Knight (Chess Chronicles Book 1)

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Knight (Chess Chronicles Book 1) Page 6

by Riley Walker

  I follow Gretchen into the castle, Edrik trailing behind us with my bags. “Let’s get you settled back into your old room. I am sure you are exhausted after that portal hop,” Edrik says to me with a knowing smirk.

  Rolling my eyes at his comment I ask him, “Edrik, where are my parents?”

  “They are in a meeting. The Renegade group has kept them and their advisors quite busy. They know you are here and will visit shortly.” I follow him up a back staircase leading to my room and wait for him to place the bags by my bed. He turns to leave but hesitates as he passes by, hovering within arm’s reach. He stares into my eyes, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

  “I am glad you are home, Princess. We have missed you.”

  He walks out abruptly and I just know my mouth is hanging open in shock. I close my door and slowly walk backwards until my knees hit my bed, where I sit down. Hard.

  We have missed you? What does that mean? Does that mean he missed me? The stoic and ever-serious Edrik? Or the Kingdom in general?

  I can’t think about this right now.

  I take a deep breath and look around at a room that has not changed in three years. Everything is exactly how I left it. My golden canopy bed draped with a white coverlet, a dresser and desk shoved against the walls, tops still empty of anything personal and that old gold leaf mirror standing in the corner. Nothing in this room has changed except me.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  What is that noise?

  Knock, knock, knock.

  There it is again. Groggily, I realize I must have fallen asleep. I drag myself out of bed and answer the door. I find my dad just standing there, looking worse for the wear. I wrap my arms around his waist, giving him a big hug.

  “Oh, Dad! I have missed you so much!”

  He smiles down at me, “My, Frannie! You have grown into such a beautiful woman. I can hardly believe my eyes.”

  I reluctantly pull away and look behind him, “Where is Mother?”

  He rubs the back of his neck in a nervous gesture, “She will meet us for dinner. She needed a nap after this last meeting.”

  Of course, I don’t believe him for a minute. She is probably being pissy because I left and this is part of her “punishment.” Whatever.

  Aggressively wagging a finger in his face, I start railing, “You have some serious explaining to do! If you had known where I was this entire time, why did you not come visit me? Scratch that. How did you even know where I was?”

  He is scowling at this point.

  “It was not safe to come see you. We knew the Renegades were planning something and they had already threatened you once. Your Mother and I certainly could not put you at further risk!” His voice dies off a bit as his expression turns sly, “As for how I knew, well how do you think Gretchen came up with the entire Earth Realm plan? Just who did you think funded your little adventure to the university?”

  Needless to say, his response floors me. Then he goes and gives me a wink, informing me that dinner will be served in thirty minutes.

  As soon as he leaves, I hurry to clean up and change out of the clothes I traveled in. I take the time to prepare myself for seeing my Mother for the first time. No doubt she will have something to say to me about leaving and wasting my precious time playing in the Earth Realm. I could use some of Shelby’s humor right about now.

  I enter the dining room and stop short, seeing all the faces staring back at me. Sitting at the table are my parents; my dad at the head, Mother to his left and joined by Edrik at her side. The surprise is Winston, seated to my dad’s right, and his parents, King Richard and Queen Isabelle of the Dark Fey, flanking him. Of course tonight I would choose to came down to eat in a pair of comfy yoga pants, university hoodie, and some ridiculous fuzzy socks. These are my favorite comfy clothes that I brought back from the Earth Realm.

  I flash a sweet smile at the room in general as I make my way towards the table, “Good evening.”

  Taking a seat, Mother looks at me with more than a little heat in her eyes. A sting laces her words, “Franchesca, is there a reason you are not wearing proper dinner attire?”

  “Why, yes Mother, there is. More than one, actually. Back home there was no need for formal wear. Secondly, everything in the closet here is too big.”

  She looks down her nose at me.

  “The Earth Realm is not your home. We will rectify the wardrobe situation first thing tomorrow.”

