Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4)

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Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4) Page 33

by Wendie Nordgren

  “No, Princess.”

  “Very well. If you can manage to lean forward, you may kiss my cheek and have a kiss from me in return.” That, Drex was able to accomplish. I kissed his temple. “Be good for Dr. Savelli. Bye,” I said as I waggled my fingers at him and left.

  Jazon followed me into the lift. Had my hands been cold, I could have warmed them on the angry fumes coming off of him.

  “I thought the Princess had a tummy ache.”

  “Making you sick made me feel better.”

  Zared waited for us with his hands clasped behind his back as we stepped from the lift. He seemed to glare at his brother. “If you are done tormenting my wife, I believe she has errands to run.” Zared gave me his arm and reentered the lift with me.

  Jazon followed. By the time we had arrived in the transport bay, my entire team of Omnes Videntes awaited us. I had a feeling that I would never again be running off to shop alone.

  “How about some coffee?” I asked.

  The silence in the transport continued all of the way to the café. I held Zared’s hand and smoothed the thin gray hairs on his knuckles. Someone hopped out of the transport, got my coffee for me, and returned without having even bothered to ask what I wanted. Shocked that it had been Rozz, I thanked him. He gave me a sympathetic nod which dumbfounded me.

  “Okay. What’s going on?”

  “I’ll tell you what’s going on,” Jazon said angrily. “How could you marry Fitz? I realize it was a political maneuver, but you enjoy being with him. How can you do that? And, Drex? What the hell was that?” I looked at Jazon. “You’re my brother’s wife. How can you encourage Drex?” From the look on Jazon’s face, I had a feeling I knew what he thought of me. “Then, there was the way you carried on with Commander Bosh. I know you were married to him before we met you, but hell. You had every Laconian on the ship, hell at the entire land port, blushing, and that was with us shielding you.”

  I turned my eyes from Jazon’s to look out of the window. I didn’t know what to say. A tiny part of me wanted to defend my culture. Another part of me wanted to tell him to mind his own business, and that if he didn’t want to be a part of my life then to leave. Those parts of me weren’t strong enough. The hurt part of me won. Jazon thought I was a promiscuous slut just like what I had thought until Nico had told me it wasn’t true. Nico had told me that I was finally behaving like a normal Parvac female. I put my coffee in a holder, took my hand from Zared’s, and clasped my own hands.

  “Stop at that store.”

  Once the transport stopped, I got out, ignored my guards, and purchased things for Galina. I wasn’t sure what would happen with her, but it wouldn’t do for her to have only play clothes to wear wherever it was she went. I had a feeling that she would be allowed to visit her grandmother on Chione. Then, I realized that Zared had sensed the decision regarding her had been made. I added a few sweaters and jackets to the growing pile.

  Perhaps Jazon’s views were what I had to look forward to in the Laconian Sector. It was normal for Laconian men to have several wives. I was supposed to accept their culture, but they didn’t need to accept mine? Jazon wasn’t going to make me feel guilty for being myself. He had no right to intrude into my marriages. What I did with Quaid, Yukihyo, Nico, Fitz, and Zared was none of his concern. Seriously, did he think I could control my desires? After I had paid, Rozz and Izaac took my bags, and we returned in silence to the ship.

  Galina and I were putting her new things away when she asked, “What’s all of the excitement about?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Uncle Yukihyo was all excited and went to the exercise deck.”

  “I’m not sure. Let’s find out.”

  Galina and I took the lift down. As I looked around at the crowd, I said, “Maybe you should wait in the lift.”

  “Oh, come on, Aunt Teagan. I see boys fighting all of the time.”

  I held onto her hand and together we squeezed through my guards and crewmen. Zared and Jazon were beating the crap out of each other. The blows they rained down upon each other were audible. Xavier met my eyes with his from across the room. I turned and walked back to the lift.

  “Come on, Galina. Are you hungry?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  We returned to my deck. I wanted to be alone so I could have a good cry. That wasn’t going to happen. I had Galina for whom to care along with both of my babies who were now awake. We sat in the nursery where I rocked Niklos. Coming between brothers and dividing my new family was one of the worst things I had ever done. Did Jazon truly dislike me as a person, or did he just think I was a terrible wife to his brother?”

