You Have My Heart

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You Have My Heart Page 16

by E. L. Todd

  She gave me a seductive grin. “Slade, stop talking.”

  I bit my lip while I moved inside her. I had to put all my effort into not climaxing in order to keep going. “Okay.”

  “Still talking…”

  I growled then shut my mouth, staring at the woman underneath me. She was the sexiest thing in the world, and she was the greatest friend I’d ever known. She understood me like no one else. Never in my life had I been happy like this. Even though it was hard not having our privacy and our relationship was strained, we pulled through and clung to each other even more.

  Even though Cayson had left Skye three months ago, I knew he was still suffering. And I felt terrible for him. If Trinity did that to me, I wouldn’t be able to go on. I had a relationship that could survive anything, and despite all my harshness and coldness, she still loved me. She loved me no matter what.

  Trinity hit her climax and bit her lip so she wouldn’t scream. “Slade…”

  I loved it when she said my name. “Say it again.”

  “Slade,” she whispered.

  I leaned over her while I rocked into her. “Who’s inside you right now?”

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips close to mine. “You…just you.”

  I kissed her gently while I rocked into her. My aggression died out and I took her slowly. I wanted this to last as long as possible. I would make love to her all night if I could.

  Trinity kissed me passionately, her tongue dancing with mine.

  Whenever we were together, our souls touched. I could feel hers, feel the overwhelming passion and love. She was the best sex I ever had before I fell in love with her, and now that she was the love of my life, the sex was explosive. My heart bled for her, it beat for her, and it would die if she left.

  She broke our kiss and looked into my eyes. “Come for me.”

  I pumped into her harder, excited for the grand finale. I love releasing inside her, knowing I was the only guy who’d ever been allowed to. I breathed hard and sweat dripped down my chest.

  Her hand moved through my hair and she gave me a look full of love. “Almost there…”

  She pushed me over the edge and I made my final thrusts inside her. I depleted myself within her and held on tight. The pleasure was greater than normal because it’d been so long since I last had her.

  When I was finished, I held onto her and buried my face into her neck. “I feel better now.”

  Her hands moved up my back, massaging me. “I feel bad for your dad.”

  “Why?” I asked, half asleep.

  “He probably uses this desk…”

  I chuckled. “It’s not our problem.”


  “Come on,” I said. “You’re being annoying.” We stood outside my building while people passed us on the sidewalk. Trinity was about to get into her car and drive home.

  “I just don’t think it’s a good idea. My dad will know where I am and that’s just awkward.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Who cares? You really think he has no idea we were shacking up before and doing it like bunnies?”

  She cringed. “Stop, it’s grossing me out.”

  “Trinity, I just want to sleep with you. I haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep in three months. That’s all I want.” I missed her weight on my chest and the way we snuggled in bed. My arm was around her waist and I held her close to me, not letting her slip away. It completely threw off my routine. Sleeping in separate beds was extremely irritating.

  She shook her head. “No, we’ll have to wait until we get our own apartment. I really don’t want to walk through the front door and do the walk of shame right in front of my dad.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I hate you sometimes.”

  “I always hate you.”

  We said a lot of mean things to each other but we never meant them. “I’ll sneak into your room then.”

  “Um, sorry?” She looked at me like I was crazy.

  “I’ll sneak into your room then leave before your dad gets up.”

  She looked like she just witnessed a crime. “My dad is finally on good terms with you and accepts you as my boyfriend. You really want to risk that?”

  “He won’t see me.”

  “He has an alarm on the house.”

  “Disable it and let me in.”

  She shifted her weight, looking uncomfortable. “It’s so disrespectful.”

  “No, it’s not,” I hissed. “I’m not going to have sex with you. I’m just going to sleep with you in my arms. It’s totally different.”

  She sighed. “I don’t know…”

  “It’s going to happen.” I was putting my foot down. “My place or yours. Pick.”

