Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4)

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Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4) Page 14

by Wendie Nordgren

  Zared opened my door and offered me his arm while Izaac paid for our fare and carried our strollers. Pierce and Lorca carried the babies in their transport seats. We entered a small private shuttle, and soon we were flying through Parvac’s pink and orange sky. I watched as tiny neighborhoods and buildings transformed into farms, forests, lakes, and then new neighborhoods.

  When we landed, Izaac went to hire a transport. He told the driver that we wanted to do some upscale shopping and would require his services for the day. Therefore, we were able to leave the children’s transport seats with the driver when he pulled to a stop in front of a three-story plasti-glass building. A doorman bowed and welcomed us inside. Beautiful shops filled the atrium. A manmade waterfall provided visual interest and a comforting sound.

  I saw a beautiful pale green dress with spaghetti straps and a long, full skirt in a store window. Across the way and up on the second floor, I could see a salon. I felt my damp braid. The other women present were dressed impeccably. We took a lift up.

  In the salon, two men stood around without clients. The younger of the two men rushed forward with a smile and lots of ideas. Soon, he was busily layering my ends. Then, he put my hair into loose cascading curls and braided two pieces of my hair at each side which he pulled over the top of my head and secured behind each of my ears with pins. I thought it was very pretty.

  Zared paid him double his fee. Zared and Izaac were wearing their uniforms, and I felt drab beside them in my depressed outfit. We went down to the store with the dress that had caught my eye. Thunderdrop climbed to my shoulder from where he had hidden under Niklos’ pram while we had been in the salon. Rather than the cheerful dress that didn’t fit my mood, I found a pretty dress in a nice depressing dark grey. It had tiny cap-sleeves, a V-neck, a full ankle-length skirt, and a wraparound front that tied at the side. I bought it and changed in the dressing room.

  After a few more purchases for the children and myself, the store owners and other customers had begun to stare and whisper. We decided to go to the transport and find a nice restaurant.

  “I take it that deflecting the notice of everyone in an indoor mall is too much?” I asked playfully.

  Zared smiled and said, “After a few hours of shielding our presence from so many, we begin to tire.”

  “It’s okay. I really appreciate what the two of you did for me today. Uncle Kagan didn’t physically hurt me. It just brought some things back.”

  “Yes, he fears that. He is ashamed and disgusted with himself for losing his temper and disciplining you as though you were a male child,” Izaac said in my mind.

  I nursed Niklos in the transport on the way to the restaurant. The best place in town was simple and elegant. The tables and chairs were made of a heavy, clear, blue-tinted plasti-glass, and the floor too was clear with what appeared to be multi-colored swirls of smoke moving under its surface. We were seated in a quiet corner and given a highchair that matched the tables and chairs for Neema. Thunderdrop jumped from me to the floor and intently followed the smoky swirls. By now, we were the center of attention.

  The owner welcomed us. “Princess Probus, it is a great honor to serve you. Please, allow me to offer you a sampling of our best dishes.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I said with a smile already missing my fleeting anonymity.

  While a nervous waiter brought us chilled juice, I noticed a uniformed officer staring at us. I returned his stare and raised an eyebrow at him. He stood and walked over to our table. He bowed deeply to me. I couldn’t help but notice that he had the unremarkable appearance of an inquisitor.

  “May I help you?” I asked.

  “Princess Probus, I am concerned that you have traveled here with only two guards, even if they do possess advanced skills.”

  “You have me at a disadvantage, sir,” I said as I extended my hand.

  He kissed my knuckles and said, “I am Inquisitor Drex Licinius and am at your service.”

  “Have you already reported my activities?”

  “Yes, your highness.”

  Defeated, I said, “Please, join us.” He sat, and waiters began bringing out platters of food. “Look. My uncle and I had a huge disagreement. Instead of staying in bed and crying all day, I decided to get away for a little while. I knew I wouldn’t have much time to myself, but I wouldn’t have gotten any at all out on the lake.”

  Quietly, Inquisitor Licinius said, “The main concern is that you did not bring either Dr. Svenson or Dr. Fotri along with you.”

  My nose began to tingle, and my tears spilled over. Lorca handed me a silk square, and Thunderdrop crawled up to my lap.

