Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4)

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Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4) Page 31

by Wendie Nordgren

  Countless pictures were taken of us throughout our tour. I thanked the men. It had been the most fun I had ever had on Daphoene.

  Before we left, Yukihyo and I bought several loose diamonds. We had gotten good deals on them since it was our mine. Yukihyo whispered to me. “I know to whom to sell these diamonds and will get at least double what we paid for them,” he promised.

  Andrew and Ivan gave Neema a matching diamond bracelet for each of her wrists.

  “Oh, pretty,” she said as she waved her arms around.

  I laughed. “You had better stay rich, husband. Your daughter likes pretty things.”

  We began our return trip to the Empress with two sleeping children and five hundred-thousand credits worth of diamonds which made me nervous. Yukihyo chuckled to himself.


  “We paid for the diamonds which was both proper and good business. A portion of what we paid will return to us as profits from the mine.”

  I smiled at him and knew I would catch him at some time during the day calculating the credits. I sighed in relief once Yukihyo put all of the diamonds in our safe. I left our deck and went to the Infirmary. All of the going up and down steps had my knee twinging. I sat still for Phillip.

  “These Parvac soldiers need to stop chasing me, so I can stop cracking this same knee while trying to get away from them.”

  “Hey, at least this one didn’t shoot you,” Phillip said.

  “Thank goodness. Speaking of Parvac soldiers, how is Drex?”

  Phillip’s blue eyes met mine. “Pax stabbed him four times, cut off his hand, and broke his nose. He is going to get to keep his hand. He has considerable nerve damage. It will take time for him to recover. I’m proud of you for bringing him to your ship, Cupcake. I know how upset he’s made you.”

  “Thanks, Phillip. I’ll go check on him. May I have a tiny pain patch for my knee?”

  “Just a tiny one?”

  “Yes, if it doesn’t hurt at all, I might over do it.”

  “Done,” Phillip said as he stuck a patch to my knee, ruffled the hair on the top of my head, and winked at me.

  I gave him a tight hug around his chest and didn’t let go. Knowing he could sense my love for him through his bond with Yukihyo, I didn’t embarrass him by saying any mushy, sugary stuff out loud. Phillip’s arms came around me, and he hugged me back.

  “If I hadn’t been such a horny jerk, that reporter wouldn’t have been there for that slap,” Phillip whispered.

  “Yes, she would have. I asked her to take our vacation pictures.”

  “Hey! That’s right! It is all your fault. Thanks, Cupcake.”

  I dropped my arms from him. “Have you looked into how my pheromones affect males?”

  “We’ve been looking at it. I found something interesting.”


  “While Parvac females can crook a finger and have Parvac and Laconian males spellbound, those same pheromones for the most part act as a deterrent to pureblood human males. Basically, you don’t smell good to them.”

  “No wonder I couldn’t get a date.”

  “From personal experience, I can confirm that those pheromones do not have any effect on homosexual males either,” Dr. Savelli said.

  “Then, if you aren’t chasing after me, why are you so sweet to me?” I asked.

  “Because you are kind, adorable, and our Princess,” Savelli answered.

  “Aw, thanks.”

  Eventually, the Empress was repaired, and we were on our way. After the way Nico had rid me of my Warrior Caste issues, he easily won the argument to visit Apellan to check on his military base. In fact, Nico was pretty much getting anything and everything he wanted from me.

  Violet and I decided to stay at Nico’s house. Thunderdrop had taken to the trees as soon as the transport doors had opened. We spent our first hours there baking in my kitchen until Violet got tired and went to take a nap. The house was just as beautiful and peaceful as I remembered. However, my memory didn’t do the bathtubs in our adjoining suites justice. The door between Nico’s room and mine was open. Someone had lit our fires. Happily, I soaked in my tub until I shriveled. Then, I put on a pretty dress, grabbed my vid-screen, and went to the nursery that Abbie had decorated. Quietly, I called her. She answered immediately.

