by Derek Wilson
37. Ibid., 390.
38. Ibid., 396.
39. J. Stow, Annales, or a General Chronicle of England (1631), p. 598.
40. ‘Quelques particularitez d’Angleterre du temps du roi Edouard . . .’ Bibliothèque Nationale de France, MS Ancien Saint-German Français, 1588, folios 212–3.
41. Cal. S.P. Span., IX, 462–3.
42. See D. MacCulloch, Thomas Cranmer (1996), pp. 448–9.
43. Cal. S.P. Span., IX, 477.
44. British Library Additional, MS 48126, fol. 15a; D. E. Hoak, The King’s Council in the Reign of Edward VI (Cambridge, 1976), p. 255.
45. BL, Add. MS 48126, fol. 16a; Hoak, op. cit., p. 256.
Chapter 10 – The Cares that Wait upon a Crown
1. Zurich Letters, Parker Society (1842–5), III, pp. 81–2.
2. D. E. Hoak, The King’s Council in the Reign of Edward VI (Cambridge, 1976) pp. 267–8.
3. ‘Quelques particularitez d’Angleterre du temps du roi Edouard . . .’, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, MS Ancien Saint-Germain Français, 1588, folios 214b–215b.
4. Cal. S.P. Dom. Edward VI, 781.
5. Ibid., 555.
6. J. K. Jordan, ed., The Chronicle and Political Papers of King Edward VI (Ithaca, 1966), p. 85.
7. Cal. S.P. Dom. Edward VI, 789.
8. Ibid., 465, 466.
9. Ibid., 442.
10. See D. Loades, John Dudley, p. 177.
11. Cal. S.P. Dom. Edward VI, 779.
12. Ibid., 465, 630, 732, 789.
13. J. Hayward, Life and Raigne of King Edward VI, ed. B. L. Beer (Kent, Ohio, 1993), pp. 122–3. Hayward saw plots and conspiracies around every corner and he certainly invented some of the speeches that he put in the mouths of historical characters but he did make use of contemporary documents some of which are now lost.
14. Cal. S.P. Dom. Edward VI, 801, 802.
15. See C. S. Knighton, ‘The principal secretaries in the reign of Edward VI’, in C. Cross, D. Loades and J. J. Scarisbrick, Law and Government under the Tudors (Cambridge, 1988), p. 172.
16. Cal. S.P. Dom., Edward VI, 711, 722.
17. Ibid., 750.
18. Ibid., 800.
19. D. Hoak, ‘Rehabilitating the Duke of Northumberland’, in J. Loach and J. Tittler, eds., The Mid-Tudor Polity, c1540–1560 (1980), p. 51.
20. See D. Hoak, The King’s Council, p. 257.
21. See D. MacCulloch, Thomas Cranmer, p. 469.
22. 1552 Book of Common Prayer, Preface ‘Of Ceremonies’.
Chapter 11 – Desperate Measures
1. D. MacCulloch, Thomas Cranmer, (Yale, 1996), p. 496.
2. J. Foxe, Actes and Monuments, ed. J. Townsend and S. R. Cattley (1838), VI, p. 292.
3. Cal. S.P. Dom. Edward VI, 749.
4. Ibid., 747.
5. Ibid., 762.
6. Ibid., 799.
7. Wyndham’s achievements are narrated in R. Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation (1589), I, pp. 85ff.
8. Ibid., I, p. 245.
9. Cal. S.P. Dom. Edward VI, 789.
10. Ibid., 773.
11. Petyt MSS, Inner Temple, xlvii, f. 316.
12. J. G. Nichols, ed., The Chronicle of Queen Jane and of Two Years of Queen Mary, Camden Society, old series., xlviii (1850), p. 272.
13. Cal. S.P. Dom. Edward VI, 809.
14. J. G. Nichols, ed., Literary Remains of Edward VI (1857), I, ccliv.
15. Cal. S.P. Span., XI, 189.
16. J. G. Nichols, ed., Greyfriars’ Chronicle, Camden Society, old series, XLXIV, p. 83.
17. British Library Harleian MSS, 787, fol. 61v.
Chapter 12 – De Profundis
1. R. Brooke, Catalogue of Nobility (1619), p. 150.
2. Le Report de un Judgement done en Banke, 1578.
3. J. G. Nichols, ed., op. cit., p. 39.
4. British Library Harleian MSS, 194.
5. J. G. Nichols, ed., op. cit., pp. 56–7.
6. W. Camden, The History of the Most Renowned and Victorious Princess Elizabeth, ed. W. T. MacCaffrey (Chicago, 1970), p. 53.
