Club of Virgins

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Club of Virgins Page 2

by TorreS, Pet

  The owner of the Club of Virgins was a man in his forties. He was handsome, had black hair and dark eyes. His skin was flushed.

  “Hey, don’t you want to get into that?” He asked looking at my friend Denise. Her eyes widened and she blushed at the same time.

  “W- Who? M- ME?” She stammered. “No, No, I'm not in need of money.”


  Peta left the office by my side. She felt miserable. I could see it in her face. She had signed the contract of the Club of Virgins. Now she would have to face her first sexual experience with a man she did not know.

  Peta would have to wait a few weeks to face this man that would make her a woman.

  My arm crossed around her shoulder and I pulled her to me. Peta buried her head on my shoulder and began to sob.

  “I'm just doing this to save my mother's life, only for that.” She paused. “Oh my God, I’m living a nightmare!”

  Chapter 5


  As the days went by, many things occurred. Tests were performed to prove my good health and also my purity. If indeed I was really a virgin and was not a fraud just to get some money by cheating, I would get a huge sum of money in a club that offered its customers luxury prostitution.

  Suddenly my cell phone rang. It was the voice of the owner of the Club of Virgins. He wanted to talk to me personally.

  Hours later...

  “Your exams were great! You are able to go forward with our contract.”

  He smiled. There was a gold tooth in one of his front teeth.

  “Within a week, I want you in the Club of Virgins. It is time to fulfill the main part of the contract.”

  “Yes, sir.” My voice could barely be heard. I swallowed.

  “Great, young lady! Both of us will come out winning.”

  He sat on the chair in front of his desk and tried to light another imported cigarette.

  “Remember that!” He looked at me, realizing that I was alarmed. “You're not the first one and will not be the last!”

  I left the nightclub office worse than when I went in. I was walking down the street. People passed by me. They did not know me, but they knew well that I was suffering. This was stamped on my face. I could not smile, I could not concentrate on anything good that would let some light in my life, make me go through it with great joy and desire to want more and more.

  All of a sudden, I stopped and started looking around. In this moment I felt totally lost in the small town where I grew up.

  Chapter 6

  A week later...


  7:24 pm

  My mother did not know I was only hours ahead of fulfilling the final part in the Club of Virgins contract. She would never be in favor of it. My mother would rather die than see me delivered into the arms of a man just for money. She would never understand that even though I was doing it only to save her.

  Moved by the words ‘despair’ and ‘love’.

  In all probability the word ‘prostitution’ would invade her mind and make my mother blind to anything except how vile it would be. She wouldn’t be on my side, wouldn’t support me as she always did for everything in my life.

  I entered her bedroom. She was lying in bed. There were the night measurements on the table which had been already taken out.

  “Are you going out?” She asked, looking at me, seeing me dressed up and wearing nice shoes. My hair was washed and placed up in a bun trapped by a thin rubber band.

  “I will not be long,” I replied looking to the side. “I just came in to give you a kiss.”

  I leaned on the bed and kissed her on the forehead. My mother closed her eyes.

  “I love you, mom.”

  She reached out to hug me.

  “I love you too, daughter.”

  I had a smile in my lips. I held back my tears and looked at the pale walls of the room. My hand held hers and I squeezed it firmly.

  “I just want you to know that anything I may do one day against your will, believe me, I will be doing it only for the love I have for you.”

  My mother looked up at me suddenly then. She looked confused. I turned and left quickly before my emotions betrayed me.

  9: 30 pm


  “Good luck friend!”

  I hugged Peta at the door of the Club. I had taken my father's car to bring her there. The place was still deserted. There were only two security guards standing in front of the club.

  At that moment, I held Peta’s hands and shook them with excitement. I wanted to try and send her a dose of courage. After all, she needed it a lot.

  “Everything will be ok!”

  I tried to use positive words. She shrugged and seemed to tremble from head to toe. Her fingers were sweaty. Peta was very tense.

  “You are a gold daughter!” I praised her and winked at her. However, Peta remained silent and gave me a forced smile. She lowered her head and I hugged her tightly. I really felt for her.


  I entered the site through the back door. There was a security guard and several women who would be working that night, it seemed.

  I was immediately ushered in by a club employee. I was asked to accompany him to a dressing room where I would change clothes. The place was full of lamps and had mirrors dispersed through it on the walls. The place was busy with women getting ready in sensual and highly provocative clothing.

  For a few moments I watched everything in silence. Some women there were already accustomed to that kind of scene. This was their usual job. They had adopted it as a profession. I could tell because they seemed calm and collected, not totally nervous and in despair, like me.

