Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1)

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Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1) Page 16

by Riley Cross

  Catching movement from the corner of our eye, we spot Dominic standing in the doorway of Madison’s home. Our need to go to him weighs down on us, but the urge to run and be wild is stronger.

  Giving the male one last look, my she-wolf darts into the woods.

  Muscles burn as we push them harder, taking us further away from the nightmare that’s quickly becoming our new reality.

  What are we going to do? I ask.

  We will do whatever is takes to protect our pack and avenge our fallen. The wolf hurting our pack will pay. The animal answers.

  Spotting a rabbit going into some shrubbery puts the wolf into hunt mode. Easily ignoring everything else going on, she spends the next few hours of night chasing rabbits and marking her territory.

  I sit back and watch the world go by through the wolfs eyes. Everything turns so simple when we let nature guide us. She’s right, obviously. No matter what happens next, we will do whatever it takes to protect our pack. I refuse to lose anyone else to a madman on a mission.

  Circling back to the pack house, we make it home just in time for the sun to rise.

  Dominic is fast asleep on the rocking chair on the porch. Did he stay out here all-night waiting for us to return?

  “Feeling better?”

  Turning, my wolf easily spots Liam standing by the garage.

  “I was just about to mount a search party.” He tells us, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Come on, I put you some clothes on the hood of ya truck. Shift, change, come and get some breakfast.”

  With that subtle order, he turns and heads back towards the house.

  Huffing at the bossy male, my she-wolf pads into the garage. The shift came fast. From four legs to two. Stretching my arms and back, I let out a sigh of relief when I feel the tension from before has dissipated.

  Spotting the bundle Liam told me about, I pull on all the various items. Relieved to have my naked ass covered. I was not looking forward to Dominic catching me in the buff. I head back outside. Liam must have woken the male in question because he’s no longer asleep in the rocker.

  A little disappointed that I missed the opportunity to wake him up, I shrug and enter the house.

  Considering the time of day, I’m surprised to see everyone awake and mulling around in the kitchen. Cam and Kye were making breakfast for everyone. Liam was sitting at the table talking to an exhausted looking Ben, while Dominic pores enough coffee for a small army.


  I take the cup Dom is offering to me with a supportive smile. I mumble a thanks before taking a small sip. Huh. Sweet and strong. He remembers how I take my coffee. Taking a deep drink, I catch the satisfied look cross his face.

  “How you doing, Kiddo?” Bens calming voice snatches my attention from the warlock standing in my kitchen.

  Shrugging, “I’ve been better. Where’s Jenni?” I inquire.

  “This is pack business.” He says.

  In other words, he didn’t want her worried or upset. Understandable.

  “Catch me up on what’s been happening.” Ben instructs.

  I give him a brief play-by-play. From the first murder to Maddi running for her life. I can feel everyone’s agitation rising as I speak. My animal flashes in my eyes in warning.

  “Do we have any leads?” Ben voice his question in a near growl.

  “It’s complicated.”

  “In what way?”


  Bens face turns incredulous at the mention of the other wolf. A wolf that grew up around us all.

  “Ludicrous!” He barks. “Dorian is not a murderer. He’s not that sort of person. There has to be a mistake. How did you even come to this conclusion?”

  “Do you think I want to believe that my own Beta is a sick wacko? I don’t. But someone attacked Maddi last night, and she picked up on Dorians aura. What are the odd that an Omega as strong as her is wrong about something like that?”

  I could feel Bens wolf prowling, wanting to defend his friend from the allegations piling against him. The others stand quietly. Already knowing and coming to terms in their own way with everything I’ve just told Ben.

  I was not looking forward to dropping this next bomb on them. Maybe I tell them outside? I didn’t relish the thought of a handful of fully grown wolves shifting in my kitchen.

  Fucksake. Sometimes being Alpha really did just suck.

  “There’s more.” My wolf was already in my eyes, watching for the other’s reactions.

  Cam’s eyes harden at the reminder of what we uncovered at Maddi’s place.

  Dominic’s scent envelops me as he takes a stand behind me, giving my shoulder an encouraging squeeze.

  “We found a scene laid out at Maddi’s house.” Bile rises in my throat as I remember the way the sick bastard had prepared the master bedroom for my friend’s lifeless body.

  When no questions followed my statement, I carry on, detailing everything that we saw at her home.

  “I’ll fucking kill him.” Liam’s murderous promise comes out sounding more animal than man.

  Pushing away from the table with such force, his chair falls to the floor. His wolf’s intent clear in his eyes.

  “Liam, sit down.” I say calmly. Trying to keep my wolf in check.

  His animal’s agitation only rises, something deep and primal riding him to protect the female sleeping in the other room.

  Odd. I wonder if he’s even aware of his behaviour.

  My brother’s body seems to grow in size with the insistence of his animal trying to breakout.

