Loving Luc

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Loving Luc Page 11

by Gabriella Clark

  It was 12:30 and I was in the bathroom finishing up my hair before Luc arrived. I had decided to dress a little flirty for the date and had on a red skater skirt with a black crop top. There was about a inch of exposed skin peeking out from between the shirt and the skirt. I paired this with a high ponytail and my usual mascara and lip balm. I tightened my ponytail and thought back to the conversation I’d had with Sophia earlier that day.

  “Hey girl how did last night go?” She asked me

  “Well two things happened…this new alien..a Noctis approached me. Apparently he has visions and shared one with me. And i slept with Luc”

  She was quiet for a moment on the other line before stuttering out “wait..what??? I don’t even know which I want to ask about first!”

  “Well business before pleasure” i joked “ apparently there is a big threat to both selk and earth and there will be five bonded pairs of human women and selkrians. They’re supposed to come together and use magic some way to destroy the threat.”

  “But why would he tell you that? Unless…are you supposed to be one of the bonded?” she asked

  “Luc seems to think I’m his soulmate..his Ke’ola” I replied hesitantly

  “Wow..and how do you feel about it?”

  I sighed “I don’t know I definitely have feeling for him but I don’t know if I’m quite ready for forever yet” I said truthfully.

  “I understand that but at the same time that prophecy is a little worrisome”

  “I know but I’ll deal with that as it comes” in all honesty I was trying to forget about that, I mean having to be responsible for not just one but two planets well being was scary and I didnt know if I was up to that challenge.

  “Alright now tell me all about the man and his spaceship” I could just picture her rubbing her hands together and settling back in her seat.

  I rolled my eyes “well after the man left we went upstairs and discussed what happened and that’s when he hinted that I might be his. From there….well desk sex”

  “Desk sex?”

  “Yes…desk sex….and it was awesome” In fact I had a sneaking suspicion that it had been the best I ever had. I couldn’t wait to experience it again and was fully intending on inviting him in after the movie.

  “At least one of us is getting some” she said grouchily making me laugh.

  “What’s the matter? Well run dry?” I said jokingly.

  “Dry? It’s been filled with concrete and a minimal built over it” I laughed hard, I just couldn’t with this girl sometimes.

  I stepped back from the mirror and nodded my head at my reflection, casual but sexy. I looked up as my door rang letting me know someone was waiting outside the building for me. I hurried through my apartment and pressed the call button “coming!” I grabbed up my purse and stepped outside, closing and locking the door behind me. I walked quickly toward the entrance to the building, waving at Mrs.Johnson as I passed the mailroom.

  “Hey Mrs.Johnson!”

  “Hello Arianna that was a nice young man came to see you. Let him know if he needs someone a little more…experienced I’m in 1c” she winked at me. I laughed out loud and shook my head at her before heading out the building. I saw Luc leaning against his car outside and headed towards him with a smile. He returned it and stepped away from his car, grabbing my hands with his he pulled me close and laid one on me. His tongue swept in my mouth as if it was trying to lay claim to its territory. I met his with mine enthusiastically, running my fingers through his hair. A wolf whistle sounded down the street and I pulled back with a blush “Hey” I said huskily.

  He rubbed my bottom lip with his thumb “ Hey” he whispered back. Pulling away from me he turned and opened the car door, allowing me to step inside. He closed the door behind me and moved around the car to his side. He got in and started up there car,reaching over and holding my hand with his. We rode in companionable silence to the theater and I thought about what it would be like to be bonded to Luc. Would it be a surprise everyday? Would we have long discussions about coding and technology? Did he want children? Heck were we even compatible that way? This was another reason why I couldn’t just jump in wholeheartedly with forever. There was still so much I didn’t know.

  Not even just with us but about this prophecy to. I wondered what type of magic the Noctis had and I also wondered how bad this Mal Rai Ager was. What exactly did he wasn’t with the magic on earth? “Luc can you tell me some more about this God stone?”

  “We don’t know to much ourselves to be honest” he glanced at me quickly before looking back to the road. “I just found out about it when I read the history between us and the Noctis. It appears that when worn the necklace allows for greater use of their magic. Maybe it asked them focus or greater control of it? We have some people looking into it now to find out more information”

  I nodded distractedly, something had just occurred to me. I sat forward excited “What if they’re here to gather up the remaining magic that we have here and once they find the stone, they’re able to take over both planets?”

  Luc was silently thinking over what I had said as we turned into the parking lot of the theater. “It sounds right but how would they get the magic from here? It’s not like it can be picked up or is a physical object.”

  I huffed and sat back, he was right how would they transport it? I couldn’t help but to feel like I was on the right path though.”well what form is the magic in?” I asked as I got out the car.

  He shut the door behind me and taking my hand in his again, we begin to walk towards the entrance. “it’s a little hard to explain as it doesn’t really have a form…..just there. It’s not something you can see or touch, it’s more of you feel it”

  I didn’t really understand but I imagined it was something you would know when you felt it. We walked up to the ticket booth and looked at the offerings. There wasn’t anything out that I was dying to see and we finally just settled on a comedy that had came out a few weeks ago. We bypassed the concession stand because I always thought paying six bucks for a hot dog was a crime against humanity.

