Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4)

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Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4) Page 28

by Wendie Nordgren

  Luca leaned back against his chair and met Nico’s eyes.

  “Hey, Cupcake. Hold still so I can scan you,” Phillip said as he began waving his device over me.

  “Where is Kaoti?” I asked Violet.

  “He, Eli, and the Omnes Videntes went to secure the location,” Violet said with a grin. “They had all kinds of gadgets and surveillance equipment.”

  Moments after the ship docked on Daphoene, he had left it through the cargo bay. He had taken some interesting intel along with him. Licinius had extensive surveillance of Teagan. Now, it was all his. Licinius had gone so far as to bug the communications of the Empress. He had found the link in Licinius’ menu. The bastard had known everything she had done or planned to do.

  He took a public shuttle to the small town situated between the jungle and the ocean on the other side of Daphoene. He hiked his backpack farther up on his shoulder, glad he had used Drex’s shower to wash off the blood. He smiled at an elderly couple as he walked into a café and ordered. After his meal arrived, he planned his next steps.

  Neema laughed and giggled while Yukihyo tried to catch her toes, and she pulled them away. I found it impossible not to worry about Licinius, and I didn’t even like the man. Anyway, the subject of him was taboo in the shuttle. Izaac wouldn’t even tell me what was happening. Instead, he showed me images of the tropical flowers growing on Dario’s property.

  Eventually, Dario landed the shuttle in the middle of what appeared to be a jungle. My thoughts turned to Quaid and the Bosh home.

  “Here we are. My home is yours, Princess Probus. I hope you will treat it as such. I had the second floor prepared for you and the children, but I have not as of yet seen it so I hope it pleases you.”

  “Thank you, Vice Admiral Galerius. You have been kind and generous,” I said primly.

  He seemed surprised at my formality. Nico laughed at him. My blonde giant explained, “If you continue to call her Princess Probus, she will be on her best behavior.”

  Pierce and Lorca took charge of the children. Thunderdrop crawled to my braids and remained there.

  “Am I allowed to walk?” I asked Phillip.

  “You can do whatever you feel like doing as long as I am nearby. After I get confirmation that these magnetic storms have passed, I’ll give you some space.”

  I kissed his cheek. “I love you. I don’t mind your company at all. I just don’t like being confined to bed. I feel fine, really.”

  “Just don’t tire yourself out.” Phillip took my hand and linked our fingers together as we stepped out into the shaded courtyard.

  The air felt heavy and damp, but a cool breeze kept it from being uncomfortable. It was early evening on this side of the planet. Phillip led me forward. The front of Dario’s house made quite the impression. The central portion of the massive black stone house was three stories high with one story wings to each side of it. Magnificent rectangular picture windows were centered in each of the wings and to each side of the large, plasti-glass doors that led into the house making it seem open and welcoming. The second and third stories each had two of the beautiful windows.

  Eli and Kaoti waited for us on the elegant front porch. Kaoti walked down the black stone steps to Violet as Lorca and Pierce walked up them with the children. Kaoti bowed to me before giving Violet his arm.

  “Report,” Nico ordered Eli as he and Fitz mounted the steps.

  “Secure. Everything is secure.”

  “Very good. Teagan, let’s get you settled,” Nico said.

  I looked up at Nico and Fitz. They were handsome, strong, and powerful. My own need shocked me as it heated and flowed through me like a big sip of hot coffee on a cold morning. “Perhaps my husbands could show me to my bedroom.”

  I knew I was controlling them with my Parvac pheromones. I could see the change to their eyes as I snared them and felt powerful because of it. Nico’s eyes locked onto mine making heat pool between my legs. I let Phillip’s hand fall from mine as in my bare feet I took the steps up to Nico and Fitz, my Parvac husbands. The sedate pace at which they walked to the lift was driving me mad.

  “Nico,” I said as I sent my need to him through our bond.

  Nico turned, crushed his lips to mine, lifted me into his arms, and carried me to the room I had been given. When he placed me on my feet, my toes sank into thick luxurious carpeting. I let my pink robe slide from my arms to puddle at my feet. Hesitantly, Fitz stood at the door. I watched his face as I removed Nico’s jacket.

  “Fitz, I need you, but if you are uncomfortable….”

