Harlequin Romance Bundle: Crowns and Cowboys

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Harlequin Romance Bundle: Crowns and Cowboys Page 47

by Judy Christenberry

  Seb’s eyes never wavered from hers as he watched her make her way towards him. Marianne didn’t notice the crowned heads of Europe and beyond, the politicians and diplomats that sat in the pews. She didn’t even notice the carefully chosen white flowers and green plants that decorated an already beautiful cathedral.

  Just Seb.

  And then, as she came level, he reached for her hand and his smile told him how much he loved her. Would always love her.

  Marianne had been nervous about so many elements of the day, but Seb was right. In the event, she forgot the millions of people watching every move she made, all she could see was Seb.

  She felt him slide the unbroken platinum band on her third finger. Her German was slightly faltering, but nothing had ever felt more right than sliding her ring on his hand. Heard the moment they were pronounced husband and wife.

  Marianne moved dream-like through much of the service, but she would always remember the moment she signed the register. ‘My princess now,’ Seb whispered quietly.

  Princess Marianne of Andovaria. Strange. A new life. New responsibilities and challenges. But whatever they were, Seb would be right alongside her.

  He took hold of her hand and tucked it in the crook of his arm and led her out of the cathedral in a peel of bells. Marianne heard the cheer go up like a wall of sound and then a more distinct, ‘Kiss her.’

  Seb turned towards her and she could read the intention in his eyes, the deep glimmer of pride and sheer joy. ‘Your mother said to wait until the balcony,’ she whispered.

  His smile broke forth. ‘Yes, she did, didn’t she?’

  Marianne knew he had no intention of waiting when his eyes flicked to her lips.

  ‘I love you.’

  To the sound of cheering, Seb bent his head and kissed her.

  ISBN: 978-1-5525-4900-1

  Copyright © 2007 Harlequin Books S.A.

  The publisher acknowledges the copyright holders of the individual works as follows:


  Copyright © 2006 by Judy Russell Christenberry


  Copyright © 2006 by Lisa Chaplin


  Copyright © 2006 by Natasha Oakley

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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  About the Authors

  Judy Christenberry

  Judy Christenberry, hasn’t always been a writer, but she’s always been a dreamer. As a child, for entertainment while doing chores, she told herself stories-she was always the heroine. However, Judy didn’t start writing until she turned thirty-eight, just one year after her father’s unexpected death.

  After this, she realized life promised no guarantees about how much time you have. Why wait to pursue your dreams?

  She had begun reading Harlequin Romance novels about ten years earlier, so romance writing came naturally.

  Over time, Judy realized two central themes dominating her writing: family and small town/country life. Many of her books have cowboy heroes, partly because she read all Zane Grey’s romantic versions of the Old West as a teenager, and partly because her parents grew up on farms.

  As a child, Judy was surrounded by animals. Her father raised a few head of cattle to keep meat on the table. At one time or another, there were sheep, Thanksgiving turkeys, ducks and dogs, and there were always chickens.

  Raised in a family of four children with a stay-at-home mom who was a terrific cook and an excellent teacher, where family tradition was concerned, Judy learned the importance of family at an early age. But, family comes in all shapes and flavors. What’s important isn’t the two parents and the 2.5 children, it’s love and support.

  The last element that frequently appears in Judy’s stories is a dash of humor, just enough to bring a smile to your face. She believes laughter is good medicine and it definitely makes a six-foot hunk even more attractive!

  Therefore, it may surprise readers when they discover Judy was born and raised in Dallas, Texas: a major city. In addition, her marriage ended fifteen years ago. Yet, with support from her mother and siblings, Judy and her two daughters discovered their own definition of family. She taught during the day, wrote at night, pursued her dream and raised her children.

  Now, with her daughters pursuing their own dreams, Judy writes full-time and is wrapped up in her storytelling. She lives each new adventure with the vigor of a young girl, still dreaming up tales while washing dishes. She hopes to entertain her readers as much as she entertains herself!

  Melissa James

  Melissa is a born and bred Sydney-sider, now living with her husband and three sports-loving children, part-dingo dog, and rabbits (they’ve also had a cat and the odd tadpole or frog —if they survive the attentions of her enthusiastic son that long) at a beachside semi-country suburb just over an hour north of the Sydney Harbor Bridge. The chickens…well, they’re another story. Especially when they turn out to be competitive silky bantam roosters crowing at 5 a.m.!

  A former nurse, waitress, shop assistant, perfume/chocolate demonstrator (yum!) and currently a history student at university, Melissa has an avid desire to find out all things historical and medical. Research is the stuff of life!

  Reading, learning and doing field research (such as finding out how to fly a plane in a monsoon storm, or how it feels to be smothered with a pillow or almost fall off a cliff) all comprises part of her day, as does walking at her local beach with her husband or with friends or the kids…even the dog sometimes! Watching movies, especially suspense or romantic comedy, and shows like Alias or 24 is always terrific for imaginative inspiration.

  Falling into writing through her husband, who thought it would be a good way to keep her out of trouble while the kids were little, Melissa was soon hooked. Using inspiration from university readers or journalists’ articles and photos for her books is common for her. Vivid, real-life stories or graphic, painful pictures bring a fire and passion to her books…though writing the occasional loopy comedy is a great way to stretch the imaginative muscles.

  Melissa loves to hear from her readers via email at [email protected] or through the Silhouette New York or Harlequin Sydney office.

  Natasha Oakley

  At primary school, Natasha Oakley wrote that she wanted to be an author when she grew up. It seemed like a good idea at the time —she liked books and didn’t want to leave home. But at 14 she discovered theater. It quickly became a passion and, for some time, she forgot all about writing and immersed herself in Shakespeare, Ibsen and Chekhov.

  After graduating from the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art, one of London’s top drama schools, Natasha started working under her Equity name of Jessica Dean. The birth of her first son changed her priorities. Natasha didn’t want to leave home again.

  She began writing as a “creative displacement activity” when her fifth child started sleeping through the night. 60,000 words later she’d created some fantastic characters and a book with no plot at all. Terrible though it was, the ambition to be an author was reb
orn. Since Natasha has a tendency to flick through novels to check if it has a happy ending, it was easy to decide the kind of stories she wanted to write.

  Her second submission to Mills & Boon was accepted in December 2003. She lives in Bedfordshire with her husband and five children. Her house is in a constant state of disarray, but she makes great cakes, writes books and no one seems to mind.

  Natasha loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at [email protected].

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