7. A. Collins, ed., Letters and Memorials of State (1746), I, p. 35.
8. Longleat, Dudley papers, III, f. 66.
9. This was the sum repaid to Forster in 1558 and may have included interest. Society of Antiquaries MS 139, folios 129, 131: Lyttelton MSS (Birmingham Reference Library), 351613; Public Record Office: 054/546, m.16 con.
10. Holinshed, Chronicle (1557).
11. Longleat, Dudley papers, III, f. 67.
12. Harleian MS 4712. Printed in G. Adlard, Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leycester, pp. 16–17.
13. Quoted by F. Chamberlin in Elizabeth and Leycester (1939), App. IX, pp. 92–3.
14. La Vie d’Elizabeth, reine d’Angleterre traduite de l’Italien (1696), pp. 444–5.
15. Cal. S.P. For. Elizabeth, I, 3.
Chapter 13 – The Gypsy
1. H. Ellis, ed., Original Letters, Illustrative of English History (1824–6), 1st series, p. 101.
2. See S. Alford, The Early Elizabethan Polity: William Cecil and the British Succession Crisis, 1558–1569 (Cambridge, 1998), p. 34.
3. L. S. Marcus, J. Mueller and M. B. Rose, eds., Elizabeth I Collected Works (Chicago, 2000), pp. 54–5.
4. Cal. S.P. Span., I, 27.
5. Cal. S.P. Ven, VII, 71.
6. Longleat, Dudley papers., III, f.31. The total value is given as £5,070.
7. Ibid., I, f.172.
8. Ibid., I, f.14.
9. Cal. S.P. Dom. Elizabeth, Addenda, XXVI, 9.
10. Longleat, Dudley papers, XIII.
11. Ibid., V, XI.
12. H. Nicolas, Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton . . . (1847), pp. 25–61.
13. British Library Lansdowne MS 94, fol. 29.
14. Cal. S.P. Span., I, 57.
15. Cal. S.P. Ven., VII, 10.
16. See G. Adlard, Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leycester, pp. 16ff: N. Fourdrinier, ‘Amy Robsart’ (MS MC5/29 in Norfolk Record Office), pp. 143ff; J. E. Jackson, ‘Amye Robsart’, in Wiltshire Archaeol. Magazine, XVII, pp. 61ff.
17. Longleat, Dudley papers, XIV, XV, account books of Dudley’s stewards, William Chaucy and Richard Elles, passim.
18. British Library Harleian MSS 4712.
19. Cal. S.P. Ven., VII, 69.
20. Longleat Dudley papers, IV, f.7.
21. Cal. S.P. For. Elizabeth, II, 387.
22. Cal. S.P. Span., I, pp. 113–4.
23. J. Nicholas, ed., Diary of Henry Machyn (1848), pp. 238–41.
24. British Library Stow MSS, f.180b, quoted by Conyers Read, p. 199.
Chapter 14 – Death and Transfiguration
1. N. Fourdrinier, Amy Robsart the wife of Lord Robert Dudley the favourite of Queen Elizabeth I. Her life and ancestry, and the true cause of her tragic death, Norfolk Record Office, MC5/29, p. 166.
2. Cal. S.P. Span., I, pp. 174–5.
3. See G. Adlard, Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leycester (1870), p. 32.
4. Cal. S.P. Span., I, 175.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid., 36–7.
8. Hardwicke Papers (1775), I, p. 123.
9. P. Yorke, ed., Miscellaneous State Papers (1778), I, p. 167.
10. The Itinerary of John Leland, ed. L. Toulmin Smith (1964), II, p. 109.
11. R. Laneham, ‘A Letter Wherein Part of the Entertainment unto the Queen’s Majesty at Killingworth Castle . . . is signified . . .’ (1575), reprinted in G. Adlard, (op. cit.), p. 124.
12. Longleat, Dudley papers., IV, f.13.
13. J. E. Neale, Elizabeth I and Her Parliaments, 1559–1581 (1953), p. 109.
14. Ibid., p. 127.
Chapter 15 – Politics, Puritanism and Patronage
1. Cal. S.P. Span., I, 591–2.
2. See Conyers Read, Mr Secretary Cecil and Queen Elizabeth (1955), p. 362.
3. Cal. S.P. Span., I, 415.
4. See P. Collinson, The Elizabeth Puritan
Movement (1967), p. 53 and note.