  Thank goodness my father steps in with a subject change to help me out, “Frannie, did you enjoy your classes on Earth?”

  This draws a bright smile from me, “Yes, Dad, I did. Especially the MMA ones.”

  “What is a ‘MMA’?”

  “It is a class that teaches mixed martial arts, or different fighting skills. I have been studying as a means to protect myself.”

  To this, both Queens gasp loudly enough for a soft echo to bounce around the room. It is quite funny to see their gaping expressions and I would be wholeheartedly amused, if I didn’t know what was coming up next.

  “A lady does not fight, Franchesca,” Mother declares after a gentle clearing of her throat. “We leave such things to the men.”

  I shoot her a glare.

  “I was by myself, living in a place I had no knowledge of. It is not like I had a Knight to protect me. I needed to be able to take care of myself.”

  I hear a low, grumbled, “I would have come with you if you would have asked.”

  What?! What did I just hear? Did Edrik really just say that? Why is Winston giving him a death glare?

  “Do not be silly, Edrik. It is not like you could just leave our realm to go gallivanting off after our rebellious child,” Mother chastises. “You were needed here. Furthermore, enough about that misguided venture! We need to discuss Franchesca’s welcome home party.”

  As the night went on, the two Queens spoke continuously about my welcome home party. Mother never misses a chance to throw one. While they make their plans, I enjoy Gretchen’s five course meal. I really have missed her cooking. After dinner was over I politely excused myself and went back to my room.



  Three days later and I am back in front of my trifold mirror, staring at my reflection in a cobalt, floor-length gown. I am sure it is not a coincidence Mother has dressed me in the Dark Fey royal color. I have no doubt I will see Winston with another bimbo at this party, just like all the rest. Though it really doesn’t matter any longer. Prince Asshat will do as he always has, but looking my best tonight will be the proper revenge. And this dress is sure to impress. The skirt is elegance personified, as it swirls and caresses my legs. The top half is sultry, displaying a large portion of creamy-white skin per its form-fitting bodice, secured only by a small scrap of fabric that winds about one shoulder, and begs to be touched thanks to the real flowers sewn in. On my feet are a beautiful pair of ballet flats with crystals sewn onto them. What? I may be more grown up, but I am still clumsy. All my makeup is lightly, but deftly, applied: a tinge of pink to my cheeks and lips; a swipe of kohl mascara to my lashes. Not to mention, my hair lays sleek and shiny for the first time ever in this realm.

  I hope Shelby forgives me for taking the evil pink wand. I really miss her.

  There is a knock at the door.

  “Come in.”

  Gretchen enters the room with a warm smile, “Franchesca dear, you look lovely as always. I hope you are ready for your party because your Mother is getting antsy.”

  I take one last look in the mirror and walk into the hallway. I expected to see Edrik waiting for me but he is nowhere to be found. I turn around to find Gretchen standing there with an odd expression on her face.

  “Gretchen, where is Edrik?”

  She shuffles a little giving me a nervous look. “Oh, he will meet you down there. Should I call one of the other royal knights to escort you?”

  I shake my head, disappointed that my Knight is not here for me tonight, but I stand tall as I realize th
at I have gained the confidence I had been lacking before. I walk into the ballroom by myself for once, determined to show everyone that I have changed. I am a new woman, no longer the naive little girl hoping Edrik or Winston would pay attention to me.

  I try to slip into the ballroom unnoticed, but Mother immediately hones in on me.

  “Franchesca, so good of you to finally grace us with your presence.”

  I give her a tight smile, “Hello Mother, you look lovely tonight.”

  I grab a champagne flute from the server who is passing by while taking a look around the room. Yep, there he is. Winston is bending over whispering in the ear of another big bosomed blonde. Some things never change. I scan the crowd wondering where my Knight is, then make my rounds through the ballroom, smiling and nodding at all the appropriate times. I see Winston approaching me.

  “Hello Franchesca.”

  I offer him a fake smile and nod towards his latest bimbo.

