Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4)

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Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4) Page 19

by Wendie Nordgren

  Yukihyo handed Neema over to Pierce, strode over to me, swept me up into his arms, and carried me to the lift. “My lady and I will give you time in private to discuss her idea.”

  He bent at the knees and pressed the button for Deck Two. When he righted us, he looked into my eyes with his before letting his lids with their dark grey lashes close. Yukihyo’s kiss filled me with love, acceptance, approval, and passion. When the lift doors opened, he ended our kiss and quickly carried me into our quarters where we tore ourselves out of our clothing. Yukihyo was the first to free himself, and his big strong hands landed on my hips as I fought with my nursing bra. His lips began teasing my neck. Finally free, I ran my palms over the hard muscles of his chest and buried my face to him breathing his scent into my lungs. Our emotions were one as Yukihyo pressed me back against the mattress and used one of his heavily muscled thighs to nudge my legs farther apart. I wove my fingers through his dove-grey hair and kissed him while sharing all of the love for him that bound our souls as one. A soft sound escaped from my lips as the soft hair of Yukihyo’s legs tickled my inner thighs, and he pushed himself within me. With Yukihyo filling me and his weight above me, I finally felt whole. Moving my hands over his strong warm arms, shoulders, and back, I moaned as we moved in tandem. My inner walls clenched and rippled around him as I shattered.

  “Yukihyo,” I whispered against his neck as my hands roamed down to caress the muscular indents in each of his butt cheeks.

  Again, and again, he touched the perfect place deep within me making me frantic to feel him there once again. My desperation for Yukihyo’s touch became an unrelenting ache that suddenly released me from its demanding insistence with a profound spiraling burst of pleasure like bubbles that zipped and tingled from that most intimate place and throughout my body. I laughed giddily and hugged Yukihyo to me as I kissed his neck. His movements quickened and deepened until he too joined me in ecstasy.

  Yukihyo rolled to my right and pulled my now boneless body against his chest. With my legs to either side of his thigh, I shuddered again simply from the feeling of straddling him with my sensitive parts. Silently, we held each other until both of our stomachs began to growl.

  Laughing, Yukihyo said, “Teagan, come and eat with me. We will dock as soon as I give the word. I know you are as eager as I am to enjoy our freedom for a time.”

  “Surrounded by space and inside of our fancy new home is my idea of freedom. Will it be difficult to get Sue?”

  Yukihyo kissed my forehead. “Let’s go find out.”

  Once we were cleaned up and dressed, we found Eli, Kaoti, Nico, Fitz, and Zared discussing my idea in the sitting room.

  “Have you considered my suggestion?” I asked hopefully.

  Yukihyo’s fingers were entwined with mine. No matter what, the two of us were leaving with the children. I had to have a break from the manipulations of the Warrior Caste. Izaac was aware of my thoughts, so I could only assume the other Ponidis knew them as well. In my mind, Izaac informed me that whatever we decided, Zeth, Walter, Tomaz, Vawn, and Zander would remain on Parvac to guard Zeth’s new wife and sister along with each other.

  Phillip came to my other side and took my free hand into his. Gently, Phillip tugged me away from Yukihyo and over to sit on the couch. Phillip began rubbing his thumb soothingly over the top of my hand. Worried, I looked into his blue eyes.

  “Cupcake, Niklos is a newborn, and Neema is only a year old. Their immunities are not strong enough for a jaunt out to visit an alien species. Give it some time. Eventually, we will create inoculations against any contagions or diseases that might affect our physiologies. Until then, the best places for small children and women who have recently undergone heart transplants are Parvac, Thalassa, Apellan, Ephors, or even Coronis. Will you speak to Eric about your plan before you make any final decisions?” Phillip asked.

  Disappointed, I shook my head. “No, your opinion is all I need. I would never risk getting the children sick with something you don’t know how to cure. Phillip, I have to get away from these men,” I said in desperation.

  “Teagan, let us go to Thalassa. You will be able to have some fun and relax,” Fitz suggested. I felt his strong hands on my shoulders as he began to kneed them gently. “You could have massages on the beach, plenty of fish and fruit, fresh air, and privacy,” Fitz said soothingly.