  We walked into the theater and continued up to the top row taking seats in the middle. I was surprised since there were only about five other people in the theater sitting closer to the front “You know” he whispered in my ear as we sat down, listening to the usual warnings to quiet your phone and be respectful during the movie. “I love this skirt your wearing” he fingered the edge of the fabric where it lay against my thigh. “So many possibilities” he finished in a growl against my ear.

  I couldn’t help the shudder that wracked my body. I could just picture him trying to do something naughty during the movie….and me liking it. “ Behave” I whispered halfheartedly, I had never done anything in public before but I couldn’t deny he had me thinking of the possibilities. He chuckled sinfully next to me obviously hearing in my voice that I may be open to it.

  He settled back with his hand on my thigh as the previews began to play. I was tense expecting him to make a move at any moment but he just say there like an innocent choir boy. I glanced at him out the corner of my eye, I could practically see the halo around his head. I relaxed eventually though when the last preview played and he had done nothing. I guess he was just playing I couldn’t help thinking disappointedly.

  We watched the opening of the movie chuckling as the scene showed the star detailing why he wasn’t going to go to the office Christmas party that year. Apparently the previous years party had involved a goat and some strippers. Luc started to rub his thumb back and forth slowly against my thigh and I peeked at him again. He looked focused on the movie so I shrugged it off.

  His hand started to inch it’s way up my thigh, moving so gradually that by the time I noticed it was under my skirt. I bit my lip and forced myself to stay relaxed, I wanted to see where he was going with this. He paused when he reached the edge of my underwear and just rested his hand there. I focused back on the movie and eventually got used to his ha
nd being there.

  It started creeping again this time wiggling a finger under my underwear and caressing me slowly. I sucked in a sharp breath and he leaned in closer. Placing his mouth on my ear he breathed “ quiet now we wouldn’t want anyone knowing what we were up to” I couldn’t help but feel a thrill of excitement shoot through me. This was so bad, the thought of anyone finding us doing this up here, I squeezed my thighs together to try to contain the tingling sensation I felt. He moved his hand again this time urging my thighs to part so he would have more freedom to move.

  He slid his hand in my underwear again, this time positioning it so he could rub my clit with his thumb. I started breathing heavily as pleasure began to burn through my body. I couldn’t believe i was doing this here. Never could I have imagined I would be this bold. I snuck a glance at the people sitting down below. They were totally engrossed in they movie and paying us no mind. I reached over and unzipped Luc’s pants, catching his indrawn breath as I pulled his cock free of his pants.

  He sank down lower in his seat as I wrapped my hand around his thick length. I timed my strokes with each pass of his thumb. I started blindly at the screen in front of me barely noticing him moving something as shudders began to rack my body. I was so wet I could feel it slipping down the insides of my thighs. I just needed a little more, for him to speed up just s bit. All of a sudden he snatched his hand from between my legs, rasping “uh uh”.

  He directed me to stand up and I did so in confusion, wondering if we were about to leave and finish this somewhere else. I would cry if so cause I had been almost there and stopping right before your partner orgasmed was a quick way to get cut. He lifted up the arm rest that had been between him and I and I saw he had already did the same to the one on his other side. He pulled me closer and I realized that he wanted me to ride him. Right here. In the movies. My cheeks flamed and I was glad it was so dark because I was sure he would have laughed at the look of shock on my face.

  I stepped closer and bringing up first one leg then the other I sat in his lap. He tugged me down to him and kissed me deeply, our tongues sliding together hotly. I fought against a moan as he resumed stroking me between my legs, this time thrusting a finger inside me as he rubbed. I couldn’t help myself I begin to ride that finger, working my hips as I tried to wring out every drop of pleasure that I could.

  I almost cried out when he took his hands from me. Soon though I felt his hands moving between us and realized he was pulling on a condom. He tugged my underwear to the side a moment later and positioned me on the head of his cock. I sank down on him slowly relishing the feel of him stretching my channel wide. I felt his hands reach down and grab my ass as I took him in to the root. I leaned my forehead against his and we stayed like that for a moment, savoring the feeling of completeness. I began to move up and down tossing my head back as the fire rose up in me. His fingers clenched on my cheeks helping me to rise up and down on him. He buried his face in my chest and I could feel his muffled groans vibrate against me. I bit my lip to keep my own cries silent as I moved faster, feeling the tingling starting at the base of my spine.

  He must have felt me tightening on him because he lifted his head and kissed me hard. My cries were lost in his mouth as I fell over the edge, grinding my hips down on him. I felt him buck against me as he reached his own release and we strained against each other, consumed by the inferno that swept us from the inside out.

  He helped me to stand on my shaky legs after ward, patting my skirt back into place. He tucked his cock back into his pants and zipped up before standing next to me. “Let’s get out of here” he whispered in my ear and I nodded in agreement. We headed towards the stairs and started walking down. The movie was about over anyways not that I had even been watching. We walked out the theater and to his car in silence. To be honest I was mainly trying to concentrate on walking as my knees were still a little shaky. Damn he’s good I thought then had to fight the stab of jealousy I felt. He was a 100 years old, no telling how much experience he had. I didn’t want to be that girl though, the one who got mad because her boyfriend had had a life before her. It wasn’t like I was snow white either. Besides all that experience made him the awesome lover he was today and those other women were behind him. I was the one he wanted to be with forever.

