look up into his warm, brown eyes, his smile, “You cut your hair!” I ruffled his shorter hair. Man I can’t curl it around my finger anymore. What the hell?

  “What? You don’t like it? It was getting a little long. I don’t want to look like a girl, or worse, Fabio.”

  Fantasies started taking over. Simon with long, shoulder length, sandy hair leaning over me as it gently fell around his face. Add that one to my ever-growing list.

  “It’s okay for now, but I kind of like the idea of Fabio,” I said, while running a hand back through his shorter hair.

  “Well, if Fabio is what you want, Fabio is what you’ll get. I’m never cutting it again,” he said, grinning. “I was thinking that we could go over to your brothers’ office, see if anyone has found your phone, and then possibly get lunch? What do you think?” he asked, holding me tight around the waist.

  Humph, the two of us riding in the elevator hand-in-hand? Of course, Spencer would be standing right outside the doors as they opened. I’d drop Simon’s hand and rush into Spencer’s arms, because that’s what I do in my fantasies. I always choose the wrong guy. Not today! I’d hold onto Simon’s hand. Who cares if Spencer sees me with someone else? It’s not like we are, ever were, or ever are going to be dating.

  “That’s a great idea and you can officially meet my brothers.”

  “Wow, this just got serious, meeting your family. Maybe I should have thought this out a little more. I’m a little nervous all of a sudden.”

  Stretching up on my toes, I touched my lips to the corner of his mouth. His hold on me tightened, as he turned to kiss me full on. His now-familiar taste was welcome on my lips.

  “If you do that in front of them, there might be a little tension, so make sure to keep your beastly paws to yourself while were there.”

  Smiling down at me, he rested his head on mine. “Dually noted, no groping in front of your brothers. It will be challenging, but I think I can manage for an hour,” he said, smiling against my cheek.

  When we arrived at my brothers’ office, we went straight for the elevators. I waved over to Danielle as we waited for the doors to open. She gave me a big thumbs up and smiled over at me. I smiled back, not really sure what the thumbs up was for. Did she finally get to sleep with Charles? Who knows with that one? She then pointed next to her, nodding her head as she looked Simon up and down. I peeked over at Simon who was oblivious to the whole silent conversation. The sun caught his light-colored hair and his muscular frame was perfectly dressed.

  I instinctively grabbed a hold of his hand, claiming him as my own. Such an insecure thing to do, but who was I kidding? It wasn’t every day a hot guy like Simon was with a girl like me.

  “What’s this about?” he asked, holding our hands up. “Nervous?”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle up at him. “See the girl over at the reception desk?”

  He tried his best to nonchalantly look over, but he was a man and incapable of that.

  “Yeah?” he said, turning back to me.

  “Let’s just say she’s a bit of a man hoarder. She was checking you out and I wanted to make sure she knows you’re not available.”

  “Oh really, a man hoarder?” he asked, looking over at her again.

  “She collects them. She’s currently trying to get Charles, as of yesterday, that is. Who knows about today?”

  I could hear the elevator approaching. It couldn’t have gotten there fast enough. It was an awkward feeling, having to claim someone so they didn’t get snatched out from under you. Glancing up, I saw Simon smile over at Danielle, only to see her send a seductive one back. The next thing I knew, my cheeks were warm and covered by large hands that weren’t mine. Lips found mine as Simon kissed me. Pulling away when the door opened, I blinked my eyes open to see a wicked grin spread across Simon’s face. Taking my hand in his again, he pulled me into the elevator, spinning me so my back was to his front. As the doors closed, I saw Danielle’s, mouth hanging open.

  “What was that for?” I asked, chuckling and squeezing his arms around my waist.

  “Just making sure she knew I was taken. That’s all,” he said into my neck before kissing it.

  I chuckled. “I think that definitely did the trick.”