  “Where ever you run, the Warrior Caste will follow,” Nico said as he handed me my vid-screen. On it was a star chart showing starships and their locations.

  “What?” I asked.

  Nico pointed at the screen. “This is us. Those are Vice Admiral Galerius, Captain Carus, Captain Decius, and Inquisitors Licinius and Gordian.” They had our ship surrounded. “For a time, we can lose all of them except Dario.”

  “Inquisitors have their own ships?” I asked as I leaned over to look at Eli.

  “Yes, your highness,” he said with an incline of his head.

  “Oh, Eli. Call me Teagan.” Giving up on the idea of going to Talpa had waves of relief rolling off of Nico. Quizzically, I looked at Yukihyo who grinned at me. “Aren’t you disappointed not to be going to Talpa?”

  “The cause of my excitement was the return of your spirit. You have been cautious since our return from the Laconian Sector. Since then, I have not once had the opportunity to chastise you for your reckless behavior.”

  “Oh, Yukihyo.”

  “Teagan, no warlord will be able to take you from us again,” Nico assured me.

  “If it happens again, I’m moving to Arachne.” I meant it, and everyone in the room knew it. “Who is Captain Decius?”

  Kaoti answered me. “He is the eldest son of House Decius, one of the Houses of which you asked me to warn you.” I held Kaoti’s eyes with my own. House Decius would attempt to keep me forever in the Empire.

  “Yukihyo, what should we do? Where should we go? I need to get away.”

  Yukihyo pulled me onto his lap and smoothed my hair while I rested my head on his shoulder. “Fitz is eager to show you off to House Jiri, lavish you with gifts, and spoil you like the princess you are. I am eager to play with you in the waves.” He began tickling my ribs. Nico laughed, and I blushed at the memory of playing with both of them in the waves that his words evoked.

  “Is it settled?” Fitz asked.

  “It is. However, first we visit the Palace. Teagan, do you wish to make an attempt at convincing Gram and Grandmother to join us?” Yukihyo asked.

  “I’ll try,” I said as I kissed his cheek.

  Once we docked, my guards went about their assigned tasks. The children remained onboard our ship with Pierce and Lorca. With a light guard protecting us, Yukihyo, Phillip, and I went to the Valen Estate. Aunt Seyla was surprised to see us.

  “Teagan, are you alright?” she asked as she ushered us inside.

  “I’ve had it. We’re going on vacation and dropped by to see if we could convince you ladies to come with us.” We followed her into the kitchen, and my mouth began to water from the delicious smells.

  “Teagan,” Grandmother said as her arms came around me. “You’re hungry. Sit down.” Grandmother kissed my cheek and then moved on to kiss Yukihyo and Phillip while Gram and Aunt Seyla put plates in front of us.

  Yukihyo chuckled at the sight of Uncle Kagan who was working on his lawn out at the back of his property. After I had eaten a steak and a vegetable filled pastry, I asked if they wanted to come with us. I felt their answers before they voiced them. Neither one of them wanted anything to do with a starship.

  “You kids have fun and relax. We have another fifty years or so on which to catch up,” Gram said. Ettie and Emma were simply enjoying being reunited.

  “Okay. You know where we’ll be. Have you heard from the Alarics and Montgomerys?”

  Gram said, “They are having so much fun. Simon got into a bit of a scuffle with some men who were ogling Isidora, but he made his point. Sherman and Ethan have been studying the fashions and making plans. Everything is good.”
  “It’s a shame that we can’t convince you beautiful ladies to join us,” Phillip said sadly.

  “Phillip Svenson, take care of my granddaughter and my great-grandchildren,” Grandmother said as she smoothed his blonde hair and patted his back.

  “I will,” he promised with a sweet and innocent expression.

  Gram snorted at him.

  Within minutes we were back aboard the Empress and were once again in orbit having spent only roughly an hour on Parvac. Our sudden return to orbit caught all of our pursuers except Inquisitor Drex Licinius and Vice Admiral Dario Galerius by surprise. I scowled out of a viewport at their ships as they took up positions that flanked us.