  “What has caused this sadness?” Fitz asked quietly from the door.

  “Everything going on in the exercise room,” I answered.

  Galina pretended not to listen as she played with Neema and Thunderdrop.

  “Yukihyo said that Jazon feels Zared’s jealousy. They must learn to deal with their own emotions. You are not responsible for their feelings. Who you are is no longer a secret, Princess Probus. You saved the hybrid Laconians from possible capture and imprisonment by the Galaxic Government or from living as mercenaries outside of society. You bestowed upon Zared the most coveted honor when you accepted him as a husband. That alone is something for which men of the Empire would kill. With a word from you, Jazon Ponidi will be removed from your ship.”

  “No, I don’t want that to happen.”

  Fitz smiled at me, bowed, and left.

  Fitz went to the third deck. He casually approached the men who had left splatters of their blood upon the mat. “Stop,” he ordered. The men obeyed. He walked around the ring of men. They moved out of his way. “Your behavior displeases Princess Probus. It concerns me and raises questions. Zared, do you wish to be free of your marriage contract?”

  “No!” Zared shouted as anger rolled from him.

  “Jazon, do you wish to resign your position as one of her majesty’s guards?”

  “No, Lord Jiri.” Jazon and Zared backed away from each other. Both men were sweaty, bleeding, and breathing heavily.

  “Very well. Find another way to sort out your differences. You are fortunate my wife does not have a wrathful nature. If her anger should turn on you, House Jiri’s will follow.”

  “Yes, Lord Jiri,” Jazon said with a bow.

  Fitz returned to his wife. Now, Nico sat rocking Niklos, and Teagan sat playing with the girls. They rolled transports along the marbled designs in the carpet.

  “Did you set them straight?” Nico asked.

  “I should hope so. A few of them needed reminding that being near Teagan is an honor that should not be treated so callously.”

  “You got them to stop fighting?” I asked.

  “Yes, my love. Everything is fine,” Fitz said.

  By the time we docked on Amphictyon, Drex was able to walk from his bed to the bathroom without assistance. Also, Jazon had stopped saying snide remarks to me. However, I had been avoiding him. It was cowardly, but I didn’t know what to do to make things right between us, and I didn’t want to make them any worse. I decided to remain onboard my ship. Yukihyo, Phillip, and Izaac had gone to purchase tribrillion while our ship refueled. I moped around until a surprise visitor cheered me up.

  “Quaid!” My handsome Galaxic Militia Commander had brought me coffee and flowers.

  “Are you happier to see me or the coffee?”

  “You,” I said. Then, I kissed his jaw.

  “Would you like to see more of me?” Quaid asked wickedly.

  “Oh, yes. I’d like to see all of you,” I whispered as I took his hand and began walking backwards with him into my bedroom.

  Closing the door behind us, the thought crossed my mind of immobilizing Quaid with Fitz’s restraints and then rubbing myself all over his hairy chest. Quaid’s eyes widened, and then he laughed.

  “Now, I know what to get you instead of flowers.” I blushed at him. Much later, I laid with my head on his shoulder a
nd ran my hand over his chest. “I have leave to remain with you for a few weeks if you will have me.”

  “Really?” I sat up and bounced on the bed. “You can stay? You’ve never stayed with me here on my new ship!” I gave Quaid kisses all over his face. “Wait until you see my bridge. Unlike one of the warships, you, my dear husband, may go anywhere you want on the Empress. My home is your home.”

  “Thank you. I will have a look around. However, I won’t be interfering with your bridge crew. I’m on vacation.” Quaid grabbed me and pulled me down so he could kiss my neck. “Now that I have put a smile back on your face, will you tell me what it was that took it away and made you so upset?”

  I laid back down on Quaid’s chest and talked to him about Zared and Jazon.

  “Jazon is wrong to voice his opinions about your marriage. He swore his allegiance to you.”

  “Lord Bosh, I agree.”

  “Good. Then, you will hold your head up high. You are the only daughter of the ruler of the entire Parvac Empire. You are descended from generations of Emperors. Royal blood flows through your delectable body. Here,” Quaid said as he kissed the soft inner part of my arm. “Here,” he said as he kissed my wrist. “Here….”

