Sex Me In

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Sex Me In Page 3

by Tianna Xander

  After drawing one last deep breath, Ana let her power unfurl. With Minna’s hands clasped in hers, she drew the pain from the other woman, absorbed it through her mind, her heart and her soul, letting it flood her in ever-increasing waves.

  Pain gripped her. Her body trembled. Her stomach cramped and she gagged, almost vomiting up her last meal. A layer of sweat coated her skin. When she thought she could bear no more pain, no more torment, she found she could take more. She allowed her own soul, her own feelings of self-worth to flood through her hands into Minna, gifting her with happiness and joy.

  The more pain and torment Rachana drew from Minna, the more she showered her with feelings of contentment, pleasure, fulfillment and confidence. Ana refused to allow herself to dwell on her own pain, concentrating only on the healing she could feel in Minna, the changes she could already sense in Minna’s mind.

  Minutes passed or maybe hours. Rachana had no way of knowing how much time passed as she continued to heal the woman seated before her. All her thoughts, her energy, went to giving the gift of happiness to Minna. Only once she was certain that the shadows of torment had left Minna’s soul, did Rachana begin to break the connection between them.

  The more she lessened the strength of the bond between them, the more she felt the pain of Minna’s memories ravaging her own body. She needed to get away, to purge the fear, the horror from her own body before it began to take a toll on her own well-being.

  Shuddering, Ana eased away from Minna and opened her eyes. She could see the tension around Minna’s eyes had lessened; her body no longer remained rigid and tense. No matter how much the healing hurt, she couldn’t regret that she’d lightened the other woman’s burdens. No one should know such suffering as Minna and all the other victims of Banart and Hienial cruelty had. No one.

  Knowing she’d done all she could, Rachana moved to stand. Her legs quaked, her entire body swayed with fatigue. Only the strong arms of her mates made it possible to keep standing.

  Beside her, Wray tightened his hold on her arms, searched her gaze with his. “Come, Ana. You must rest.”

  Before she could move away, she felt Kel stiffen behind her. A surge of awareness blasted between them. She jerked her gaze up, searched the room for whatever threat Kel had felt, trying to sense the danger that she knew they both were aware of.

  Turning her head, her wary gaze met Kel’s. “What is it, Kel? What do you feel?”

  He looked deep into her eyes, seemed to search her very soul before he answered. “I’m not sure. Something is about to happen. I feel it. My Tiger feels it.”

  She nodded, accepting his feelings as truth. Some may have written his thoughts off as nonsense, but Ana knew that the Lady Goddess had bestowed heightened senses upon many, allowing them to know when danger approached.

  Glancing around the room, she noticed that Kel was not the only one who obviously sensed the impending danger. “Come, my mate,” Wray urged. “I must warn my crew. If you both feel that danger approaches, then we must prepare.” Nodding, Ana allowed her mates to pull her toward the seat she’d vacated before the healing. Seconds after she’d settled against the soft fur covering of the chair, warning alarms sounded throughout the room.

  “Dammit! Those are proximity alarms.” Wray grimaced, stroked his hand through her long tresses. “I will be back. Stay here with Kel and the others until I can determine just what is going on.”

  Before she could object, Wray turned on his heel and raced out of the room.

  * * * *

  Running a hand through his hair, Wray quickly made his way toward the command deck. No matter how much he wanted to remain by his mate’s side, this was his ship. As alpha, it was his duty to prepare for whatever danger might be out there. He must meet this situation head on. He would face any newcomers, whether they were friend or foe.

  As soon as he reached the command center, another proximity alarm began to clamor. “What do you see, Officer Boneget?” Wray asked his second in command. Though Kaylen Boneget was his closest friend and ally, on board ship, he couldn’t let his personal ties influence the command protocols established for all those serving aboard the Lupin fleet.

  “I detect five Banart Attack Vessels and four Hienial transport ships approaching our location, Alpha. What are our orders?” Officer Boneget announced.

