by Derek Wilson
profits from royal service 27–8, 31–2
makes catalogue of unjust exactions 37–8
unpopularity of 4, 26–30, 31, 63
downfall 40–51
convicted of plotting against Henry VIII 41–2
prepares his defence 43–4
plans escape 45
attainder 45, 55
execution 3, 50–1, 233
private life
marriages 12–14
political convictions 18, 45–9
religious views 43, 47–8
heirs 61
Dudley, Edward, 7th Baron 14, 41, 78–9, 80
Dudley, Edward, 9th Baron 80, 256
Dudley, Elizabeth (daughter of Edmund Dudley) 61
Dudley, Elizabeth (née Bramshot, mother of Edmund Dudley) 6
Dudley, Elizabeth (née Grey, wife of Edmund Dudley) 14, 55–6, 62, 64, 80
Dudley, Guildford x, 89, 215, 219, 237–8, 239, 241
Dudley, Sir Henry (son of 8th Baron) 245–6
Dudley, Henry (son of John Dudley) 89, 90, 126, 228, 237, 239, 244, 246, 247
Dudley, Jane (née Guildford, wife of John Dudley) 63–4, 84, 87, 89, 90, 105, 128, 134, 230, 238, 244
Dudley, John, of Atherington (father of Edmund Dudley) 6, 8, 13, 358–9
Dudley, John, Earl of Warwick (son of John Dudley) 89, 105, 168, 188, 226, 227, 237, 239, 244
Dudley, John, Earl of Warwick and Duke of Northumberland
early life
ward of Edward Guildford 61–3, 67
education and training 64, 66
character and attributes 64, 81, 102, 108, 178, 231
health 159, 160, 182, 192, 215
religious beliefs 102–5, 119, 120, 128, 134–5, 156, 174, 178, 195, 231, 241
under Henry VIII 78, 83, 93–4, 100, 106–7, 108–9, 112, 114, 118, 120, 6676–7
military and naval career 69, 98–9, 99–100, 120–1, 122–7, 128–32, 133
commissioner of the peace 78
relations with Edward Seymour 79, 85, 94, 95, 126, 132, 134
relations with Thomas Cromwell 83, 85, 88–9, 94, 98, 100, 102, 107, 109, 115
in Parliament 87–8
Master of the Horse to Anne of Cleves 109, 110–11
rise to power 119, 120, 127–8, 132
Viscount Lisle 119
Lord Warden of the Marches 120–1
Lord Admiral 122
Captain of Boulogne 127, 128
diplomatic skills 133, 135–6, 137, 147
under Edward VI
relations with Edward Seymour x, 147, 149, 150–1, 159–61, 182, 188–91, 200
role in his downfall 167, 169, 172, 174, 177–8
final showdown with 202–5
view of his role 141–2, 184, 193–5, 213, 222–3
council of regency 142–3
Earl of Warwick (1547) 144–5
Lord Great Chamberlain 145, 179
military and naval career 145–6, 147, 148, 159, 159–60, 163–9
President of the Principality of Wales and its Marches 150
religious policy 172, 178, 195–200, 205, 207–9, 223
steps in as government leader 178–9, 182
plot to topple 181–2
Lord Great Master of the Household 184
President of the Council 184
Duke of Northumberland (1551) 185, 203
relationship with king 185–7, 192, 217, 220, 221, 222–3, 225
Warden of the East and Middle March 190
unpopularity 192, 204, 208, 222, 227–8, 233, 371
economic policy 205–7, 209, 212, 223
defence and naval policy 210, 223
Lady Jane Grey and dynastic plans 214–15, 219, 221, 226–30, 371
under Mary I
relationship with Princess Mary I 217–18, 220, 224–5
arrest and execution 230–3, 238–9
personal life
estates 64, 70, 78–81, 84–5, 85–6, 88–9, 101, 102, 107–8, 117, 119, 132, 144–5, 146–7, 160, 213
family life 89–90, 105, 126, 168–9, 214–15, 219
marriage to Jane Guildford 63–4, 69–70, 87, 89, 90
Dudley, John, 6th Baron 4–6, 24
Dudley, John, 8th Baron 79–80
Dudley, Lettice, Countess of Leicester (wife of Robert Dudley) 313–14, 315, 316, 333, 334, 352, 357, 358, 365
Dudley, Margaret (daughter of John Dudley) 89
Dudley, Mary (daughter of John Dudley) 89, 322
Dudley, Peter (brother of Edmund Dudley) 45
Dudley, Robert, Baron Denbigh (son of Robert Dudley) 315, 332–3, 341, 358
Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester
birth 89
early life 105, 193, 226–7, 228
imprisoned in Tower 237, 238, 242–5
pardoned 246
character and attributes 249, 252–3, 257, 336–7
appearance 253, 336, 350
extravagance and ostentation 257–8
health 315, 336, 340, 352
relationship with Elizabeth I x, xi, 242–3, 249–51, 252–3, 255–6, 265, 270–1, 274–6, 276, 283, 296, 301–2, 310–12, 315–16, 335, 344, 345, 358
as royal favourite 254, 256
named as Protector of the Realm 278
in disgrace 339–40
appointments and titles
Master of the Horse 253, 254–5
and Park 265
Order of the Garter 265
made member of Council 278
Baron Denbigh 285
Earl of Leicester 285
Lord Steward 335
Lieutenant and Captain General of the Queen’s armies and companies 348–9
political life 266, 267, 268, 270, 276–7, 278, 289–90, 307, 317–20, 327–8, 348
military career in the Netherlands 247, 326–7, 337–43, 345–7
religious views and policy 260, 266, 290–2, 299, 336
relations with William Cecil 270–1, 275, 303–4, 308, 318
Mary, Queen of Scots problem 331–3, 342–3
proposed marriage to 282–7
maritime affairs 293–4, 319–20
relations with Francis Walsingham 307–8
waning influence 336, 347–8
Spanish Armada 348–52
patronage and the Elizabethan Renaissance 293–7
dislike and jealousy of 252–3, 270–1, 272, 300, 303, 329–31, 334, 345, 371
personal life
marriage to Amy Robsart 168–9, 248, 255, 256, 261–4, 269–75, 303
estates 249, 256–7, 265, 280–2
affairs 301–2, 308–10, 313
marriage to Lady Douglas Sheffield 309–11, 314–15
disinherits Robert Dudley, his base son 310
marriage to Lettice Devereux 313–14, 315, 320
dynastic concerns 332–3, 341, 358
death of his son 333–4
advances Robert Devereux (stepson) 335, 348
death 353, 357–8
Dudley, Robert (Leicester’s ’base son’)
birth 310
voyage of discovery 360–2
at court 348, 359
knighted 362
falls from favour with Elizabeth 363
attempts to establish legitimacy 363, 364–6
leaves England 366–7
marriage to Elizabeth Southwell 367
in service of the Medicis 368–9
accomplishments 369
writings 369–70
sons 370
Dudley, William, Bishop of Durham 6, 8
Dudley Castle 4, 79, 102, 107–8, 150, 256
Dudley family
hatred of 3
history intertwined with Tudors 370
loyal royal servants 371–3
origins of ix–x, 4
reputation x–xi, 371, 372
talents of 371, 372
as uncrowned kings of England ix, 372
Dussindale, Battle of 166–7, 168, 169, 228
d IV 6, 7, 55
Edward VI
birth 100
proposed marriages 121, 148, 205
regency 127, 142
modern view of his reign 141
and Thomas Seymour 146, 158
social problems and unrest under 152–3, 155, 156–7, 158, 159–69
involvement in government 183, 186–7
religious views 197–8, 215–17
device for the succession ix, 215–17, 219–21, 224
illness and death 212, 215, 217, 218–19, 220, 222–3, 224, 225–6
Elizabeth I
birth 89, 92
bastardization 94, 96
and Thomas Seymour 146, 158–9, 260
under Edward VI 35–6, 144, 214, 216, 217, 225
under Mary I 35–6, 231
imprisoned in Tower 242–3
accession 251
relationship with Robert Dudley x, xi, 242–3, 249–51, 252–3, 255–6, 261, 265, 270–1, 274–6, 296, 301–2, 310–12, 315–16, 335, 344, 345, 352, 357–8
marriage and the succession question ix, 254, 259, 260, 261, 263, 273, 274, 277–8, 282, 283, 288, 298, 300, 302, 316–17, 320–4
ill-health 277, 307
excommunication 300, 317
and Mary, Queen of Scots 303, 304, 305, 331, 342–5
Robert Dudley proposed as husband for 282–7
vengeance of 305
and foreign affairs 317–18, 324, 327–8, 337
and Robert Devereux 335, 348
and the Spanish Armada 348–52
death 363
Elizabeth of York, Queen of Henry VII 7, 34, 55, 56
