The Wrath of Jeremy

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The Wrath of Jeremy Page 37

by Stephen Andrew Salamon

  Tears of rage were drawn over Lucifer’s vision, his flashback, and another blaze of light appeared, and when it vanished, the black lands came into Lucifer’s view again. The blood-covered moon, the aroma of a burnt war with evil in its tow was distinguished by Lucifer, and, as he looked up, the perception of God’s eyes smiling at him was seen.

  “Now you remember,” God whispered.

  Lucifer nodded his head, got up from the ground and looked over at Jastian’s body lying on the earth still. He then glanced over at Sam, and ran over to her, crying again toward her deathly figure. With his hand of spikes, Lucifer placed his finger on her lips and saw blood that was peering out over her chin slowly, as if it was kissing her beauty, crawling out from inside of her for the first time like a newly birthed infant. He dabbed his finger in it, and some of the blood came onto his finger. He then kissed Sam once again. “I’m sorry, my love. You were right, and now I will make it right.”

  Meanwhile, Jastian recovered his wounds and got up from the ground, scanning his eyes, searching the ground of black for his enemy who was the King of Darkness. “How about another round, or do you finally give in?” Jastian shouted, standing behind Lucifer a good distance away.

  Lucifer walked over to him and stood eye to eye, gawking at his creation called Jastian with a hidden smile behind his beastly face as he felt the rage for Jastian growing inside of him, craving to attack him without any memory of mercy. “I will destroy you now, Jastian,” he spoke with a calm tone while Jastian laughed. “But you must be punished. So, rather than you evaporating into oblivion, I shall assign you a proper judgment, for you are my creation, and the wrath of my black soul will render your discipline. Jastian, you shall be imprisoned in Hell, my world, for eternity, where your evil will never expose itself to this land or any other again. You are sentenced, Jastian.”

  Jastian’s laugh ceased, ending with a trickle of curiosity toward Lucifer’s brave words, noticing some truth in them. So, Jastian pulled out a horn from his arm and held it up to Lucifer’s head. “Not if I kill you first!” he shouted.

  Lucifer held up his finger with Sam’s blood on it, forcing shock to come to Jastian’s eyes of acuity. Without any mercy, Lucifer closed his eyes and placed her blood on Jastian’s reptilian skin and suddenly his flesh started to melt, his screams becoming so loud that the mountain to their left collapsed from its echo. The sounds of angels’ voices grew and danced in the air, and the earth began to quake violently. Clouds ruptured, raining blood over the land, and the skies formed lightning, not coming from clouds at all. Jastian, crying loudly toward his Master, fell to the ground, his powers shooting out from him and entering back into Lucifer and back into God. It was a red light, a beam that echoed its energy greatly, and the rest of it shot out toward the land, covering it in its entirety. Jastian’s melting body started to levitate in the air without his own doing, and it headed toward the Lake of Fire. Jastian, with no powers at all, dived into the Lake, its scorching pit, leaving Lucifer and God staring at each other while the flames from the Lake still burned out their wickedness.

  “You did it, Lucifer,” God spoke in relief with a hint of pride to his attitude. “I am free and so is the Universe; shall it be.” Disregarding God’s words, Lucifer raced over to Sam’s lifeless body and hugged her firmly. Without words, reactions or thoughts, God shined a blue light from his chest and it went over to Sam’s lifeless body. Her eyes lit up, opened and Lucifer and her lips touched with bliss and tears. Her wound was healed and her life had returned. “And that is the last gift I shall give you, Lucifer,” God smiled. “Now, Lucifer, back to before the battle. Why did you defy me a second time?”

  Lucifer’s beastly, bloody face smirked toward Sam’s smile and he helped her up from the cold ground. Wiping his tears of contentment away, Lucifer walked over to God alone, looking back toward Gabriel, David and Michael, still hiding like cowards behind the boulder. “Father, I know it is wrong to blame others for defying a God. But when it comes to me defying you the first time, you should look to your not-so-good angels named Michael, Gabriel, David, Christopher and Peter.”

