Lenape see Native American Tribes
Le Portel cave, France 16
little owl 22, 27, 82, 118, 129–30, 129, 138, 138, 168
Lucy (artist) 108
Luttrell Psalter 40
Magritte, René 131–3, 132
Malaysia 96
Manitoba 71–2
Martins, Helen 136–7, 137
Mas D’Azil 16
Mass, Andrew 70–71, 71
McCain, John 70–71, 71
Medici, Giuliano de’ 119–20
Menomini see Native American Tribes
Michelangelo 119–21, 120
Milne, A. A. 77, 88–9
Minerva 27
Minorca 58–9, 58
misericord 169, 169
mobbing 41, 118–19, 166–75, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172
Mochica see Native American tribes
Mohave see Native American tribes
mola 102
Mongolia 96
Montenay, Georgette de 63, 64
Morosophie (La Perrière) 62, 63–4
Moscow 75
Muurup 97
Nagano Snowlets 75, 75
Namibia 95, 142
Native American tribes
Apache 101
Caddo 101
Cajun 101
Catawba 101
Cherokee 36, 100
Choctaw 101
Creek 101
Eskimo 105–8, 105, 106, 107; see also Kingwatsiak, Iyola and Ashevak, Kenojuak
Fremont 32
Hopi 101
Kuna 101, 102–5; see also San Blas Archipelago
Kwakiutl 100–1
Lakota 100
Lenape 100
Menomini 101
Mochica 33, 33
Mohave 100–1
Navajo 99–100
Oglala 100
Ojibway 101
Pawnee 100
Pima 99
Seminole 101
Sioux 100
Tlingit 100
Tsimshian 99
Wounaan, 103, 103, 104
Yakama 100
Yupik 100
Zuni 100
Navajo see Native American tribes
Nieu Bethesda 136–7, 136
Nigeria 93
Nightingale, Florence 82–6, 83, 84
Nonsense Verse (Lear) 86–8, 87, 135
northern spotted owl 142
Norwich Cathedral 169, 169
Obama, Barack 70–71, 71
obstinate owl 45–8
Oglala see Native American tribes
Ojibway see Native American tribes
Orphne 26–7
Owl and the Eagle, The (Lear) 79–80
Owl and the Pussycat, The (Lear) 86–7, 87, 134–5
owl as a vehicle 9, 48–51, 49, 59
Owl House (Martins) 136, 136–7
‘Owl, Skull and Candle’ (anon. painting) 43
Panama 101, 102–3
Panchatantra (Fables of Bidpai) 78, 89
Parliament 47–8, 47
‘parliament of owls’ 143
Parthenon 23–4, 82–3, 85
Pawnee see Native American tribes
pellets 157–61, 158, 159, 160
pels fishing owl 156
Peru 33–4
Picasso, Pablo 82, 124–31, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130
Pima see Native American tribes
Pliny the Elder 27–8, 37, 168, 190
Podolsk 75
Precolumbian America 33–4, 100–101
Procter, Bryan Waller 81–2
protective owl 9, 21, 27, 28, 31, 37, 56–9, 95, 96, 97, 100, 120
Provenzale, Marcello 170–71, 171
Punch (magazine) 55
Quebec 72
Queen of the Night, The 18–19, 19
Rome 27–9
Roosevelt, Theodore 22
Rowling, J. K. see Harry Potter
Russia 81, 92
San Blas Archipelago 102
Scotland 55–6, 55
Scott, Sir Walter 42
screech owl 25, 27, 35, 40, 41, 190
Seminole see Native American tribes
Shakespeare, William 35, 41–2
Shang Dynasty 29, 30
Sheffield Wednesday 73, 73
Sioux see Native American tribes
Slovenia 75
smallest owl see elf owl
snowy owl 15–16, 72, 90, 100, 108, 139, 140, 143; see also Harry Potter
Songye 94, 95–6
South Africa 137
Spain 16, 93; see also Minorca
Speculum Mundi (Swan) 36
stamps 22, 106, 109–10, 109
Sulawesi see Celebes
Swan, John 36
Syria 24
Taoist period 31
tattoo 109, 110
Temple Owls (Temple University, PA, sports teams) 72, 73
Tenniel, John see Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
tetradrachm 21, 22
Thurber, James 77, 89–90
Tlingit see Native American tribes
Transylvania 92
Trinidad 175
Trois-Frères cave, France 15, 15
Tsimshian see Native American tribes
Uluka (Ulooka) 48, 51
vahana 48
Verraux’s eagle owl 147
voice 161–2
Wales 92
wedding cermonies 55–6, 55
Winnie-the-Pooh (Milne) 88, 89
wise owl 51–5, 70, 79
Wise Owl, Sad Owl, Angry Owl 8
witch 45
Wither, George 46, 64, 64–9, 65, 66, 67, 68
Woeiriot, Pierre 63, 64
Wol see Winnie-the-Pooh
Wugie the Owl 72, 72
Yakama see Native American tribes
Yupik see Native American tribes
Zimbabwe 93–5
zun 29, 30
Zuni see Native American tribes
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