  He closed the door and slowly approached us. I reached for his hand, kissed his fingers, and shared through my touch my consuming passion and need. Fitz’s chest rose and fell with his breathing. I kissed him sensing his wild excitement. Nico pulled back the covers and slid naked into bed. Fitz took off his shirt while staring into my eyes. Pushing the straps off of my shoulders, I let the gown fall. Taking Fitz’s hand in mine, I pressed his palm and fingers open. Then, I guided his hand down to my center so he could feel my need. Fitz used his feet to remove his shoes, and took his hands from me to get out of his pants.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He lifted me to the bed and had entered me before my back had touched the mattress. Fitz was tender and gentle which made me more desperate.

  “Fitz,” I whispered against his neck.

  It was his undoing as he surged forward and emptied himself. He laid beside me trying to calm his breathing.

  Nico knew that I hadn’t found my release. He also knew from experience what I needed. He dragged me under him and sank fully into me making me gasp. Then, the man who had destroyed a moon for me took me hard and fast. I clutched at his back until he caught my hands and held them above my head with one strong hand. With the other, he gripped my thigh pulling it up to his hip. I screamed with pleasure as he drove forward into the spot that drove me wild. My back arched up from the bed with the tingling achiness that wound me tight and then set me free in an explosion of tiny popping bubbles that seemed to pleasantly burst out from within me. Even my thighs tingled, and I laughed. Having pleased me, Nico sped up and found his own release.

  “I love you, Nico.”

  “I love you, woman, mother, wife, and home.”

  My eyes filled up in shock. “Nico, that’s the sweetest, most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me.”

  “That?” he asked incredulously.


  “Are you alright?” Fitz asked.

  I blushed. “Yes, I’m sorry. I just saw you both standing there and was overcome with need.” I covered my face with my hands. “Oh, no. How did that make Yukihyo and Zared feel? I’m so confused.”

  Nico thrust himself forward and nibbled at my hands until I took them from my face. “Stop feeling guilty. You finally behaved normally.”

  “Teagan, I was referring to your heart,” Fitz said with a pleased grin.

  “I’m fine. Um, thank you both for your help with um….”

  Nico laughed and gave my bottom a gentle swat as I scooted out from under him and into the bathroom. After a shower, I pulled on shorts and a T-shirt. I heard Nico and Fitz talking, so I paused to listen.

  “Drex won’t be bothering her again,” Fitz said.

  “Teagan, I can feel you. Come here. We will go down and have something to eat,” Nico said. He held his hand out to me.

  Entwining our fingers together, I asked, “How can you be sure?”

  “Sure of what?” Nico asked.

  “That Licinius isn’t going to keep throwing himself at me and following me everywhere.” I became confused when it seemed as though my thoughts were gathered up and spun away.

  “I heard that the chef is preparing grilled shrimp, steak, and a tropical salad. Aren’t you hungry?” Nico asked.

  “What? Oh, yes.” They met each other’s eyes over my head, but I couldn’t figure out why I should be annoyed.

  That night, I slept soundly on Yukihyo’s
chest with his arms around me and my feet pressed against Nico’s legs. My Omnes Videntes guarded my dreams and kept me company. In my dreams, Rozz played stones with me. Then, Izaac told me a story, and Zared showed me images of beautiful places they had seen.

  The next morning, we discovered the large sandy backyard and curving swimming pool that was fed by a small waterfall. Tall vine-covered trees provided shade for the lounge chairs scattered about. Thunderdrop began to explore and hunt.

  “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Splash!” Neema said excitedly.

  From our gowns, I changed us both into green ruffled two-piece swimsuits. We played in the pool until Pierce insisted we get out for breakfast. I wrapped Neema in a towel and sat on a lounge chair with her on my lap. My Omnes Videntes refused to tell me what was going on with Licinius. Everyone refused to tell me. My vid-screen was nowhere to be found. After breakfast, Neema and I sat and played in the sand. We used toy shovels to fill our buckets and then poured them out.

  I looked up when I saw the shiny black shoes beside me. “Dario, Eli, and I are going to meet with the Warrior Caste on your behalf. We will get everything straightened out. You will remain here with Fitz, Yukihyo, and Phillip. Your Imperial guard watches over you,” Nico said.

