Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1)

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Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1) Page 21

by Riley Cross

  As they engage in a war of words upstairs, my eyes stay glued to Enzo. Something is seriously wrong with this asshole. The vibes coming off of him just scream crazy.

  “Fantastic, isn’t she?” He hums in approval. Tipping his head towards where my mate continues to clash with Greyson. “I knew she would figure things out.” By the obvious tent he’s rocking, Enzo isn’t exactly disappointed.

  “Where is Dominic?” The ball of energy in my chest burns, scolding me with my mates fury.

  At the mention of my name, Enzo frowns down at me. Like you would at the nosey person in the cinema who’s ruining the entire film for you.


  “My mate. Where the fuck is he?” Rae’s rage slips into her voice as the other Alpha continues to play dumb with her. Toying with her. Like a cat playing with an injured bird.

  “You know you ruined everything, right?” Enzo’s voice is eerily calm. I try to tell him to go fuck himself, but the rope around my mouth has my words coming out muffled. And I once again curse the gag.

  “Everything was going perfectly until we brought your ass into the mix. But Greyson insisted we have a Plan B. Didn’t think the she-wolf would come running when she realized she couldn’t protect her wolves. She would have. When she saw what remained of her precious Maddison. She would have come running like the devil was on her ass.” The cocky look drops from the Beta’s face, the more he continues his little speech.

  “Then you come along and fuck everything up!” Enzo’s claws lengthen the more he whines himself up. “That bitch shouldn’t have been able to get away from me. The Wolfsbane should have covered my scent from her.” Maddison. He’s talking about Rae’s friend. Was it not a known thing that she was an Omega and that she could sense his aura?

  “Where is your Beta, Greyson? Where’s Enzo?” Rae’s voice turns deadly. Had she heard the Beta’s angry rant?

  “That is none of your concern, pup.” Greyson’s taunt seems to have hit a button, in the next second loud crashes and bangs sound upstairs. “Find. Him!” Rae’s order barely sounds human.

  “Well, looks like your time is up, pretty boy.” Without another word, Enzo rakes his claws down my chest. I can’t stop myself from screaming out in agony. The deep slashes, revealing bone, quickly fill with blood. Enzo smiles at the sight. “All she’s going to find are your remains, as I cut your heart from your chest!” Another deep swipe, another scream. Rae! All my thoughts go to my mate as black dots appear in my vision. Looking down at the angry mess the Beta has created, I noticed the ropes binding my arms to my sides have been slashed. Giving me the freedom, I need to rock the chair onto its side. Dodging the wolf’s next attack.

  A loud bang, and the sound of wood splintering catches my attention as Liam and Dorian rush into the room, passed what remains of the door.

  Assessing the situation, Dorian immediately goes for the other Beta. Unsheathing his own claws. Liam moves faster than I can keep track of. Blood pools around me, leaving the scent of copper tainting the air.

  The rope! Get this shit out of my mouth! I try to scream at him; the words coming out sounding like gurgles as blood fills my mouth. Dropping to my side, Liam claws the ropes binding me to the chair. As soon as my hands are free, I pull the gag away from my mouth. Spitting out the pooling blood, I instantly begin casting.

  “Retuz.” Blood slowly fills my mouth once more than the spell for healing takes effect, sealing off the open arteries, stopping the endless flow of blood. Magic fills my body, sealing the open wounds on my chest, repairing my lungs, stopping me from drowning in my own blood. The cuts on my ankles and wrists from where I struggled with the bindings seal next. The only evidence of Enzo’s attack is the angry red skin, now covering the claw marks on my chest. Where he was planning to rip my heart out. “You okay, man?” Liam worries as he tries to check me over for any unseen injuries. “Enzo was the one who attacked Maddison.” I spit out the remaining blood. As badly as I want to be the one to end the asshole’s life. I saw the way Liam had looked at the frightened she-wolf. It’s the same way I often catch myself looking at Rae. Like she is the only person in the world.

