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Raw Page 16

by Scott Monk

  Sam shouted at Mary to call the cops as he grabbed the knife and kept Tyson pinned to the ground. The guys started booing but Brett didn’t care. He slid to the ground and smiled as he welcomed unconsciousness.

  But the victory was short-lived. Brett was arguing with a nurse that he wasn’t going to wear one of those stupid backless gowns at the hospital he was staying at when he heard the news.

  It was Tyson. He’d knocked out one of the arresting coppers and escaped.

  ‘Josh! Over here!’

  The footy whizzed through the air and exploded against Brett’s still sore stomach. He grabbed hold of it, dodged one! two! tackles then ran all the way for a try.

  ‘Way to go, Brett!’

  The small crowd clapped and whistled as Brett, beaming with a goofy smile, walked back to his teammates. They slapped him on the shoulders and backside and all that matey kind of stuff as the other team collapsed into an exhausted mess. Mr Andrews blew the final whistle and Brett’s team roared. It was all over. They’d won the match.

  ‘I thought you couldn’t play football,’ Josh said, the last to congratulate him.

  ‘I can’t. I was hoping someone would tackle me and hurt me so I could get out of the morning run tomorrow.’

  Josh smirked. He slapped Brett on the shoulder before they both started walking back to the new stables where a hot barbecue waited for them.

  ‘What d’you think of that?’ Brett asked triumphantly when he joined Caitlyn, just as the sun set.

  ‘I suppose you think you’re good now?’ she teased with a kiss.

  ‘Only when I’m round you.’

  ‘Oh pl-ease,’ she said, groaning.

  He put his arm round her and joined the crowd.

  They stood in line behind the rest of the guests invited to the barbecue. There were farmers, shopkeepers, neighbours, preachers, cops, teachers, friends, relatives and even one or two former residents of The Farm. It was something Sam had arranged to say thank you to the community for giving him and his boys a chance. The town had supported The Farm by buying its vegies, fruit, furniture and cattle, and hadn’t been too hard on Sam when one of the guys had stuffed up and got into trouble.

  The celebration had come at the right time. It was a week since the knife fight and Brett was trying to put it behind him. The cops still hadn’t found Tyson. There had been a big manhunt which made the evening news. Everyone at The Farm reckoned he’d fled to the other side of the country by now. But Brett wasn’t so sure. Tyson wouldn’t forget that fight too quickly.

  Thankfully though, Sam had. He and the cops had asked Brett a hundred questions about it and he’d told them what they wanted to know. Tyson had tried to kill him. He wasn’t going to close ranks for a psycho.

  Brett had spent just one night in hospital to let the doctor run a few more tests. He was okay. There wasn’t any permanent damage, just a lot of bruising. He’d live, the doctor said. But on his return to The Farm, things had changed. One of Tyson’s thugs now ruled the place but Brett was safe. For the time being anyway. His run-in with Tyson had elevated him up the don’t-mess-with-me ranks.

  Two chops, a piece of marinated chicken and four sausage sandwiches later, the only thing stopping Brett from eating anything more was his stomach. He was so bloated that every time he stood up he felt like a sea lion.

  ‘What are you smiling at?’

  ‘Oh, nothing.’ Caitlyn put her cup and plate on the ground next to the bench they were sitting on. ‘I was just thinking how beautiful the sky looked tonight.’

  Brett craned his neck back. ‘You look at the stars too, huh?’

  ‘Doesn’t everybody?’

  Caitlyn laid her head on his shoulder and Brett curled an arm round her.

  ‘What do you think about when you look up at them?’ he asked

  ‘Lots of things.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘I can’t tell you that. It’ll sound dumb.’

  ‘No it won’t. C’mon. You can tell me.’

  Caitlyn held out until Brett gave her a squeeze. ‘Okay, okay. You win. When I look up at the stars, I wonder if you’re looking up at them too, thinking of me.’

  She covered her embarrassment but Brett pulled her hands away and stared into her eyes before kissing her. ‘Yer, of course.’

  ‘Oh yuk! This is making me sick!’

  ‘FROG!’ Caitlyn and Brett shouted together.

  ‘How long have you been there?’ Brett demanded.

