Torn Hearts

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Torn Hearts Page 24

by M. E. Gordon

  Well shit. Now I feel even worse.

  “Why are you asking me that?” he asked.

  “I just thought that if you had been with someone then maybe that’s why you weren’t upset when I told you about Spencer. You know? Eye for an eye.”

  “Beth, I cared about you. I still care about you. Don’t get me wrong. I was pissed, really pissed. But how can I blame you? We were official for, what? Forty-eight hours before I left you? You’re a hot commodity. What can I say? I was a fool for agreeing to leave you. Looking back now, I should have told my boss to go fuck herself and just dealt with the consequences.”

  Simon was a good man, and I didn’t want to lose him, so I said, “Yes.”

  He questioned my “Yes,” with scrunched eyebrows.

  “Yes, I want to start over. As long as you don’t leave me in the next forty-eight hours,” I said, in all seriousness.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he said, caressing my cheek.

  I smiled. “Good.”

  Just like when we first came to our café months ago, the minutes slipped away turning into hours.

  “Look at them,” I said, pointing to the paparazzi still standing outside, waiting for me to leave.

  “They love you, Beth. You’re beautiful and normal. The public has latched itself on to you and they want to know more.”

  How the hell does he know what the public wants? “Really? And how do you know all this?” I asked, sitting back and crossing my arms.

  “You’re real. People can relate to you, unlike most in the spot light.”

  Is he saying what I think he’s saying? People only like me because I’m not a stick figure? “I’m all for having better role models, but me? I don’t think so.” Not this body-conscious brunette. I hated the spotlight.

  “Well, you are. All over the world, to be honest with you.”

  The world? “I don’t want it. I don’t want anything but my normal life back. I would kill to make it all go away. Don’t even get me started on those Fame photographers. If I ever get my hands on one of them, they’re going to need dental records to identify them!” Ooo, I’m heated up now.

  “Killing might be a little over the top, don’t you think?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I thought it over again. “I guess. Prison probably wouldn’t suit me so well.”

  Smiling, Simon nodded in agreement. “Yeah, it wouldn’t suit me either.”

  I laughed. Damn, he’s cheeky. Reaching down into my bag, I pulled out my phone to check the time. “Do you think they will ever leave me alone?”

  “Honestly, I don’t think they are going anywhere if they still think you and Spencer are together.”

  I don’t like that little smirk on his face. What’s he getting at? “Well, what are we going to do about that?” I asked, placing my bag on my lap.

  “Give them a show. Let them know you’re with me and not him.”

  Sneaky. I see what he did there. “You think that would work?” I asked, amused at what he thought was a fool-proof plan.

  “I know it will work,” he said confidently.

  He opened the door for me and I walked out as cameras went off all around me. Coming up behind me, Simon wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. The smile that came over my face actually hurt. I’d missed him. There was no denying that. I was falling for Simon all over again and I loved every minute of it. The paparazzi were eating it up, too.

  Releasing my waist, he came to stand next to me, taking my hand securely in his. Walking hand-in-hand down the sidewalk, he leaned over and whispered in my ear, saying ridiculous things to make me laugh. I held on to his hand, reveling at how comfortable and natural it felt to have him so close, even after all that had happened. My feelings for Simon weren’t a fluke. Maybe I’d made the right choice in leaving Spencer.

  Not wasting any time, we hurried over to Simon’s hotel room, the paparazzi still hot on our heels.

  Standing outside of Simon’s door, I didn’t hesitate to walk over the threshold. We had a lot of missed time to make up for and I wasn’t going to second guess myself about it.

  Taking his shirt off and tossing it on the floor, he swept me up and into his embrace, kissing me tenderly. Resting his forehead on mine, he rubbed up and down my back.

  “Thank you for choosing me. I don’t deserve it, but I’m so grateful you did. I’m in love with you, and that will never change, no matter what.”

  I nodded up at him before pulling his face down to mine, kissing him. I didn’t want to dwell on the past and the choices I had made. What I wanted to do was move on.

