It hadn't been easy and there were plenty of dark times. Cutting the ties with Troy had been harder than he could ever imagine. After all was said and done, Troy was still his big brother and he loved him, and sometimes it's harder to say no to those who are closer to you.
These days Drew drank nothing stronger than coffee and cringed at popping so much as an aspirin. The one habit he'd found impossible to break however, was women. His life was a succession of one girlfriend after another and a lot of them bore more than a passing resemblance to Aisley Brannon. He was well aware of this and it bothered him a bit, but he seemed incapable of doing much about it.
Right now he was single, and found he could barely tear his eyes away from Bliss Anderson. She was standing on the other side of Brice. She didn't look like Aisley, but she was gorgeous nonetheless, like a super-model really, with that long blonde hair that he remembered from high school. It reached her waist. The only downside was that these days she was a single parent. She had a kid … an eight year old boy who was playing with some other children on the sand nearby. But hey, worse things could happen. He seemed like a nice lad. She'd obviously done a good job with him.
Bliss chose that moment to look around and Drew turned on his most winning smile. When she smiled back he stepped casually around Brice to talk to her. He'd been single for a month and that was way too long for Drew King.
Ela and Ravi Sarin emerged from the cave that led up to Sheldon's Seat. Chandra's sister Aasha and her boyfriend were with them, and Aasha was turning as many heads as she ever did.
When Chandra and Archie ambled out of the cave a minute later, a spontaneous smattering of applause went up. Chandra just grinned, but Archie went to town bowing and waving his arms about. 'Thank you, thank you,' he called. 'I'd be nowhere without you, my adoring fans.'
Chandra and Archie joined Stewart, Neve and the others. Stewart put an arm around Chandra and hugged him. 'Told you,' he said.
'You're hooked.'
'We were out on our boards,' Stewart said, leaning back against an outcrop of rock. 'Year ten. You asked me if I'd checked out the new chick.'
Chandra started to smile, his teeth white against his brown skin.
'What's her name?' Stewart gazed off into the distance. 'Ashley? Aisley? Whatever.' He winked at Chandra. 'I guess that addictive Sarin charm worked its magic after all.'
Chandra laughed and shook his head. 'How can you even remember that, man? Your memory is freakin' phenomenal!'
Stewart shrugged. 'Hey,' he said. 'I teach history. It's my job to remember things.' They hugged again, and exchanged a complex male handshake ritual that left Neve blinking in dismay before Chandra moved on to Lucan.
A universal awwww went up from the gathering as Cate and Freya appeared on the beach. Even though both of them were stunningly pretty in apple green watered silk, it was the two children with them who drew the 'cute' attention. Cate and Archie's four year old twins, Daisy and Louis were each clutching one of their mother's hands and looking at the crowd with awe.
Archie's prophecy from years' earlier about three kids named Ting-Ting, Wing-Wang, and Bob had not come to pass, but neither he nor Cate cared in light of the reality that was their beautiful children.
Daisy was wearing a little dress like her mother's, and Louis had a tuxedo with a bow tie to match. They looked adorable and it had taken the combined efforts of both Cate and Freya to keep them neat and clean all the way down the tunnel. They wanted to stop and crawl around and play.
'Later,' Cate kept saying. 'Daddy will bring you up here later.' Now she caught Archie's eye across the sand and pulled a face at him. He pulled one back at her and then poked his tongue out at his kids, making them both giggle.
Cate and Archie had married two years after school ended, and Cate got pregnant blisteringly fast. The twins were born when their parents were barely twenty-one. By then, Archie had his DJ business up and running, and it was more successful than he'd ever dreamed. He was a natural and in great demand. He and Cate had a small, noisy, completely happy home in Seamere West, very close to Chandra's parents, and life was good.
Chandra and Archie stood side by side in front of the plaque above the rocky outcrop.
Cariad Lili Bay
Where our hearts shall dwell forever more
The celebrant waited patiently a couple of metres away.
'Got that ring?' Chandra hissed to Archie.
Archie patted his pocket and looked stricken. 'Um…'
'Arch! What the hell!'
Archie pulled the silver Celtic band out and held it aloft. 'Ta da!' Then he fumbled it, almost dropped it and retrieved it. He grinned bashfully at Chandra.