  ‘“I was just thinking how beautiful the sky looked tonight”,’ the tadpole repeated in a girly Caitlyn voice. ‘“You look at the stars too, huh?”,’ he continued in a girly Brett voice! ‘“Doesn’t everybody?”’

  Frog swooned to the ground, fluttering his eyelids and clutching his hands to his heart. But he didn’t stay there too long. He was off running at a hundred k’s an hour across a paddock, Brett chasing after him!

  ‘Just wait till you go to sleep tonight, kid!’ Brett shouted. ‘You can say goodbye to your eyebrows!’

  That only made Frog run faster. Brett quickly got a stitch, however, and had to give up the chase. He staggered back to the barbecue where Caitlyn met him on the edge of the crowd. ‘Where’s he gone?’ she asked, smiling.

  ‘Into the cow paddock. I hope he trips face-first into a fresh, green cow —’

  ‘You’re not causing any trouble, are you?’ a gruff voice asked behind them.

  ‘No, I was just teaching Frog not to snoop, that’s all.’

  Sam raised a brown eyebrow and hmmed. Brett could tell he was thinking about sending him in after Frog. The tadpole was probably afraid of the dark and wouldn’t be able to find his way back to the others.

  ‘If he does trip over, make sure he sleeps in the stables,’ the old man said.

  Brett smiled and Sam went back to the crowd. He and Caitlyn waited a while longer to see if Frog returned, and when he didn’t, they followed the old man’s lead and mixed with the guests. They talked with a couple of the guys for a while, then Brett’s English teacher, a friend from Caitlyn’s church and a carpenter looking to take on an apprentice in the next couple of months. This last guy — an old bikie — gave Brett his work number and said to ring him. He was impressed with what he’d seen of Brett’s work. That, and he also wanted to see more. Brett said he would.

  ‘Remind me to tell you something later.’

  ‘What?’ Caitlyn said.

  ‘I’ll tell you later.’

  ‘No. Tell me now.’

  ‘Nope,’ Brett said, shaking his head. ‘When we’re alone.’

  ‘I’ll tickle you.’

  ‘You wouldn’t dare.’

  ‘Oh yes I would.’

  ‘You wouldn’t dare!’

  Most of the guests stopped and turned round as Brett and Caitlyn rushed past, screaming madly. Brett was faster so he ran into the stables to hide. He closed the doors behind him then hid in one of the empty stalls. Caitlyn burst in next, huffing, and started searching for him. When she passed his stall, Brett jumped out behind her. They tumbled to the ground, wrestling and laughing but this time Brett came out on top.

  Hot and panting, he looked down at her as they caught their breath. She stared back, smiling, and slowly they became conscious of their positions. Brett’s heart sped up and his body reacted likewise. He wondered —

  Caitlyn flipped him off her then stood up to brush herself down. ‘C’mon,’ she said, giving him a hand. ‘What’s the big secret?’

  ‘You know how I’ve only got another three weeks here?’


  ‘And that I’ll have to leave after that?’

  ‘Yes,’ Caitlyn said, her voice dropping.

  ‘Well, I, uh, talked to Sam today about staying on to work at The Farm for another couple of months —’

  ‘And he said yes?’

  ‘And he said yes!’

  Caitlyn’s hazel eyes widened before she reached out and hugged Brett. They danced about like crazy loons, yelling and
singing until they banged into a stall and spooked one of the horses.

  ‘Sorry, girl,’ Brett said, as the horse backed away with wild eyes. ‘I’d have to board with a family though because there’s no way I’d stay in this hole. I can’t see how Josh does it. But that shouldn’t be a problem. That way, I’ll be free to see you any time I want to.’

  ‘What about your parents?’ Caitlyn asked.

  ‘Well, that’s a bit hairy. They’re not too keen on it. Mum’s pretty anxious to see me and Dad wants us to start from scratch. I kind of do too, but I don’t feel I’m ready for the whole family thing yet. So I’ll have to do some serious sucking up when I go to Sydney. I’ll be back —’

  But before he could finish, she grabbed him by the arm and opened the back door. Outside, she pushed him against the wall and kissed him, leaving him stunned. He stood there a few seconds, letting her get the upper hand before taking control himself.