  “Guess where we are, Grandmama,” I whispered as I turned the vid-screen to Niklos who was sound asleep in the bed she had purchased. He was sprawled out on his back wearing only a diaper with his little round tummy moving up and down as he breathed. “He sleeps like his daddy.”

  “Oh, there he is! Look at my grandson!” Abbie said to a couple of ladies who were keeping her company. Abbie was pleased with her grandson and with Nico. The fighting had stopped on Coronis.

  The rest of the day continued to be perfect. Nico had taken Eli with him to his base. Yukihyo, Fitz, and just about everyone else had gone hunting. Phillip, Pierce, and Lorca had remained with Violet, the children, and me. Nico’s soldiers guarded us. I was able to relax completely and enjoy our house. When Niklos woke Neema and Violet from their naps, we went outside and played on a large blanket.

  “This is perfect. We should come here more often,” Violet said as she stretched out on the blanket beside Niklos.

  I spent the evening showing Nico my appreciation, and the next day I took particular care with my appearance. I wore a beautiful white dress, diamonds, and had Violet help me with my hair. Lorca dressed up Niklos. Then, we spent the day with his daddy at his military base. After inspecting the troops, or rather keeping my sweetest smile on my face and carrying Niklos along next to Nico while he strutted around with his chest puffed out, my knee started to bug me and Niklos got hungry.

  “Let’s go to my office. This day has been exciting for our son,” Nico said.

  “Yes, it was exciting for Niklos,” I laughed.

  After I had fed Niklos and put him in his bassinet to sleep, his father gave me a hungry look. I decided that General Cassian was quite attractive in his black uniform. I allowed my eyes to roam his broad chest. Nico walked to me from behind his desk, put his hands around my waist, and kissed me turning me to liquid. I pushed a few things out of the way on his desk and encouraged him to sit while I helped him with his pants. I had just finished having my way with my husband on his desk when the door opened. Luckily, I was still wearing my dress. I just had no idea where Nico had thrown my undies. I turned to the door with a frown from where I straddled him.

  “General Cassian, here are the forms requiring your immediate approval...” Nico’s adjunct began but didn’t finish. He stood in the doorway with a dumbfounded expression.

  “Here,” I said as I held out my hand. The man took mincing steps forward while blushing a bright red. He put the data pad into my hand. “Leave.”

  He turned so quickly that he stumbled. Once the door was closed, I climbed down from Nico. Nico was still laughing when I came out of his bathroom. I ignored him and made myself a cup of coffee in his beverage dispenser.

  He was laughing even harder after we got home.


  “You limped from my office to the transport.”

  “Yes, your desk hurt my knee.”

  “My men don’t know about your knee. They have deduced another reason for your limping.”

  I rolled my eyes at him and got a pain patch from Phillip who lectured me about aggravating existing injuries with wild sex. I kicked him and pretended it was a reflex.

  Violet and I had a few more days of peace and quiet before the hunting party returned. The trip seemed to have created a close camaraderie between Yukihyo and Zared, and both men seemed happier and more relaxed. While I would never understand the allure of the hunt, I did appreciate the outcome, but not as much as Violet. It was a good thing the men had been successful. Yukihyo proudly presented me with pheasant and assured me he had more for Hiroshi.

  Having time to process everything that had happened in the peace and quiet of our home had bee
n much needed. Also, it was nice to visit with Nat and Nilo, Nico’s brothers. However, seeing them had me thinking about how I had missed out on visiting with my family even if it would have been on Naxa. It made me sad. My family sensed my mood with startling immediacy, and it was decided that we would return to Thalassa for a few days and then return to Parvac ahead of them. With it settled, the next day we boarded the Empress and returned to space.

  That evening, I decided to spend some alone time with Fitz. “You seemed very happy on Apellan,” he said.

  “Yes, but I’m happy whenever it is peaceful and I have my family to myself. Where we all are isn’t all that important with the exception of one place.”


  “Yes, come with me and see it for yourself. Better yet, close your eyes and breathe it in as we stand in my forest.”

  Fitz moved my hair back from my shoulder, cupped my cheek, and kissed me. “I love you, Teagan,” he whispered.