Chandra took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 'Okay,' he said. He fixed his gaze firmly on the entrance to the cave. 'Now all I need is Aisley.'
Across the beach, Shay Brannon emerged from the cave with Wade. Wade was twenty one now, a good looking young man with the same chestnut shade of hair as Aisley. Like Lucan, he was an engineer and he had recently returned from three months working in Dubai. On the other side of him and looking pretty in pink, was his girlfriend, Rosie Fry, Willa's sister. The three of them passed Cate, Freya and the twins, who were waiting near the cave entrance and went to stand with the rest of the gathering.
Chandra watched as his mum and Shay shared a hug. Butterflies danced in his stomach. This was really happening. He wasn't nervous, but he was excited.
Years of study, and long days without time even for a decent conversation, but they'd made it out the other side. Who knew where the future would take them but one thing was certain. He was going to marry her before they went any further.
Aisley walked out of the cave and on to the sand of Cariad Lili Bay Beach. She was leaning on Grant's arm but she may as well be floating on air, because that's how she felt.
Cariad Lili Bay Beach, Lily and Michael's special place … Neve's special place. Aisley turned her face up to the sun and closed her eyes. Her and Chandra's special place too. Everybody was gazing at her and she gazed back at them through the gauze of her veil.
Chandra was standing ahead of her on the sand, near the plaque as they'd planned. Her green eyes met his brown ones and he smiled his easy smile, the one that still made butterflies dance in her tummy. He was her soul-mate, half of her. He always had been and he always would be.
Cate gave Daisy a little push, knowing she would lead and Louis would follow. 'Go on,' she whispered. 'Just like how we practised. Remember? Just walk slowly, all the way to daddy, in front of Auntie Ais, okay?'
'Kay!' chirped Daisy, prancing in front of Aisley. Sure enough, her brother followed suit.
'So far, so good,' Cate muttered to Aisley as she stepped behind her and picked up a corner of her train. 'Now go, quick! Before the urchins lose interest.'
Freya picked up the other corner of the train and she chuckled. 'Ah, they're little darlings,' she said. 'They've got the crowd on their side.'
It was true. Every eye was on the twins as they marched solemnly towards Archie. Until Aisley started to walk, that was, and then every eye was on her.
She'd chosen white because it was traditional and she liked tradition. Her strapless, silk gown had been designed and made by Aasha. It swept the sand demurely but its one concession was the provocative slit up the side which showed off her legs when she moved. Her feet were bare. Heels and sand don't go together. Beneath her veil, her long chestnut hair had been coaxed into some semblance of order. A few curls around her hairline escaped, as always, but those she could put up with. She wore silver chains around her wrists and ankles that jingled prettily. Her only other jewellery was the jade heart on its silver chain that Chandra had given her when they were sixteen. It lay against her throat and caught the sunlight as she turned her head to smile at her family and friends.
When she and Grant arrived at the plaque, her father plonked her hand into Chandra's, all business. 'There you go mate,'
he said, slapping him on the shoulder. 'Do a good job.' He sauntered over to Shay, ignoring the incredulous look on his wife's face.
After the general laughter he'd caused subsided, the ceremony began. Chandra linked his fingers comfortably through Aisley's and she leaned happily against him. It wasn't time for him to kiss the bride just yet, but she felt his lips graze the top of her head all the same.
It was late afternoon and wedding guests were scattered all over Cariad Lili Bay Beach, relaxing and enjoying the informal reception that Aisley and Chandra had insisted on having. Some people were standing about. Others were sitting on picnic rugs or perched on rocks. The champagne flowed, the beer was cold, and the finger food that Shay and Ela had made over the past week was disappearing fast.
The bride and groom sat with their friends while little Daisy, Louis and Lily built sandcastles nearby, their wedding clothes filthy.
'They're never going to go to sleep tonight,' groaned Cate. 'They're all hyped up on sugar and excitement.'
'Ah, don't worry about it,' Archie said. He scoffed a handful of Ela's samosas. 'All bets are off tonight.'
Neve shifted around to get more comfy and Stewart looked at her. 'Alright babe?' he asked.