  He spidered his hands along her sides.


  He smelt her hair.


  He tasted her lips.

  ‘I think … someone’s … calling … your name,’ Caitlyn said, finally. ‘I think … it’s Sam.’

  ‘You … sure?’


  It was. Trust the old man to start looking for him when he was making out!

  ‘I better find out what he wants,’ Brett said, letting go of her.

  They stepped back inside the stables just as Sam walked in. Red-faced, Caitlyn brushed back her fringe with one hand as she tried to cover up half of her neck with the other.

  The old man cleared his throat. ‘Brett, I just got a call from Caitlyn’s father. He’s furious. Apparently he didn’t give permission for Caitlyn to be here tonight. She better go home straight away.’

  ‘Can’t she stay a bit longer, Sam?’

  The old stockman shook his head. ‘Definitely not. Mr Douglas is threatening to call Sergeant Kenny right this second.’ Then, turning to Caitlyn, he asked, ‘Did you drive here?’

  ‘No, I got a lift.’

  ‘I’ll take her home,’ Brett offered.

  ‘And how are you going to do that?’ Sam asked, crossing his arms.


  ‘You’re not allowed off this property without supervision.’

  ‘Caitlyn will supervise me.’

  ‘Oh will she now?’

  ‘Yer.’ But surprisingly enough Sam wasn’t convinced. Brett walked up to him and whispered, ‘Sam, don’t embarrass me here. Please.’

  ‘I’m not embarrassing you,’ Sam said. ‘It’s against the law. I could lose The Farm if I let you do anything illegal. And do I have to remind you that you’re only sixteen?’

  Brett sighed deeply and shook his head.

  ‘But if Josh is happy to drive you then —’

  ‘He is!’

  Sam suppressed a grin and pulled out a set of car keys, which Brett snatched away.

  ‘I want you and my ute back in thirty minutes, okay?’

  ‘How about an hour?’

  ‘Twenty minutes.’

  ‘Half an hour’s fine.’

  Brett started looking for Josh.

  ‘Any later and I’ll call Sergeant Kenny myself!’

  ‘Thanks, Sam.’

  Josh, Brett and Caitlyn hit the road into town. Josh tried to keep his eyes ahead of him as Caitlyn snuggled up to Brett. Five minutes later, they were talking about movies when the ute braked to a stop. Josh opened the driver’s door and grabbed the football he’d brought along.

  ‘Hey, where are you going?’ Brett asked.

  ‘For a kick. Don’t forget to collect me on your way back.’

  Slamming the door, Josh winked and Brett understood.

  ‘See you soon,’ Brett said.

  ‘You better.’

  They left him next to a paddock as Brett kept driving. Caitlyn tuned the radio into some boring mushy love song but he didn’t mind. He kind of liked it. When you were in love you always thought every love song was great.

  He kept one hand on the wheel and one wrapped about his girl. She had her head on his shoulder, watching the road to Mungindi. They hadn’t said anything since stopping but the silence was comfortable. They didn’t have to say anything.

  Once they were in town, Brett indicated left before the bridge to the Queensland side. He parked in a spot nice and private and switched off the engine. Caitlyn pushed herself off his side and looked drowsily round. For long moments, the only sounds they could both hear were the jangling of the car keys and the grating of crickets.

  ‘I can’t remember home looking like this,’ Caitlyn said finally through a yawn.

  ‘I thought we could spend some time alone before I dropped you off,’ Brett answered, unbuckling his seat belt then hers. ‘We don’t get to see each other much.’

  He quickly pecked Caitlyn on the cheek. He pulled away just in time to see her ghost-kiss the air where his own cheek should have been. Seeing she wanted more, he tried it again, but more slowly this time.

  ‘I love you,’ he said, cupping her beautiful face in his hand and kissing her again. Her hand reached behind his head and she returned the kiss. He moved closer to her and ran a free hand up her leg. She didn’t resist. He ran it up over her hips. Again, she didn’t resist. More confident, he moved to her top and slid his fingers up her naked back. He got the reaction he wanted instantly. Her skin broke out into millions of goosebumps at his touch. Their kissing became more passionate as she explored his body too with her hands. Her fingers stroked his chest, sides and thighs. Finally, one hand ran up under his T-shirt and he nearly broke away at the unexpected thrill. But he held on and started unbuttoning her top.