  Damn, he thought. How can we defeat nine ships? Wray had to think fast. He needed to protect his ship and all the people on it, but he couldn’t just leave the people below susceptible to their vile attackers either. “Are there any ally ships nearby other than the ones already here?’

  “Let me run some long range scans, Alpha.” Seconds passed that felt like hours, and with each second they waited, the enemies ships grew closer.

  “It looks like a Lioni Warship and an Attack Vessel of the Great Bear Clan are within communication range, Sir.”

  “Hail them, Boneget. And pray to the Goddess that they are both close enough and willing to offer assistance.”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  “I need to inform our visitors of our enemies’ arrival. Contact me in the Strategic Command Center.”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  Without further delay, Wray headed back toward his Triad mates and the other three Triads. Hopefully, the coming battle would be in their favor. If not, they would go down fighting. When he finally reached the others, he could feel the tension thickening the air.

  “What have you learned?” Dare, the Savari leader asked.

  Ana must have sensed his fear, his worry because she quickly made her way to his side. “Is all well, Wray?”

  He shook his head. “I’m afraid the situation has gone from mildly dangerous to downright hostile. Nine enemy vessels are approaching—five Banart warships and four armed Hienial Slave Transports.”

  All the men stiffened where they stood. “Well,” Fane grunted, “let us contact our ships and prepare for battle.”

  Wray nodded. “I’ve had my crew contact two of our Allies that are within communication range—the Lioni and the Great Bear Clan. Hopefully, they too will be able to assist us in this upcoming battle.”

  Ana reached out to him, placed her hand upon his chest. Kel stepped forward as well, clasped his forearm in a warrior’s acknowledgement, a silent vow to stand by his side. “What can the rest of us do?”

  “Pray to the Lady Goddess. Until we know more, that is all we can do.”

  As the others left the Strategic command center to contact their ships, Wray followed his own advice and offered up a silent prayer to the Lady that today’s battle would end with their victory.

  * * * *

  Aboard the command deck of the Lioni Attack Vessel, Revenge, Drace Vanier paced, his movements agitated, his mind a jumble of chaotic impressions. Why was he out here, hiding behind a planet that had no strategic worth? What had driven him to ignore his councilors and make his way out here, so far from his own home world? Why did he feel—no—know that this is where he needed to be at this time?

  Drace sighed, stopped in front of the viewscreen. “Commander Vanier,” his communications officer announced. “We have received an urgent communiqué from the Lupin ship, Nomad. They request our help in fending off an impending attack.”

  Well, I guess that answers that. Now I know why I’m here. “Tell Navedis we will be there as soon as possible. What are they facing?”

  “According to their missive, nine enemy vessels are approaching and will be upon them in less than a quarter of a dial.”

  Drace clasped his hands behind his back, let out a deep breath, then turned toward his crew, eying each of the men he’d hand chosen to join him on this trip. “Prepare battle stations. Proceed with caution, with our ship fully cloaked, but inform Navedis where we are at all times.”

  “Done, Sir.”

  With a nod of his head, Drace quickly moved toward the weapons console and took a seat. He may be the commander, but he loved a good battle.

  * * * *

  Out of
the corner of his eye, Kel watched Ana pace. Wray’s cabin had seemed large when they’d first entered it, but with her agitation growing, the chamber seemed to be shrinking with every minute that passed. Back and forth, from one side of the room to the other, she walked, her arms wrapped around her waist. What was upsetting her so? The danger they were about to face or something else?

  “Please tell me what is bothering you so, my mate?” he asked, unable to keep silent any longer. Something was upsetting her and he’d do whatever he could to set her mind at ease.

  Ana bit her bottom lip then raised her worried gaze to his before turning her head away. “I feel—I—someone out there, someone is in terrible trouble. Their fear is choking me. I don’t know how much more I can take, Kel.” Rubbing her arms, Ana went back to pacing. The minutes slowly passed and the shadows beneath Ana’s eyes continued to darken.