She pulled a face, one hand on her enormous tummy. 'Oh, I will be,' she said. 'In about a fortnight's time.'
He moved closer. 'Lean against me,' he suggested considerately.
'Toby's lovely,' Aisley told Lucan. 'Thanks for bringing him.'
'Thanks for inviting him.' Lucan gazed fondly at Toby who was sitting on a rock nearby discussing the best way to cook mince pies with Cate's mum and Stewart's dad. 'He's in his element.'
'Can you guys stay long?' Freya begged, grabbing his hand. 'Please say yes.' She and Lucan were still best friends, despite living states apart these days.
'Only tomorrow,' Lucan said, making her pout. 'But don't worry.' He gestured at Neve. 'We'll be back again soon to meet the newest addition to the Thomas household.'
Aisley gazed around at the people on the beach. 'Check out Drew's form,' she said. 'Some things never change.'
He stood close by drinking a Fanta and casting lingering looks at Bliss Anderson while Brice and Wade played an impromptu game of soccer with eight year old Matthew.
Chandra had discarded his jacket ages ago and his shirt was untucked. 'Bliss is in a good place as well,' he said. 'And that's down to you, Ais.'
'I'll drink to that,' said Archie, draining his beer glass.
'Whatever the reason,' said Aisley. 'I'm glad her and Matthew are okay.' She unfastened her veil and took it off.
Chandra combed his fingers through her long hair, shaking it out. 'Gorgeous,' he murmured.
She threw him a look hot enough to melt the sun. 'Thank you Doctor Sarin,' she said.
'You're welcome, Mrs Sarin,' he replied and they grinned at each other in delight.
'So,' Stewart said. 'What's the plan then?'
'Flying to Costa Rica tomorrow night,' said Chandra, still playing with Aisley's hair. 'Two weeks of honeymoon bliss in Tamarindo. Then onto Afghanistan to do relief work for a year.'
'No kidding!' gasped Lucan. This was the first he'd heard of it, living interstate as he did. 'You're going to be a doctor in a war zone?'
Chandra nodded.
'That's … that's pretty brave of you.'
'I'm not brave,' Chandra said. 'I'm a big wuss about it actually. But I just feel …' he stopped and looked at Aisley steadily. 'We just feel like it's something worth doing. We can go together, and we can both do some good. I dunno.' He shrugged and smiled at Lucan. 'I'd like to try to make a difference, is all.'
'And you will,' said Neve. She shifted and leaned against Stewart once more. 'You both will.'
'Just come home alive,' said Archie, stabbing his finger at them. 'That's all I'm asking. If you don't I'll be pissed off like you won't believe.'
'Oh, we'll come home alive,' Aisley assured him. She nodded at the playing children. 'We wouldn't mind having some of those.'
Cate snorted. 'You can have ours if you like.' Everyone laughed.
Neve shifted again. She really was having trouble staying comfortable. 'This baby,' she groaned. 'It keeps grinding its head against my bladder.'
Lucan looked appalled. 'That sounds awful,' he said.
'Better believe it,' she muttered. 'I just need to stand up for a minute.' She struggled to get to her feet and it took the combined efforts of Stewart and Freya to get her there. 'Oh that's better,' she said putting her hands on the small of her back and massaging her spine. 'Hey look, you have a late guest.'
Aisley turned to look and she saw a man emerge from the cave entrance. He was tall and slim, with white blonde hair that fell across one eye. He stopped, obviously unsure about the large gathering in front of him.
'Who's that?' she wondered. 'Chandra? Do you know him?'
Chandra frowned. 'I dunno,' he said. 'He doesn't look familiar.'
'Maybe he took a wrong turn,' Archie suggested.
'What?' Cate demanded. 'In the Brannon's kitchen?'
Freya chuckled. 'It's okay,' she said. 'He's hot. We don't mind hot guys getting lost and turning up here, right Neve?'
Neve didn't answer.
Aisley looked at her. Neve's face was white. Her mouth was a perfect o and one hand was clutching at her stomach.
'Omigod Neve!' Aisley cried, gathering her wedding gown up so she could scramble to her feet. 'Are you in labour?'