  10.00 pm

  I left the dressing room and started walking slowly alongside twenty other women, all of them over eighteen. Some were much older. Most of them were wearing only lingerie, garter belts, and on their beautiful faces they had masks to cover their identities.

  Going down the hallway, I saw several dark doors with numbers on them. These were the numbered rooms intended for the VIP customers in the Club of Virgins.

  The hallway was softly lit.

  My steps halted and all of a sudden I froze. My heart was beating strongly and I could feel it in my throat.

  Within moments, I was in the great hall, on a stage in front of a crowd of men of all ages. The lights changed color every instant. Around the stage there were tables and chairs. Further down the back there was a bar which served various drinks. Waitresses circulated only in panties, their breasts were exposed. They were beautiful breasts that should be hidden and kept secure in a decent blouse, I thought.

  In the distance I saw the owner of the nightclub. He came close to some VIP customers and whispered in their ears. Soon the five men looked in my direction at the same time. I swallowed but kept looking in their direction.

  The men knew that I was a virgin because those were the rules within the Club of Virgins. Only those who wore white garter belts, white lingerie and white masks on their faces, were the ones that were pure. We were there for the sole purpose of offering our purity to the one who was willing to pay the most for it.

  10:22 pm

  “Ready?” Someone asked at my back.

  I turned. His gaze swept up my body and he examined me. He moved behind me again. His dark eyes closely observed the tattoos of butterflies on my back. He ran his index finger over one of them.

  “Your butterflies are beautiful!” He said enthusiastically.

  I shrugged and threw my body slightly forward. I needed to do this to feel more protected.

  However, how protected could I actually be inside a luxury prostitution club? It seemed such a contradiction. There was no protection for the virgins...not in a place like that.

  The Club’s owner‘s heavy hand held my arm and led me to a group of five men. They were all seated around a table. I looked around and saw women in dark lingerie, women with colorful masks over their eyes. They were around a snooker table, playing a game with so
me men who were dressed in fine apparel.

  “This is the girl that I mentioned minutes ago,” the owner of the club informed his customers.

  “Only one of you will take her purity, however, you will have to pay handsomely first,” he said and smiled at them.

  During his speech my eyes widened under my white mask. I looked at the faces of each of them. There was a guy in his thirties, two men in their forties and one in his fifties. The last one was most likely in his sixties.

  I wondered to myself which of them would be the taker of my purity that night.

  The answer came minutes later. I was taken to a luxurious room in the dark corridor. The room was number 4.

  When I opened the door, the customer was already waiting for me.

  Standing in the middle of the room, his coat was dark gray. His pants too. The scent of his aftershave had invaded the entire room. Closing the door, I walked slowly and stopped in the middle. The man turned to face me and I could clearly see his face.

  He had a very wrinkled face. His hair was white. He was the oldest man among the five that I had seen at the table. Up close I was able to see he was more than sixty years old.

  He walked slowly over to me and reached out. He took my hand. A friendly smile appeared on his face.

  Soon he uttered something.

  “Come here and make me feel alive again, my sweet!”

  Immediately, I closed my eyes as my body slammed into his and his hands slid down to my rear.

  After that night many things would change in my life, starting with the physical change in my body and ending with my emotional control. It would take a long time, perhaps my entire life to forget this trauma.

  Chapter 7

  A month later...


  8:05 pm

  “Peta, how did you get money to pay for my surgery? It was fifteen thousand dollars. I'm worried about it!” I questioned my daughter who was sitting in the back seat of the car. We were on our way to the hospital. Denise and Peta were sitting in the front seats. Denise was driving her father's car.

  “Mom, I said we'll talk about it after the surgery when you return home. I promise I will speak about how I got that money and do not worry, I did not steal, nor kill. This money is ...”

  Peta exchanged a secret look with her friend Denise and stopped talking soon after that.

  “We’ll talk about it another time, Mom. Now we have to think about your recovery.”

  “Okay.” I agreed, embracing my bag full of my objects. I had been asked to bring some of my personal things to the private clinic.

  “But when I come home ... I want to have this talk with you. Nobody gets fifteen thousand dollars easily,” I mumbled and I supported my elbows on my immense bag.


  The time had come for my mother’s surgery. She had been taken into the general anesthesia room.

  Before she made her way through the corridors of the clinic she hugged me tightly. We both started to cry, already missing each other. My mother would be hospitalized for a few days and I would only see her after she would be taken to the private room.

  “Go with God, mother! Everything will be fine!”

  “You too, God be with you! Lock our home properly and anything that comes up, you can get help from our neighbors!”

  “I know, mom.”

  She held my face and looked me in the eye. “When I return home, we will have that little talk.”


  I hugged her again.

  “I love you,” she muttered over her shoulder.

