You Have My Heart

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You Have My Heart Page 12

by E. L. Todd


  I was teaching my class the roundhouse kick. They were an advanced group, but nowhere near a black belt level. The boys were in high school, and a few in junior high.

  I demonstrated the move again. “Plant your foot down and turn your hips. You should land in a ninety degree turn from where you started.”

  The boys stared at me blankly.

  “What don’t you understand?” I asked.

  Tyson, a larger boy, raised his hand.

  “Yes?” I asked.

  “We heard Master Alex defeated you in a challenge. Is that true?”

  You’ve got to be kidding me. “We sparred for fun. It wasn’t a challenge.”

  Another boy raised his hand. “But we heard she threw you down three times.”

  “Twice,” I hissed. “And that’s beside the point. It wasn’t a challenge.”

  A boy spoke out of turn. “But you still lost, right?”

  “I didn’t call on you.” I put my hands on my hips and stared him down.

  “Is she stronger than you?” another boy asked.

  This was going south. “No,” I snapped.

  “He didn’t raise his hand,” the previous boy said. “Why did you answer his question but not mine?”

  This lesson was absolutely pointless. They weren’t concentrating and all they cared about was my match against Alex. I wasn’t sure how they even knew about it. When I heard a quiet giggle reach my ears, I turned and saw Alex on the other side of the room. She covered her mouth to stop laughing but it didn’t help. The laughter reached my ears.

  I gave her a look that would make my students cry.

  She pulled her bag over her shoulder and walked out, still laughing.

  God, I wanted to strangle her.


  “Did you see that play?” Conrad asked.

  I was staring at my beer, lost in thought. “Huh?”

  “The kicker did the kick-off but intercepted the ball. I’ve never seen a play like that.”

  I didn’t care about the play. “Yeah…”

  Conrad eyed me nervously. “You okay, man?”

  “Just had a long and torturous month.”

  “Deana blowing up your phone?”

  She was the least of my problems. “Yeah…she’s pretty clingy.”

  “Why? You only went out once.”

  I shrugged. “I fucked her a few times.”

  Conrad laughed. “I wouldn’t even stoop that low.”

  “You’ve been chasing one girl for a whole month because you’re obsessed with her.”

  Conrad drank his beer. “You have a point.”

  Should I tell him about Alex? It’d been plaguing my mind every single day. I had to see her at work all the time and it was driving me crazy. My whole world had been flipped upside down. She tried to make my life a living hell, and the fact I had absolutely no allies didn’t help. I just wanted to get rid of her but I didn’t know how.

  “Anything else bothering you?”

  Conrad could read me like a book. “There’s this girl…”

  “Ooh…are you going to ruin her?”

  “No, it’s not like that. I hate her. I actually want to strangle her.”

  Conrad looked alarmed. “Ah…should I be worried?”

  I told him everything that happened and how she was ruining my life at work.

  Conrad tried not to laugh but he was struggling. “She kicked your ass?”

  “She didn’t kick my ass!”

  “Well, she defeated you…”

  “She didn’t defeat me,” I hissed. “I let her win. I didn’t even hit her. You expect me to beat up a girl half my size? It wasn’t even a fair match. I would have killed myself if I hurt her.”

  He covered his smirk by drinking a beer. “That’s unfortunate…”

  “And now she’s making my life a living hell. She’s telling everyone how weak and pathetic I am. And she knows I let her win. There’s no way she didn’t realize it.”

  “Well, maybe you shouldn’t have pissed her off.”

  “What?” I demanded. “She was late to an interview. She deserved to be called out on her shit.”

  “But didn’t you assume she wasn’t there for the job because she was a girl?”

  “Come on, anyone would make that mistake,” I argued. “How many martial arts trainers do you know that are girls?”

  “Well, I’m not the best person to ask since I don’t know any.”

  “It was an innocent mistake.”

  Conrad let a laugh escape his lips. “She must be enjoying this…”

  “You think?” I said sarcastically.

  “Is she hot?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.” I looked at the TV and watched the game.

  “You don’t know?” Conrad raised an eyebrow. “She’s either hot or she’s not. Which is it?”

  “She’s okay looking…” Actually, she was a looker. All the male students were crushing on her. Many of them were wearing their gis a little looser to hide something protruding from between their legs.

  “So, like a five?” he asked.

  “Why do you keep asking?” I snapped.

  He raised both hands. “Why are you being so defensive about it?”

  “Her appearance doesn’t matter. She’s a pain in the ass.”

  Conrad smirked. “So she is hot.”

  “I don’t know…I don’t pay attention.”

  He laughed. “I’ll have to stop by the studio and take a peek.”

  “If you do, I’ll murder you.” I gave him a firm look. “And I don’t mean in a joking way. I mean, your heart will no longer beat.”

  Conrad laughed, not taking the threat seriously. “I know this is old school but…is there a chance you’re picking on her because you like her?”

  “No,” I said firmly. “Why would I like someone who would carry on a lie like that?”

  “Alright.” He shrugged. “I’m sure it’ll blow over in a few weeks. People will forget about it and move on. But you want my advice?”


  “You’re going to get it anyway.”

  I waited for him to speak.