  Gold seeps into my friend’s eyes as his wolf registers what I’ve said. Leaving my side, I watch as Liam launches himself at the fighting males. Shifting to his animal mid jump. His body slams into Enzo, knocking the male off his feet. “Benfis.” At my command, all the Wolfsbane in the room vanishes. Giving the wolf more room to fight, without having to worry about being weakened by the toxic herb.

  Satisfied that the two males can deal with the Beta, I make my way topside. Needing to see my mate and make sure Greyson hasn’t hurt her.

  CHAPTER Nineteen

  Predator vs predator

  “That bitch shouldn’t have been able to get away from me. The Wolfsbane should have covered my scent from her.”

  I’d recognize that voice anywhere. Enzo, that bastard.

  “Where is your Beta, Greyson? Where’s Enzo?” Because now I know he was the asshole who attacked my best friend. And he will pay for it with his life.

  “That is none of your concern, pup.” Greyson’s taunt hit the right buttons. He’s protecting a murderer, possibly working with him. He has my mate somewhere in this damn house, I’d bet money on it.

  Footsteps sound behind me, signaling incoming. The scent of the new arrivals hits my nose before Greyson’s, and I don’t bother to hold back my toothy smile. You think you have help coming? You’re dead wrong.

  “Enzo and Dominic are in this house, my money is there’s a basement.” I say without turning my back on the Alpha in front of me.

  Once my Enforcers and Beta come up behind me, I step aside and let them over the threshold. The shock in Greyson’s eyes is almost comical. Did he really think I’d come here without backup? More fool him.

  At the sight of more unwelcome wolves on his land, Greyson’s wolf lunges for the surface, shining bright and gold in his eyes.

  My wolf rises to the challenge, a smirk playing on my lips. My animal has never thought highly of the rival Alpha. He was never even a blip on her radar. And he had the nerve to call her pup? She was going to savour this moment.

  Joining me at the forefront, readying herself for the male’s attack.

  “Find him!” Find our mate. We bark our order, needing to know that Dominic is safe. Extending our claws, we advance on the Alpha before us. Ready for this shit to be over.

  “Oh, sweetheart. I’m gonna consider this foreplay.” Claws extend from the tips of his fingers.

  “Don’t think my mate would like that too much.” In fact, knowing how jealous Dominic can get. He definitely won’t like that plan.

  Greyson’s eyes darken slightly. “I doubt he will be causing us any bother.”

  Pain and sorrow plow into my chest, as if his words acted like a trigger. The overwhelming force of them stagger me. Knocking the breath from my lungs. Dominic. Fear like nothing I’ve ever known turns my blood to ice. The energy in my chest dims, my awareness of my mate bobs and weaves, no longer steady.

  “Ahh, he didn’t hold out for as long as I thought.” Greyson muses, watching me with an amused smirk on his lips.

  Someone has hurt our mate.

  We need to get to Dominic.

  With that single goal in mind, I work in sync with my animal. Shifting faster than usual, letting the excruciating pain push us faster through the shift until, we drop to all fours. Roaring our fury at the male in our way, we launch ourselves across the room. Twisting on the spot, Greyson only just dodges our attack, backing up slowly as he leads us outside. Once out, he shifts into a gigantic black wolf. Lips pull tight as the mean looking animal snarls.

  Mimicking our steps, we circle each other, snapping our teeth in warning. If our mate dies, Greyson and his entire pack will follow him. With a long pissed off growl, we launch at him again. This time, the huge wolf is ready for us. Black fur blurs as he rushes us. Meeting in the middle. The silence in the air quickly fills with
the sounds of teeth snapping and endless growls. Our bodies slam together hard, over and over as we bite chunks out of each other hides.

  My wolf lets out a painfilled howl when he manages to sink his teeth deeply into our hind leg.

  Shaking ourselves free of his grip, we work on putting some distance between us and the other Alpha.

  Circling each other, I regard the wolf those blood taints our tongue. His tail dragging behind him, barley attached to his body from the damage my own wolf managed to inflict.

  Still it wasn’t enough.