  “Are you okay, Rachana?”

  Ana shook her head, made her way over to the bed and slumped down. Her head rested against her chest. She looked defeated.

  “What is it, my mate?”

  She raised her head, holding his gaze directly for the first time since they’d entered the chamber. So much hurt and fear had pooled in her eyes. He couldn’t stay away from her. Settling next to her on the bed, he pulled her into his arms and pressed her head against his chest. With as much tenderness as he possessed, he ran his hand over her hair, petting her, soothing her to the best of his ability.

  “Tell me, Ana. What do you need from me? What do you feel?”

  “Someone on the surface is in dire need. I feel her terror, never have I felt such raw fear and determination. Somehow, I must save her, Kel. I must. I feel it all the way to my soul that if we are ever to defeat the Banart, then we must rescue this woman.”

  He didn’t like her gift. It hurt her. Too much pain made it past her natural barriers and into her heart and mind. One day it would be unbearable and she would have a breakdown. Kel fisted his hands at his side and simmered with impotent rage at his unseen enemy.

  Walking to a nearby console, he contacted Wray. “Ana is beside herself with pain and worry over an unseen woman on the surface of this planet. She’s convinced the woman is of great need to us in our battle against our enemies.”

  “How?” Wray asked, obviously attempting to divide his attention between his two loyalties, his mate and his people.

  “She’s not sure. She knows only that the woman is instrumental in the battle with the Banart and their eventual destruction.” Kel paced in front of the viewscreen, his gaze constantly returning to Ana. She lay curled in a tight ball, her body wracked with tension as she attempted to draw the negative energy from the unknown woman. “Give me a few men, Wray. Let me take her down to the surface and get this woman.”

  Wray shook his head. “Absolutely not. I’ll not have you endanger our mate’s life so carelessly.”

  “Look Wray,” Kel said, grasping either side of the vid screen. “We endanger her either way. Her tie to this woman is so strong, I fear for Ana if the other dies.”

  Wray’s eyes suddenly changed to that of his wolf. Kel had just told him of a threat to his mate. If he’d thought him all business before, the man he saw now was like a robot.

  “Kaylen!” He turned to face the people behind them.

  An exceptionally tall man broke apart from the others to move to Wray. He gave a short bow. “Yes, Alpha?”

  “Don’t ‘yes Alpha’ me now. Get your ass over here and take command. Something threatens my mate and I intend to eradicate it.” Wray led the other man over to a console in the corner. “I’m going to take a contingent of men down to the surface and remove the threat from my mate. You will stay here as my emissary and carry out my orders. Defeat the Banarts at all costs.”

  “You should not be the one to go, sir.” The other man said. “Allow me to—”

  “She is my mate! It is my right. Do as I say.” Wray looked around the bridge. “Take care of my people and if I don’t return,” he grabbed Kaylen by the arms. “Do not let it be said that I shirked my duty to name a beta. Kaylen is named my successor.”

  Kel watched Wray through the video link and admired the man even more for knowing how to lead like the king he so obviously was. Still he wasn’t sure it was necessary for them both to accompany Ana. Given the choice though, he knew he would never allow her to go down there without him. How could he expect Wray to do any less? Switching off the video link, he turned to comfort his mate while he waited for Wray to join them. She still lay curled in a ball on the bed, tears running down her face.

  Fisting his hands at his sides, he strode to the bed to stare down at her. He must try to control his feelings. The rage he felt swirling inside him would only further upset his sensitive mate. He concentrated on her scent and her goodness as he lowered himself to the bed to take her in his arms. Here they would await Wray and the small army he knew would accompany them to the surface. Neither of them would take any chances with her well being.

  * * * *

  Wray barked his orders and left the bridge in a killing rage. What could affect his mate so strongly? He stopped short when he entered their room. Ana and Kel lay on the bed. She was curled in a trembling ball with Kel wrapped tightly around her. It was almost as though he attempted to block the psychic onslaught with the protection of his body. If only it were that easy. He stood and stared at his two mates, amazed at the depth of feeling he already felt for both of them.

