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Possessed by Passion

Page 11

by Brenda Jackson

  Once he was deeply embedded in her, he began moving, gently at first, one long stroke after another. But when he felt her nails dig deep into his back at the same time she rolled her hips beneath him, he picked up the pace and began pounding into her, hard and fast. He broke off the kiss and continued to thrust hard, over and over again. Grazing his jaw against her ear, he growled low in his throat. “Come for me, baby.”

  No sooner had he made the request than her body bucked in a bow beneath him and she screamed his name. “Tyson!”

  But she didn’t slow down. The spasms kept coming and she continued moving frantically beneath him, keeping up with the sensuous rhythm he’d established. Tyson decided that if she wanted a multiple orgasm this round then that’s what he would give her. He sank deeper and deeper inside her while thrusting harder and harder.

  His stomach clenched with need every time it touched hers and the hairs on his chest stirred to life whenever they came in contact with the hard nipples of her breasts. She tightened her legs around him and screamed his name at the same time he growled hers.

  Fireworks seemed to go off inside Tyson’s head. His entire body ignited into one hell of a gigantic explosion. He drew in a deep breath, thinking never had an orgasm felt so good. So perfect. The impact had his entire body quivering. Leaning down, he captured Hunter’s mouth in a long, drugging kiss before easing off her to lie on his side.

  Tyson pulled Hunter into his arms, entwining his legs with hers, still needing the connection. From the sound of her even breathing, he knew she had drifted back to sleep and he held her closer. Glancing down, he studied her features. She was a woman who didn’t go out of her way to be sexy, yet she was sexy anyway. A woman who claimed she’d never seduced a man, but she had seduced the hell out of him. A woman who’d turned her bedroom into a romantic hot spot to set the mood for seduction. And a woman who had refused his advances until she’d gotten ready to accept them.

  His brain felt as if it had short-circuited and he still didn’t know why. So instead of getting more confused than he already was, he followed Hunter’s lead and closed his eyes to join her in sleep.

  * * *

  As sunlight filtered through the window in her bedroom, Hunter slowly came awake. The even breathing close to her ear let her know she wasn’t alone. She hadn’t meant for Tyson to spend the night and had been pretty adamant that he didn’t. All it had taken was a kiss, followed by another and topped with the best lovemaking she had ever experienced in her life to make her change her mind. Although she hadn’t given Tyson the okay to stay, he had known. Why wouldn’t he, when all he’d had to do was slide his hands between her legs or his tongue in her mouth and she became putty in his hands?

  Probably just like all those other women.

  She closed her eyes, not wanting to dwell on that thought now. But she knew she had to. She had no regrets about last night. Far from it. Tyson had opened her eyes to a lot of things, such as just how much of an ass Carter had been to deny her the very things she needed, not only as a wife but also as a woman.

  She thought how she hadn’t experienced an orgasm in four years, even longer if she was to count the times she’d shared Carter’s bed and hadn’t been fulfilled. Thanks to Tyson, she’d gotten more in one night than she’d had in all her years of marriage. She didn’t want to think how many times she had screamed and wouldn’t be surprised if her throat was sore this morning. So regardless of anything else, she appreciated Tyson for reminding her what it felt like to be a woman again. And what it felt like to have needs and have those needs satisfied to the fullest.

  Not only had he given her a chance to seduce him, but he’d also agreed that she could to do it the way she wanted. Even after she’d told him she had never seduced a man before. Yet he had allowed her to take control, to “handle things,” even when he hadn’t fully understood her need to do so. He had no idea that last night restored her confidence in herself as a woman. It was the confidence Carter had painstakingly stripped from her.

  However, upon waking up this morning she was faced with the realization that all good things must come to an end. After today, Tyson would go his way and she would go hers. In a day or two she would only be a fleeting memory to him, if that. At least she could say she never shared Tyson Steele’s bed. He’d shared hers.

  “You’re awake.”

  Before she could react to his words, Tyson surprised her by drawing her even closer into the curve of his warm body. It had been a while since she’d awakened with a man in her bed, especially one who liked to snuggle and hold her through the night. Even when she and Carter had slept together, he had stayed in his corner of the bed and she’d stayed in hers. And those times when they did have sex, afterward they returned to those corners. It had never bothered her before because she’d gotten used to it. But spending one single night with Tyson was a stark reminder of what she’d put up with in her marriage.

  Hunter tilted her head to look at Tyson and wished she hadn’t. He had that early morning look—sleepy eyes with dark stubble along his chin and jaw—that begged for her touch. She was tempted to reach out and run her fingers along his chin to feel it for herself. She was convinced no man should look this sexy in the morning.

  Finally, she responded to him. “Yes, I’m awake.”

  “Good. Take a shower with me before I leave.”

  Why did she get the feeling he seemed rather anxious to leave? And he wanted them to shower together? She honestly didn’t think that was a good idea and was about to tell him so when he added, “Just one last thing we can do together.”

  He’d practically said the same thing about that kiss last night. Only problem was one thing had led to another and then another. She could see taking a shower with him that lasted for hours. She’d discovered Tyson could be very creative when it came to sex and could just imagine some of his artistic ideas for her in the bathroom.