  “If she’s going to be there for a while, you should just make nice with her. She’s already made your life a living hell. Imagine what else she could do.”

  “Forget it,” I said firmly.

  “Fine…don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”

  I wanted to change the subject and stop talking about that girl. “How’s it going with Beatrice?”

  “I asked her out.” He sounded somber.

  “She said no?”

  “Yeah. She said she just wants to be friends.”

  “Sorry, man.”

  “I think I have a chance with her. I’m going to try to spend more time with her and see if I can change her mind.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Dude, let it go. There’re so many more chicks out there. Just go find one of them.”

  “But Beatrice is the most amazing chick I’ve ever known.”

  She was pretty, but I didn’t think she was as gorgeous as Conrad made her out to be. “There are other fish in the sea.”

  “But I want this one. If I have to leave my line in the water a little longer, I’ll do it.”

  “You know how many times you would have gotten laid if you just moved on from her?” I said.

  “But I don’t want minnows. I want a whale shark.”

  I shook my head. “Enough with the fishing metaphors.”

  He finished his beer. “I’ve already put this much work into it. I’m going to push on and see it through. I know she’s into me. I just need a little more time…”

  I knew Conrad would strike out but I didn’t say that. He was determined to land this girl and I wasn’t going to sway him the other way. I went back to thinking about my arch nemesis and how I could get rid of her. There had to be a way…


  “Are you going to the work party?” Gerald asked in the locke
r room.

  I dried myself off and kept the towel around my waist. “What work party?”

  “Chan is having a work dinner this weekend. It’s at some Italian place.” He dried his hair with a towel then pulled his shirt on.

  “But why do we need one? Only ten of us work here.”

  “It’s Alex’s birthday.”

  I froze and my heart stopped beating. “You’ve got to be joking.”

  He laughed. “Nope. He wanted to have dinner for her.”

  “I’m not going,” I blurted. “Fuck that.”

  “Well, everyone else is. You’ll look like an ass if you don’t show up.”

  “So be it.”

  He sat on the bench and pulled his shoes on. “Come on, man. You can’t run away from her. She’s going to be here for a long time.”

  “She’s a pain in the ass.”

  Gerald shrugged. “She seems pretty sweet to me.”

  I glared at him. “You’re on her side?”

  “I’m not on anyone’s side. But she’s always been nice to me. It wouldn’t make sense for me to be rude to her just because she kicked your—”

  “She did not kick my ass,” I said with a growl.

  “Whatever,” he said. “I doubt Chan would be happy if you didn’t show up. And since he’s your boss, I wouldn’t piss him off.” He closed his locker then shouldered his backpack. “Think about it.” He walked out and left me alone in the locker room.

  I stared at my locker then punched it so hard I left a dent in it.


  I wore slacks, a collared shirt, and a tie because the restaurant we were attending was fancy. Birthdays had come and gone for me, and Chan never acknowledged them. Alex had been at the studio for just a few weeks and she got a company paid party? What the hell?

  Before I walked inside, I sighed and tried to relax. I wouldn’t have to sit near Alex and I wouldn’t even have to talk to her. If I did, I would bite her head off. But I still dreaded walking inside. After I calmed down enough, I walked in and found our table.

  Near the end of the table was a pile of gifts. Purple, pink, and yellow wrapping paper covered the presents everyone bought her. When I stared at them, I realized I hadn’t brought her anything. Hopefully no one would notice.

  I took a seat at the end near Gerald. “Hey.”


  Alex sat at the opposite end, on Chan’s right.

  I ground my teeth and tried to ignore her.

  “Thank you so much for coming, everyone,” Alex said. “It means a lot to me.”

  “Do you not have any other friends?” I blurted.

  Only Gerald heard me, and he gave me a dark glare. “Don’t be mean to her. It’s her birthday.”

  “You’re acting like she’s eight. If a pink cake comes out carried by a clown, I’ll scream.”

  He shook his head then read the menu.

  “Now look who’s late.” Alex stared at me from her chair.

  I knew the comment was directed at me. I turned to her and coolly said, “What goes around comes around.”

  She wore a gray dress with a black blazer over it. A gold necklace hung from her throat, and her nails were painted with white tips. Her brown hair was curled and styled, reaching down her chest. She looked at me with her blue eyes for a moment before she turned away, leaving the conversation hanging.

  I turned my attention back to Gerald, wanting the dinner to end already.

  “We’re so happy to have you at the studio with us,” Joe said. “You’ve really lightened up the place.”

  I rolled my eyes because I couldn’t stop myself.

  “And I love what you’ve done to the desk,” Chan said. “Everything is actually organized for once.”

  “This is so stupid,” I said to Gerald. “You guys only like her because she’s cute. So lame.”

  “What was that?” Alex was looking at me.

  Gerald smirked at me, pleased I’d been caught whispering.

  “I wasn’t talking to you,” I snapped.

  “You think I’m cute?” she challenged.

  I knew exactly what I wanted to say. I think you’re worthless and have to rely on what’s between your legs to get ahead in the world. That’s what I think. But I held it back. I strongly disliked her, but it was her birthday and I couldn’t be an ass to her. “You misheard me.” I barely got the words out of my throat. I rested my elbows on the table and looked away.