  “Can I order them to leave me alone?”

  “No, I heard that Emperor Probus has given them permission to court you. As long as they don’t force you to do anything or go anywhere, he won’t punish them,” Violet said.

  We were busy snooping through everything on the Imperial Deck before moving on to the Command Deck. Thunderdrop had begun web construction above Sue’s tank. “I hope I can avoid them on Thalassa.”

  “Are we going to your house on the beach?”

  “No, Fitz is taking us somewhere private. He’s speaking to his father.”

  Since we could do whatever we wanted on my starship, Violet and I were walking around barefooted. I enjoyed both the small freedom and the feel of the plush carpet against the soles of my feet.

  “We’ll be there in two days, right?”

  “Yes, are you excited?”

  “I am. We stayed in the Palace for quite some time,” Violet said.

  “I want you and Kaoti to enjoy yourselves. With ten lethal telepathic bodyguards, I should be safe.” We looked at each other and giggled.

  “And three husbands,” she added.

  “Have you given any thought to accepting additional husbands?”

  Violet pondered my question. “I don’t know. When I visit Kaoti’s mother and fathers, it’s just so common in the neighborhoods. Most Parvac women have at least two or three, and it seems to greatly improve the quality of life for their families. The men earn enough to provide nicely for their families. Few women choose to work. Many families hire domestic assistants or nurses to help with their households. However, Kaoti scares any man who glances at me. All he has to do is make eye contact, and they practically piss themselves, and that’s with his sweet expression.”

  We were arm in arm and laughing when the lift doors opened onto the Command Deck. “Oh!” The walls of the semi-circular bridge were only about two feet high. From where they ended to where the ceiling began was all viewport. “It’s so beautiful.”

  My eyes widened further when I noticed the three men who were staring back at me from within a circular command structure. A tall man in his late fifties with blonde hair and blue eyes who was wearing the uniform of a Parvac captain approached us and saluted.

  “Princess Probus, it is an honor. I am Captain Ricimer and am at your service.”

  Violet and I curtsied in unison. “It’s nice to meet you. Is it alright if Violet and I look around for a moment?”

  “Yes, your highness. Please, allow me,” Captain Ricimer said as he showed us to his command area.

  The center command structure was in three parts. The forward half of the semi-circular command panel was the Captain’s. He let us take turns sitting in his big black chair. My heart pounded with excitement making my monitor beep which had everyone looking at me.

  “I’m fine. This is just so exciting.”

  “Princess Probus, please allow me to introduce my first officer, Commander Genso.” Commander Genso was in his early thirties, had black hair, intense brown eyes, and a medium build. “And Lieutenant Commander Glous.” Glous was in his early thirties as well with brown hair and eyes and an unsettling seriousness about him. Each of their chairs and command consoles were a quarter of the size of the Captain’s and nearest the lift. The command area had openings to each side of the Captain’s panel and between the officer’s consoles.

  “This is the most beautiful bridge I’ve ever seen,” I said as I walked across the black, white, and grey marbled carpeting to look out at the stars and two moons that were so clearly visible.

  “You have a beautiful ship, and I will do everything in my power to keep you, your family, and all others aboard the Empress safe.”

  I smiled at him feeling the truth of his words as he said them. “Thank you, Captain Ricimer. It was nice meeting you all.” Violet and I returned to the lift. “Let’s go find Phillip. I want this monitor off. The beeping is beyond annoying.”

  “Yes, anytime you enjoy one of your husbands, we can all hear it,” Violet said while trying to stifle her laughter.

  I groaned. On the third deck, we made our way to the infirmary. As soon as the clear doors slid open and we had passed over the threshold, a voice directly behind us asked, “Are you alright? Is it the baby?”

  I jumped and placed my hand over my heart. My monitor beeped furiously.

  Violet turned and wrapped her arms around Kaoti. She kissed his cheek. “We are fine,” she assured him.

  “Why must you sneak up on us like that?” I admonished my bodyguard.