  “Liam.” I say again, my voice turning stern. “Control him.”

  Everyone backs away from my eldest brother. The one known for his control, as he struggles to get a hold of his beast. Normally we shift fast. The feeling of breaking every bone in your body isn’t pleasant.

  Liam’s body hunches over in a partial shift. Looking more monster than man. Fur has randomly sprouted over his exposed skin; his face has elongated into a muzzle. The tips of his fingers turn into sharp claws.


  He’s not going to win this one.

  My animal is front and centre, prepared to bring Liam into submission.

  My eyes burn bright as I let my wolf push closer to the surface. Each wolf in the room bares their necks to me as I flood the room with Alpha waves. Watching Liam’s wolf growling and thrashing, trying to fight against the submission. A long, furious growl rattles from my chest, immediately snatching the animal’s attention.

  “You will back off.” My wolf warns the out-of-control beast. Throwing more of my Alpha presence at the animal, showing him who is the stronger of the two of us.


  Needing no other incentive, my brother’s animal pulls back, begrudgingly. Allowing his human half to become complete once more.

  Breathing hard, Liam falls to his knees from exhaustion.

  I catch the eyes of the other wolves, making sure that their human sides are present and clear.

  “I think it’s time we get Dorian’s side of the story. Cam makes the call. Cam, Kye and Dominic stay.” Last thing I need is Liam losing his head. And It’s obvious Ben is anxious to get back to Jenni.

  Liam’s in no condition to argue with my instructions, instead he pulls himself up and leaves the room. My senses telling me he’s going to the spare room to sit with a sleeping Maddi. I wonder. No, no time for that.

  Picking up my cell from the kitchen side, I send the message for Dorian to come to the pack house.

  Just as I hit send, a call comes in, startling me. Seeing who’s on the other end of the call does nothing for my already tense mood.

  Answering the call, I greet in a put-out tone.

  “Greyson. Impeccable timing as ever.”

  At the sound of the other male’s name, Dominic moves back over to my side.

  “Good morning, Beautiful.” The Alpha purrs, making my skin crawl.

  Some Jackass God really wanted to put me through the
ringer today.

  “What do you want?” I ask, clipped, already regretting picking up the call.

  “I heard you’re having a bit of trouble within your territory. I’m calling to offer you some assistance.”

  How the fuck does Greyson know anything?

  “I’d be happy to send over a few of my best trackers to help you find the sadistic bastard who dares hurt what is yours.” He offers, sounding almost reasonable, only I can already feel the leash wrap around my neck at owing this particular male a favour.

  “At what cost?”

  “Nothing, I’m sure you wouldn’t be prepared to pay for the guaranteed safety of your pack.”

  Pfft. Yeah right buddy and I’m St. Nick.

  “Thank you for your generous offer. But I have everything handled.” Without another word, I hang up the call.

  Dominic says nothing, even though I’m almost positive he heard every word out of the other Alpha’s mouth.

  “Dude can’t take the hint.” Cam groans, mimicking how I feel.

  “Do you blame him? He’s had his sights set on Rae and Stonehart for years. And the bastard is more than sure of himself.” Kye shrugs, as if that’s enough to condone the other Alpha’s actions. It wasn’t. But Kye has his own stick up his ass to deal with, so I don’t even bother trying to fight my side again.

  It doesn’t take long for my phone to chime with a message from Dorian, agreeing to meet me at the pack house.

  “He’s on his way.” I tell the others, giving Ben a pointed look. “Go home. I will deal with all of this and call you later.” Ben has done more than enough for the pack. This is my responsibility now.

  A reluctant look passes over his face. It’s in his nature to protect his pack, but I can see how badly his animal wants to see their mate and confirm that she’s safe.

  “I’ll be waiting for your call, Kiddo.”

  Inclining my head to him out of respect, I wait silently till the sound of his truck is out of earshot.

  “How do you want to deal with this, Alpha?” My eyes settle on my pack Enforcer as I think over his question.

  “We will keep it calm. No one is to act without my say so. This is Dorians chance to prove himself. I will not condemn my Beta without giving him that.” My wolf prowls behind my eyes in agreement with my statement. While the others nod their agreement. “And if he admits his guilt?” Kye asks, a slight edge to his tone.

  My chest aches at the mere thought of what that would mean. But this is what it means to be Alpha. Making the tough decisions for the safety of the pack.

  “Pack law.” For the murder of one’s own pack mates. The guilty party is to be executed.

  “You sure you want me here for this?” Dominic’s voice is warm, fighting the chill that has sunk into my bones at the thought of what’s about to happen.

  “Yes, I’m sure. You will be a part of this pack soon.” I turn, giving him a teasing smile. “Let’s see if you have it in you to be Alpha.”