  I pulled back from him, taking my sweat shirt off, leaving only a tank top between my skin and his. Reaching down, he grabbed the end, pulling it up and off my body. I took advantage of the moment of separation and turned around to slide my pants off, making sure to give a show as I did. He did the same, minus the show. I stood there in only my underwear, which for once wasn’t boy cut, but rather a skimpy thong that I had been dying to get off, the moment I put it on. The tight leggings I had on required the thong or so Gia had so honestly informed me before I left the house.

  Moving my hair to the side, he came up behind me, kissing up and down my neck, wrapping his hands around my waist. I stretched my body in what I hoped was an appealing way.

  He latched his thumbs in either side of my underwear. “I like these,” he breathed in my ear.

  “Well, you can’t have them, if that’s what you’re asking,” I said, just as breathily.

  “Oh, I don’t want them, as long as you keep wearing them. They give me better access to this,” he said, grabbing my ass tightly in his hands then letting go to gently smack it.

  Whipping around, I saw that devilish smile of his. “You’re bad, you know that?”

  Leaning over, he kissed me, and I could feel the smile on his face, as the palm of his hand found my ass again.

  He slapped my ass for a third time. “Hey!” I said, pushing him back.

  “Don’t act like you don’t deserve it.”

  Ouch! Guilt trip much? Tugging me closer, he moved us to the bed. I watched in guilty pleasure as he removed his boxers and reached for his night stand. “You’re lucky I have one of these,” he said, returning with a condom.

  “Yeah. Wouldn’t want to resort to the ‘Plan B’ Pill.” I can’t help myself. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing, but it was useless.

  “Ha, ha. Now get your ass over here,” he said, grabbing my ankles and dragging me across the bed.

  Crawling over me, he left a trail of kisses down my body. I threw my head back as his tongue glided over and in-between my legs. It was like coming home with him. His touch was soft and loving. When he came up and pressed into me, I expected it to feel tighter than it did. I wondered if he could tell. Fucking Spencer and his huge cock ruined everything for me.

  Watching his large football frame move over me, I became more excited with every thrust. His hands pressed deeply into the mattress on either side of my head. I held tight on to his arms, moving my hips up to meet his.

  Lowering his head to mine, he spoke softly. “I love you so much. I promise I’m never going to hurt you again.”

  Opening my eyes at his words, I studied his face. What the hell was that about? Ahh, fuck who cares? He moved a hand in between us, circling over my sensitive core as he continued driving into me at a steady pace.

  “Oh God! Oh S--S--”Shit, who am I with? “S--Simon,” I called to him as the walls within me pulsated in pleasure. Holy crap that could have been so bad. Thank God, his name starts with an S, too.

  “That was worth it all,” he said, as he lay next to me panting.

  I nodded in agreement before turning away from him. I can’t believe I almost cried out Spencer’s name.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Simon asked, turning my face back to his. “You look a little pale.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little lightheaded.” I tilted my head so I could kiss him.

Pulling me in close to him, he held me, rubbing my back with the tips of his fingers.

  This was the start of something new between us. This was how normal people treated each other.

  It doesn’t get any better than this, right?

  Chapter 26

  The week rolled on and Simon and I acted like the past month and a half hadn’t even happened. We had picked up right where we had left off, and I couldn’t have been happier. I even invited him to spend Christmas with my family.

  We drove from the airport to the family house in New York, with Teddy and Gia. I watched as they held hands across from us in the limo. Teddy looked so in love, but Gia--something was up with her. She stared out the window, seemingly deep in thought.

  As much as I wanted my brother to be happy, I didn’t want him to be with someone who wasn’t equally happy with him. I couldn’t help but think that maybe her feelings for Charles weren’t as smothered as she once thought.

  We watched as the boys carried the luggage up the front walk. Grabbing her arm, I turned Gia back toward me.

  “What’s up with you?” I asked her.

  “Nothing, I’m fine,” she said, trying to brush me off.