  “Pick?” she asked incredulously. “I don’t have to do anything.”

  “You bet your ass you do.” I bore my eyes into hers. “Now decide. I don’t give a shit what your dad thinks of me.”

  “Yes, you do,” she interrupted. “I know you’re frustrated and I understand that. Believe me, I feel the same way. But be patient…”

  “No,” I hissed. “This is going to happen.”

  She sighed, knowing I wouldn’t change my mind. “I have an idea.”

  “I’m all ears.” At least she was making an effort.

  “I’ll ask him if you can sleep over.”

  Did I hear her right?

  “And we’ll sleep on the couch together, not behind a closed door.”

  “Uh…no. Stupid idea. I’ll just sneak in.”

  “Slade, my dad is like Batman, okay? He knows everything.” She gave me a knowing look. “At least when it comes to his house. I really don’t think we should try to pull something on him.”

  “We fooled everyone at the ski lodge,” I argued.

  “But no one knew we were together. It’s totally different.”

  The couch would be uncomfortable. I wanted to lay naked in a bed with her, feeling her skin touch mine. But I was desperate. “I don’t want to do that.”

  “Well, that’s the only thing I’m willing to do.”

  I sighed in annoyance. “Now I really hate you. Not in a joking way.”

  “And I can’t stand you,” she hissed. “What’s new?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “What’s it going to be?”

  “That’s really all you’re giving me to work with?”


  I fisted my hair in agitation. “Fine.”

  “Okay, I’ll ask him.”

  “And what will I do in the meantime?”

  “Wait for my call.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a quick kiss. “Bye.”

  I growled as I watched her get into her car and take off.


  He said yes.

  He did? Are you sure?

  Yes, I’m sure. I could hear her annoyance even through a text. But he said we have to stay in the living room.

  I didn’t want to snuggle on a couch but I’d take what I could get. Okay. When can I come over?

  Whenever you want. Sooner the better.

  I’ll be there in twenty minutes.

  Okay. Bring pajamas.

  I was irritated I wouldn’t be naked. I grabbed a bag and a few things before I headed to the door.

  “Where are you going?” my mother asked.


  She was making a salad at the kitchen island. “Now that you live at home, you have to tell me what you’re up to.”

  “Whether I live at home or not, I’m an adult. So no, I don’t have to.”

  She stopped slicing the tomatoes and gave me a scowl. A shiny chopping knife was in her hand, gleaming under the fluorescent lights.

  My dad was watching TV with a beer in his hand. “Just answer her, son. You’ll save time.”

  “And limbs,” my mom added.

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m sleeping at Trinity’s tonight. I’ll be at work in the morning.”

  “Whoa, hold on.” My mom left the knife on the
cutting board. “Do you want to get shot?”

  “Mike said it was okay,” I added in a rush. “I’ll be sleeping on the couch.”

  “Why are you sleeping there at all?” my dad asked.

  “I just want to.” I shrugged it off.

  “And I like dealing with criminals at work,” my dad said sarcastically.

  “Whatever,” I said. “That’s where I’m going. Leave me alone.”

  “You better not be late to work tomorrow,” my dad threatened.

  “I know,” I snapped. “I’m sure something needs to be cleaned.” I walked out and slammed the door then headed to Connecticut.

  When I reached their mansion, I parked in the massive driveway then headed to the front door. My bag was over one shoulder. I felt like a child about to attend a sleepover. All I needed was my ninja turtles pajamas and I would be set.

  Before I knocked on the door, Trinity answered it. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” It was hard not to smile when I saw her face. She was the light of my life, the only thing that could take me out of a bad mood. “Come in.”

  I stepped inside then left my bag in the entryway.

  “What did you bring?” she asked.

  “Clothes for tomorrow.”

  “I hope you brought pajamas,” she whispered.

  I didn’t bother responding.

  “Slade?” Mike’s voice carried from the kitchen.