  “Lucifer, you know that I cannot see the actions of angels, I could only see the actions of humans, for angels are from my soul and do not need my judging. Aside from you, or course. If this is factual what you tell me, then I can’t allow it to be truthful to my mind,” God said. Gabriel began smiling toward Jeremy, believing in his heart that God loved them more than Lucifer. “Now I hate to say this, but I must, for the evil still lives in you, I can feel it. Take your love, and go to where you belong; you will see your loved ones there, too,” God yelled out, pointing toward the flame-filled Lake. “I never want to see your face again, Lucifer, ever!”

  Lucifer walked slowly to the Lake and Sam grabbed onto his hand, looking at each other’s tear-filled eyes as they proceeded to step their feet into the Dead Sea that was now alive. Suddenly God turned to Gabriel and saw an evil smirk on his face. God turned back to Lucifer and said, “Stop walking.”

  Lucifer and Sam stopped and turned around to look at God.

  “I can’t see the actions of angels, but I can tell if they are deceitful to me. Gabriel, did thou ever hurt Lucifer and allow yourself to be partially to blame for his first attempt in defying me?” God asked. Gabriel looked at David and Michael, not knowing what to say.

  “No, Father, I would never do something like that,” Gabriel replied with apprehension. God turned to David and Michael.

  “David and Michael, are you partially to blame for Lucifer’s action of defying me for the first time?”

  “No Father,” Michael and David answered, bowing to God.

  God turned his head and saw Curtis and Victor in the distance walking toward them.

  God faced Christopher and Victor, saying, “Oh, there you are, I was speculating when the two of you would show up.” He walked up to them and peered deeply into their eyes. “Christopher, when Lucifer took the life away from you, did you have any cause for him to do so? Were you to blame for his trial on rebelling and defying me for the first time?” God asked Curtis in a loud mode.

  “First, my name is now Curtis, and second, I don’t have to answer to you. You are not my God anymore, only your father is my God,” Curtis said without consideration to God’s rank. God turned away from Curtis’s arrogant silhouette and pivoted to Victor.

  “Peter, do you undergo the same emotions?”

  “I’m Victor now, and yes, I do feel the same as Curtis,” Victor answered. Immediately, God grabbed onto Curtis and Victor’s right ears, squeezed them tight, hearing them screaming from the pain and not having any mercy toward their agony.

  “Since you are on my soil, you will answer to me now!” God yelled out. He then let go of their ears and pushed them with one large shove, and they fell to the ground. “And secondly, bad angels, Jastian is dead, and was never my father. When Lucifer created him, I knew of this, but still forgave him. And when Jastian became too powerful, I was forced to call him ‘Father’, forced to accept that he became the Universe by accident, and yes, I still forgave Lucifer for it. But, my bad angels, the one who created Jastian just condemned him to Hell for eternity.”

  Their eyes widened in terror as they watched God’s smile grow finer and higher. “Fine, no I didn’t have any part in Lucifer’s first attempt to defy you,” yelled Curtis.

  “Me neither, I didn’t have anything to do with it,” Victor said, rubbing his sore ear. They both got up from the ground and stood up straight, making sure they kept their distance from God by stepping back a few steps.

  God turned away from them and walked to the shoreline of the burning lake, gazing out at it, feeling the heat from the flames brushing against his image. “This wrath that you all delivered has been delivered successfully, of course with the help of Lucifer’s battle against Jastian. But the last part of the eighth sign failed because of Lucifer,” God announced.

  “What part is that?” Sam asked while her tears kept on fa

  “The sinners have been delivered to the depths of Hell, but the non-sinners have not been delivered to their home yet: the home of Ecstasy, of Heaven. There are only five hundred inhabitants who were supposed to be delivered to my dwelling, and most of them are children. When Lucifer pulled away from the circle, it allowed them to be placed over there!” God pointed his right index finger across the Lake. There in the distance lay people, most of them children, waiting to be delivered to Heaven, sitting on the ground in puzzlement and wonder.

  “Lucifer, this earth is nothing but waste and void now, all those people will not survive here!” God’s tears fell from his eyes more. “Since Jastian’s soul is no longer here, the earth has no soul, for my soul, I promised myself, will never come here again after my wrath. It shall rot without proper energy, or deity to take hold of its innocence and breathe life into it again.” Suddenly God turned to Lucifer, and yelled abruptly, “Why did you defy me again, Lucifer?”