  “Well, you seem a little off,” I said, pulling her back again as she tried to twist from me.

  “I’m fine.”

  Damn, I didn’t expect the attitude. “Calm down, I’m just concerned. You haven’t spoken since last night, and you kept to yourself the whole way here. It’s just not like you.”

  Turning toe to toe with me, she took an aggressive step and got in my face. We were both tall but she had a few inches over me. “Look, I can guess where you’re going with this, and you need to stop now. I’m not in some wild love triangle with your brothers. I’m not you! I can make a decision.”

  What the heck just happened? I can’t believe her! How dare her? I’d done nothing but be there for her every time she’d needed me, and I never once had I threw it back in her face, like she was doing to me.

  “Fuck you, Gia! At least I didn’t sleep with every guy that walked on campus. Maybe you and Charles deserve each other.” I steamrolled past her and walked toward the front door.

  “At least I had a sex life the past four years!” she screamed from the walkway.

  I stopped dead in my tracks. The last thing I ever wanted to do was argue with her, but here we were. Seemed whatever built-up animosity we had toward one another had just boiled over. “I’m not doing this with you, Gia. You come and talk to me when you want, and we both know you will. Until then, don’t break my brothers’ hearts, because as much as I care about you, I care about them more.”

  I continued my walk back to the house where Simon was standing in the doorway. He had to have heard it all. Smartly, he moved out of the way so I could walk by him and into the house.


  “You okay?” Simon asked, standing in the doorway to my bedroom.

  I had been calming down in my room for over thirty minutes, and I was okay, until he asked me.

  “Ooo, she makes me so mad sometimes. And I’m the one with mood swings? Has she looked in the mirror lately?” Pacing my room, I continued to rant and rave.

  “Wow, you’re really pissed. Don’t get mad at me, but you’re really turning me on right now.”

  I shot daggers his way as he held his hands up in submission. “I swear if she hurts, Teddy--to be with Charles, of all people! That would kill Teddy.”

  Leaning against the door, Simon placed his hands in his pockets and continued to watch me move about the room. “I didn’t know she had a thing for Chuck,” he commented, but I didn’t really pay attention.

  “She knew what I was going through. At least I wasn’t sleeping with brothers!” I quickly looked at Simon. “You’re not related to Salvatore in any way are you?” I asked, praying the answer was no.

  “Not that I know of,” he said, moving across the room to the bed. “Well, I did have a cousin--”

  I pushed him and he fell back on the bed laughing.

  “Not funny, Simon.”

  Hearing a knock at the open door, we both turned to see Gran. “Dinner is ready, wash up, so we can eat.”

  We both nodded and watch her turn to leave. Okay deep breath, just get through dinner and then you and Simon can some hibernate in your room for the rest of the night.

  Luckily, dinner wasn’t as bad as I expected. Gia was civil and I tried my best not to look pissed off. It was hard, but I did my best to put on a smile and laugh at jokes.

  Safely back in my room, Simon and I lay in bed watching TV. Grabbing the remote, he turned the volume off and looked at me, all serious. “Beth, I need to tell you something important--”

  “Simon, I can’t take any more serious talk right now. Can it wait until tomorrow? I really just want to watch some TV and go to bed,” I said, cutting him off. Turning the volume back up, I smiled up at him and kissed his cheek.

  “Yeah, it can wait,” he said, getting comfortable again.


  Christmas Eve was our family’s big night. It was magical and we loved it. Gran had prepared a big dinner and the only thing keeping us from enjoying her wonderful cooking was Charles. He was late, as usual.

  We were all sitting in the formal living room around the tree when he arrived, with Danielle. I watched Gia’s reaction as the pair walked in. She immediately looked at me, and I knew for sure this whole mess between us was because of Charles. I smiled over at her, because I felt bad for her. Whether she was being a bitch or not, she was my friend and I hated seeing her so stressed.

  I turned away from her and laid in on Charles. “Gran’s going to have your ass for being late.”