  I sighed then looked at Trinity. “Here it goes…”

  “It’ll be fine.” She grabbed my hand and walked with me into the kitchen.

  “Hello, Slade.” Cassandra hugged me then kissed me on the cheek. “It’s nice to see you.”

  “It’s nice to see you too.” I returned the embrace then stepped away.

  “Please join us for dinner.” She had a bright smile like Trinity. Her eyes were just as green.

  “Thank you.” I knew my manners but I hardly used them. Now that Trinity was my girlfriend, I had to actually be polite, unfortunately. “I would love to.”

  “Take a seat.”

  I headed to the table. Mike was sitting down with his brandy next to him. He rose to his full height when I reached him.

  “Good evening, sir.” I extended my hand to shake his.

  He took it. “I like this side of you. You actually have manners.”

  I smirked. “I can be pretty charming when I try.”

  “I guess it makes it more meaningful.” He returned to his chair then watched me.

  I moved to the seat beside Trinity. “Is this seat taken?”

  “By you.” She gave me a nice smile so I wouldn’t be nervous.

  I sat beside her then moved my hand to her thigh, being affectionate with her like I usually was.

  “How’s the shop?” Mike asked.

  “Good. But my dad isn’t letting me do anything fun.”

  “You’re an apprentice,” he said. “You’re not supposed to do anything fun.”

  “I’m realizing that…”

  Cassandra set the table and poured three glasses of wine. Mike stuck to his brandy.

  After we all sat down, we began to eat.

  “This is really good, Mrs. Preston. Thank you for making it.”

  Trinity stared at her food but couldn’t stop smiling.

  Cassandra chuckled. “You’re very sweet, dear. But if I told your mother you were capable of giving a compliment, she wouldn’t be pleased.”

  “My mom knows I like her cooking,” I said. “I show her by eating it. I don’t need to compliment her.”

  “It doesn’t hurt,” she said quietly. “And don’t call me Mrs. Preston. Cassandra is more than fine, Slade.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  Mike ate his food, glancing at me a few times. He didn’t make his look unknown. Sometimes the look was threatening and other times it wasn’t. “So, why do you want to sleep here?”

  I figured he already had this conversation with Trinity. But I guess he wanted to have it with me too. “I want to sleep with her. I miss it.” I didn’t sugarcoat it or downplay my meaning. He wasn’t stupid. He obviously knew I slept with her every single night before we moved back home. I wasn’t going to be a pussy and deny it.

  Mike ate his food and hid his thoughts. His eyes were cryptic and difficult to read. “That’s it? Just sleep with her?”

  I knew what he was asking. “Yes, sir.” I kept my hand on her thigh. “I haven’t slept more than a few hours at a time in the past three months.”

  “Awe…” Cassandra smiled while she picked at her salad.

  “Maybe you should get a real job so you can get your own place.” He drank his brandy while he stared at me.

  I took the insult in stride. Mike and I got along and he accepted me for his daughter, but that didn’t mean he would stop being protective of her. “I’m going to take over the second shop. However, there are a lot of things I need to learn first.”

  “However?” my dad asked with a smirk. “Whoa…someone knows big words.”

  I took the hit and didn’t snap. “I did receive a bachelor’s from Harvard…”

  “That your dad paid for…and who’s giving you a business you didn’t even earn.”

  I would always be polite to Trinity’s family because I loved her so damn much, but I had my limits. And I had reached them for the night. “You’re one to talk. You inherited a billion dollar company from your dad without doing any work to earn it.”

  He put his glass down and annoyance burned in his eyes.

  Cassandra placed her hand over his. “You started it, babe.”

  That seemed to calm him down slightly. He unclenched his jaw.

  “If you have a problem with me sleeping here, I’ll leave. I didn’t try to go behind your back and sneak in, and I didn’t ask Trinity to leave the house. I told you what I wanted from the beginning.”

