Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4)

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Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4) Page 16

by Wendie Nordgren

  “Princess Probus, we are deeply honored to have you with us today,” a reporter in an expensive suit said obsequiously.

  “Thank you so much for taking my call. I’m hoping you can put together a little message on my behalf.”

  “I will gladly do anything you wish. However, it is my understanding that you have communications officers at your disposal.”

  “Yes, but I don’t want my message censured. I want you to make it very clear to any males out there who think they can swoop in, steal me away, and win me with their manly appendages that if they try it, I’ll blast those manly appendages off making it a moot point. I’m not weak, shallow, or a slave to my vagina. If they want to fuck someone so badly, they can go fuck themselves and leave me the hell alone. That goes double for the stupid fuckers on Coronis. Thank you. That is all. Here’s a visual with which to work,” I added as I turned the screen to span my barge and the men the Imperial guards were taking into custody. Then, I ended the transmission.

  Everyone looked stunned with the exception of Papa who laughed so hard he had to wipe at his eyes. He waved at our guards to handle the intruders, took my arm, and escorted me back inside where he continued to laugh. Then, Neema started laughing because of him which seeped from her and along their bond into Niklos. Soon, Papa was playing horsey and letting Neema ride on his back all over my wing. Niklos was smiling at the faces Nico made at him on the couch beside Violet, and I was the only one who was angry. I stormed off to my bathroom and took a hot shower.

  Once I was out and dressed, I was stunned when I found Luca Braga waiting for me in the bathroom doorway. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Luca moved like lightning. His tongue was down my throat, and his hands crushed me to him. My struggles to free myself from his unwanted embrace made the length that he pressed against my stomach even harder. He ended his passionate assault of my mouth and gazed down at me with feverish eyes. “I only thought I wanted you before. You are the fire that makes me burn. Come away with me anywhere. Just be with me.”

  Someone coughed from a few feet away. Luca turned from me in a rage at the disturbance. Kaoti stood watching him with dark dead eyes. “Princess, do you wish Braga to remain in one piece or would you prefer him in more manageable chunks.”

  “I haven’t decided.”

  Slowly, Luca Braga released me.

  “Teagan, did you invite Braga into your bedroom?” Fitz asked from the doorway where he wore only a pair of pants that he had hastily pulled on.


  Kaoti placed himself between Braga and me as cold fury transformed Fitz into an unrecognizable force. Fitz unleashed a ferocity of blows upon Braga that made his defense of me to Uncle Kagan seem like mild chastisement. Kaoti merely served as a defensive barrier between me and the two men with their blurring limbs as they repeatedly struck each other. When my pineapple farmer ended up with his knee pressed into the back of Braga’s neck, my astonishment left me speechless.

  Fitz twisted one of Braga’s arms up behind his back as he coldly whispered, “You don’t touch her without her permission. She is mine. House Braga means nothing to House Jiri.”

  I heard Papa say, “Such behavior is unacceptable in this wing. Kaoti, escort General Braga to his room.”

  Fitz pushed himself up using the knee he had pressed into the back of Luca’s neck. When Luca surged to his feet, I feared they would again come to blows, and my monitor began to beep. I lost sight of the men as Kaoti shifted his body, but not before I had seen the intense rage on their faces. Once Kaoti had Luca out of my wing, Nico entered with Niklos.

  “I want to take her to Apellan. She will be there in time to visit with her family when the Princess docks,” Nico said.

  “Agreed,” Papa said.

  Fitz had begun to calm down from the rage he had flown into with Luca. Now, he eyed me warily.

  “I need a few moments alone with Fitz,” I said.

  Nico gently patted the baby’s back and gave Fitz a look as he walked out with Papa. An Imperial guard closed my doors behind them.

  “Teagan, forgive me. I didn’t mean to frighten you. Seeing his hands on your delicate skin enraged me,” Fitz said as he forced his ragged breathing to calm. His shirtless chest heaved with the effort and was damp with perspiration from his fight.