  We reached his car and he opened the door for me. I sat down gratefully and watched him move around the front of his car. Damn he’s sexy I could feel my motor start to rev again. A wicked smile crossed my face, he’d wanted to feed me some ‘sausage’ this morning. Well there was nothing wrong with breakfast for dinner.


  I remembered walking that morning and being surprised and a little offended that Arianna had snuck out. I know she had been a bit reluctant but a Walk of shame? Really? She should have known better because that only increased my desire for her and I had to fight the urge to hunt her down and drag her back to my bed. I had waited impatiently for her to text back all morning and when she finally did…..I almost burst into flames. We needed to try that ASAP.

  I hadn’t really counted on being accosted as I got to her statement building though. I’d thanked the little old lady when she opened the door for me and then jumped in surprise as when I walked past her she reached out and pinched my ass. Apparently she liked what she’d touched as she’d offered her services if Arianna didn’t work out.

  I shook my head wryly at the memory and couldn’t help but to laugh. While I could do without the touching a compliment was a compliment and so I had smiled politely before high trailing it to Arianna’s door. She had looked a little shaken though when I explained what a Ke’Ola was and that I knew she was mines. I had expected that though because as much a humans loved their fairytales and ideas of happily ever after, life experience taught them to view love with a cynical eye. Besides humans didn’t experience the same bond that we do.

  I was glad she had heard me out and decided to keep seeing me. I knew in time I could wear her down and get her to agree to forever with me. I was worried though that I wouldn’t have much time to convince her, that prophecy weighing heavily on my mind. Obviously we were one of the couple’s it mentioned along with Mia and Kale. Who were the other three? How much time did we have before it was to late? And how were we supposed to stop Mal Rai Ager? Killing him would be the obvious choice but he was a formidable opponent with strong magic at his disposal. We would have to plan Or attack carefully because I doubted we would have more than one shot at him.

  I shook those thoughts loose, I would think about that later. I thought back to what we did in the movies and a satisfied grin slid over my face. I hadn’t thought she would be willing to do it but the way she had ridden me…I’d had to recite the humans presidents in order not to spill too soon. We would have to do that again in full light do that I could watch every nuance of her expression. In private so I could hear every moan, every whimper, each cry of my name add it should from her lips.

  I had taken get back to my place after the movies and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as my cock swelled. She’d dropped to get knees add soon as we had gotten inside and done just what she’d promised. She’d licked up and down my cock before swirling her tongue around my head. My back had slammed against the door as she’d swallowed me down to the root and proceeded to drive me crazy. I’d wanted to spill in her mouth but had just barely resisted, pulling her off me and throwing on a condom quickly. Id taken get fast and hard against the wall, relishing in het cries and her nails digging into my back.

  We had showered together after and I had offered her a pair of shorts and a t shirt to dress in. I laughed hard at the disgruntled look on her face as my clothes swallowed her whole. We’d had an early dinner and cuddled together on the couch, watching reruns of old sitcoms. We’d fallen asleep together like that and I couldn’t name a time when I’d had more fun or been more content.

  I scowled now though, I couldn’t believe she had snuck out again. At this point I might need to invest in some handcuff
s and a four poster bed. A determined smile crossed my face, if she thought this was the way it was going to be she was dead wrong. I pulled my car to a stop in front of the jewelry store. I had come to the realization that I was asking her to accept my way of claiming a mate without any consideration for her people’s customs. This wasn’t just about me it was about us both and I couldn’t help thinking that maybe this would help my case.

  I got out my car and walked into the store. The sales lady looked me over, her eyes lighting up with appreciation. I barely stopped myself from rolling my eyes in reaction, she was cute but I was definitely off the market and happy of it. I returned her greeting with a polite nod and watched in amusement as her shoulders slumped a bit in reaction.

  I looked over the offerings, perusing each ring carefully. Price was no object to me but I didn’t think she would like a huge ring. Something midsize and unadorned, I never saw her wearing jewelry and didn’t think she would want anything flashy. We were playing hard ball now it seemed and it was time she knew exactly what she meant to me.


  Look…..Don’t judge me ok?…. I panicked, I couldn’t help it! I wrote up on his chest after the best night of my life and I just couldn’t deal. We had so much fun watching tv and it felt so right to be there with him. I just needed to get away to think about it. I cringed as I walked down the hall to the research lab. I bassinet heard from him all yesterday and I was to much of a coward to text first. I was suspicious tho feeling like He had something terrible planned for me in retaliation. Nipple clamps? Whips and chains? Butt plugs!? I snickered to myself at my train of thought as I opened the door to the lab and punched in.

  “Hey frank how was your weekend?” I greeted the security guard as I signed in after stowing my backpack in a locker. Frank smirked at me and just pointed behind me. Confused I turned and looked around the room. I stifled a gasp as my eyes landed on my terminal. The desk was covered in bouquets of flowers and a large box.


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