  “No. Actually, she did. You didn’t ask me a damn thing.” His eyes narrowed on my face.

  “Then I’ll ask now. Can I sleep on the couch with your daughter? If your answer is no, I’ll leave.”

  Trinity sighed. “Dad, you really need to knock off your attitude. Mom and I are getting sick of it.”

  That seemed to bring him back to earth. When it came to his girls, he was soft. He’d do anything they asked. “I apologize for my rudeness, Slade. Trinity is my little girl. When it comes to her, I’ll always be…unpleasant.”

  “Good,” I said. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  He gave me a look I’d never seen before. Approval and appreciation shined in his eyes. Then he looked down at his food and ate quietly.

  Trinity squeezed my hand encouragingly then picked at her food. Most of her plate was untouched, and she only ate a small amount. Her mom was the same way. The only person who seemed to have an appetite in the family was Conrad.

  After dinner was finished, Cassandra carried the plates to the sink.

  “It was excellent, baby.” Mike kissed her cheek.

  “Thanks.” She gave him a special smile then turned on the water.

  I came beside her then grabbed a plate and started washing it. “Let me help you.”

  “You’re sweet, dear. But don’t worry about it.” She took the plate back. “Join the others in the living room.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded then glanced over her shoulder, seeing that we were alone. “For what it’s worth, I love you for my little girl.” Her eyes twinkled when she looked at me fondly. “Don’t let that bear scare you off.”

  My heart flooded with warmth at her words. I usually only got approval when I worked my ass off for it. Cassandra gave it to me freely and with a smile. “Thank you. It means a lot.”

  “Of course, Slade.” She turned back to the dishes and began to scrub.

  I headed into the living room. Mike was in the individual recliner, and Trinity sat on the couch.

  “Baby, can you grab me a blanket on your way?” she asked.

  I grabbed one from the cabinet
then came beside her. Then I pulled the blanket over both of us. She snuggled into my lap just like she would do if we were home alone. Her head rested against my chest and she wrapped her body with mine, not caring if her father was there.

  We watched a family movie on TV and waited for the time to go by. It was nice doing something with her family as her boyfriend, not just her friend or acquaintance. I felt like a part of her family in a new way.

  When it got late, Mike and Cassandra headed to bed.

  “Extra blankets are in the closet,” Cassandra said. She closed a few curtains then headed up the stairs.

  Mike checked the house alarm then came back to me. “Good night.”

  “Good night, sir.”

  “All you should be doing is sleeping,” he said in a deep voice. “If I find out otherwise, you won’t be invited over again.” He gave me a look that told me he was dead serious.

  “Of course, sir.”

  He nodded then kissed Trinity on the forehead. “Good night, honey.”

  “Night, Daddy.”

  He headed up the stairs and disappeared.

  Finally, I got to sleep with my girl in my arms. I’d been looking forward to this for so long. I was so excited that I didn’t want to sleep at all.

  “I’m going to change into something comfortable,” she said. “You should do the same while I’m gone.”


  After she left, I changed into basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Normally, I slept in the nude so it was odd to sleep in clothes. But as long as she was with me, I didn’t care. I had to pick my battles.

  She returned wearing one of my t-shirts and my old sweatpants. She jacked them from me when we were leaving her house in Cambridge.

  I smirked. “You look cute in my clothes.”

  She held the shirt to her nose. “It still smells like you a little bit.”

  “In the morning, I’ll switch you. This one will stink like me by tomorrow.”

  “How generous of you.” She straddled my hips and sat on my lap.

  My cock immediately hardened, remembering our routine when we lived together.

  This was a bad idea.

  I rolled her to the couch then lay beside her. “Don’t tempt me, baby.”

  “I wasn’t.” She cupped my face and gave me a slow and deliberate kiss.

  I melted at her touch and gave in for a moment, fantasizing about her quiet moans when I made love to her. I forced myself to snap out of it. “You’re doing it again.”


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