  The table fell silent at my words. The tension was palpable.

  “I feel sorry for you,” Alex said. “You’re making an idiot out of yourself and you don’t even realize it.”

  My hands had formed fists and I was barely hanging on. She let her jaw unhinge and she said whatever came to mind. I knew I would lose the argument the second I participated in it. It was better to just let it boil over. Snapping at her in front of my colleagues was a stupid idea.

  “Seriously, you need to loosen up,” she said. “Just let it go.”

  “Let it go?” I asked incredulously. “You just waltzed in here and started acting like you’re better than everyone.”

  “It’s not my fault I’m a better fighter and instructor than you are.”

  My eyes widened in anger. “Someone’s cocky.”

  “Someone’s honest,” she snapped.

  Chan sighed while he watched us bicker back and forth. “Let’s just calm down and try to have a nice meal together.”

  “Then duct-tape her mouth shut,” I said quietly.

  Alex stared me down for a full minute, her eyes drilling into my face. “I’m sick of this. You want to settle this the way we started it?”

  I locked my gaze with hers.

  “I challenge you to a match. The loser owes the winner an apology—in front of everyone.”

  That sounded good to me. “I won’t go easy on you this time.”

  “You didn’t last time either.”

  Gerald gasped. “Oooh…”

  “You’re on,” I said.

  Alex turned back to Chan and fell into a quiet conversation.

  I waved down the waiter and ordered myself a double. I’d need one to get through the night.


  At the end of the night, Gerald helped Alex put all her gifts in the trunk of her car. I didn’t offer any help since I despised her. If it were anyone else, even Deana, I would have. But not for Alex.

  After every gift was crammed inside, Gerald walked back to his car then took off. Alex got inside her Honda then looked at me. A scowl was on her face, a look she reserved for me alone.

  I ignored her then got into my truck. I just wanted to go home and watch TV, something to get my mind off the horrible night. I put the key in then turned the ignition. The motor wouldn’t turn over at all. I did it again but nothing happened. The truck was totally dead.

  What the hell? It wasn’t even that old. I got out and popped the hood. After investigating for a few minutes, I realized the battery was dead. When I arrived at the restaurant, I must have forgotten to turn off my headlights during my blind rage. I would have to jump start it. But who would jump me?

  “Having car trouble?” Alex’s deep and feminine voice came into my ear.

  I turned to her, not amused. “No, I just like hanging out in parking lots.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest then eyed my engine.

  “Go away,” I said. “I don’t need your help.”

  “Your battery is dead.”

  I turned to her, surprised. “How did you know that?”

  Her eyes narrowed in annoyance. “I can tell.” She walked to the driver’s seat then tried to turn it on. “The motor won’t even turn. You must have left your lights on.”

  This girl was really getting under my skin.

  She gave me her familiar scowl. “Yes, women know stuff about cars too.”

  “Well, I figured that out on my own. Thanks.”

  “Well, you won’t be able to jump it on your own...” She leaned against the s
ide of the car and stared me down. Her long legs were noticeable under her dress because it only reached her thighs. Black pumps were on her feet, making her a little taller than normal. Her chest was prominent in the dress, and even her blazer couldn’t hide that. A silver watch was on her wrist, and her eyes were dark with make up. She looked like a bombshell, a knockout. But her beauty only pissed me off. She manipulated the men around her with her appearance. That was the only reason why Chan gave her the job. It irritated me every time I thought about it.

  “I’ll call my friend to give me a jump. Thanks but no thanks.”

  “But I’m right here…” She nodded to her car. “Just a few feet away.”

  I knew what she was doing. She was enjoying every second of my ordeal. She was gloating, loving the fact I was stranded. My misery heightened her happiness. “I don’t want your help,” I snapped.

  “You’re a sad man.” She shook her head slightly. “I keep trying to get along with you but you won’t budge.”

  “Get along with me?” I asked incredulously. “That’s what you call it?”

  “You’re that mad I beat you in a spar?” she asked incredulously. “Seriously? Get over yourself.” She rolled her eyes.

  “It’s not about that,” I hissed. “It’s the fact you’re manipulating everyone around you. You mislead people and lie. You know I let you win. Don’t act like you’re oblivious to that fact. I was a perfect gentleman to you. You’re lucky I didn’t give you everything I had unless you wanted more broken legs.”

  “Manipulating?” she asked with a laugh. “Being nice and pleasant to be around is not manipulating. Maybe you should give it a try sometime. And no, you didn’t go easy on me. I won because I’m better than you. I’m stronger, faster, and have more experience. Don’t pull that crap.”

  I hated arguing with her. My blood pressure went up and so did my desire to strangle her. “Get lost.”

  “Just let me help you, prick.”

  “I’m not a prick.”

  “You should look up the definition. You obviously don’t know what that word means.”

  I gripped my truck and tried not to scream. “You think just because you’re hot shit you can get whatever you want? You make all the other guys fall in love with you but that shit isn’t going to work on me.”

  “Hot shit?” she asked. “So, you think I’m hot?” She shifted her weight and smiled.


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