  “Mommy. Here.” Neema held out a half-eaten cucumber stick to make me feel better.

  “Thank you,” I said as I ate it from her fingers. She giggled at me.

  “So, your intent is not to leave Parvac?”

  “I’d like to go to Thalassa. I would visit Coronis but for the fighting there.” I stroked my fingers along Thunderdrop’s back.

  “Chirp! Chitter chitter chirp!” Thunderdrop showed me an image of all of Uncle Kagan’s shoes stuck together with silk.

  “That’s a great idea. Good boy.”

  Zared and Izaac laughed in my mind.

  A group of Imperial guards entered followed by Papa. A large man with brown hair and medals all over the chest of his black uniform was behind him. I frowned at Papa. He and Uncle Kagan were only concerned with manipulating me into marrying whoever they wanted. I felt hopeless and trapped. Maybe I had been fooling myself all along. It was possible that Emperor Tavere Probus had never really loved me. Had I been blinded by his extravagant gifts and title? Had I so desperately wanted the love of a parent that I had imagined he returned my feelings? Director Sapor had scolded me. Uncle Kagan had spanked me. Maybe I was nothing but an annoyance to them. Perhaps they only tolerated me when I sat in my wing and did as I was told. I rubbed at the chills on my arms.

  “Let’s just go,” I whispered as I stood.

  I ignored Papa and Major General Ridley Varro. Palace guards had surrounded the restaurant. Neema went to Papa, held his face in her tiny hands, and gave him kisses. In my mind, I begged Izaac to shield her from the feelings I couldn’t help. It took a few hours to return to the Palace. I went straight to my room ignoring whoever had been in my sitting room.

  I changed from my pretty new dress into a gown and crawled into bed. When I heard someone enter, I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. Yukihyo got into bed beside me and held me.

  “I’m so stupid. It was all a lie. They never really loved me. Did they?”

  Yukihyo pulled me back against his chest and breathed in my hair. It felt like an expanding glass ball was trapped in my throat.

  “Lady wife, do you trust me?”

  “Yes, you’re the only person I can really trust.”

  “Teagan, Tavere loves you as you love Neema and Niklos. His greatest fear is losing you especially after losing your mother,” Yukihyo said.

  The bed shifted with Nico’s weight. “Your hair looks pretty like this,” Nico said. He held his hand against my back.

  Fitz sat on the end of the bed and gently squeezed my toes.

  “Move over, Nico,” Gram said as she and Grandmother forced him to help them up onto my bed. I turned my head to peek at them. Gram moved my hair away from my eyes.

  “Teagan, at the moment, you aren’t trapped as you imagine yourself to be by the Parvac Empire. You can go anywhere you want at any time in your very own starship. Your heart had you staying put, but that’s over now. The past is over, too,” Grandmother said.

  “You have a brand-new heart, but Phillip couldn’t remove all the scars Nathan Green gave you when he replaced the faltering heart with which you were born. None of us can take those away. I wish I could. All I can do is remind you that Nathan Green was the one who lied to you,” Gram said.

  “The truth is the love we have shared since you first stepped on Tora. The truth was the first moment Tavere held y
ou in his arms on Amphictyon,” Yukihyo said.

  “Think of the first time we saw each other through the vid-screen when you were so far away on Arachne. I begged my son to bring you home to me. Please, don’t let Nathan Green take you away from us again. He did this,” Grandmother said.

  I buried my face back in the safety of Yukihyo’s chest. What they said made sense, but I felt as though I was covered in strands of a sticky web made of fear, rejection, doubt, hopelessness, and misery. I had no idea how to get out. Izaac, Zeth, and Zared were helpless spectators in my mind. A loud knock on the door startled me.

  “You aren’t ready? Hurry up, or we’ll miss the goats,” an authoritative male voice said. I lifted my head in confusion. Vice Admiral Dario Galerius said, “You have ten minutes unless you’re wearing that, not that I mind in the least.”

