Loving Luc

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Loving Luc Page 9

by Gabriella Clark

  I nodded still confused by all of this but looking over his I breathed a sigh of relief. I could see Luc hurrying over his face more serious than I ever seen it before. “Ok……”

  His eyes started swirling and I gasped falling into them becoming entranced. All the sounds from the party faded away, the world feeling like it was being layered in cotton. A voice sounded in my head the words sounding layered and echoing until they became all I could hear, all I could see, they were my entire world.

  The time has come for the fighting between my children to be at an end. There will be five bondings with earth women that will change the course of Selk’s history. For only once they bond will they be strong enough. They will come together to end the threat against both Earth and Selk. Magic will flow from these matings and together they will join to end Mal Rai Ager. You will know these matings by the marks they bear when they bond before the hale. Heed my words before it is to late.

  He blinked and released me from his gaze. I came to myself slowly realizing that Luc stood in front of me, his hands on my shoulders his gaze worried. “Arianna! Can you hear me?”

  I raised my hand to my head and blinked slowly “ hey yeah calm down” I looked past him towards the mysterious man “what was that?”

  Luc swung around and pinned him with a glare “who the hell are you and what did you do to her?”

  He looked at us soberly “ who I am is not important right now, only the message matters.” He looked directly towards me then “it was a warning from the All God, heed it or all well be lost.” He turned and started walking away, ignoring Luc cursing behind him.

  “Fuck!” Luc ran a hand through his hair “ I need to tell Kale about this. Come with me” He grabbed my hand and started walking towards the doors of the ballroom. I followed along behind him thinking over everything that happened. I felt like I should be freaking out about this or at least not be so…calm. I didn’t know what was going on on, I had planned a nice evening of dancing and teasing Luc before finally dragging him off to somewhere with a flat surface. Now all of a sudden there was a new alien species and I was caught between the two.

  I hadn’t heard anything about there being Noctis on the planet and I doubt anyone else had either. But I felt a strange sense of peace, I knew that something alarming had happened but I was ready. For what I didn’t yet know.


  What the hell was that! Fuck I thought angrily to myself. I was beyond pissed that Arianna had potentially been in danger, hell she had been practically comatose on her feet by the time I’d reached her. I don’t know what that Noctis has done to her but there was some type of message given to her. None of the warriors I had put to spy on the Noctis had reported that any had been close to this location, where the hell did he come from?

  I glanced over at her worriedly as we stepped into the elevator, concerned about how quiet she was being. I punched the button for the penthouse grateful that I rented the room for the night earlier. It had originally been with the intention of maneuvering her into a more intimate setting, but it came in handy now.

  I pulled out my phone as the elevator rose and called Kale quickly. I had a sinking feeling in my gut. It could just be coincidence that this was happening after he found his Ke’Ola, but life just didn’t work that way.

  “Hey” I said as soon as I heard the call connect not giving him a chance to say anything. “We have a problem. There was a Noctis here at the party, he approached Arianna and did…something to her.”

  I listened to him curse in the background “ it’s just never good need from you lately when you call” he accused before saying in concern “ is she alright?’

  “Yes she’s fine if a little quiet” I glanced at her again as we got off the elevator and I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as we started down the carpeted hallway. “ I’m taking her to a room now to make sure and see exactly what he told her”

  Kale let out a deep breath “ Why Arianna though?”

  My brows dre together “What do you mean?”

  “Well why not tell Mia? Or Ly’lah or hell even you? Why her? Did she recognize him?”

  I looked over at her considering what Kale said. He was right why did he speak to her? “No” I answered belatedly “ no matter of fact she texted me asking me did I know him. That’s what made move over to get in the first place, I was clear across the room”

  “That doesn’t make sense see if there’s anything she may know about why he chose her to talk to” Kale ordered

  “On it”

  “ Ok. I need you at the hale tomorrow we need to discuss this with everybody. Things are escalating” He sounded troubled, not that I blamed him. Events were happening that we never would have anticipated.