  “I have a hundred of my best soldiers in teams around my property, so feel free to explore. There are ponds, waterfalls, and walking trails.”

  “Okay. Thanks. Neema, did Pierce bring our stroller? A peaceful walk through the trees sounds lovely.”

  Nico kissed my forehead.

  An hour or so later, Neema and I were playing with her silk spiders and their rainy season web in the living room. Yukihyo’s boredom was tangible.

  “We’re fine if you want to take a transport and buy some merchandise,” I told him. The thought of Yukihyo being out alone with all of the chaos made me nervous. He was my greatest strength but also my greatest weakness. He was very recognizable in the Empire.

  Sensing my worry, Wyatt Ponidi said, “I will accompany Lord Yukihyo.”

  “Wyatt and I will take a few guards with us. Don’t worry. We do need to restock after the flooding or Lord Chan may be displeased with his new son-in-law.”

  “Be careful.”

  “I am armed, sweet lady wife.”

  Wyatt nodded to me once Yukihyo’s back was turned and sent me feelings of confident assurance. When the children went down for their naps, I cornered Fitz and had private husband and wife time with him until he passed out from exhaustion. He wouldn’t tell me what was going on with the Warrior Caste either. There was a conspiracy to keep me in a cocoon of isolated safety. While it was emotionally satisfying, my worried curiosity couldn’t take it.

  Luckily, I knew who the weakest member of my entourage was, and at the moment he was lounging with his vid-screen near the pool. I put on one of the tiny Thalassan swim suits Fitz had given me and went outside. I sat on a lounge chair beside Luca Braga. His eyes soaked me up like dry sponges. The white suit left nothing to the imagination. As I sat, I ran my fingers over Luca’s arm.

  “It’s so quiet here.”

  “Yes, and it grows more beautiful each second,” Luca said as his eyes roamed over me. He put his vid-screen on a table to his left where I couldn’t see it.

  “Oh, Luca. You are so sweet. I’m sorry Zared attacked you. Does it still hurt?” I moved to sit on Luca’s lap and gently moved my fingers over the fading bruises.

  Luca had turned to stone beneath me. I moved my fingers from his cheek and down to his chest to play with his hair. Luca leaned forward and kissed me. I took it as an invitation to roll pleasure through him. He found his pleasure three times before finally passing out with a smile on his face.

  “Princess, is there anything you require?” Kaoti asked warily.

  “Would you ask someone to please bring me a cup of coffee?” Kaoti bowed to me and returned to the house. A servant brought me coffee. “Thank you. Just put it down there.”

  After he left, I leaned over Luca, took his vid-screen, and sat on my lounge chair with it and my coffee. I lifted his limp palm to the screen to activate it. I searched for news on Drex Licinius and saw blood soaked carpeting and a severed hand. I didn’t have time to read the headline before the vid-screen was snatched out of my hands.

  “I don’t want you looking at that gruesomeness, Lady Jiri,” Fitz said. “Wake up,” he said to Luca as he shook him with his foot.

  Luca’s eyes fluttered open, and Fitz thrust the vid-screen at him. Luca’s face darkened when he saw the screen, Fitz placed my cup in my hand.

  “When did it happen?”

  “We will not discuss this, Teagan. Soon, I will have you back home on Thalassa. We will go sailing on our yacht. I will take you shopping and spoil you as you deserve.”

  “But, Fitz….” I could still see crooked fingers stained with blood above a severed stub.

  Fitz crouched down in front of me and wiped my tears. “His mistreatment of you angered many including me. He struck while you were weak.”


  “No, Teagan. Take your coffee inside and take a bath. I hired someone to come and do your hair for you.” Fitz smiled and kissed my forehead. “Go. Let me take care of you.”

  Thunderdrop crawled down from a tree and followed me into the house. Lorca filled my tub for me. Then, he left leaving me in privacy. I slipped out of the tiny swimsuit and into warm sudsy water. I turned my head to observe my spider.

  “When did it happen?” I asked him.

  “Clack chitter,” he said as he showed me the infirmary when my heart had stopped.

  “Who did it?”