  Quaid, not relishing the idea of sharing a bed with Nico or Yukihyo even if I were in it, chose the quarters next to Fitz’s room. Once Quaid saw my bridge, he became enamored of it. Quaid spent a few hours each day learning everything he could about the Empress. I began to wonder if I might entice him to stay with an offer of captaining her for me. Quaid knew my thoughts.

  We were standing in the chef’s kitchen where I was using the beverage dispenser. It became more and more difficult to do the simplest of things for myself. Someone always wanted to do them for me. Quaid placed himself in front of me and took my hands in his.

  “As tempting as it would be, I am loyal to the Galaxic Militia. One day, I will have my own ship, and I intend to earn her. When I do, I will share my Captain’s cabin with my wife.”

  “Which one?” I asked as I tried to hide from him my disappointment.

  Quaid laughed. “Come here. Obviously, I haven’t been clear enough about my feelings for you.”

  Smiling, I pushed my hands up under his shirt. “If you were my captain, I’d order you to never wear a shirt.”

  “But then, you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off of me. How would I fly your ship?”

  I smirked up at him. “True, but I do love your hairy chest. Seriously though, I respect your decision and your career with the Militia. I am very proud to be your wife.”

  “Teagan, there is a problem requiring your attention,” Fitz said.

  With a sigh of regret, I removed my hands from Quaid. In the sitting room, Neema cried inconsolably. Thunderdrop chittered angrily at her.

  “What is going on in here?” I asked as I rushed to pick her up.

  “Princess Neema would not allow any of us to pick her up. She and Thunderdrop are having a disagreement,” Pierce explained as he struggled not to laugh.

  “About?” I asked.

  “No, Drop! No!” Neema yelled.


  Pierce couldn’t take it, whatever it was. He turned his back trying to stifle his laughter. Pierce pointed up. A toy transport hung suspended in Thunderdrop’s web. Fitz and Quaid started laughing. Galina shrugged at me.

  “No!” Neema said as she kicked angrily from where I held her on my hip. The heels of her little feet painfully dug into my stomach.

  “Neema, what about all of these transports?” I asked of the ones scattered all over the floor.


  Thunderdrop showed me an image of himself as he played with his transport, and then as Neema took it from him.

  “Neema, Thunderdrop had that transport first. You have to wait for your turn.”

  “No, Mommy.”

  I kissed her nose. “We’re going for a walk.”

  I carried my screaming daughter around the ship and did my best to calm her. Once we had made it to the cafeteria, she forgot why she was mad. We shared a bowl of mashed potatoes. I pondered how to teach her to share. I had never had toys to share or anyone with whom to share them. I was stymied.

  “May I?” Xavier asked.

  “Sure. Have a seat.”

  “Your thoughts interest me a great deal.”

  “The ones about potatoes or toys?”

  Xavier chuckled. The sound surprised me. “She shared the potatoes patiently waiting for the spoon.”

  I looked at Neema. At the moment, she was squeezing a piece of bread and staring at the indents her fingers made in it. “She’s playing with bread.”

  “No, I’m not upset with you. Zared has never been more content. However, we had an agreement, and Zared broke it.”

  “Hold on. I didn’t even ask you anything yet.”

  “You don’t need to.”

  “What agreement?”

  “We agreed to be your brothers. We swore to it. Zared has lain with you. That is why they are fighting.” Xavier’s black eye told me nothing, but in his white eye, I saw lines of pink and grey.

  “Why does Jazon even care what happens between Zared and me? He can’t stand me most of the time.” I scrunched up my forehead in annoyance and gave Neema a fresh piece of bread to destroy.

  “You are wrong. You are the only transport any of us want. Zared should not have taken you for himself.”

  Shocked, I stared at Xavier. “He didn’t. I took him. Didn’t he tell you? I wanted Zared. I seduced him.”

  Xavier laughed. “Zared is a trained mercenary. He could take down your Parvac soldiers blindfolded. He could have escaped your pretty eyes and pink lips if he had tried. He gave into his own needs over those of his family.”