  Staring into his brown eyes, I reached for Fitz with my senses letting the silken tendrils from my soul reach out and wrap around him. His feelings for me were simple and pure. Fitz loved me. “I trust you, and I have grown to love you.”

  Fitz’s love for me was pure, but what he wanted me to do to him during our private time wasn’t. I blushed as I clicked the restraints onto his wrists. However, after having total control of Fitz and taking my pleasure as I wished, I was humming to myself later as I released his ankles and set him free. I kissed his nose, covered him with a blanket, and took a shower.

  By the time we had arrived on Thalassa, Fitz had enlisted the aid of a favorite uncle to run his day to day operations while he would handle all of the business that he could via his vid-screen. “I’d be a fool to leave you. Anyway, it takes a year for a pineapple to grow. We won’t be gone for that long.”

  “See. Now, you understand how I feel. Trust me. Hire a personal assistant before we leave,” Nico suggested.

  “One who knows how to knock,” I said under my breath.

  Praetor Jiri was glad to have us back. After we were settled, Fitz and his uncle went to his plantation. The rest of us went down to the beach. Neema seemed to be learning to float faster than she had learned to crawl. Thalassa was much more enjoyable without being bombarded with suitors. Most of them were still on Daphoene.

  The next night after having made business arrangements to his satisfaction, Fitz invited me on a date. Nico, Niklos, Yukihyo, and Neema were having a living room playdate of their own. I ran my hand over the soft baby fuzz on Niklos’ little head and gave Neema a kiss. When I tried to give Yukihyo a kiss, she got jealous.

  “No, mine,” she said as she made him restack the blocks they had scattered about them.

  “Well, okay. Enjoy your blocks,” I said as I took Fitz’s arm.

  “Lady Jiri, I promised you a ride on my yacht,” Fitz said with a grin.

  We walked from the house to the dock. A pleasant breeze blew through my hair, and insects sang in the jungle. Stars were just becoming visible as the sky became a deep pink. Fitz jumped aboard his boat that swayed gently on the waves and extended his hand out to help me. I took a seat and smiled as he pulled away from the dock taking pleasure in the fresh air and the waves. He sailed us to a quiet, secluded island and docked his boat.

  “We have never had dinner alone together,” Fitz said.

  “What are we having?”

  “You’ll see,” Fitz said as he helped me to the dock.

  We held hands which for some reason made me blush even after all of the intimate things we had done together. I liked how warm, strong, and rough his hands were. The boards creaked a little as we walked over them toward the small green island. I could just see specks of light through the foliage. Curious, I strained to see in the dark which made Fitz laugh. The wooden slats over which we walked continued on over the rough beach.


  Several small orbs created a soothing illumination in a clearing where a low table had been set. The effect was like something out of a fairytale. Fitz helped me sit on a wide cushion that he shared with me.

  Lifting a cover from a dish, Fitz said, “Your favorites.”

  “Yum.” It smelled delicious. He fed me scallops, grilled shrimp, and pieces of fruit. “You’re going to a great deal of trouble to stay with me.”

  Fitz looked at me with his big brown eyes. “It would be far more difficult to say goodbye to you.”

  My eyes began to swell not only from his sweet words, but because he meant them. “I was so alone for so long. Now, I’m surrounded by love.”

  Fitz gave me a wicked grin. “I’d like to fill you with my love.” He stood and held his hand down to me.

  As I placed my hand in his, I said, “I used to think you were so sweet and innocent.”

  “I am sweet. However, never once have my thoughts of you been innocent. Shall we go for a swim?” he asked as he showed me to a natural pool.

  “It looks deep. You know that I’m not a strong swimmer.”

  “Don’t worry. I came prepared.” Fitz was brimming with excitement and sexual energy as he undressed me. “These will keep you from sinking, my love.” Fitz had brought floatation strips like those Pierce and Lorca had used on the children. I held out my arms, but Fitz said, “Turn.” I turned and felt him adhering strips to my lower back, shoulders, neck, and thighs. “You should be safe, now. Get in. I’ll join you.”