  “Hello to you too, Winston. I see you have found someone to keep you company, as usual.” I am still discreetly looking for Edrik when Winston clears his throat.

  “Who are you searching for Franchesca? Your Knight?” He gives me a smug look and points to the dance floor.

  Oh hell no! No way! My Edrik is dancing with Bianca? Please don’t let this be happening again! How many guys does she plan on taking from me?

  I give Winston a piercing stare. He knew exactly what seeing the two of them together would do to me. Why does this man hate me so much? I gather myself and put a blank look on my face.

  “Thank you Winston, but actually I was not looking for him. I was looking for my father. If you will excuse me.”

  I leave him to his bimbo of the night and head towards the direction of my dad. I can’t help but look over once more to Edrik and Bianca. It is as if he can sense my look because he raises his head and our eyes meet. The look he gives me stops me in my tracks. I see Bianca lift her hand and place it against his cheek. I look away after that. My heart cannot handle anymore.

  I continue watching them the rest of the night and he seems to be smitten with her. Why can’t I be in the Earth Realm right now? I need to see Shelby and Colton as soon as possible. I just need to go back to normal.

  As the night goes on, I drink one glass of champagne after another. I have accepted a few dances here and there with some of the single gentlemen but I continuously step on their toes. After a few songs I just give up and decide to sneak away to the library. This is where dad hides the good stuff because Mother never goes into the library. I immediately find the Fey juice and say to hell with a glass, popping the cork and drinking straight from the bottle. I have always loved this library. It was my sanctuary when I was younger and has always been the one place I could escape. Reading the books that dad has collected or been given from other places has always allowed me to lose myself in new worlds and adventures.

  The wood burning fireplace is lit and I am nice and cozy on the worn brown leather couch. I toss off my ballet shoes and tuck my legs up under my butt while drinking straight from the bottle. I am not sure how much time has passed, but the room is starting to get foggy and my bottle is half empty. The door suddenly swings open and he walks in.

  “Edrik, what are you doing in here?” I slur while chugging more of the delicious wine. “This stuff is amazing,” I snort.

  Oh crap, I just snorted in front of Edrik! Oh who cares. He’s a big ole man whore just like Winston.

  “What did you just say?”

  Oops did I just say that out loud?

  “Chess, what did you mean when you said just like Winston?”

  I take another drink right before he snatches the bottle out of my hand.

  “Hey that is mine. Get your own bottle, Eddie. There is only one thing I love more than this, and it’s my Keurig. The Keurig you made me leave behind.”

  I try to stand up and take back my precious bottle but the floor attacks me. It just came right out of nowhere. Umph, “I said you are a man whore. Do y’all share Bianca now?”

  Edrik is giving me a confused look. “Chess, I don’t know what you are talking about, but I have been seeing Bianca for months now.”


  First Kiss


  That is the sound of my heart breaking once again. The anguish and torment are threatening to drown me. I try to stand up off the floor but I get caught up in the skirt of my ball gown and just flop around like a fish out of water. Edrik pulls me up to my feet and tries to steady me but gravity wins again. I fall back onto the couch and look up to see pity and confusion in his eyes.

  “Edrik just give me back my bottle and leave. You are ruining my buzz.”

  Pushing up off the couch I lunge for the yummy goodness, but the sneaky man hides the bottle behind his back and manages to catch me before I fall.

  “Chess,” he says in a pleading voice as he helps me sit back down onto the couch, “what did you mean when you said I am just like Winston?”

  I am too drunk for this. I slide off the couch, onto the floor and attempt to crawl out of the room on my hands and knees because I know trying to stand up is useless. One minute I am crawling out and the next I can’t move. I look over my shoulder to see Edrik standing behind me. Is he standing on my skirt?

  “Edrik leave me be. I promise to go to bed.”

  He grabs me by the waist and tosses me over his shoulder. I want to protest and pound on his back but I have no more energy. Besides, I have a great view of his tight, muscular ass.