  “No, he gave into my needs.” I started to get angry. “Zared may be your brother, but he is my husband. He belongs to the Imperial family, and I will not let him go to please you or anyone else.”

  Behind me, someone began stroking my hair.

  “Ed!” Neema said as she stood up on my lap and held gooey hands out to Zared. He took her and kissed her hair.

  “Are you hungry? We’ve got lots of bread.” I began pushing the pieces into a pile, but a crewman came and cleared the table before I could do it myself.

  “No, my lady. I am content.”

  “Okay, I think my little princess is ready for a nap. I hope the T-R-A-N-S-P-O-R-T isn’t still where she can see it.”

  I gazed into Xavier’s black eye and white eye wondering if things were good between us and if they would lay off of Zared. Xavier gave me an incline of his head. He got up and pulled out my chair for me.

  I spent that night with Zared. I was sitting up in his bed with his head in my lap. The braids I put in his hair weren’t pretty.

  “Are they going to forgive us?” I asked.

  “Eventually.” Zared looked up at me with visible sclera surrounding the black orbs of his eyes. “Teagan, earlier, your words in my defense wrapped around my soul making my love for you even stronger. You would fight even Xavier to keep me near you. I can feel the strength of your love. Now, I must fathom some way to encapsulate you in my love.”

  “That’s silly, Puppy Petter.” I smiled down at him. Zared’s mouth straightened into a line at the nickname. “You show me when you touch my hair, when you look at me, and when you stand nearby guarding me. Those little things add up. Expensive jewelry and gifts are offered to me at every turn. The most valuable things are kind smiles or a random cup of coffee. Being a part of my life is the best gift you can give me.”

  My words had a visceral effect on my husband which he expressed to me intimately.

  Chapter Twenty

  I was in a very good mood when our ships docked on Arachne. Across the land port from us, the Princess was losing several passengers. While the trip had been fun, Gram was eager to return to her own home. I decided it would be best to give everyone time to get settled before visiting. Before going home, S
imon, Isidora, and Cass stopped by my ship for a quick visit.

  “Sweet cousin, you look even more beautiful on Arachne,” Simon said. His pale blue eyes twinkled with happiness.

  “It feels good to be home.”

  “I hope you don’t intend to reside on your ship. When should we expect you?” Simon asked.

  “Simon, do you really have room for my household?”

  “We will work something out.”

  “Okay, tomorrow. However, will you let Thunderdrop go home with you now? No matter how long we stay, I’m sure he won’t be able to play in the forest long enough to suit him.”

  “Chirp! Chirp!” Thunderdrop lifted his legs in excitement. Then, he went to Sue’s tank. He blinked eight eyes at her and then turned to blink at me.

  “Don’t worry. Sue will be fine. You can go play ball with the other spiders in the forest.”

  “Chitter?” Thunderdrop jumped to my head and peered down at my face.

  “Don’t worry. Teagan will be fine. I personally will watch her every step. I will keep her within a foot of me at all times,” Nico promised.

  “Chirp!” Assured that all would be well in his absence, Thunderdrop jumped to Simon’s shoulder.

  As I watched them leave, I understood how Thunderdrop felt. I was eager to be in my forest, too. Next, I set Phillip free.

  “I promise to keep Dr. Savelli with me if I set foot off of this ship. Please, go visit your lady friends.”

  “Cupcake, you’re the best. See ya around. Hey, can I bring any of them here? That would be impressive.” Phillip winked at me.


  “I’m taking a transport.”

  “Have fun.”

  A short time later, the lift doors opened. I laughed and ran to Hiroshi. He picked me up and spun me around until I was dizzy. When he put me down onto my feet, he kept his arms around me.

  “There were times over the past few months that I feared never being able to hug you again.”

  “I’m still here, brother. Would you like to meet your nephew?”

  Hiroshi grunted. “It is about time you offered.” Nico brought Niklos over. Hiroshi sat on a couch. “Wait.” He removed his brown jacket and felt his arms and chest to be sure he wasn’t wearing anything sharp. “Alright. I am ready.” Nico placed Niklos in Hiroshi’s arms. “Oh, what a fine son you have. Niklos, you and your cousins will have many adventures together.” Hiroshi moved Niklos to his shoulder when he started to fuss.


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