  “I love you too, mum.”

  We embraced for a while. If I could change everything, my mother would be healed and not need to go through that surgery. But thinking of the positive side, after her surgery, she would be out of danger.

  My mother hugged Denise and thanked her for everything. Soon my mother was being wheeled by a nurse along a corridor. Holding her bag to her chest, she looked back at me and gave me a last nod.

  I almost burst into tears seeing that scene. I was already missing her so much.

  11:20 pm

  During my mother's surgery, I remained in the hospital, sitting in the waiting room. Denise was sitting next to me. I waited anxiously for news of my mother.

  I wanted to know how everything was going, if she was really okay.

  Before long, the surgeon appeared in the waiting room. He was dressed in his white coat, had removed the disposable gloves from his hands and lowered the mask from his face. The doctor had gray hair and his skin was flushed.

  Before he said anything, I ran to him, asking, “Doctor, how is my mother? How was the operation?”

  I felt Denise also stand up and stop standing right behind me.

  The doctor looked at my face and said, “I'm sorry, but your mother did not survive the surgery.”

  At that moment, I advanced on the doctor and grabbed the fabric of his coat and closed my fists around it. In despair I screamed.

  “Tell me that this is a lie! Please! My mother did not die! My mother is alive! You liar!”

  My voice rose. Denise grabbed me and pulled me to her, so I left the doctor's white coat. I hugged Denise, weeping uncontrollably. My friend also began to cry with me. She could not imagine the intensity of my pain, but she knew I was suffering a lot.

  A piece of me had been removed from my chest, from my life.

  Chapter 8


  My mother’s funeral had taken place on a day without rain. The sky was cloudy and sometimes the sun insisted on making an appearance. Denise was at my side. Her parents had also attended the funeral.

  At the end of the funeral I walked slowly to her grave. Everything seemed quiet there. I had been crying the whole day and my face was swollen and my eyes were red. The pain of loss would not leave me.

  In my dark suit, I stopped in front of her grave. It was white. There was a wreath of flowers on top of it.

  I closed my eyes and began to pray, silently asking God's forgiveness for her sins on earth. I knew her addiction to tobacco had killed her. If it wasn’t for that my mother would still be alive. She was a woman who was still young. She hadn’t even reached her fifties yet.

  Now she had gone to meet my father on the other side of life. I felt relieved thinking that they were together, perhaps before God.

  I put my hand to my chest and squeezed my eyes. There was a sense of guilt inside me. I had sacrificed my purity to save my mother’s life. However, even in so doing I could not save her. She did not leave the operating room alive.

  I fell down to the ground and started to cry again.

  “Forgive me, Mom! God forgive me for what I have done. It’s so bad!”

  I remembered my mother’s words and I began to sob again.

  When I return home, we will have that little talk.

  I remembered her last goodbye. That scene would be etched in my memory forever.

  Moments later, I opened my eyes and looked at her tomb. The sun's rays were different. They seemed brighter. I blinked, completely surprised when I saw hundreds of butterflies flying over her grave. They looked happy.

  My mother loved butterflies. I imagined that hundreds of them had come to say goodbye to her.

  I also thought that perhaps my mother’s spirit could be in one of those butterflies.

  Chapter 9

  Three years later...


  At twenty-one years of age I was attending the state university and undertaking a course in history. My friend Denise was attending a law course. The cool thing was that we were both studying at the same institution, although in different faculties.

  I found that in this period, after the death of my mother, I had matured a bit more. I was more interested in seeing the world through different eyes, unlike that eighteen year young girl.

  The college reading room was empty. It was a Friday and the students did not want to waste their valuable time holed up inside a library.
r />   Most of them were already in their homes, on the streets or in any place that was far away from there.

  I decided to stay. I was working on an artistic performance which was to be delivered the next week.

  It was almost 9:00 pm. The reading room was partially illuminated. My fingers turned over the pages of a book with more than five hundred pages. I needed to do a summary hastily.

  I looked down at my phone and realized it was already a little late and I had to get back to my home and prepare something in a hurry to eat. Even though it was late I decided to stay a little longer to put a bit more into my summary.

  It would not cost me anything.

  A moment later I heard a noise coming from a table behind me. Someone had come into the room and laid some heavy books on the table. It was probably a college student.

  Seconds later, the sound of the chair being dragged caught my attention, but not enough for me to look over my shoulder and see who it was.

  I kept concentrating on my reading.

  Another noise. The person was browsing the books on the shelves and throwing them to the side. I could hear it. Obviously this person could not find what he or she was searching for or else had no patience or ability to find what he wanted.

  I realized that I was paying more attention to the noises coming from the person that was behind me than in my own reading.


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