  There were steps leading down into the water. “Do you bring women here often?” The water was warm, soothing, and felt great against my knee.

  Fitz had undressed and walked down the steps behind me. I felt his rough fingers brush against my lower back.

  “No, this is a private Jiri family romantic getaway. I never saw much use for it until I met you. Now, I understand the allure.”

  When I stepped off into the water, I expected to tread water. However, that didn’t happen. The floatation strips activated and had me floating on my back, naked. I laughed as Fitz grabbed me.

  “I don’t think this is what they were meant for.”

  “Aw, but now you are the one who is helpless, and I can have my way with you.” Fitz stopped talking and put his mouth to much better use.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next day, Captain Ricimer took us away from Thalassa on a return course to Parvac. The Princess was also returning with a starship full of satisfied customers. Ambassador Stine was pleased with our improved relations. Director Sapor was pleased that the Parvac Empire had made such a favorable impression on some of the wealthiest citizens of the Galaxic Expanse.

  Once our ships had docked, and everyone had settled, I accepted an invitation to tour the Princess. I had thought Parvac reporters were bad, but they were nothing compared to the photographers and reporters on the pleasure cruiser. I was glad that I had let Lorca and Director Sapor select my attire. By the time the tour had ended, my jaws were tired from smiling. In the transport on the way home, Yukihyo let me rest my head on his lap so he could rub my aching mandible.

  “Will you attend a meeting with me tomorrow?” Yukihyo asked.


  I spent the remainder of the day shopping with Auria, Isidora, Sydney, Gina, and our baby-filled strollers. Imperial guards kept a vigilant watch over us.

  “I was afraid at first, but it really is safe here,” Auria said.

  “Yes, I have the occasional problem with Parvac Warlords trying to whisk me away, but aside from that it’s nice.”

  “That didn’t work out very well for that inquisitor,” Gina said.

  “No, it did not. He’s in the Palace infirmary. His physical therapy today will be using his hand to feed himself the cookies I baked him.”

  “What about the one who did it?” Gina asked.

  Annoyed, I shook my head. “Pax was punished for being overly flirtatious with me and was released.”

  “What?” Gina asked incredulously. “He mutilated that man, stabbed him, and then left him to bleed to death!�

  “Then, he showered in Drex’s own bathroom,” I added.

  Isadora said, “What a cold-hearted piece of shit.”

  I nodded. “Drex didn’t file a complaint since he had almost beaten Pax to death and broke both of his legs. He said they’re even.”

  “They play rough. They should hunt more,” Isidora said.

  “As long as they aren’t hunting me,” I said.

  If anyone was as greedy with babies as Nico, it was Isidora. If she wasn’t holding Niklos or Neema, she was holding Evan, and she was always smiling. Married life was agreeing with her.

  Into my thoughts, Zared said, “Isidora and Simon conceived on Thalassa, but she insists they keep it secret until she is showing for fear of losing the child.”

  Silently, I asked, “Is that a concern?”

  “Not that I am aware, but one can never be too sure with such delicate matters.”

  Everyone I knew was busy. Papa was making arrangements for an elaborate ball. Phillip, Simon, and Eliot explored Parvac, and the ladies had gone to the Valen Estate. Therefore, no one missed us when Yukihyo and I left Nico and Fitz in charge of the children and went to our meeting. The scholars with whom Yukihyo had been communicating were engineers. We met them at their lab which was full of all sorts of materials, tools, and solar panels in various stages of completion. The men were not currently affiliated with any business or program and were in dire need of patronage for their designs. I hoped they wouldn’t mind going in a different direction.

  Yukihyo insisted that they place their palms to the scanner for the non-disclosure agreement that Papa had helped him to construct. Due to the classified information about the alien technology, even though it was inferior to our own, the Empire would receive a share of our profits. Luckily, Yukihyo’s idea along with the Emperor’s seal of approval had the engineers eager to begin work on a prototype, and so Ponidi Propulsions began. Yukihyo’s excitement was infectious. He took me to lunch in the merchant district to celebrate.


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