  Launching ourselves back into the fray, we use our huge claws to shred his side. This man is responsible for the death of my pack mates, an innocent she-wolf who was trying to make enough money for a nursing course. The scent of Greyson’s blood spurs us on, as we bite off the rest of his tail. Michael, who was working his way to being an Enforcer. Sharp teeth dig into our flesh, sending our vision in and out of blackness as a fresh wave of pain rolls through us. The attack on my best friend, an Omega whose sole purpose is to help care for the pack. Greyson pulls away from us, a trail of blood following in his wake. He’s holding my mate here against his will and hurting him. Not giving him a reprieve, we advance on him once more, snapping our teeth.

  Greyson was not leaving this place alive, even if it means I have to go into hell with him.

  Embracing the pain, now pumping through our body. We let our rage and anguish wash over us. Adrenaline pumps through our system, pushing us further and further to the edge.

  It doesn’t matter if we go rogue. Go feral.

  As long as Greyson dies by our claw and our pack is safe. What the fuck else matters?

  Feeling the power shift in the air, Greyson’s wolf lurches apart from us. Puncher wounds evident over his body, his tail lays dead on the cold ground. The snow around it a startling shade of red.

  Circling us, almost hesitant.

  I know why. I understand why his wolf has suddenly gone wary instead of being overconfident in this fight.

  Red, deep and dark, is seeping into the golden irises of my wolf. The blood eyes of a feral wolf. Showing the male just how close to the edge we are. A rogue wolf is dangerous. Even to someone as strong as Greyson. Because once a wolf goes feral, goes past that point of no return, all they see is a threat. All they crave is blood. And they lose any sense of reason. Pain is nothing. Fear is nothing. A rogue wolf has nothing to lose and they don’t stop. They turn into killing machines.

  The fear entering Greyson’s eyes pleases my she-wolf. Good, be afraid.

  The karma train’s a bitch and your stop is coming up.

  My she-wolf launches herself at the other Alpha. Moving as quickly as he can, the black wolf dodges to the left. But this time my animal and I are ready, twisting mid leap, our body crashes into his, and we sink our teeth deep into the back of his neck, locking our jaw around the flesh and fur. Thrashing our head, intending to rip the bastards head off.

  Yelps of pain and angry growls fill our ears, drugging us. Greyson’s hind legs kick out. Clawing down our hind leg, slicing deep. Snarling at the pain, our grip loosens. Taking full advantage, the black wolf drags himself away from us. Keeping my she-wolf in his vision. The fresh copper taste of Greyson’s blood drawls from our mouth, staining the earth beneath us.

  The Alpha’s eyes flicker behind me, and I swear the bastard’s animal smiled. Has he totally lost it?

  I ignore the movement sounding behind me. My sole focus is the threat in my line of sight. My enemy.

  Who was shifting?

  What kind of shifter goes back into their human form in the middle of a fight? Into their weakest form.

  The kind that wants to talk.

  Well nuts to that. The time for talking is done. Over. Finito.

  Lowering down onto her front paws, my wolf readies herself for another attack. If he wants to stay in his vulnerable form, more fool him.

  A low growl works its way up our throat. Time to end this.



  The darkness filling my chest does not fill me with confidence. Rushing up the stone steps leading out from the basement, I follow the angry growls and snapping teeth.

  Running into the kitchen where I had been talking to Greyson last. Another low growl pierces the air. Outside.

  Legs pumping hard, her name is torn from my throat without warning.


  Only in that moment the wolf whose fur reminded me so much of melted chocolate didn’t look anything like the same one I had spent time within the woods.

  Even the air around her was screaming danger. Over her shoulder, I spot Greyson. Deep slashes and punctures litter his body, but confusingly still in his human form. Blood oozing down his body. His breathing hard as he holds himself upright.

  I could have sworn I heard two animals out here fighting. And by the deep lacerations peppered over his body, he was definitely one of them. So why has he shifted?

