The Wrath of Jeremy

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The Wrath of Jeremy Page 13

by Stephen Andrew Salamon

  “Remember, Victor, don’t look at Grewsal when we reach the outside!” Curtis yelled out.

  Mary pulled Jeremy away from Curtis’s tight grip, and she shouted, “What’s going on here?” Curtis turned to her and slapped her across the face, causing Mary to fall to the ground in a heartbeat. Jeremy, with his eyes showing remorse for Mary, turned around and punched Curtis in the stomach while Gabriel bit Victor in the hand. Victor released Michael and Gabriel from the pain of the bite, and held his hand like a baby, seeing Gabriel’s bite mark on his hand, and how his own blood wasn’t red, but yellow. Mary noticed Victor’s yellow blood and gaped at the wound in shock, sensing the room shaking even more at the same time that her eyes were on his wound of mystery.

  “Run!” Jeremy screamed, helping Mary to her feet. Mary, Michael, Jeremy and Gabriel all ran through the hallway, seeing fog-like ghosts of angels flying about, with long, claw-like nails that they used to scratch at them as they ran. Arms, legs, backs, all of them were inflicted with scratch marks from these flying demons, but they still ran, screaming most of the way from the sting and fear of what they were witnessing around them. They finally reached the foyer when the chandeliers unexpectedly fell to the ground, with the statues of saints that stood tall on their pedestals jumping off from them. Mary screamed as she noticed five of the employees with wings on their backs, comprehending or else sensing in her mind that Grewsal was Hell, or at least had hell-like attributes that stunned her imagination. Jeremy saw her panic, her innocence becoming wounded with frenzy and fright, so he covered her eyes, not wanting her to see any more of this sinister world.

  He opened up the front door to Grewsal and they all ran out of the building, in the midst of the gargoyles by the staircase that released their paws from the rocks on which they stood, and began to run up the stairs. “Look out,” Jeremy yelled, seeing the two gargoyles with red, glowing eyes and sharp, pointed teeth standing in front of them. Mary screamed, tears in her eyes, as she watched the gargoyles snapping and snaring their teeth at all of them. Mary saw David in the lot of Grewsal, standing by her car stiff, just smiling at them all, but her fright was too great for her voice to ask David for help.

  “Come on, I know another way out,” Jeremy screamed. He pulled Mary toward the entrance, and they all followed his path quickly, with the gargoyles just sitting in the middle of the staircase, guarding it from them escaping Grewsal’s evil.

  “No, I can’t go back in there, I can’t!” Mary wailed out. Jeremy clenched his right fist, ready to fight anything that stood in their way, and the hand he held tightly onto Mary with he used to pull her all the way inside of Grewsal. Mary pulled Jeremy’s hand off of her while Michael and Gabriel ran back in also, seeing her run past them and to the door, trying desperately to escape. Yet, the door shut in her face.

  “Come on, I know another way out of here,” said Jeremy, again grabbing Mary’s fear-stricken hand. They began running toward the metal door again, seeing the hallways shake even more. Jeremy tried to open the door, but it was locked again, so he questioned, “Mary, do you have the keys?”

  She didn’t answer, her voice was paralyzed at the sight of three angels down one of the hallways coming toward them, gliding in thin air. They were all panic-stricken, with Mary screaming as Jeremy asked again, “Mary, do you have the keys?” Mary quickly reached her shaky hand in her pocket and threw Jeremy the keys, while her eyes looked up at the white walls with blood still pouring down them, and noticed the walls were beginning to shine with a red light. Jeremy frantically opened each lock and Mary still screamed toward the three angels, detecting them closing in on them even more. Gabriel, Michael and Mary waited impatiently for Jeremy to open the door, but when Jeremy unlocked the last lock, he looked down at the floor, seeing blood pouring out from the door’s crack at the bottom. The three angels turned into demons, making Mary’s heart jump, her spine freeze and her mind freak. She was crying blood now, she saw it as she wiped her tears.

  “Open it already,” yelled Gabriel. He pushed Jeremy aside and grasped the handle himself. The door was bending from the middle toward them, as if some great pressure was filling behind its metal, waiting to explode.