  As we ascended, the tension turned more serious with every floor we passed. The nerves seemed to be getting to Simon. He wasn’t joking around anymore and he became still. Just as we reached our destination, I pulled away from his embrace, because...Ugh, who am I kidding? I know why I pulled away. The scenario of Spencer standing on the other side of the doors terrifies me and, if by some chance it does come true, I don’t want Simon to feel my body tense up at the sight of Spencer. When they did open, I was extremely relieved that no one was standing on the other side. I walked over to Adam, Simon hot on my heels.

  “Hey, Adam,” I said, leaning on his desk.

  “Hey, girl, you miss me that much?” he asked, while he primped his slicked back, blond hair.

  “Obviously! But in all seriousness, I lost my phone yesterday. I was wondering if anyone has seen it.”

  “No, honey, I’m sorry, no one has said anything.”

  “Great,” I said, rolling my eyes. “If you see it or hear anything about a found phone, please let me know or give it to my brothers.”

  “Sure thing, I can do that. Hey, did you ask Danielle downstairs?”

  I shook my head, smiling inwardly. “I’ll ask her on the way out. Are the boys busy?” I asked, pointing down the hall, silently sending a prayer up that they were alone and not meeting with a certain someone.

  “Nope, they’re just in their offices. They only had one meeting today, which was early this morning. You can go ahead on back. Not like you need my permission.”

  I smiled across to him.

  “Umm, who’s this?” Adam asked, resting his elbows on the desk to hold his head up, a seductive smile spread across his face.

  What is with people today? Doesn’t anyone have any self-restraint? “This is Simon. Simon, this is Adam, my brother’s very nosy receptionist.”

  Adam held his hand out femininely toward Simon. Taking Simon’s hand in his, Adam shook it daintily. “And Simon is...” he asked, gazing into Simon’s eyes.

  “Umm...he’s umm...” I stumbled with my words like a child.

  “I’m a good friend,” Simon said for me.

  We hadn’t discussed anything about how I was going to introduce him to, well, anyone. Were we dating, hanging out? The idea of casual dating made me feel a little less like a crazy, horny woman with her sights set on two different men.

  “Well, I’m Adam, as Beth so nicely put it before, and if you need anything, you just let me know,” h
e said, winking at Simon as he finished introducing himself.

  Still holding onto Adam’s hand Simon leaned a little closer to him. “Oh, I will do that, thank you.”

  I was pretty sure if Simon hadn’t been holding Adam’s hand, Adam would have fallen off his chair.

  Shaking my head, I grabbed Simon’s free hand. “Come on, you savage beast, let’s go find my brothers.” I dragged him down the hall, all the while Adam was practically leaning over his desk to watch us walk away. “You sure do know how to leave people speechless,” I said to Simon.

  “I can’t help it. I have that effect on people. After all, that’s how I got you.”

  I shook my head as I peeked into Charles’ office. “You are something else. Should I be worried if you have this ‘effect’ on everyone? They must be in Teddy’s office, come on.” I started walking the rest of the way down the hall, but was pulled back toward Simon.

  “No,” he said.

  Confused, I frowned, not sure what we were actually talking about anymore.

  “You don’t have to worry about anything or anyone. You are it for me. There’s no one else.”

  “Oh, that’s good to know,” I said, smiling up at him.

  “Belle, listen, you’re not my good friend.” He held tighter onto my hands. “You’re more than that, but if that’s what you’re comfortable with right now, then that’s what I’ll be for you, but I want you to know I’m ready for more. I’m ready for all of it, all of you.”

  Is this happening right now? Is he asking me to be exclusive with him? All the years I spent as a lonely teenager, only wanting one thing--to have a boy ask me out. And now, I can’t even be sure I can say yes without thinking I’m making a mistake. God damn, Salvatore, why did I have to meet him?

  I was so mad at myself for not being able to just say yes. Simon was searching my face for an answer, a smile, something to show him that I was in it with him. When I didn’t answer him, he did.

  “I can be whatever you want me to be, just know that it’s not going to turn me away, or stop me from doing this,” he said, pulling me closer to his body. Caressing my cheek, he ran his thumb across my lower lip then down the side of my jaw before he kissed my lips tenderly.


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