  Violet laughed as we were swarmed by medical attendants wielding scanners. Once a nurse had assured Kaoti that both Violet and the baby were healthy, Kaoti insisted on taking her to the cafeteria. I wasn’t so lucky and became the center of attention. It wasn’t until after I had been hauled off to an exam bed, scanned, examined, and poked with injectors all while attempting to understand the myriad medical jargon that I managed to get a word in.

  “Hey! Relax. I’m just looking for Dr. Svenson.”

  “Well, you have found Dr. Savelli,” a man said as he examined my heart through a large scanner that had me trapped against the exam bed. Dr. Savelli had brown gold-flecked eyes, short brown hair, and was very muscular. I thought he might be in his forties. His attention was riveted to the scanner. “Excellent work. Your heart is functioning perfectly,” he said while in deep thought.

  “Great. Then, take this annoying monitor off of me or give me whatever device I need, and I’ll take it off of myself.” I tried to push the scanner away, but it wouldn’t budge.

  “Is our Princess feeling cranky?” Dr. Savelli asked.

  “Just take this thing off of me,” I growled out.

  “Have you been experiencing extreme mood swings?” Dr. Savelli asked.

  “Look. You don’t have to be a jerk about it. Phillip said he would remove it. Let me up, and I’ll go find him myself.”

  Instead, the doctor pressed an injector to my arm and took a blood sample. I was attempting to scoot out from under the monitor and off of the bottom of the exam bed when Zared entered and placed a comforting hand to my knee.

  “Let me help you,” he said as he pulled me back up and against the pillow.

  “How is that helpful?”

  “Teagan, perhaps you might consider listening to Dr. Savelli. I have been doing my best to level your emotions. However, with each day you fluctuate with greater rapidity from one emotional extreme to the next.”

  Hurt, I met Zared’s gaze. “I do not.”

  “You do. In one moment, your passion and need claw at me only to be replaced with debilitating sadness and despair,” Zared said quietly. In my mind, he whispered, “I have redirected your thoughts from my loss of control with you in the store.”

  The memory of Zared’s hands and mouth along with the pleasure he had given me returned in a flash. Between my legs, I throbbed and became wet. Then, my monitor began to blare. I closed my eyes and hit my head against the pillow.

  “What’s the problem?” Phillip asked as he strolled in. He was wearing exercise clothes and was sweaty, but examined the readouts anyway. “Oh, look at that. Sex crazed Cupcake is back,” Phillip said with a toothy grin.

  “Phillip, get this stupid fucking heart monitor off of me, now.”

  “See. There is th
e anger,” Zared said in concern.

  I felt like either biting him or tearing off his pants, but he was my adopted brother. I already had four husbands. What was wrong with me? I covered my face with my hands and cried. That brought Yukihyo running.

  “What’s wrong?” Yukihyo asked as he smoothed my hair and kissed the top of my head.

  “This,” Dr. Savelli proclaimed. “It needs to be removed immediately.”

  I wiped my eyes hopeful that he meant the monitor. However, he pointed to the birth control device below my belly button. “This is the reason we don’t use them.” He removed the scanner, and a nurse covered me with a blanket. Dr. Savelli and Phillip spoke for a while in their foreign medical language.

  Then Phillip said, “I’ll go get cleaned up and assist. Cupcake, mind Dr. Savelli.” He walked off into another part of the infirmary.

  “Princess, please allow me to help you. We will remove the monitor.”

  “Really?” Quickly, I became more cooperative.

  Soon, I was disrobed and under blankets. When Phillip returned to my side, I was discomfited to see him wearing the surgical attire of Parvac military doctors, a black form-fitting shirt with pale blue details and black pants. “This will be over before you know it. Take a little nap for me,” Phillip said with a kind smile. He kissed my forehead and then faded from view.

  Beeps and the rustling of fabric filled my senses before I managed to open my eyes. I felt heavy with sleep. The voice above me seemed too loud. It belonged to Phillip. He was adjusting the flow of a tube that ran into my arm. The tube got in my way as I felt my chest that was smooth save for a small nanite patch.

  “There. Now, nothing will detract from your naked breasts as you frolic and bounce on the beaches of Thalassa,” Phillip said.

  “Finally,” I said groggily. “What’s this?”


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