  “Don’t apologize. I’ve never wanted you more than I want you right now.” I reached for the waistband of his pants and spent the next several minutes with him on his back against the carpet where moments before he had pinned Braga. Once I had taken my pleasure from my newest husband, I sent intense waves of pleasure through him until he yelled his release and became soft and limp within me. “Husband, while I have found your defense of me to be extremely erotic, in the future, please try to fight away from my wing. I want this place to be peaceful for the children, my family, and friends.”

  Fitz ran his rough palms over my breasts causing me to close my eyes in pleasure. “I’m surprised my behavior didn’t scare you.” He began moving his thumbs over my nipples.

  “Fitz.” The incredible ache had returned with his caresses. Luckily, he became hard immediately within me. Breathlessly, I said, “I’m surprised you can go again so quickly.”

  Fitz rolled me beneath him. “How is it my temper turned you on?” he asked as he began to drive himself into me.

  “I like feeling safe.”

  Fitz filled me again and again until I shattered around him. By the time we had showered and left my room, I was boneless and worry free. Since Phillip was still gone with Yukihyo, I walked from my wing to the infirmary. Kaoti trailed me. I chuckled to myself that Fitz had decided on a nap. Inwardly, I cringed to find Dr. Fotri treating Luca’s neck. Doing my best to remain inconspicuous, I waved off the nurse and took a seat to wait my turn.

  “Did Fitz hurt him badly?” I asked Kaoti.


  Dr. Fotri made Luca lie down on an exam bed with a device over his neck that emitted tiny, bright pinpoints of light over his neck. I could just make out the wild patterns they made across his skin. Luca’s eyes seemed to clamp upon me like magnets.

  “You came to check on me,” Luca said with satisfaction.

  “No, I came for my own reasons. I didn’t even know you were here.” Dr. Fotri began scanning me. “Here,” I said as I lifted my hem and showed him my knees.

  “If he has hurt you, I will kill him,” Luca vowed. I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Have a seat,” Dr. Fotri said as he walked over to the exam bed beside Luca, patted it, and helped me up.

  Luca looked furious. “Did you suffer from his rage?” Luca asked.

  I snorted out a laugh. “No, my knees and back suffered from my carpet when I threw Fitz down and had my way with him.” Luca now appeared confused. He couldn’t see Dr. Fotri’s smile, but I could. Obviously, Luca had no idea what I meant. “Luca Braga, I’m shocked. You have flirted with me shamelessly, but it has all been bravado. Hasn’t it?”

  Luca stared into my eyes. “If you were to accept me, it would be you and only you for all of my days,” he vowed.

  General Luca Braga was a virgin. My mind was chaotic while Dr. Fotri saw to my rug burns. The chaotic thoughts were pushed aside as both Zared and Izaac yelled in my mind for me to hide before being silenced.

  “Kaoti!” I said as I hopped down from the exam table just as soldiers swarmed the infirmary.

  Uniformed Parvac soldiers threw shiny silver devices at Kaoti that activated into stasis shielding. Other soldiers aimed blasters at Luca and Ryan. A calmly furious Kaoti worked to find weaknesses in the shielding that trapped him.

  A cold man with dark eyes dressed in a black uniform casually strode forward taking in the turmoil with smug satisfaction. “Princess Probus, no one for whom you care will be harmed. However, you are coming with me. I have the Palace surrounded and the most formidable of your soldiers incapacitated,” he said with an incline of his head.

  “I’m not going anywhere
with you.”

  He smiled. I thought he looked vaguely familiar. “Do you wish to bring your children, their nurses, and your pet?”

  “Dr. Fotri, could you please scan this man’s ears? Perhaps, I need to find another means of communication,” I said as I flipped the man off.

  In my mind, I sensed Izaac struggle from behind a stasis shield operated by helmeted soldiers who were equipped with neural blockers. Izaac managed to show me hundreds of soldiers who covered the Palace lawns. “We were surprised and severely outnumbered,” Izaac whispered into my mind against the inhibitors.

  “How? What do I do?” I silently pleaded to Izaac.

  The officer smiled at me. “Princess Probus, I have successfully staged a non-violent infiltration of the Palace. Therefore, by ancient Imperial decree, I claim the right of your company for a week.”

  With his face dark with anger, Papa strode unmolested into the infirmary. All of the Palace’s invaders bowed low to him. He came to my side and took my hand in his.