  “Alright I’ll see you there” I opened the door to the room and let her walk in the room ahead of me. I disconnected the call and put the phone back in my pocket as I walked in the room behind her and closed the door behind me. I looked around the room for a moment, staring blindly at the king size bed. I wasn’t sure how to go about this, I know she had to be confused and a little frightened and I didn’t want to make it any worse by coming at her to strong. We needed answer but not at the risk of having her be scared. This way get fault and I silently cursed myself, knowing that it was because of me that she had been targeted. Why else would the Noctis choose her? I felt a strange weight in my chest, I hadn’t realized the depths of my emotions for her until she was in danger. I had to figure out what was going on and fast because I wouldn’t have her at risk. I watched as she kicked her shoes off before sitting on the edge of the bed, readying myself for what was to come.


  I watched as Luc stood against the door looking at me with concern. I knew the situation was serious, I mean I heard a voice in my head! It was like that man had shared a vision…a prophecy? With me and I knew we would need to discuss that. There was obviously a higher power at work here that was trying to stop something terrible from happening.

  “Who’s Mal Rai Ager?” I asked calmly. That’s who we were apparently trying to stop….some way somehow.

  Luc sighed and moving over to the desk in the room, he pulled out the chair and took a seat. He blew out a breath and looked at me seriously “ What I’m about to tell you cannot leave this room” I nodded my head soberly and he sighed again before beginning.

  “On our home world there exists two forms of sentient life….well not really but for our purposes here let’s go with that. There are the Selkrians that you know and there are also the Noctis. Mal Rai Ager is the leader of the Noctis.”

  “Like the man in the lobby right?” I asked curiously

  “Right” he nodded “the Selkrians and the Noctis do not get along. The Noctis have steadily attacked us for thousands of years over countless generations. We recently found out what sparked this animosity and what the Noctis are searching for on selk. We don’t yet know what they are doing here.”

  I thought about what he had told me so far. “So apparently the Noctis are searching for something on Selk, hates y’all and wants something with earth”

  “Yes the royal Noctis family has always held magic. Nothing major but it’s always given them an advantage over us as we don’t have any. There is apparently a stone given to us by the All God that enhances their magic and allows us to reach our own”

  I stood and began to pace what could they want here I thought. Besides the obvious thought of domination or just wanting our fertile planet. “ wait…do they think we have magic here?” I had always thought there must be something to all the myths and legends that were out there.

  He nodded slowly “ it’s not an assumption or a misplaced hope though. Although it’s nearly extinct there are pockets of magic to be found on earth” I clasped my hands together excited. How cool was that! Maybe there really were leprechauns and the loch Ness monster, mermaids and unicorns. I didn’t care what Sophia said a rhino was not a unicorn!

  He laughed a little at my excitement but s
obered quickly “ Arianna….what did he tell you? What happened?”

  I stopped my pacing and came to stand in front of the desk. Jumping up I sat on it facing him. “ it was really strange” I began slowly thinking back “ it was like I was trapped in his eyes, maybe kind of like it would be if I was hypnotized? But the world fell away and all I knew was what he was saying”

  “The Noctis?” Luc asked in concern watching me carefully. I could see the worry on his face and it made me want to smile, realizing that he did care about me at least in some small way.

  “ No not him it was something…bigger someone…more” I blew out a breath in frustration unable to find the words to do it justice “ in any case it wasn’t him. You said they carry magic maybe he had visions and shared his with me?”

  Luc nodded considering that “ it is possible, I suppose but what was in the vision?”

  “I heard that…voice” I rubbed my hands up and down my arms, feeling a little shiver move through me. “ it said ‘The time has come for the fighting between his children to end. That there will be five bondings with earth women that will change the course of Selk’s history.” I watched as he frowned thinking about what I was telling him. “and that only once they bond will they be strong enough. There’s a threat against both Earth and Selk and these couples are supposed to end Mal Rai Ager with magic. The pairings will bear some kind of mark once the ceremony happens in front of the hale. It also said to heed his words before it was too late.”