  Jeremy looked down at the black earth, ashamed and perplexed at his actions. “I know you showed love in your heart, but you, yes you, are evil, Lucifer, even though you killed Jastian. Now you remember the evil that you put forth in the past and now in the present!”

  “Father, I know I have sinned and I do remember the evil acts I did. I don’t want to remember, but I do, I guess this is one of my punishments for defying you. But this life that you gave me, or gave us, this life somehow changed my black soul into a soul full of light, partial light.… But, Father, you’ve also defied me. You told me that I had to deliver this wrath along with Gabriel, Michael and David, but you didn’t tell me that my soul regained love for life. What I mean is, when I saw this woman whom I love with all of my black- or light-filled heart, walking toward this lake, something clicked in me. You could have warned me about Sam, but you didn’t. Additionally, you didn’t tell us about Jastian and how he would be so cruel to us, how I created him and only I can destroy him,” Jeremy cried.

  God placed his head down. “Listen to me, Lucifer!”

  Lucifer, with stress to his beastly tone, interrupted God’s words and yelled, “Would you please call me Jeremy? My memory has been fulfilled, Father, but every time I hear that name, I think of Hell! I know the good soul of Jeremy was my soul once before, in the beginning, and I want to remember it that way.”

  “Alright, Jeremy. Jastian has a mind of his own. The reason why I did not warn you about him is because I did not know that Curtis and Victor would call out for his help. Like I told you before, I cannot see the actions of angels. Even though you are human now, you all are still angels along with being human. But it is true what you say about Sam, I did not warn you about her judgment because I knew you would react like this. I saw the way you fell in love with her again, the way you found your love for her. Jeremy, you are a fallen angel, and therefore I could see your actions, but only your actions,” God said. Jeremy turned around to face the burning lake, trying to hold in his emotions. “Jastian and I have fought for hundreds of years, and we are still fighting to this dying day. And now, the fight has ended,” God cried out. Jeremy embarked his walking to the fire-packed Lake, still listening to God’s hurtful words.

  “It’s not fair, Father!”

  God listened intimately to those words of Jeremy, shaking his head toward them, as if those words struck a chord in his anger that traveled for infinity. “It’s not fair? Is that what you said, Lucifer?” God yelled. “And what should a God do to you now? How do I bring the emotion of forgiving you after all the evil you caused on this land?

  “Well, I guess it’s time for me to go where I belong,” said Jeremy with a nervous and shaky nature, forcing his tears to stop.

  Jeremy, step by step, walked into the Lake and Sam grasped onto his grip, following behind him. They stared into each other’s eyes deeply, with an understanding that she wasn’t going to lose him again, and where he went she would follow, even if it were Hell. The serpents of the Lake began to wrap themselves around their legs with their sights still on one another. God saw their love, their goodness and turned to the skies, yelling out, “Heaven, what should I do, spirit of holiness?” Jeremy curved around and looked at God, seeing everyone staring at him with shock on their holy and sinful features.

  Suddenly a cloud appeared in the dark sky and lit up in a dark blue-like illumination. “Do what you know. If you know the truth, then follow it,” a voice spoke from the cloud. Suddenly an answer came to God, forcing a smile of understanding and clarity to form on his face of wisdom. He turned away from the cloud and looked at Michael, Gabriel and David.

  God grabbed onto Gabriel’s right hand and turned to Michael and David. He grabbed onto Michael’s left hand while David held onto Michael’s right. Jeremy looked at them all and saw a smile on God’s face, but wasn’t sure what the smirk meant. “Are you ready to go where you belong?” God asked with a grin as Gabriel, David and Michael smiled back. Jeremy and Sam, with a strange-like betrayal in their guts, still looked at them, feeling the anger of unfairness striking at their souls. Jeremy knew the three of them were evil, but the temporary blindness of God, due to them being angels, enraged him the most.

  Swiftly, Sam looked at Jeremy’s beastly face, and whispered, “Have faith, my love, God makes no mistakes.”