  “No, don’t!” After Jeremy’s loud words of warning, Gabriel, not noticing the door’s bending shape, opened it, with abrupt gallons of dark red blood pouring out from behind the door and flowing quickly into the hallway. It pushed them all away from the door and began filling up the foyer, pushing the three angel-demons back down the hallway as well. Jeremy fought his way through the river of blood, pushing his way through it and reached the doorway, seeing that most of the blood had poured out already. He grabbed onto Mary’s hand and ran through the doorway with her, and Gabriel and Michael followed. They came across the elevator and Jeremy pushed the down button with his bloody hand. They waited with panic in their minds for the elevator to come, seeing snakes pouring out from the cracks in the gray walls, like water, and the snakes slowly started to fill up the hallway. The elevator reached the main floor, opened and Jeremy started to go in it, when suddenly he saw roaches that were filled up to the top of the elevator compartment. When he looked back at Mary, Michael and Gabriel, he saw the snakes filling the hallway even more.

  Gabriel and Michael, shocked at their sight, screamed with Mary’s tone, watching the slimy insects move about while Mary concentrated on the snakes filling up to her knees.

  “Come on, it’s the only way!” Jeremy’s words were serious, yet when Mary turned around and saw the roaches, she ignored his words and started screaming even more. Jeremy shouted, “Please, Mary, it will only be for a little bit, the basement is only one level away from this floor.”

  “Are you crazy? I’m not going to no basement!” Mary’s words were frozen again by the sight of the three demon-angels. As she watched, they appeared by the bloody metal door, which was opened. Breathing heavily, feeling his own perspiration mixing with this mysterious blood all around them, Jeremy leaped into the roaches, with Gabriel covering his mouth and jumping as well. Michael closed his eyes and ears and entered the roach-filled elevator.

  Mary turned away from the three angel-demons and her eyes froze on the elevator, not knowing what to do. “What’s happening? Why is this happening?” she screamed out. “I know, it’s not real—this is all my imagination—it’s, it’s, it’s not real!” Mary tried to close her eyes and make everything go away, but when she opened them, to her sight were the three angel-demons, reaching out their gray, wrinkled hands toward her, attempting to grab her. Before they could, Jeremy pulled her into the elevator, pressed the down button, and the elevator door closed, their bodies engulfed with roaches that reached their necks in mass. They noticed the elevator wasn’t moving, so Jeremy pressed the down button in the elevator again, and, once again, nothing happened. Suddenly the elevator started to plummet downward with great speed, holding their bodies and the roaches flying up toward the ceiling, where they smashed into it and with the roaches like one, big sandwich, feeling the ooze from the smashed insects dripping from their skin while gravity kept them on the ceiling of the falling elevator. The elevator fell to the basement floor and they bounced toward the bottom of the elevator and the roaches comforted their fall, smashing against them with great force.

  Jeremy pulled the elevator doors open, feeling Grewsal shake even more, its bricks vibrating like a nervous cat. They got up and exited the elevator box, while Mary pulled roaches out from her beautiful, red hair, wiping the roach blood from her face with great disgust. They ran frantically through the dark basement as Jeremy said, “Shit, I forgot where it is!”

  “Where what is?” asked Michael, pulling roaches out from his pockets.

  “The sewer cap. There’s a sewer cap down here that leads to the outside of Grewsal, but I forgot where it’s located,” Jeremy replied, turning around due to Mary giving out a loud scream. They all turned around to face Mary, following her eyes to what she was screaming at. They all gave out a loud yell in the darkn
ess. Their eyes saw a man with white light shining from his body; he was standing down the hallway that seemed as if it stretched for miles. The ghostlike man opened his mouth, stretched it more than a normal person could, with pale white skin that looked like elastic, and they all perceived little white angels flying out of the mouth of this creature like fireflies giving out a low buzzing noise. Thousands of these little angels flew toward them all, and all Jeremy could say was “Run!”

  The run and chase began, hearing the buzzing noises from these little creatures growing louder as they ran faster, knowing that these creatures were growing nearer to them, through the labyrinth that was called a basement. Mary screamed the whole time and the rest stayed silent, concentrating on breathing slowly, due to their hearts pumping quickly from the torturing fear. The darkness took over their minds, the buzzing noises took prisoner of their ears, and the rhythm of their feet grew larger as their pulses raced faster than ever before. Jeremy grabbed Mary’s hand, trying to give her some relief through the darkness. Hearing her screams, he felt that she needed to know that he was still there with her. Suddenly very pale lights came on in the basement, and they all saw the walls of the hallway, coming out toward them.