  Luc blew out a breath before scrubbing a hand down his face. He sat quietly thinking and I took the opportunity to study him as he did that. His eyes were such a bright startlingly green set under thick brows that had a slight arch to them. His face was strong and masculine, his cheekbones high and his lips full.

  I want this male the thought blazed across my mind and I wondered for a moment if that other man hadn’t planned some type of…I don’t know…sex magic on me. I realized though I had wanted him since I got my first good look at him. In fact I had came to this party with the intention of seducing him with my feminine wiles. Feminine wiles ha I shook my head amused at my thoughts.

  “I can only think of two reasons why he would choose to give you this message and not someone else” Luc said

  “Oh?” I asked

  “He thought you would be more receptive to listening then I would. And…..you must be one of the earth women” he said watching my face closely.

  I drew back “What!? Why would you think that?”

  “He didn’t choose Mia or Kale because they have already privately bonded and will be bonding in front of the hale in a couple weeks” He explained. I got it Kale was the Lakai, the leader of course he and his mate would be one of the chosen. I still didn’t understand though why he would think I was one as well.

  Luc sighed and gestured between the two of us “ We’ve been halfway dating ever since that day in the stairwell. If he had been watching us, which we know he has or else how would he have found us here, then he knows we’re interested in one another.”

  I stared at him “ So what? You’ve dated plenty of woman. What’s so different about me?” I truly didn’t care about any of the other women he had been out with. Why would I? It wasn’t like we were getting married and besides I had him now and I would enjoy it while it lasted.

  Reaching out he grabbed my hand as he stood up, pulling me with him. Standing there in front of him, I looked up at him feeling my heart start to race. He was so big and muscular, tall and handsome, I just knew I had a silly dreamy look on my face. He brushed his hand along my jaw, looking at me seriously.

  “ I feel a pull towards you Arianna. I don’t know if Mia has told you anything about the bonding process with Selkrians but it starts just like this. I want to see where this takes us to see if maybe we could be everything to each other”

  He brought his lips down to mine kissing me softly sweetly. I brought my arms up around his neck and parted my lips on a sigh. His tongue swept in the kiss changing become hotter. His hands came to rest on my hips bringing me in closer to his body. Our tongues dueled together as he slanted his head to get a deeper angle. I moaned as my lower body pressed against his and I felt the evidence of his desire for me.

  Fire swept through my body and I pressed closer to him, my breasts against his chest. I rubbed my hands through his hair loving the feel of the silky smooth waves against my fingers. His hands smoothed slowly up my sides, coming to rest under my breasts. I gasped as he lifted me up and set me on the edge of the desk. He pulled back a little looking into my eyes his own heavy lidded.

  “I need to be clear with you right now” he said voice husky “I have every intention of opening this dress and putting my mouth on you. Then once your breathless and all you know is my name, I’m going to sink my cock into your luscious little body. Inch by inch”

  I moaned not believing how much hearing that turned me on. I nodded my head quickly “sounds good to me” I squeaked out. He reached out slowly and undid the tie at my side. The dress fell open and he lowered his gaze down my body, taking in my heaving breasts covered in green lace, my rounded tummy and thick thighs. His eyes zeroed in at the scrap of lace between my thighs and he bared his teeth in a feral smile.

  I gulped a little frightened at the look in his eyes but a lot more excited. He ran his hands up my thighs and placing one hand behind my back to steady me, he pulled my underwear down my body. Tossing them over his shoulder, he slowly dropped to his knees in front of me. Holding my gaze with his He lifted each of my legs placing the heel of my feet at the edge of the desk.

  Running his nose down the inside of my thigh He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He reached the spot between my legs and opened his eyes again. I gasped as I saw that his eyes were now glowing. Opening his mouth he took a long lick, starting at the bottom and ending with a swirl of his tongue against my clit. My head fell back as I let out a whimper fuck I thought dazedly those bumps are awesome!