  They were going to have sex. Brett knew it — wanted it. They hadn’t done it yet but now felt like the perfect time. He peeled back her top and helped strip it off. He reached both hands behind Caitlyn’s back and started undoing her bra strap —

  ‘No, Brett … wait.’

  ‘Don’t worry,’ he mumbled between kisses. ‘I always use a condom.’ He untangled one arm and reached for his wallet. With the other he tugged at her bra again.

  ‘No,’ Caitlyn said. ‘We’re rushing into this.’

  ‘I’ll slow down if you want.’

  ‘No, it’s not that. I don’t want to any more. Not now. I want to think about it.’

  ‘C’mon. Yes you do.’

  He finally unhooked it and started taking it off.

  ‘Brett, no!’

  She pushed him away and covered herself up. She rehooked her bra and pulled on her top. Brett was sure she was joking. He didn’t want to lose the momentum, so he made a move on her again. ‘It won’t hurt. I promise.’ He kissed her.

  ‘Brett! I said no!’

  Caitlyn shoved him away more forcefully this time. He banged into the steering wheel. ‘What did you do that for?’ he demanded, rubbing his elbow.

  ‘Did you hear what I said?’

  ‘What? “No”? What’s that supposed to mean?’


  ‘Why? Was it because I was going too fast or —?’

  ‘Because you wouldn’t stop.’

  ‘But why would I want to stop?’

  ‘Because I wanted you to. I’m not ready for this.’

  Brett gave a short, sharp laugh. ‘What? Sex?’

  ‘Yes. Sex,’ Caitlyn said, getting more defensive.

  ‘Why? What did I do?’

  ‘You didn’t do anything. It’s me. I’m just not ready.’


  ‘Because I’m not, okay?’

  Brett slumped back against the door. She had to be kidding!

  ‘When will you be ready?’

  ‘When I want to be.’

  ‘What? Tomorrow? Next week? Next year? When you’re married —’

  ‘Whenever I want, I said.’

  He looked at her, dumbstruck. She didn’t look at him at all.
‘Don’t you love me?’

  Caitlyn slumped. ‘Why does every guy I’ve gone out with always ask that same thing when I say no? It’s like you expect it at the end like it was some big reward. I love you, Brett, but that doesn’t mean I have to sleep with you to prove it.’

  ‘This doesn’t have anything to do with your father, does it? If it does, he doesn’t have to know about any of this.’

  ‘No! This has nothing to do with him! It’s about me. It’s my body and my decision. I don’t want to sleep with you because I don’t feel comfortable. If I slept with you, everything would become too complicated.’

  ‘No it wouldn’t. I’d make sure of it.’

  ‘Brett, you’re not listening to me. I’m not going to sleep with you no matter what you say.’

  He glared at her, unable to believe this. He was hot and ready for a great end to a wonderful night and now she was standing him up? This couldn’t be true.

  ‘You’re not frigid are you?’


  ‘You heard me.’

  ‘I don’t believe you just asked me that!’

  ‘Well? Are you?’

  Caitlyn stammered as her face glowed with anger. ‘After all I’ve said —’ She shook her head and popped the door handle. ‘Good night! I’m going home!’

  Brett grabbed her by the wrist before she could step outside. ‘What? You’re going to walk back?’

  ‘Yes. Do you have a problem with that too?’

  ‘Don’t be stupid. I’ll drive you home.’

  ‘No! I want to walk back.’

  Caitlyn shook her wrist free then slammed the door. Brett cursed and chased after her on foot. ‘Get in the car. It’s ten kilometres to your place. Get in and I’ll drive you there.’

  ‘No! Leave me alone!’

  ‘Look, I know you’re mad but this is plain stupid. I’ll drop you off home and this will all be forgotten in the morning.’

  ‘No it won’t be.’


  ‘Let go of me!’

  ‘Think about this for a minute, would you.’

  ‘Brett! Stop it!’

  ‘No. Not until you get in the car.’

  ‘Let go of me! Let go!’


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