  When we enter my room, he tosses me on the bed and paces back and forth.

  “Come on Chess, level with me. What is going on?”

  Ugh, I guess we are doing this now. I stumble across the room and go into my closet. I get into a kung fu ninja fight with my gown until I am eventually freed. Somehow I manage to dress myself in a tank and shorts and I am now ready for bed. When I cross the room I notice he is still standing there. Tucking myself into bed I am ready to get this over with, maybe then he will leave me alone.

  “Do you remember the night of my eighteenth birthday?”

  He nods at me, “Of course, you disappeared the next morning.”

  I take a deep breath, “I found Bianca and Winston making out in the garden, and I do not mean just kissing. Winston had a hand full of her ass, Eddie.”

  I see his expression change from pity to horror. “So that is why you left?”

  I nod and look up, “That’s one of the many reasons.”

  “Chess, I had no idea. When you left I was devastated. I kept replaying that night over and over. I should have told you how I felt.”

  What? Am I so drunk that I am imagining things?

  Licking my bottom lip, I look up at Edrik and he is suddenly right there. His lips are so close I can feel his breath on my face. I think the alcohol has me feeling bold because I reach up and grab his shirt, pulling him onto my lips. At first he stands there frozen, until my tongue caresses his bottom lip and then he becomes the aggressive one. Our kiss starts out awkward but soon becomes passionate. I feel his need in every swipe of his tongue against mine. Sweet mercy, this is my first kiss and it’s with my Knight! I close my eyes tightly as he continues to kiss me with so much passion I can barely breathe.

  All of the sudden I feel a blinding pain behind my eyes. Edrik and I both gasp out at the same time. When I am finally able to open my eyes, I look into what used to be his beautiful brown eyes only to be met by a pair of lavender ones on Edrik’s face. He blinks once, stands, and practically runs out of my room.

  What. The. Hell?


  Girl Fight

  I wake slowly, stretching my arms over my head. My eyes are heavy and it feels like I swallowed cotton balls last night. I head to my bathroom, brush my teeth, and throw my hair into a messy bun. My limbs are heavy and I have to drag my body towards my door. I open my bedroom door, and Edrik’s door opens at the same time. Only it’s not Edrik I see standing across the hall from
me, it’s Bianca.

  I am just about to retreat back into my bedroom when I hear a growl. I look up just in time to see Bianca lunging for me. She grabs a fist full of my hair and uses it to throw me to the ground. I am too stunned to do anything until I feel a slap across my face. My training finally kicks in and I begin to fight back. I wrap my legs around her waist and twist my body, using the momentum to flip us, putting me on top of her. I grab her left arm, tucking it into my elbow and twisting it back until I hear the bone break. Bianca begins yelling in pain and I am suddenly jerked up and off her. I stand, my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath when I chance a glace up to find Edrik looking at me with disgust. He bends down and gently picks Bianca up off the floor. I watch him carry her down the stairs and out the front door, breaking my heart once again.

  I stand up and walk back into my room, heading straight for my jacuzzi tub. After a good long soak, I come to terms with the situation. If I want to get back to Shelby and Colton I need to be more proactive. My next move is to find the advisors and get caught up on the Renegades uprising. Edrik and Winston are no longer concerns of mine.

  A knock on my door interrupts my thoughts and I open it to find Gretchen looking nervous on the other side. She pushes her way past me and closes my door.

  “Franchesca, what did you do?”

  “I know, I know, it was wrong. But when she started attacking me I just couldn’t help it,” I explain.

  “I do not mean that! I am talking about your eyes. They have changed...”

  I run back to my bathroom, finally taking the time to give myself a good onceover. Holy hell. Gretchen is right. My once crystal blue eyes are now lavender. Last night comes crashing back to me. Edrik’s eyes were lavender then, too.

  “Gretchen!” I yell her name as I run back into my bedroom. “What the heck is going on? Why are my and Edrik’s eyes lavender?”


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