  “My, God, we’re gonna get squashed,” Michael yelled, distinguishing the left wall was coming toward the right one. They ran faster and faster as the walls became so close together, that they had to walk in front of each other because the hall was too thin.

  To make matters worse, the walls shot out snakes from their newly formed cracks that jumped on their bodies while they made a hissing noise that echoed through the thin hallway of Hell. Pushing their feet harder and faster, hearing the buzzing noises growing louder and quicker, all of their eyes flushed out tears of fright that washed the blood from their faces, leaving two long streaks that showed their skin color, while the rest of their skin was still covered in the red blood of trepidation.

  Abruptly, Jeremy noticed a ladder at the end of the hallway, and yelled, “There it is, come on!” They ran toward the ladder while the serpents began filling up the small space that was considered their escape route, hissing and slithering past their bodies, mostly torturing Mary’s mind to the sight and feel of it all. Finally reaching the ladder, Mary turned around and saw the thousands of little angels coming toward them, resembling a swarm of bees, forcing Mary to scream even louder and cry harder. Since Gabriel was closest, he ran up the ladder first and opened the sewer cap by pushing on it with great strength, while his terror allowed him to gain force that his adrenalin gave to him. Gabriel and then Michael exited Grewsal first, while Jeremy let go of Mary’s hand and climbed up the ladder. When he reached the top, he turned around and saw Mary as stiff as a board, just looking at the flock of little angels heading for her, seeing her shock, her agony, knowing he had to be her feet, he had to help her. So Jeremy climbed back down, grabbed onto her arm and pushed her toward him, forcing her hands on the ladder and guiding her up toward the sewer opening. She exited it and that’s when the little angels reached Jeremy and bit at his skin, poking little holes in his flesh that gave out a shaper sting to his scream. He jumped out from the sewer and slid the sewer cap over it, breathing in relief, and then looked at Mary’s terrified image.

  “Help me,” Michael yelled in a fearful tone. They saw that the guard dogs bit into his ankles. These dogs of mystery stood six feet high, looking like large, saber-toothed tigers with black fur and sinister black eyes. Foaming at the mouths, they had no ears, but spikes that circled their eyes and a growl that sounded like a female dragon in heat. They commenced attacking Gabriel and Michael while Jeremy and Mary looked into their eyes and knew that this was it.

  Suddenly the two gargoyles that they saw before jumped out from the darkened foliage that surrounded Grewsal and grabbed at each of the dog’s necks, cracking both of them and killing them instantly. Gabriel and Michael lay there in pain as Jeremy and Mary looked at the eyes of the gargoyles in despair, wondering what to do next. One of the creatures opened up its mouth wide and showed its razor-like fangs, shooting in route of Jeremy while he closed his eyes for an instant. Before the fangs could pierce Jeremy’s skin, Grewsal began to glow from the outside, causing the two gargoyles to stop and look at the glowing fortress. Instantaneously, the creatures turned into dirt, while the sounds of crying and moaning that came from the dirt that once were the creatures wailed everywhere.

  “My God, what’s happening?” Mary yelled out as they saw the two piles of dirt blow away with a gust of wind. Jeremy and Mary ran up to Michael and Gabriel in a panic, and Grewsal’s glow glistened even more, reflecting on the backs of Jeremy and Mary.

  “Don’t look at Grewsal, just don’t look at it,” warned Jeremy. They all ran away from the fortress when unexpectedly Jeremy’s eyes caught the sight of two patients managing to escape through their bedroom windows. Jeremy saw the two patients lying on the ground, so he tried desperately not to look at the building and ran up to them while covering his eyes. They were two women, and they were in pain due to the fall. He helped both of them up and ran to where Michael, Mary and Gabriel were, when out of nowhere he felt a burning sensation on his feet. Jeremy looked down while he ran faster to them and looked at the blades of grass, seeing that the lawn was glowing a red light that started to burn at the grass and create smoke. He turned away from the grass immediately, shouting toward the two women, “Don’t look at the building, or even the grass!” But the women turned around anyway and vanished from their human form to a shape of dirt and mud, and the root of this horror made Jeremy scream, as the feeling of fright crept up his blistered goose bumps-covered flesh even more. Once Jeremy reached them, they all ran beyond the gates of Grewsal and noticed squad cars and two fire engines waiting in the streets. A sigh of relief came to them, yet when they ran up to the squad cars, all they saw was nothing but dirt and soil within them.