  Thunderdrop didn’t know. I tried to think. Yukihyo had once sliced off the arm of a man who had threatened me, but he had been with me in the infirmary the entire time, as had Luca. Dario had been furious with Licinius. Nico, Eli, and Kaoti had been absent from the infirmary along with my Omnes Videntes. Fitz and Luca were arguing near the pool, but I couldn’t make out their words. I remembered how angry Fitz had been with Uncle Kagan. Could he have left my starship and butchered Licinius? Had it been Eli, Kaoti, or Zared? They had known I didn’t want Licinius hurt. No matter who had done it, the man’s death was my fault. I finished my bath and pulled on some exercise clothes.

  “Come on, baby. I need to think. Show me one of Dario’s walking trails.”

  “Chirp chitter?” Thunderdrop asked as he showed me an image of Phillip and another of Izaac.

  “I heard Phillip saying that Dr. Savelli reported it was safe for me. No more magnetic storm. I don’t need to say anything to the others. They know every single thought and feeling I have. Twenty guards are probably watching us right now.”

  Thunderdrop climbed me like a tree until he found a comfortable place on my arm and shoulder.

  “See,” I told him when guards held open the front doors for us and two more followed at a discrete distance as I walked outside.

  Thunderdrop jumped down and led me down a path to the left. He paused at a large plate-sized red flower, lifted up on his back legs, and touched it with his front legs while blinking at me. Dutifully, I bent down and smelled it.



  The path looked well-used, and I imagined Dario jogging along it. Absentmindedly, I stopped to sniff each flower that Thunderdrop pointed out to me. I could only imagine the Warrior Caste’s justified outrage over Licinius’ murder. He may have upset and annoyed me, but he was a loyal Parvac. He was one of us and hadn’t deserved his fate. If I hadn’t childishly slapped him, he wouldn’t be dead. I wiped my eyes.

  “Chirp?” Thunderdrop climbed me and nuzzled my neck. I petted his leg. “Chirp!” He jumped down and led me to a big flat rock.

  I sat on it cross-legged while he hunted for bugs. I was glad my guards were leaving me alone. I did my best to wall off my thoughts for some privacy. Could Nico or Fitz have been the killer? They knew what this would do to me. Didn’t they care? Were Nico and Eli actually preparing for more
fighting among the Warrior Caste? I rested my face in my hands.

  Aside from the color of his blood, another good thing about Drex was his tech. Inquisitors had the best neural dampeners, visual displacement shields, and tracking and surveillance equipment. He had watched her since her arrival at the house. Since she had begun her walk, he had taken out twelve of her guards with powerful tranquilizer darts. Now, he approached her slowly so as not to frighten her. The neural dampener hidden behind his ear was strong enough to mask her thoughts as well as his own.

  Fragile and forlorn with blonde braids falling about her, she sat crying and alone on a rock. They didn’t care for her as they should. The amount of freedom they gave her was dangerous. She should never leave the safety of Parvac.

  “Princess?” he said softly as he slowly stepped to her side and crouched down beside her. “I know you want us to keep our distance and give you privacy, but seeing you cry and making no attempt to comfort you forces me to defy my orders.” I held my arms open to her. Then, she raised her face from her hands and showed me her beautiful eyes.

  “Pax? Oh, Pax. I’ve been so worried about you. I heard what Licinius had done, but I couldn’t come to you. Are you okay?”

  “Dear lady, seeing your tears hurts me far worse than my little fight with Drex.”

  Frowning, I said, “He broke both of your legs. Oh, Pax. I’m so sorry. Everything is my fault.” I fell into his arms and cried against his neck. When my tears subsided, I kissed his cheek. “You should have let me know you were here. I can’t believe Nico has you out here doing guard duty.”

  “All I want is to protect you. However, I also want to know who has made you cry. He needs to be taught how to treat a beautiful princess.”

  “It’s too late. Licinius has been murdered. I didn’t like him. I’m sure you didn’t like him either, but now he’s gone. It’s all my fault. I should have been more proper. I didn’t realize someone would cut him to pieces.”

  “Don’t cry anymore over Drex. He doesn’t deserve your tears. Do you know who was responsible?”

  “No. I know it wasn’t Yukihyo or Luca. They were with me in the infirmary the entire time when my heart stopped.”


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