5. L. S. Marcus, J. Mueller and M. B. Rose, eds., Elizabeth I, Collected Works (Chicago, 2000), pp. 178–9.
6. P. Collinson, ed., Letters of Thomas Wood, Puritan, 1566–1577 (1960), p. 15.
7. Cal. S.P. Span., I, 415.
8. Conyers Read, ‘A letter from Robert, Earl of Leicester to a lady’, Huntingdon Library Quarterly (April 1936), p. 25.
9. P. Collinson, ed., op. cit., p. 12.
10. Cal. S.P. Dom. Addenda, XIII, 73.
Chapter 16 – Love’s Labours Lost
1. The National Archives, State Papers, 63/26/14.
2. British Library, Harleian MS, 6991, fol. 27.
3. Cal. S.P. Dom., CXXV, 73; British Library, Lansdowne MS, 45, 34.
4. E. Lodge, Illustrations of British History, Biography and Manners . . . (1838), II, p. 17.
5. Conyers Read, ‘A letter from Robert, Earl of Leicester to a lady’, Huntingdon Library Quarterly (April 1936), p. 24.
6. A. Collins, ed., Letters and Memorials of State (1746), I, p. 48.
7. R. Laneham, A Letter, wherein is signified . . . (1821), p. 138.
8. Cal. S.P. Span., I, 131.
9. Longleat, Dudley papers, II, f.190.
10. See I. Mahoney, Madame Catherine (1975), p. 172.
11. The National Archives, State Papers, XII/125/73.
12. Cal. S.P. Span., I, 486.
13. D. Wilson, The World Encompassed (1977), p. 88.
14. See J. E. Neale, Queen Elizabeth (1934), p. 238.
15. J. B. M. C. K. de Lettenhove, Relations Politiques des Pays Bas et de l’Angleterre (1882–1900), X, p. 678.
16. A. Labanoff, Lettres . . . de Marie Stuart (1844), V, p. 94.
17. Cal. S.P. Span., I, 592.
18. See Mahoney, op. cit., p. 262.
19. Ibid., p. 264.
20. Cal. S.P. Span., II, 465.
21. de Lettenhove, op. cit., IX, p. 486.
22. R. C. Strong and J. A. Van Dorsten, Leicester’s Triumph (1964), p. 13.
23. Cal. S.P. Dom., XXXIX, 41.
24. G. M. Baker and R. W. Kenny, The Papers of Nathaniel Bacon (Norwich, 1979–83), II, p. 296.
Chapter 17 – Fair Means and Foul
1. F. J. Burgoyne, ed., History of Queen Elizabeth, Amy Robsart and the Earl of Leicester (1904), p. 49.
2. Letter under the royal sign manual to the Lord Mayor of London, see G. Adlard, Amye Robsart, pp. 56–7.
3. See A. G. Lee, The Son of Leicester (1964), p. 34.
4. H. Nicolas, Memoirs of . . . Christopher Hatton (1847), pp. 382–3.
5. Cal. S.P. Dom., CLXXII, 37.
6. DNB.
7. See Conyers Read, Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth (1960), p. 295.
8. H. Nicolas, op. cit., pp. 348–9.
9. J. Bruce, ed., Correspondence of Robert Dudley Earl of Leycester . . ., Camden Society, series I, no. 27 (1844), p. 4.
10. Ibid., pp. 7–8.
11. Ibid., pp. 23–4.
12. Ibid., p. 112.
13. Ibid., p. 110.
14. Ibid., p. 151.
15. Ibid., pp. 367, 312, 426, 378, 394, 312.
16. Ibid., pp. 478–80.
17. Ibid., p. 446.
18. Ibid., p. 453.
19. Leland’s Itinerary, I, p. 5.
20. J. Bruce, ed., op. cit., pp. 431–2.
21. See Conyers Read, op. cit., p. 391.
22. See G. Mattingley, Defeat of the Spanish Armada (1959), p. 60.
23. British Library, Cotton MSS, Galba D, I, 230.
24. Ibid., CCXIII, 38.
25. L. S. Marcus, J. Mueller and M. B. Rose, eds., Elizabeth I Collected Works (Chicago, 2000), p. 326.
26. Ibid., II, f.249.
27. Ibid., II, f.257.
28. The National Archives, SPD 12/215/65.
Chapter 18 – Tudors and Dudleys
1. British Library Cotton MSS, Caligula, D.I., f.333.
2. L. S. Marcus, J. Mueller, and M. B. Rose, eds., Elizabeth I Collected Works (Chicago, 2000), p. 329.
3. R. Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation . . . (1899 ed.), III, p. 580f.
4. Ibid., III, p. 593.
5. J. Guy, Tudor England, p. 351.
6. G. Temple Leader, Roberto Dudley, Duca di Nortumbria (Florence 1896), pp. 202–3.
7. G. Temple Leader, op. cit., p. 220.
8. D. Starkey, Elizabeth (2000), p. 92.
9. Conyers Read, Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth (1960), p. 436.
10. C. Wilson, Queen Elizabeth and the Revolt of the Netherlands (1970), p. 102.
The place of publication is London unless otherwise specified
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