  “What’s going on?” asked Mary, holding tears in her eyes, seeing piles and piles of dirt by the fire engines as well.

  Jeremy gave her a hug to calm her down, replying, “Listen, I don’t know myself, but we’ll find out. All we have to do is go to Jerusalem.” Through their hug, Jeremy noticed a man, a young man, about his age, walking toward them. Jeremy released his hug from Mary and asked the strange man, “Who are you?”

  The man reached out and grabbed Jeremy’s hand, and started to shake it. “I’m David, and you’re right, we have to go to Jerusalem.”

  Mary noticed her car parked down the street, realizing that David moved it, and a look of relief came to her eyes. They all began running to Mary’s car while Michael questioned David, “Alright, who are you, and why is this all happening?”

  “I can’t tell you, but I know who can.” They got in the car while Mary started her engine and dried her tears at the same time with a tissue. As she dried them, she noticed the blood on them all, and started to cry even more, feeling the terror from the aftermath of their gory experience, she cried and cried with Jeremy hugging her to calm her down. The car was silent for a moment, and then David added, “I’m just beginning to remember some things, not all. In Jerusalem, I know who can tell us the mystery of what and why we are in this position.”

  As the car drove away from Grewsal, they all looked away from its agonizing anguish. That’s when Gabriel shouted with anger, “Alright, then, let’s get our butts to wherever we’re supposed to go to!”

  They drove off into the night, with Grewsal behind them, not realizing that Grewsal vanished into thin air, with the night being its only witness to its vanishing.


  Mary drove straight to the airport, craving to go faster, yearning for her tears to stroll slower than her speed, yet they flowed as fast as the car went, continuing to show their clear, transparent luster to her skittish, paralyzed eyes as she looked in the rear-view mirror with terror. Confusion took over Mary’s mind, as well as the rest of them, yet she was the only one who stared at a mirror in the car, and saw how her eyes ch
anged, went out of tune from this experience, showing a sort of evil blanket over them that shattered her innocence into a kind of supernova of her soul.

  Yet, they were on their way to reach their first destination, being an airport of a confusing trip they knew each of them had to take. The boys didn’t know how to pay for their plane tickets, what to eat and how they would sleep, but that was the least of their problems. The main problem that each of them, besides David, had was why they had to be forced to jam that terrifying image of seeing Grewsal coming alive into their minds.

  Michael felt his chest as his already methodical mind became baffled, entranced as to why there wasn’t a bullet hole in it, why he was still able to breathe in through his lungs and why his mind was still crying out a subliminal secret of a past life that he just couldn’t grasp onto and remember. Michael turned to Gabriel and saw a bit of what he took in and felt in Gabriel’s eyes as well, seeing Gabriel wipe his tears away as he became bewildered as to why he’s crying and what started these tears. Gabriel looked at Jeremy, and saw the same feeling on Jeremy’s darkened silhouette, as he gawked through the dark obscurity of the car at Jeremy, and saw his shadow-like image looking down at the bloodstains all over his clothes. Jeremy was baffled as to who the blood belonged to and why it was on them.

  Then they all looked over toward Mary, and saw that her angelic face was seared with the pain of a silent torture that her soul cried out in. Mary was more than confused; she was still in great shock, a numbing sensation that took over her consciousness to help ease the fright. All that was on her mind was to keep her right foot on the gas pedal and not to look back at the road. She just stared out at the road in front of her, and kept her eyes on it. Suffering from the stares coming from the boys, she knew they wanted to know how she felt about what just happened, yet she denied them their silent questions and allowed the stares to continue; she didn’t know what words to say. Suddenly, as Mary stared out at the darkened road, she remembered Grewsal, and the basement of it where the evil angel had stood, opening its mouth to have tiny, bug-like creatures flying out of it and toward them all. She closed her eyes and tears squeezed out through her lids, trying to forget that image, as well as the other tortured images that sent their taunting message at her spinal column. She yearned for her mind to go into an oblivion, forgetting all that was seen and unseen, but the road in front was still visible, and so was the prominent adventure that had begun.


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