  “Well, Gabriel, David and Michael, are you geared up and ready to go?” God questioned again, this time in a more human tone.

  “Yes, Father, we are ready,” they all said together. Jeremy looked away from them and began walking deeper into the Lake. Sam grabbed onto his hand more tightly and kissed him on the lips delicately, closing her eyes to his beastly image and imagining his beautiful features once again. She knew they were about to go on a journey to a place where love is not sought after, and that allowed her delicate kiss to turn to a more forceful one, not wanting to forget her passion for him, ever.

  The serpents hugged their legs tighter, and just before they both were ready to dive in, God shouted out, “Where are you going, Jeremy?” Michael, David and Gabriel looked at each other in puzzlement.

  Jeremy’s beastly body and Sam’s beautiful eyes began to feel the serpents swimming around their legs more. “What?” questioned Jeremy.

  God turned to Michael, David and Gabriel and his smile turned to an angry face. “You lied to me about everything I asked you. You did cause Lucifer to defy me, and now you shall go to the place where only sinners belong,” God screamed. Gabriel, Michael and David showed horror on their faces.

  “But, Father, we did not do—” Gabriel said, but was stopped by God covering his mouth.

  “Please, Gabriel, do not allow any more sins to come out of your mouth. All of your sins shall be within you now, and you shall only allow them to come out in the depths of the earth,” yelled God. They all started to run away, it was the only thing they knew how to do. As they ran, Gabriel felt his wings being burned, scorched, and when he turned around to look over his shoulders, Gabriel witnessed serpents forming over each feather his wings possessed. He fell to the black ground and screamed.

  “Help me, Michael!” Gabriel yelled out, throbbing. Michael passed by him without even bothering to look.

  “I’m sorry, Gabriel, but you’re on your own,” Michael said, and then noticed his own wings having some sort of burning sensation to them.

  God turned to Jeremy, saying, “Look away, Jeremy, you do not want to see my judgment taking place!” Jeremy covered Sam’s eyes while turning away from them, just hearing the screams getting louder.

  Michael fell to the ground and his feathers turned into serpents as well. His whole body vanished, turning into snakes.

  David ran beyond him and turned back around, seeing two piles of serpents that were once Gabriel and Michael. “No, no, no!” David cried out. He fell to the black ground and, with no choice, allowed his body to turn into serpents as well. The three piles of snakes slithered toward each other with Victor and Curtis watching this terrifying view.

  “Curtis, Vic
tor, do not watch this judgment taking place,” God said with a mysterious smile; he knew they wouldn’t listen to him, knowing their fate was Hell as well.

  “Don’t tell us what to do, we could watch if we want,” Curtis yelled with pride, being angry about Jastian’s judgment to damnation. Curtis watched the serpents’ form together, seeing them twisting themselves into one great serpent as its eyes shot out a flash of red light. Not listening to God’s words of warning, Curtis and Victor saw the light and after it flashed, they slowly felt a numbing sensation on their feet.

  “What’s going on?” Victor asked, taking off his shoes. He searched his feet and saw his toes fading into soil.

  “Oh my God, look away now,” Curtis roared. They both looked away from the great serpent’s eyes.

  “It’s too late,” God said. “Only the bad look after being warned and the unforgiven warn after looking.” They both slowly melted into dirt, crying out for help, but no one came to their aid.

  “Please, please no…” Victor shouted. His chest vanished into dirt, followed by his whole body along with Curtis’s, and a gust of wind came and blew the two piles of soil away, holding the grains in its windy nature and tossing them in every direction. The grains came together and blew straight into the Lake of Fire, passing by Jeremy and Sam. The screams were still heard, allowing Sam to cry at the noise. But then she stopped as she heard silence that came at once.

  Then the screams of Michael, Gabriel and David were heard only, and the great serpent slithered into the Lake. Jeremy and Sam’s eyes knew that the serpent was the three boys of evil. Jastian, bounded with chains on his legs and arms, shot out of the Lake, swallowed the large serpent whole, and it stretched his body so much that his body formed into the serpent’s shape.

  “You are the Devil, but a Devil who cannot cause harm ever again,” yelled God.


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