  I pushed with my hands against Yukihyo’s chest to sit up. If we went with him, I wouldn’t have to think about anything for a little while. Getting up, Yukihyo pulled me along with him into the bathroom where he helped me into the pretty green dress I had purchased along with the black sandals I had worn earlier. I held tightly to Yukihyo, my lifeline who kept me from being swept away by the depression that was ready to drag me under like a fierce wave, as we walked to join Dario. I watched the heels of the man’s shoes as we followed him. An expensive looking air shuttle waited for us in front of the Palace. Yukihyo helped me sit and then fastened a safety harness across me. Phillip, Nico, and Fitz stepped inside and took seats.

  “Where are the babies?” I asked in a sudden panic.

  “Gram and Grandmother insisted on babysitting. We won’t be gone long, lady wife,” Yukihyo said as he sat beside me and held my hand.

  I clutched his hand more tightly when General Luca Braga and Inquisitor Cormac Gordian joined us. Vice Admiral Dario Galerius sat across from me. “Take us up,” he ordered. “Now, here we won’t be overheard. It seems Admiral Valen didn’t learn his lesson. We have some planning to do.”

  Tears fell from my eyes, and I hurried to wipe them away. “No, it’s stupid. It will just make him angry.”

  “Good. Making him angry is the point. Look down,” Dario said.

  I looked out of the window and down below at the mess Yukihyo, Nico, and Luca had made of Uncle Kagan’s yard. Fitz laughed and took pictures. “Kane will piss himself laughing when he sees these. It was almost a week before he could sit after pulling a stunt like that,” Fitz said.

  Nico laughed with him and said, “We had to help Kane fill in the holes and plant new grass.”

  “He spanked Kane?” I asked.

  Nico and Fitz looked at each other and laughed. “He got more than three little taps,” Nico said.

  I frowned at him. “They weren’t little. I can still see his hand print.”

  “I don’t believe you. Let me see,” Braga said with a wink.

  I hugged Yukihyo’s arm and looked out of the window. “Did Galina get into trouble?”

  “Yes, she is punished from her vid-screen for a week,” Yukihyo said.

  “Look,” Dario said as we flew close to the mountains and a group of shaggy mountain goats.

  “Oh, no. Why are they hitting their heads together?”

  “They are fighting over which of them will mate with that female,” Yukihyo explained as he pointed her out to me.

  “Doesn’t she have any say?”

  Yukihyo said, “She wants the strongest mate so that her offspring will have a better chance of survival. I know you are angry about being manipulated. However, Tavere wants for you to be safe and happy. He invited representatives from the Warrior Caste to enjoy the guest wing of the Palace and to serve as your advisors. He believes that if you have a large family and several husbands that you will be happy and content to remain with him in the Empire. The only thing he fears is losing you.”

  “What Cupcake needs is to go on an adventure,” Phillip said.

  “What I need is for you to remove this annoying monitor. Why am I still wearing this? Are you expecting this heart to stop functioning?” I asked.

  “I’ll make you a deal. Stop being a teary-eyed little titty baby, and I’ll remove it,” Phillip said.

  “I am not being a titty baby,” I said angrily.

  “Oh, yes you are. I’ve given and received harder spankings during foreplay.”

  “Oh, gross, Phillip,” I said.

  Yukihyo chuckled. Then, he looked at Nico and Phillip with a serious expression. “Tavere gave Teagan a fast, sleek warship.”

  Nico said, “Yes, I believe her name is the Empress. She has two Imperial suites and guest quarters for sixteen.”

  “And crew quarters for forty,” Yukihyo added.

  “She’s fast enough to escape a blockade with the right captain,” Nico said with a pointed look at Dario.

  “I have a spectacular gift awaiting my bride on Thalassa,” Fitz said.

  “You promised I could pet your lizard,” I reminded Fitz. The compartment filled with laughter. I scowled at them. “Don’t laugh. That’s mean.” The laughter continued. “What?”

  “Nothing darling. They don’t realize that….” Fitz tried to say.

  “Just shut up, Fitz. You’re making it harder,” Phillip said which made them all laugh even more.

  “Why is that funny?” I asked Yukihyo. He kissed my forehead and whispered the answer in my ear. With a pout, I said, “Goodness, if I had realized just petting it would get such a reaction, I wouldn’t have done all of those other things.”

  That shut them up except for Phillip. The men began making plans for our escape to Thalassa. They had it worked out by the time we landed. I had ignored their talk and watched the scenery. As I stepped out of the shuttle, I noticed Uncle Kagan waiting.