  “Papa, where are our guards? Where are Nico and Fitz?” I squeezed his arm.

  “They are unharmed, my darling. It will be alright. Don’t be afraid. House Licinius has put on quite the show. I take it the barge was a simple distraction?” Papa asked the man.

  I struggled to remember what Papa had said about Inquisitor Drex Licinius, the man who stood before us.

  “I have proven myself and earned the right to woo Princess Probus. I will take her for a week without interference.”

  My face turned red with anger, and my monitor started beeping. “You aren’t taking me anywhere! How dare you force your way into our home? Tell him, Papa.”

  Papa kissed my temple and patted my hand. “Teagan, I have allowed suitors to surround you from Houses I deem worthy as is my right. However, a House capable of seizing the Palace wins the opportunity to court you. It is not an easy task. You can either agree to a week visiting with Inquisitor Licinius, or we can fight. If we choose to fight and lose, he will take you for a month without your household to comfort you.”

  Seething with rage, I stomped my foot. “I’m not leaving or going anywhere with him. House Licinius can’t make me do anything.”

  Papa and Ryan exchanged worried glances. “Teagan, this is an ancient and honor bound tradition. Should you acquiesce, you may bring with you the children, their nurses, and your physician. You would be able to communicate with whomever you wish. Should you not concede to ancient Imperial decree, it will bring great shame upon House Probus.”

  “But, Papa!” I cried out as I looked at his face. He was disappointed that our security had failed me, but worried about losing face with Parvac.

  “Teagan, House Licinius has demonstrated strength, intelligence, and cunning. Now, it is in your hands to demonstrate grace.”

  “I can’t leave Yukihyo and Nico for a week. It would be cruel to separate them from our children.”

  Inquisitor Licinius asked, “Was it cruel of you to spend a week on the Hadrian with Commander Bosh?’

  I turned to him in cold fury.

  “Teagan, try to calm down,” Dr. Fotri said as he tapped an injector to my arm.

  “What was that?”

  “It was a very mild sedative. For the sake of your heart, calm down,” Dr. Fotri said.

  “What is your decision, Princess Probus? Do you come with me of your own accord or by force?” Inquisitor Licinius asked.

  I glanced up as Nico entered the infirmary with Niklos who had just begun to wake up. “Drex, I’m astounded that you were able to pull off something of this magnitude in complete secrecy,” Nico said.

  Licinius bowed his head in thanks of Nico’s praise.

  “Nico, he wants to make me leave with him! Aren’t you going to do anything?”

  Carefully, Nico placed Niklos into my arms. “He outmaneuvered us. Denying him his prize would bring dishonor to all of our families. You are not being abducted, Teagan. At least not in this day and age. Think of it as a vacation. After a week, you will come home.”

  “Where are you taking my daughter and grandchildren?” Papa asked.

  “Cephissus,” Licinius answered.

  My heart continued to pound. Nico acted so nonchalant as if this sort of thing were commonplace. He reached out and smoothed Niklos’ wisps of baby hair with gentle fingertips. I saw resignation in his eyes. I looked to General Braga who had the look of someone who had been bested in a game. Papa led me from the infirmary. In stunned disbelief, I observed Dorian, Cormac, Merick, and Dario behind the same stasis shielding that trapped Kaoti. Frustrated tears leaked from my eyes. In my wing, Lorca and Pierce hurried to pack the children’s things along with their own. Rolf and Otto brought out bags for me.

  “Yukihyo!” I said as I saw him near my couch. Phillip stood beside him with a hand on his elbow. Yukihyo’s eyes were awash in purple, red, and blue giving me certain knowledge of the rage he attempted to contain. Larkin Sapor stood to his other side and whispered into his ear. I went to Yukihyo. “Can we make it to my ship?” I asked in the quietest whisper that I could manage.

  Yukihyo turned his head to look out through the patio doors. I followed his gaze. At least a hundred armed Parvac soldiers were positioned around my wing having unarmed our Imperial guards. Yukihyo shook his head. “Lady wife, I beg of you to allow Neema to remain with me. To have both of you torn from me in this manner would be more than I could bear.”