Empson, Sir Richard 3, 26–7, 28, 30, 31, 40, 41, 44, 45
enclosures 155, 158, 162
Fenton, Edward 294
Ferdinand II, Emperor 369
Ferdinand of Aragon 34, 35, 58
Feria, Don Gomez Suarez, Count of 256, 266
Field of Cloth of Gold 67–8
Fish, Simon 78
Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester 37, 43
Fisher, Thomas 170
Fitzalan, Henry, Earl of Arundel 171, 179, 184, 189, 201, 204, 229, 230, 232, 259–60, 263, 290, 303, 304, 306, 307
Fitzalan, Thomas 79
Fitzroy, Henry, Duke of Richmond 96
Flammock, Sir Andrew 102, 170
Forster, Anthony 247, 270, 281
Fox, Richard, Bishop of Winchester 43, 50
Foxe, John 105, 295, 298–9
France, relations with 58–60, 66–9, 124, 125, 127, 128–31, 133, 147, 161, 164, 170, 205, 276–7, 279, 299, 316–17, 318, 321
Francis I, King of France 67, 68, 71–3, 75, 76, 77, 111, 112–14, 128, 130, 133, 147
Francis II, King of France 148, 149, 205, 248, 274, 283, 284
Frobisher, Martin 294
Gage, Sir John 83–4
Gale, Thomas 293
Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester (formerly Salisbury) 83, 107, 115, 116, 135, 136–7, 142–3, 144, 147, 150, 152, 172, 189, 201, 230, 232, 239, 242
Gascoigne, George 312
Gates, Sir John 185, 215, 231
Goodrich, Thomas, Bishop of Ely 143
Gosnold, John 150
Grafton, Richard 295
Gresham, Thomas 206–7
Grey, Catherine 214, 216, 219, 277
Grey, Edward, Viscount Lisle 13
Grey, Elizabeth see Dudley, Elizabeth Grey, Henry, Duke of Suffolk 203, 214
Grey, Lady Jane x, 158, 214, 216, 218, 219, 221, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 237–8, 239, 241–2, 371
Grey, Mary 214, 216, 219
Grey, Thomas, Marquess of Dorset 147
Grindal, Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury 292–3, 335
Guaras, Antonio de 313
Guildford, Edward 61–3, 64–5, 66, 67, 69, 84, 87
Guildford, Henry 61–2
Guildford, John 84
Guildford, Richard (brother of Edward Guildford) 84
Guildford, Sir Richard (father of Edward Guildford) 61
Guildford, Richard (son of Edward Guildford) 63–4
Gunn, Dr Steven 28
Guy, John 51, 361
Haddon, Walter 105, 193
Hakluyt, Richard 361
Hales, John 154, 155–6, 157
Hall, Edmund 7, 20, 22, 39, 50, 68, 126
Hall, Mary 117
Harrington, John 348
Hastings, Francis, Earl of Huntingdon 273, 290, 351
Hastings, Henry 214, 219, 277
Hatton, Sir Christopher 258–9, 281, 307, 315–16, 318, 319, 320, 333, 345, 352
Hawkins, John 294, 319
Heath, Nicholas, Archbishop of York 232, 268
Henri II, King of France 147, 149, 161, 164, 170, 190, 205, 246, 267
Henry III, King of France 316, 317, 321
Henry V 4
Henry VI 4, 5–6, 37
Henry VII
creates class of royal servants 4, 7, 10, 19–20, 26
rise to power 7
threats to his survival 8–9, 56
his character and nature of his reign 10–11, 20–5, 30, 34–5
curbs power of magnates 14–15, 47, 88
appoints Edmund Dudley as Speaker and Privy Councillor 16–17
church appointments 29–30
achievements 34–5
nervous about succession 36
ill-health and death 35, 36, 38–9, 40
Henry VIII
early life 9, 36
accession 39
makes scapegoats of father’s councillors 39–40, 44
execution of Empson and Dudley 3, 50–1
character 57, 62, 106
campaigns against France 58–60, 66–9, 124, 125, 127, 128–31, 133
problem of the succession 71, 73, 74, 92–3, 95–6, 100, 127, 142
and Anne Boleyn 73–4, 75, 76–7, 78, 81–2, 83, 84, 91, 92–4
break with Rome and English Reformation 48, 73, 87–8, 96, 119
and Jane Seymour 94–5, 100
rebellions under 96–9
and Anne of Cleves 108–9, 111–12, 115
and Catherine Howard 111–12, 115, 117–18
campaigns against Scotland 120–1, 125
debts 128, 133
and Catherine Parr 128, 134, 137
provision for Edward’s minority 142–4
death 137, 144