Neve closed her mouth and opened it again.
Cate jumped up too, flapping her hands about. The twins gaped up at their mother in astonishment as she danced from foot to foot. 'Chandra!' she squawked. 'Quick! Do your doctor thingee!'
'I don't think …' Chandra began, but before he could go any further Neve ran off as fast as a heavily pregnant woman can run, straight across the sand towards the stranger.
'What the hell?' Archie blinked. 'Did I miss something here?'
Out of all of them, Stewart was the only one not looking completely confused and Aisley narrowed her eyes at him.
'What do you know that we don't, Stewart Thomas?' she demanded.
He just smiled and scooped up little Lily into his arms. He planted a big kiss on her round cheek. 'You'll see,' he said mysteriously.
Across the beach near the cave, Neve threw herself into the arms of the newcomer. He'd been ready for her too, and now they were hugging like they couldn't stop. He held her at arm's length, his face a picture of pure joy before pulling her back into a hug again.
The light bulb came on over Aisley's head. 'Oh my goodness,' she breathed. She stared at Stewart again. 'It's Dillon, isn't it?'
'Who?' That was Archie.
'Sure is,' Stewart said, rocking Lily back and forth in his arms and making her squeal.
'Dillon?' Chandra stood up. 'Her brother?'
'Really?' Freya was confused. 'I don't understand.'
'Join the freakin' club,' Archie muttered.
Aisley briefly explained about Neve's long lost brother. 'When her dad left her mum, he took Dillon with him. She's been searching for him for years. She hasn't seen him since she was twelve.'
'That's incredible,' said Cate. 'But what's he doing here?'
'I found him.' Everyone looked at Stewart. 'I managed to track him down.' Lily wriggled to be put down and her father obliged. She scampered back to the twins. 'It wasn't easy,' he admitted. 'Plus I wanted to keep it secret, as a surprise. But find him I did, and here he is.'
'And you knew he'd come here today?' Cate was amazed.
'Oh yes,' Stewart said serenely. 'Dillon and I have had this planned for weeks. He wanted to be here in time for the baby.'
Aisley beamed. 'You beautiful man,' she said. 'What a wonderful thing to do.'
Stewart grinned. 'I love her,' he said simply. 'I'd do anything for her. Really, it's no biggie.'
But it really was a biggie, and the proof of that was written all over Neve's face when she dragged Dillon back to meet everyone. It was in
the expression she wore when she kissed Stewart and told him she loved him, and that if she lived forever she'd always be grateful for the day she met him.
Because that was the day her life began.
The next day, before they left for the airport to fly to Costa Rica for their honeymoon, Chandra and Aisley walked down the gravel Loch Hill road.
It was a lovely day, with blue sky and lots of gulls circling above the sea. Chandra took Aisley's hand, linking his fingers through hers, and they made their way along the track to the Seamere Surf Beach. They strolled to the water's edge and looked out over the ocean.
'Surf's up,' she commented. 'There's a huge swell, and just look at those tubes!' She grinned. 'Am I saying all the right things?'
He grinned too, lifting her hand and kissing it. 'You've got the lingo down pat. Just throw in a few rips and a duck dive and we'll put you in a wetsuit and stick you on a long board.'
'Not happening.'
'Never say never.'
'Believe me, Chandra. I'm saying never.'
He raised his eyebrows at her. 'You might think differently when you see Playa Avellanas in a few days' time.'
'Seriously doubt it.'
'Says you!'
'Says me.'
He gave up arguing and wrestled her to the sand instead where he proceeded to tickle her mercilessly. By the time he had her firmly in his lap with his arms tight around her, she was weak from laughing. She leaned her face against his neck and they sat in companionable silence for a while, contemplating the ocean, each lost in their own thoughts. After a while, she traced the shape of his face with her fingers.
'I told you I'd go anywhere with you,' she said. 'And now I am.'
'Even into a war zone,' he said.
'Even into a war zone,' she echoed.
'It won't be pretty.'
'Nothing about war is pretty, but that's no excuse not to go.'
He nodded and brushed her hair back from her face. 'We'll see things that will stay with us forever,' he continued. 'Sad things and terrible things.'
Caught Inside Page 24