  When she hesitated he nudged her. “Are you going to deny me the chance for you to wash my back?”

  She couldn’t help but chuckle. “Or deny you the chance to wash mine?” she countered.

  “Umm, I have no problem washing your back...or any other part of you that you’d like me to give attention to.”

  Yes, she bet he wouldn’t have a problem with it. “I think you gave enough attention to my body parts last night. I’ll be surprised if I’m able to walk today.”

  “Sorry about that.”

  She waved off his words. “Don’t apologize. I needed last night. Screams and all. Trust me.”

  He shifted to stare into her eyes. “Why?”

  He didn’t need to know, she thought. The less he knew about her needs, the better. “Doesn’t matter. And I’ll pass on sharing that shower with you. I’m not ready to get up yet.”

  “You sure?”


  He stared at her for a second and then without saying anything else, he eased away from her, got out of the bed and headed out of the bedroom. “The bathroom is that way,” she said to him, trying not to notice his nakedness. He had no shame walking around naked and she had no shame getting an eyeful. He had a beautiful body, one any woman would appreciate.

  “I know. I need to grab my overnight bag from the living room.”

  She nodded, remembering the infamous bag. The one containing all those condoms they’d nearly gone through last night.

  It took him only a minute to get the bag and she watched when he walked back through the bedroom and headed for the bathroom. He stopped and glanced over at her. “You’re sure you don’t want to join me?”

  No, she wasn’t sure, but she knew it would be for the best. Too much of Tyson could become addictive. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  Flashing a sexy smile, one that caused her pulse to race, he entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

  Hunter shifted in the bed when she heard the sound of the shower. She glanced around the room. The candles had burned down but the fragrance of vanilla lingered in the a
ir, along with that of sex. She felt a tingling sensation in her stomach at the memories of their lovemaking.

  Hunter felt sore between her legs but the soreness would be a reminder of all the pleasure Tyson had given her. He had made back-to-back love to her, allowing her the chance to take naps in between. He had licked her all over and she didn’t have to look down at herself to know he’d probably left passion marks all over her body. Hopefully by Monday they would have faded away. At least she wouldn’t have to see anyone over the weekend. Her parents had gone to a motorcycle race, and her brother and his family had taken off to Disneyland.

  She would lie around and recover from Tyson’s lovemaking, although she knew it would take more than a weekend for her to do that. He had awakened desires in her that she hadn’t known existed. No wonder he was in such high demand with women.

  Deciding to cover her nakedness, she reached out and pulled open the drawer to the nightstand, where she kept her oversized T-shirts. Sliding one over her head, she didn’t miss the passion marks on her chest, stomach and thighs. She figured she’d find the majority of them between her legs. His mouth seemed to particularly like that area of her body.

  Hunter glanced over at the closed bathroom door, tempted to go join Tyson in the shower. She knew she wasn’t thinking with her head, but with overactive hormones. The only good thing was that he was now out of her system, and she was sure she was out of his.

  “I’m ready to leave.”

  She twisted around in bed. She hadn’t heard Tyson come out of the bathroom, but there he was, standing in the middle of the room, fully dressed in a pair of khakis and a polo shirt. He’d shaved but she much preferred the rugged look on him. Still, he looked good.

  “I’ll walk you to the door.” She eased out of bed and winced, feeling a definite soreness between her legs. She grabbed her bathrobe off the chair and put it on.

  “You okay?” he asked, quickly crossing the room to her with a concerned look on his face.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just need to soak in a bath today for a while.”

  “Do you want me to run your bathwater before I go?”

  She thought it was kind for him to offer. “No, that’s not necessary, Tyson. I can manage.”

  He searched her face. “You sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” But even as Hunter said the words, a part of her wondered if she truly would be. Unknowingly, Tyson had given her something last night that no other man had given her. A chance to be herself. To live out her fantasies. To be the sensuous and passionate woman she’d always suspected she was.

  Tyson nodded and for a long moment he stood there not saying anything and just looking at her, and she could feel his stare as if it was a heated caress. Then when she was about to ask him if there was something wrong, he finally said in a deep husky voice, “I don’t want you to walk me to the door, Hunter.”

  She arched a brow. “Why?”

  “Because I want you to get back in bed. That’s the memory I want to leave here with. You in that bed. Your bed. Where we spent most of the night.”

  She didn’t understand his request. “Why?”

  A seriousness she’d never seen before touched his features. “I just do. Last night was special for me.” He paused a moment and then said, “And about those house plans. When I get a chance to look over them I will. After I do, I’ll get back to you.”

  She shrugged. “You don’t really have to do that. We both know the real reason you hired me to draw up those plans.”

  He didn’t deny it. In fact he didn’t say anything for a long moment and then he leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. She figured the kiss was supposed to be short and sweet. However, the moment their lips touched, he pulled her into his arm and went after her mouth with the greed she’d grown accustomed to.