  He hated to wake them but the men accompanying them were ready to go and he couldn’t bear to see her suffer any longer. If the look on her face was any indication, the pain and fear even assaulted her in her sleep. He drew his hands over his face and sighed. It was time. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he pushed the hair back from Ana’s face and pressed his lips to her forehead.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around the room, her expression confused. “What?” She looked behind her to Kel, still wrapped around her. “Where am I?”

  “We’re in my room, love.” He cupped her cheeks, his thumbs feathering across the dark circles under her eyes. “I know you don’t feel well but—”

  She pulled from Kel’s embrace and sat up, keeping her arms wrapped around her middle. Kel woke and rolled off the other side. Like any good warrior, he was instantly awake and warily looking around the room for an enemy.

  “Is it time?”

  Wray nodded at Kel’s question. “The landing party awaits us in the disembarking chamber. A shuttle awaits us there as Ana will be needed to point the way to the woman in need.”

  Ana relaxed her hold around her waist. A look of relief crossed her face before she nibbled on her bottom lip in worry. His cock jumped at the sight and he had to force his libido in check. There would be time to mate with her later, after he rescued the woman from the surface and defeated the enemy quickly approaching their location. “Thank you, Wray. I know this isn’t the best time, but I feel…”

  “What do you feel, sweetness?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “She’s important and we—no—I have to be there if she is to be found.”

  Wray nodded. “Then so be it. I have put together a landing party. We shall do all in our power to find this woman, and lead her to safety.”

  * * * *

  From the Command Deck of his ship, Drace watched the small shuttlecraft leave the Nomad and head toward the surface of the planet below. Now what is up with that? Knowing that his ship would be safe with his brother Vane at the helm should battle erupt, Drace made an instinctive decision. Whatever the crew of the shuttle was up to, he needed to be a part of it.

  Turning toward the communication terminal, Drace connected to his brother’s cabin, audio only, unwilling to spy on his brother and whatever playmate he’d taken to bed this eve. “Vane you have the helm. If it looks like our allies are in need, step in. Keep the ship cloaked but move as close to the action as you can. I’m heading down to the surface.”

  Before his brother could
argue with him, Drace cut the transmission and headed to his shuttle bay. He had someplace he needed to be and wasting time arguing with his brother about his safety wouldn’t change his mind, only slow him down. And somehow, he thought—no, knew—that time was something he didn’t have.

  * * * *

  As the shuttle scanned the surface looking for life signs, Ana looked into herself, trying to hone in on the woman she came down here to search for. “South. We need to head south.”

  The shuttle pilot shook his head. “I’m not detecting anything in the southern hemisphere.”

  “It doesn’t matter. That’s where she is.” She turned her head, searched out both Wray and Kel. “I know that’s where she is.”

  Wray nodded then turned back to the pilot. “Head south. If that’s where my mate said we need to go, then that’s where we go.”

  The pilot nodded hesitantly, but did indeed turn south. Relief washed through her, an almost giddy sense of happiness that her mates appeared to trust her instincts over their own technology. She wanted to thank her mates, show them how much their support meant to her, and she knew just how to do it. Even though she’d known since their meeting on her ship that they were her mates she’d done nothing to show that she’d accepted it, and in fact had taken their kindness, their caring and their warmth and hadn’t reciprocated. Well, that would stop now.

  Knowing they were her mates, she knew she’d have a telepathic bond with them, but she’d chosen not to use it, to ignore that mental bond, just as she’d tried to pretend they weren’t her mates. Well, no more. It was time to show them that she accepted them as they had shown her that they accepted her. Her relationship with these two wonderful men was a gift she would not squander.

  Thank you both for standing by me, for trusting me when I’ve given you no reason to do so.

  Kel quirked his lips and gave her a slight nod in acknowledgement. Wray’s eyes widened then seemed to flood with joy.


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