  “Out,” he commanded my companions. Then, he picked me up, bent over, and stepped with me into the shuttle. He sat keeping me seated on his lap. I stared at my hands. Uncle Kagan leaned over in front of me and lifted my chin. “Look at me.” I raised my eyelids and looked into Uncle Kagan’s until they became blurry, and I sobbed. Big arms wrapped around me. “It was wrong of me to react that way. I wish I could take it back. Yukihyo, Nico, and Luca are the ones I should spank.”

  I hic-upped. “Nico wouldn’t fit over your knees.”

  “No, and it’s a good thing I don’t fit over mother’s knee anymore either. She told me that I can’t have anymore of her baked treats for a month for causing your tears. She said that since I didn’t help clean the warehouse, that I have to fix the lawn myself. Gram only frowns at me. I’d rather not tell you what your Aunt Seyla won’t let me have for a month.” Uncle Kagan bounced his knees. I had to put my hand on his muscled shoulder for balance. His warmth seeped through my palm. “You really did get me back good for the warehouse. I had thought that if Yukihyo were busy buying new merchandise that you might have time to meet some of the men who have petitioned to court you.”

  “I’ll help you clean up your yard, Uncle Kagan.”

  He kissed my temple. “Your Papa is going to help me. We are the ones who started all of this.”

  “Teagan, are you alright?” Papa asked as he stepped inside of the shuttle and closed the door behind him. He knelt down in front of me.

  “No, but I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.”

  Papa frowned and wrinkled his brow. “How am I supposed to do anything other than worry about you, especially when my actions have contributed to your sadness? This is how it began last time when your sorrow rendered me powerless. Don’t asked of me to sit by and do nothing. How can I make you happy, my darling?”

  Confused, I asked, “How can I be happy when the two of you are trying to keep Yukihyo and Nico from me? I’ve already lost Quaid for I don’t know how long. You want to push me toward strangers and away from safety and comfort. Why don’t the two of you just tell me what I have to do since you are forcing me through your manipulations to do it anyway? I’ll just get it over with. I married Fitz. What else must I do to please

  Papa tried to get me to look into his eyes. Instead, I focused on his left ear. “Did you accept Fitz because you wanted him, or was it to make me happy?”

  I whispered, “Because of you and to keep Ambassador Jiri’s support. I trust Ambassador Jiri. Truthfully, I would have preferred him to Fitz, but my family enjoys Fitz’s company. He’s nice. He did try to beat up Uncle Kagan this morning which was chivalrous. Anyway, Ambassador Jiri isn’t in the group of pre-approved Warrior Caste men of whom you have selected.”

  “I wish for you to select your own husbands,” Papa said resignedly.

  “Oh, do you?”

  “Yes, your happiness means everything to me. Your tears would break your mother’s heart as they are breaking mine.” Papa gripped my knee. I continued to look at his ear. “Do you not believe me? Do you doubt my love for you?” The broken hitch in his voice forced my eyes to his. “You doubt my love? I can see it in your eyes.” He took both of my hands into his own. “Can you read my heart, daughter? Do so now, and know that you and my grandchildren mean more to me than my own life.”

  “Oh, Papa. I believe you,” I said with a sob as I went down and into his arms. “I’m sorry.”

  “Hush, my darling. I don’t want for you to cry. I promise I will cease my machinations in regard to Nico and Yukihyo. However, I must protect you from certain males who wish to attract your notice.”

  “I have Yukihyo. He won’t let anyone hurt me.”

  “Not hurt you, my darling. I’ve allowed only the finest men to be near you. There are Houses who fight among themselves for your notice, and who would seize you simply to have the opportunity for their males to attempt to woo you. Why do you think I had the restaurant surrounded with Palace guards? Zared informed me that Inquisitor Drex Licinius was preparing to steal you and the children, but called off his men when word came to him of my arrival.”

  Shocked, I sought out Izaac in my mind. “Is what Papa just told me true?” I asked him silently.

  “Yes, he had forty men in place who scattered once the Imperial guard was within a mile of our location. Licinius continues to plan your seduction,” Izaac silently answered.


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