  My mates body tenses. Slowly she takes her eyes from the male in front of her. Her gaze landing on me. Oh, what in the sweet hell is that? Her beautiful golden gaze. Those eyes that never fail to trap me. They have a deep, dark red ring colouring around them. Almost as if it’s trying to take over. What the hell- “Kitten?”

  Her lips pull tight, baring her bloodied teeth. Its only then the situation truly dawns on me. My eyes search her thick fur. Matted with dirt and blood. Looks like she hasn’t fared any better than the male watching us.

  The deep slashes along her side has my breath freezing in my lungs. I advance on her, needing to heal her wounds and stop the pain she has to be feeling. The warning growl rumbling from her chest, guts me. Stopping me in my tracks.

  Her animal doesn’t trust me. My beautiful mate.

  Painfully fucking slow, I lower to my knees into the snow before her. Trying to make myself look as none threatening as possible. Holding back the shivers trying to rack their way through my body.

  “My, my what big teeth you have.” I joke, in a light-hearted tone, trying to reach out to her, using our bond.

  Greyson’s laugh has my mates head snapping back to him. Taking her eyes from mine. And I do not like having her attention on him when it’s supposed to be on me. My jealousy at losing her golden eyes darkens my mood further.

  “Mate.” My call sounds primitive. An order.

  A pang of awareness in my chest shocks me. Her head once again turns to me, suspicion in her eyes.

  Does she recognise me as her mate?

  “Don’t look at him. You are mine.” Twisting my head to the side, I flash her the claiming marks on my neck. The ones she put there the night she became mine.

  She takes an instinctive step towards me, before catching herself. Stopping confusion clouds the bond. The redness in the gold receding the tiniest bit. What the hell even is that? But it does confirm my theory. No matter what’s happening, the she-wolf still knows me on a basic level.

  “She’s not coming back” Greyson chuckles, spitting blood, watching the exchange between me and Rae.

  “Fuck you.” I spit venomously, done with his bullshit.

  He doesn’t know a damn thing about my mate. Whatever the hell he has done to her, she’s the strongest person I know.

  “I wonder what it would take to tip her over the edge.” He muses.

  Oh, I’m gonna enjoy killing this asshole. Calling to my magic, I pull it tight around me, intending to launch it into Greyson. Rae’s vicious snarl has me dropping my hold instantly.

  Shit. She sees me as a threat.

  “That’s what I thought.” The victory in his voice is grating my last nerves.

  “Kitten, baby. Come back to me, I need you.” I keep my tone calm, reassuring. And as non-threatening as I can.

  “Why would she come to you? After all, you’re not even on her side. Ripper”

  “Shut the fuck up Greyson!” I bark, not at all liking where he was going with this conversation.

  The other Alpha tri
es to close the gap between him and Rae.

  Sensing his approach, Rae’s she-wolf doesn’t hesitate. Faster than I thought possible her gaze leaves mine as she turns and launches herself without warning at the other Alpha.

  Anticipating her reaction, Greyson’s arms grapple the wolfs body, digging his claws deep into her ribs. Thrashing her large body, trying to dislodge his hold, Rae ends up knocking them both to the ground.

  “He’s working for me!” Greyson rolls away, roaring at the animal as she rightens. Readying for another attack.

  “I hired him. He works for me.” He spits, narrowing his eyes at the wolf watching him. “Your precious Warlock. I paid him to get close to you. To gain your trust. To deliver you to me.”

  My world tips on its axis as the male’s words register.

  Greyson, you sonofabitch.

  “Your lying.” That voice, so soft it’s like music to my ears.

  Standing toe to toe with her enemy, in all her naked glory. I hadn’t even heard her shift.

  Her skin marred with angry open wounds, her blood pumping freely down her body, colouring her a vivid red. Christ. How badly is she injured?

  Making my way towards her, a deep need riding me hard. Demanding I cover her skin from Greyson’s eyes, to take her away from the danger around us and tend to her injuries.

  “Why don’t you ask him?” Greyson’s predatory smile lands on me, just as I come to my mates side.

  “Go on. What have you got to lose?”


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