  He let out a little moan and then set in. He brought his face in close and alternated between long swipes of his tongue and fast licks of his tongue on my clit. The only sounds in the room was my moans and whimpers. I grabbed hold of his head as he speared his tongue into me mimicking what his hips would be doing soon. He brought his mouth up to my clit and sealed his lips over it.

  My back arched and I let out a long moan as his tongue set up a furious pace. He held my thighs in his hands making sure I couldn’t clamp them closed around his ears and stop him. He sucked hard and I shrieked, clawing at the back of his head as the pleasure wound tighter and tighter. I moved my hips up and down against his face, adding friction as I chased that elusive release.

  I don’t know if it was earth men in general or just the few I had slept with, but this beat any of my past encounters and he still had on his pants! He brought a hand around to the bottom of my thigh and brought his fingers up. I was so wet that two of his fingers slipped in with a little push. I let out a growl as the pleasure intensified and my hips moved faster.

  I let out a loud cry as he flattened his tongue on my clit so ago I felt were the bumps on his tongue running over and over me. It was all I needed, I cried out his name as I was tossed over the edge. He sucked on me harder and my hips bucked against his face, grinding down hard. I slumped back against the wall trembling as he gave me a final lick and removed his fingers. I heard his buckle as he undid his pants and opened my lids a fraction to see.

  He had already removed his shirt and his chest was wide and hairless. His pecs were smooth hard mounds, his six pack making me wish I heard some laundry to scrub. My eyes widen though when I looked past the v on his hips to the monster between his thighs. Long and thick it pointed straight at me, bobbing as if to say hello. I swallowed that was a big cock I thought nervously but at the same time excited to see what it could do. I tilted my head as I kept staring as something was….odd.

  “Hol up” I said struggling to sit up but feeling as if I was boneless. “ did you k
now your balls are missing?” I asked earnestly a little punch drunk from the orgasm he had given me. I pouted though as he started laughing it’s not that funny I thought a little crossly. I crossed my arms in front of me as he kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants. Coming to stand in front of me he slid a hand behind my back and lifted me away from the wall. Holding the side of my face he brought his mouth to mine and kissed me deeply.

  My arms uncrossed and clutched him tightly to me. I felt his hand by my bra strap and pulled away some so he could pull it and my dress down and off. He stared for a moment taking in my ample chest. He brought both hands up and cupped my breasts holding my gaze with his and whispering “gorgeous.” He rubbed a thumb across my nipple with one hand and I shuddered at the sensation. He kissed me again and stepped closer, groaning as our bare chests brushed against each other for the first time.

  He laid me back against the cool surface of the wall and started kissing down my chest, pausing at my breast. He dragged his tongue slowly across my nipple and my back arched on a gasp, my hands clutching the sides of the desk. I panted hard as he tongued first one nipple then the next, making them draw up into hard aching points.

  I felt his cock slide along my thigh smooth and hard. I reached one hand down and grasped it, loving the way it was warm in my grip. I moved my hand up and down feeling him shudder atop me. He sucked my nipple in his mouth, using his other hand to pull and pinch at the other. His other hand drifted up my thigh coming to rest on my mound, his thumb reaching down and strumming my clit.

  Wow I thought dazedly he was an awesome multitasker. He hissed out a breath between his teeth as I added a little twist as I brought my fist up to the head of his cock. “If you keep that up” he murmured hoarsely “we’ll be over before we begin”. He stepped back some so that his cock fell out of my hand and brought me forward towards the edge of the desk. He watched my breasts heave with my fast breathes as he stepped in close, bringing his cock up against my entrance. He looked up at me, his eyes bright enough to see by as he started to push his way in slowly. I could feel my channel stretching deliciously as inch by inch he filled me. His hips came flush against mine and he bit his lip. “Fuck you feel so damn good” he rasped out, his fingers tightening on my hips.


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