  Resisting never entered her mind. Instead she returned the kiss in the same way she figured he was accustomed to her doing as well. The intensity of his tongue mating with hers nearly brought her to her knees. She moaned in pleasure not only from the kiss, but also from the feel of his masculine strength. And although she should have preferred otherwise, she liked the feel of his hard, engorged erection cradled intimately at the juncture of her thighs. It wouldn’t take much to tumble back in bed and take him with her. There was no doubt in her mind if that was to happen she would eventually let out more screams.

  But Tyson suddenly broke off the kiss.

  He straightened and then gently brushed his knuckles across her cheek. “Go ahead and get back in the bed, Hunter.”

  She nodded and removed her robe. For a quick second she was tempted to remove her T-shirt as well. However, she refused to give in to temptation. The last thing she wanted was to tempt him to stay and make love to her again. They were doing the right thing by parting this way. He was who he was and she was who she was. Besides, last night had only been about sex, so there was no need to get all emotional.

  She tossed her robe on the chair and slid beneath the covers. Stretching out in bed she gazed up at him. “Goodbye, Tyson.”

  He stared at her for a long moment before finally speaking. “Goodbye, Hunter.” And with his overnight bag clutched in his hand he walked out of the bedroom.

  Hunter didn’t release her breath until she heard her front door open and then close behind him.

  Chapter 12

  “So, what’s been going on with you, Tyson?”

  Tyson glanced over at his brother Galen. He had stopped by to see how Brittany and the twins were doing, as well as to see how his laid-back older brother was faring. It seemed Galen had everything under control and had accepted his role as father to twins pretty easily. Almost as easily as he’d stepped into his role as husband.

  To this day it still confused the hell out of Tyson. Of the six of them, Galen had been the most notorious womanizer. His reputation had extended from Phoenix all the way to the Carolinas, specifically Charlotte, North Carolina, where their Steele cousins lived. Galen was the last person Tyson thought would settle down with one woman. Yet now he was a husband and a father. Tyson shook his head. And had he heard Brittany right at dinner tonight when she mentioned them buying a van? Galen was known for his love of sports cars and as a collector of muscle cars. A van was the last vehicle Tyson would have thought his brother would be caught driving.

  Deciding to answer Galen’s question, he said, “Nothing’s been going on with me but the usual. I’ve been pretty busy at the hospital.” But not too busy to think about Hunter McKay, Tyson thought.

  This time last week he’d been inside her. It was hard to believe a full week had passed. He thought of her often. Too damn much, in fact. The days weren’t so bad, since like he told Galen he was pretty busy at the hospital. But it was at night, mainly when he went to bed, when he mostly thought about her. Not making love to her in his bed had turned out to be a good thing, otherwise he would never get any sleep.

  But still...he had made love to her and that was the crux of his problem. They had shared passion, passion and more passion. And now he couldn’t get all that passion out of his mind. He would get an erection just remembering their times together. And what was even worse, it seemed his desire for other women had abandoned him. Women called but he didn’t call them back. How crazy was that?

  “It’s Friday night and you’re off work,” Galen pointed out. “Why aren’t you hanging out at Notorious? That’s usually your mode of entertainment on the weekends.”

  He didn’t need his brother to remind him of that. “Would you believe me if I told you I’m getting bored with the place?”

  Galen stretched his legs out in front of him. “Not unless there’s a reason. Scoping out the women there used to be your favorite pastime.”

  Tyson was tempted to remind Galen that Notorious used to be Galen’s favorite hangout for that same reason before his Brittany days.

  “Is there a reason, Tyson?”

  Tyson shrugged. “No reason.”

  It got quiet and that didn’t bode well for Tyson. He knew Galen. He was trying to figure out things that weren’t his business. Just because he was the oldest, Galen thought he had a right to know everything about what his five brothers were doing. That assumption might have had some merit when they were kids, but now he, Eli, Jonas, Mercury and Gannon were adults and didn’t need their big brother looking over their shoulders.

  “What’s her name?”

  Tyson frowned. “Whose name?”

  “The woman who left her mark on you.”

  Tyson almost chuckled at that. Especially when he recalled all the marks he’d left on Hunter. “No woman left her mark on me, Galen. You’re imagining things.”

  “Am I?”

  To be honest, Tyson wasn’t sure. He still dreamed of Hunter and thought about her all the time. It was quite evident to him that their tumble between the sheets hadn’t worked her out of his system. That annoyed the hell out of him.

  “Did I tell you how I met Brittany?”

  “Yes,” Tyson answered, taking a sip of his wine. “The two of you met for a brief while in New York when we were there for Donovan’s wedding.” Donovan Steele was their cousin who’d gotten married several years ago. If everyone thought Galen falling in love was a shocker, then Donovan doing so was an even bigger one.

  “True, that’s when we first met. We ran into each other again six months later here in Phoenix at the auction house. To make a long story short, she had something I wanted and I had something she wanted.”

  Tyson nodded. “And what did you have that she wanted?”

  “The title to the house she’s now turned into a school.”

  “And what did she have that you wanted?”


  Tyson nearly choked on his drink. And then he quickly glanced around for his sister-in-law, hoping she hadn’t heard what his brother just said.

  Galen smiled. “Relax. Brittany went upstairs to put Ethan and Elyse to bed. But even had she heard me, she would have backed up my story, because it’s the truth.”


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