  I stared speechless at Yukihyo. His request felt to me like knives attempting to free themselves from within my chest and throat to the staccato beat of the monitor over my heart. Unable to speak, I nodded. Yukihyo’s words had silenced the room. Pierce brought Neema to Yukihyo.

  “Daddy, daddy, daddy,” she said in a happy sing-song as she grabbed his shirt.

  I kissed her cheek, but felt like I was dying. Fitz stood in the hallway to our rooms.

  “This way, Princess Probus,” Licinius said as he gestured out toward my patio.

  Numbly, I clutched Niklos to me and stepped outside. Reporters were on my private lawn taking pictures. Soldiers loyal to House Licinius wearing black Parvac uniforms cheered as I began to break. I was led into a shuttle that had crushed my grass.

  Chapter Ten

  Lorca took the shuttle seat to my left, and Dr. Fotri sat to my right. Thunderdrop sent me an image of Sue and another of Neema. He wasn’t coming with me either. I had never felt so alone, even on Earth when I had been alone. The shuttle lifted into the air. Licinius smiled proudly and waved to whomever it was he saw through the window.

  “Do you see how happy your people are? It isn’t only those of the highest born houses whose warriors may court you. Any man with superior intellect has a chance to introduce his genetics to the Imperial line.” The man droned on.

  “Teagan, are you alright?” Ryan asked.

  “Yukihyo didn’t kiss me or even hug me goodbye. He kept Neema. He was so angry.”

  Ryan and Lorca exchanged looks. They knew I was right. In a week, Yukihyo, Neema, and Phillip would be gone. I had chosen the honor of House Probus over that of Clan Ponidi. I died in an instant while Licinius smiled and waved from where we hovered thirty feet above his troops marching below us and trampling my grass and flowers. I fed Niklos and then grudgingly gave him over to Lorca who fastened him into his seat. Licinius had stared the entire time.

  “Why so sad, Princess Probus? Is a week in my company so dreadful to you?”

  Ignoring him, I stared at my knees. Once his troops had marched from the Palace grounds in a grand display for the swarms of reporters, they began joining us in the air in nondescript shuttles or driving away in randomly parked transports. Soon, we were speeding away from two of the people who comprised the only world that truly mattered to me. I could do nothing to stop the tears that fell to my lap, and there was no one to soothe me.

  “What’s wrong? Is it her heart?” Licinius asked.

  Dr. Fotri scanned me. “Physically, she is fine.”

  I heard the s
ound of Licinius leaning back in his chair.

  The shuttle landed near a mansion with a large, wide wraparound porch. In the background, was a long mountain range with twin waterfalls that pooled into lakes below it. Jagged rocky coastline was to the right and served as a barricade to a choppy, rough ocean. To the left of the house were fields and fields of roses. We were led inside. I was shown to a large suite that contained two elaborately carved baby beds. After checking the safety of one of the beds, Lorca placed a sleeping Niklos down on its mattress. I looked through one of the windows and saw soldiers taking up guard positions in various locations.

  “Rest assured. You and Prince Cassian will be perfectly safe. Does the room meet with your approval?” Licinius asked. He waited for me to answer. I saw a chair and sat before my knees could give out. “You must be tired from the events of the day,” he said. “I will see that dinner is prepared.” He took my hand and kissed my knuckles.

  When he returned, it was to drape diamonds around my neck before pulling my arm through his and sitting me at a long dining table adorned with small bouquets of white roses. I took a bite each time that he said something that required a response. Licinius determined that exhaustion had caused me to wilt too early in the evening and promised that tomorrow he would see a smile upon my lips.

  Lorca cajoled me into removing my shoes and getting into bed, but I laid awake staring at the shadows that fidgeted on the ceiling. Had Yukihyo, Neema, and Phillip already gone? Eventually, my nerves had me hunched over the waste unit losing what of my dinner I had managed to eat. Returning to bed, I attempted crying myself to sleep, but sleep never came.

  Early the next morning when Niklos woke, I changed his diaper and fed him. I wondered if Nico would help me find them, or if he would try to convince me that Yukihyo would be happier free of Parvac. In a week, they could be on Amphictyon.

  “Teagan, did you sleep?” Ryan asked.


  He took my face into his hands. “No one is in danger. No one is hurt. Everything is fine.”


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