Herbert, Henry, Earl of Pembroke 214, 219, 294, 315
Herbert, William, Earl of Pembroke 173, 175, 176, 203, 214, 229, 247, 288, 290, 293, 295, 307
Hoby, Sir Philip 104, 181
Holinshed, Raphael 68, 295
Hooper, John, Bishop of Gloucester 183, 196, 199, 200, 222, 248
Horsey, Edward 326
Howard, Agnes, Dowager Duchess of Norfolk 117
Howard, Catherine, Queen 111–12, 115, 117–18, 181
Howard, Sir Edward, Lord Admiral 59, 60
Howard of Effingham, Lord Charles 351, 359, 362, 366, 367
Howard, Frances 309
Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey 66, 143
Howard, Philip, Earl of Arundel 327
Howard, Thomas, 3rd Duke of Norfolk 76, 83, 95, 97–8, 99, 107, 111, 113, 115, 116, 126, 134, 143, 147, 152, 172, 230, 240
Howard, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk 266, 267, 278, 288, 290, 300–1, 303, 304, 305–6
Huntly, Earl of 148
Ireland 346
Isabella of Castille 34, 35
James I and VI 298, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 369–70
James IV, King of Scotland 123, 214
James V, King of Scotland 120, 121
John, Don, of Austria 325–6
Kemp, Will 297
Kenilworth Castle 280–2, 311–12
Kett, Robert 162–4, 165–7
Killigrew, Sir Henry 341
Kingston, Anthony 114
Knollys, Sir Francis 290, 313, 315
Knox, John 156, 197, 199, 205
Kyme, Anne see Askew, Anne
Languet, Hubert 250
, John 116, 117, 136, 137
Latimer, Hugh, Bishop of Worcester 103, 154, 159, 248
Lee, Rowland, Bishop of Coventry 101–2
Leicester’s Commonwealth 329–31, 333
Leigh, Alice 362, 367
Leigh, Sir Thomas 362, 363, 364
Lennox, Earl of see Stuart, Charles; Stuart, Matthew
Leti, Gregorio 250
Lincolnshire rising 96–7
Lisle, Lady 91, 94
Livorno 368
London, City of 16, 28–9
Louis XII, King of France 58, 60
Louis of Nassau 325
Lovell, John 294
Lovell, Sir Thomas 43, 50
Lowth, William 29–30
Lucy, Elizabeth 55
Luther, Martin 72–3
Lyly, John 358
Machiavelli, Niccolo 33–4
Maitland, William, of Lethington 284
Makerell, Henry 159
Maltravers, Lord 79
Margaret, Queen of James IV 214, 282, 285
Maria Maddelena, Grand Duchess 369
Mary I 63, 73, 94, 146, 158, 172, 174, 180, 201, 202, 214, 216, 217–18
bastardization 96
accession 218, 220, 221–2, 224–5, 226–30
attitude to Dudleys 238–40
marriage to Philip II of Spain 239, 240, 244, 245, 246, 249, 261, 289, 298
bloodshed under 239, 241–2, 248, 298, 305
illness and death 249, 251
Mary, Queen of France, later Duchess of Suffolk 34, 136, 214
Mary, Queen of Scots 214, 267, 298, 303, 304, 306, 326, 327, 329
Babington Plot and execution 342–5
claim to English throne 282
marriage to Francis II of France 148, 149, 205, 248, 274, 284
proposed marriage to Edward VI 121, 148
Robert Dudley proposed as husband for xi, 282–7
Robert Dudley’s attitude to 331–3
Maurice of Nassau 347
Maximilian I, Emperor 34, 35, 60, 72
Medici, Catherine de 284, 299, 316–17
Medici, Ferdinando de 368
Medina Sidonia, Duke of 351
Melville, Sir James 285
Mendoza, Bernardino de 318, 324, 327, 357
Mercator, Gerard 211
Merchant Taylors, Guild of 28–9
Montague, Baron 106
Montague, Sir Edward 224
More, Thomas 10, 12, 21–2, 26, 46, 47, 83, 87, 106, 155
Morison, Sir Richard 178
Morton, Cardinal John, Archbishop of Canterbury 10, 25
Navarre, Henry of (later Henry IV, King of France) 299
Netherlands, the 298–9, 303, 317–18, 319, 320, 324, 325–7, 337–43, 345–7, 351–2
Norfolk, Duke of see Howard, Thomas Norfolk Rebellion 162–9, 227
Norreys, Sir John 350
Northampton, Marquess of see Parr, William
Northern Rebellion 300, 304–5, 317
Norton, Anthony 80
Odingsells, Elizabeth 270, 271
Orange, William of Nassau, Prince of 298, 299, 325, 326, 327