  Interest sparks in his eyes. “Keep it in your pants, guys.” Cam moans. Just as I try to come up with a smart mouthed comeback, the entire room turns tense. He’s here.

  We all sit in silence, listening intently to the car engine switching off. The driver's side door opening, then closing a few seconds later. The sounds of stones crunching under boots.

  Minutes after first hearing the approaching vehicle, my Beta is pushing through the front door.

  “Here, Rae!” He calls out, brushing his boots on the front mat.

  “Dining room.”

  I give the guys a pointed look, one last warning to keep their traps shut.

  When he enters, turmoil, rage, doubt and hope hit me fully in the chest as the reality stares me in the face. Even my animal has her ears down as she witnesses her Beta and friend with doubt in her heart.

  “What’s going on?” Dorian questions as soon as he spots us all, watching him tensely. His own wolf taking stage.

  “We need to talk, sit.”

  A nervous look passes over Dorian’s face as he pulls out a seat and settles himself.

  “Don’t tell me you’re breaking up with me.” He says a slight chuckle in his words as he tries to ease the almost electrical current in the air. When no one says a thing, his gaze turns hard. Serious. “Alpha.” He begins. “What is going on?”

  “I have asked you here because I need to verify your alibi for last night and the day Sammi and her brother were killed.”

  Confusion clouds the male’s eyes as he digests what I’m asking. “I was at the pack party till about ten, then headed home.” He answers willingly. “Can anyone vouch for you?” Knowing Dorian like I do, I was guessing not. Sleeping with pack mates wasn’t a pastime he enjoyed.

  “No?” He replies, raising a brow. “Rae, you’re starting to worry me a bit here. What is going on?” He repeats.

  “And Sam?” I continue, ignoring him.

  Brows creasing, Dorian goes into deep thought.

  “I was out running. It had been awhile since I had last let my animal out and he was becoming cooped up- and before you ask, no, I don’t think anyone can back me up on that. You know I prefer to run alone.”

  It was true, while Dorian and his wolf made excellent Beta’s, the male values his alone time to run.

  Fucking shit balls.

  I glance at the others sitting silently around the table, listening to Dorians whereabouts on the nights in question.

  By the looks of things, they are all coming to the same conclusion I was. We can’t prove his innocence, or his guilt. Hope blooms a little brighter in my chest. While not ideal, it is a good sign. It gives me time to prove his innocence.

  Turning my attention back to the male, I keep my voice even as I do my best to explain what has been going on in the Venus pack.

  Mortification spreads over his face when he hears the ordeal our Omega had to go through, and how he had become the lead suspect to not only Maddison’s attempted murder and assault but to the murder of Samantha and Michael.

  Dorian sits silent and still long after I finish explaining the situation. I watch as the wheels turn behind his eyes.

  “You know the law, Beta. You will be locked and chained until either your innocence or guilt can be proven. You will have no contact with the outside bar from your Alpha’s and for the time being you are hereby stripped of your rank.” God, I feel sick.

  Dorian’s gaze meets my own. Baring his neck to me and my wolf. “As the law is, so it shall be.” He accepts, even as I feel the fight of his animal. And watch as his muscles turn tense.


  Cam stands at his title, baring his neck.

  “Take Dorian into detention and uphold the law.” I instruct, hating how the words taste like acid in my mouth.

  “As the law is, so it shall be.” He accepts his orders, rounding the table to remove Dorian from the room.

  Kye leaves behind them without saying a word.

  “What happens now?” Dominic questions, embracing my hands in his, soothing my pissed off wolf.

  “There’s a small cabin deeper in the woods where we hold interrogations. We built it to hold supernatural’s. Cam will take Dorian there until we can find out the truth.” My shoulders sink with the thought of Dorian chained to the floor like an animal. But what could I do? He didn’t even fight me.

  “You did the right thing, Rachael.” Dominic’s hand sinks into my hair, massaging my scalp.

  “It doesn’t feel that way.” I complain, falling into the small peace I can find in my future mates’ presence.

  Future mate. My animal doesn’t like that at all. He is our mate. She’s still pissed that I’ve made us wait this long for the bond. This male who belongs to us, like we belong to him.

  Turning into his palm, my eyes lock with his.

  Gold blazes brightly, reflecting in his amber, green flecked irises.


  “Rachael.” My name sounds like a plea falling from his lips, sealing our fa

  CHAPTER Fourteen

  In his presence I find peace

  Our mouths fuse together as we climb the stairs to my bedroom. Desperate for us to have some privacy, Dominic kicks the door open behind him as we savor each other. His taste and scent scorch my soul, leaving a permanent mark.

  God, will I ever get enough of this man?

  I doubt it.

  I let out a small yelp when he easily lifts me into his arms. Wrapping my legs around his trim waist. His hands cup my ass as he uses the wall to hold most of my weight.


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