  “Oh, stuff it, Beth. We got stuck in traffic. We’re here now, so drop it.”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. Gran was going to make Charles do all the dishes, and I took a peek a few minutes ago. He was going to be in there all night.

  “Finally! Come on everyone before dinner gets even colder,” Gran said, entering the room.

  “Gran, I’m sorry, we got stuck in traffic,” Charles pleaded.

  “Save it, Chuck,” Gran said, hugging him and tuning to Danielle. “Hello, sweetie. I’m Gran. Don’t be surprised if you don’t see him all night. He has dish duty.”

  I knew it! I should have bet money!

  I carried the last of the dishes into the kitchen and found Gia and Charles standing at the sink. I wondered if I looked that desperate whenever I was near Spencer. God I hoped not.

  “Gia,” I said. “Can I have a word with you?”

  Nodding, she left Charles’s side to follow me.

  I closed us in to one of the many guest rooms in the house. I couldn’t even get a sound out before she was spilling her guts.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing,” she confessed.

  Sitting on the edge of the perfectly made bed, I saw the tears well up in her eyes. “Gia, I get it, I honestly do. But you can’t lead Teddy on if you still have feeling for Charles.”

  “I slept with Chuck the night they came over after the picture of you and Spencer at the charity event popped up. They had both left, but Charles came back. Early the next morning, he told me had made a mistake and to act like it never happened, so I did.”

  I can’t take all this drama. I think I’m getting an ulcer.

  “But Teddy came back to check on us that morning. We talked until he left a few hours later, and that’s who you saw leaving. Ever since then, Teddy and I have been hanging out and--and, I fell for him.”

  That was a lot to process. That jerk of a brother slept with her, even though I specifically told him not to, because of this exact reason.

  “Gia, you have to do what’s right. You can’t lead Teddy on.” It hurt to think that my brother was going to be crushed.

  “I don’t want to. I think I love him. Chuck is never going to change. It does feel good to see him get jealous like he did at the club, but seeing him with someone else hurts.”

nbsp; I nodded in agreement because I knew all too well.

  “What am I going to do?” she asked.

  Honestly, I had no clue what to tell her. So I tried to wing it. “Do what your heart tells you, but let’s figure it out tomorrow. It’s time to open presents, and I wouldn’t mind seeing Charles get jealous again. Would you be up for it?” I asked, bumping her shoulder playfully.

  “Ah, hell. Whatever. Let’s go make him cringe,” she said, standing.

  Our family had shipped all the presents to the house so everything would be there when we arrived. We sat around the tree and handed out presents. Gran got a new cookbook from Teddy. I got Charles a watch. Teddy gave Gia a pair of diamond earrings. I wish I could have taken a picture of Charles face as she kissed him. Priceless. I gave Simon a new camera bag since his was practically falling apart. Best of all, he surprised me with a beautiful necklace. The letter S hung on a thin silver chain, I immediately put it on. It must have cost him a fortune. There had to have been at least ten diamonds set in to the platinum S. One of them looked large enough to be in a ring.

  The process went on and on until all the presents were passed out. “Well, I guess that’s it,” I said, sitting on the floor and crossing my legs.

  “Not quiet,” Gran said before standing. “There’s one more. It’s behind the tree, I think. It was the first present to arrive. It’s for you, muffin.”

  Standing to meet her, I took the perfectly wrapped box from her and sat on the couch next to Gia.

  Gia saw it as soon as I did. My name was perfectly written in that signature handwriting. The wrapping was white, gold, and silver. It shimmered beautifully in the light. Placing the large box on my lap I untied the rose red ribbon. I made sure the box covered my face as I opened it. Holding the box lid to help cover my face, I thanked God that Gia and I had settled our beef before this all happened.

  There on top of white tissue paper lay a note in an all too familiar handwriting.

  A replacement for the one I ruined. I’m sorry I made you choose. I should have given you the time you asked for. I’ve been using that time to prove to you that I’m the only one who deserves your love. I’m falling apart without you, I need you. Tell me what else I can do. ~ Spencer


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