Once Upon a Time

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by Jenika Snow

  Once Upon a Time

  Twisted Fairytales: Vol 1

  Jenika Snow

  Once Upon a Time


  [email protected]

  Published by Jenika Snow

  Copyright © 2014 by Jenika Snow

  Kindle Edition

  First E-book Publication: October 2014

  Cover design by Jenika Snow

  Stock image ID: 9512853 Kondrad Bak

  Edited by Kasi Alexander

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  WARNING: This story contains themes some readers may find offensive, including sexual and graphic content. This is not a romance. There are four short stories included in this collection that do not have traditional happily ever after endings.

  Her Beast

  Low on money and needing to help her ill sister, Belle joins an elite escort service. Although being with strange men sexually is not something she would have ever thought she’d be doing, Belle is desperate.

  Her first night on the job lands her in the home of elusive businessman Jackson “The Beast” Brass. He’s a man she has lusted after quietly for the last year, but she knows they could have never been together in more than a professional way. But tonight anything goes.

  Although still one of the wealthiest men in the country, Jackson now isolates himself due to being badly scarred from an automobile accident. He knows who Belle is, and has wanted her for longer than he cares to admit. He just hopes she’s ready to experience the darker side of pleasure, because tonight Jackson will give her more than she can handle.

  Little Beauty

  After passing out at a frat party, Daniella wakes to find herself in a strange bedroom. Frightened at what happened to her, she realizes she isn’t alone, but in the apartment of her chemistry professor, a man that frightens and arouses her.

  Grey Dawson has had his eye on Daniella for the last several months. Some would say he was obsessed, but Grey knew what he felt. They were true and real emotions, and Daniella needed to realize that she felt them, too. He watches her, knows her schedule, and when their eyes lock he knows she has to feel the same way that he does. Grey will not stop until he possesses her completely. He just doesn’t know if he can stop himself from going too far.

  Red’s Wolf

  After leaving a costume party drunk, Red gets lost and finds herself deep within the woods that surround her town. With her fear of not knowing where she is comes the realization that she is being stalked. The harder and faster she runs, the more she feels like the prey to a very deadly predator.

  And then she is caught, and she has nowhere to hide. The man that comes out of the darkness is naked, massive in form, and seems feral. He is solely focused on her, yet he doesn’t touch her. The way he watches Red, inhales her scent like he is trying to imprint her into his body, makes her feel shockingly aroused.

  He doesn’t seem to want to hurt her, but to mate with her, like a beast in the wild claiming his woman. Red should be fighting for her life to escape, not submitting to a man that has these kinds of sexual needs moving through her like a violent animal.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Book


  Her Beast

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Little Beauty

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Red’s Wolf

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Where to find Jenika Snow

  She knew she shouldn’t be standing in this penthouse suite, watching the elusive man known as The Beast of Wall Street watch her from the shadows, but this was her job. Belle was obligated to be here, ordered by the escort service to fulfill her first duty in this profession, because the men that would call upon her company were not to be denied. Yes, she would be selling her body for money, and although this was her first actual “job” within the high-class escort company that catered to the wealthy men in LA, she felt out of her element. But she was broke, and could barely feed herself as she sent money home to her sick sister. This would ensure that she would make a substantial amount to support herself and Tabby.

  All of the lights were off in this grand and expensively decorated apartment, but there were a few candles lit on the massively long dining room table, and the lights from the city came through the glass. He sat on a chair in the corner, the shadows not penetrating his huge form, but she knew without seeing him that this man was feared for his appearance as well as his personality. Jackson Brass, or The Beast, as he was known around LA, was horribly scarred from an automobile accident last year.

  Noted as one of the wealthiest men in the city, he used the escort service rarely for female companionship, and didn’t care who knew. She had seen him before his accident, though, when she had been in school and catering to pay her bills. That seemed like ages ago now. At the age of twenty-five she was barely surviving part-time in college—thanks to her student loans—and hoped that this path in her life would help alleviate her troubles.

  “Your punctuality is to be commended,” he said in a deep voice. For the hundredth time since the boss of the company had specify sent her to this job, Belle had questioned why they had sent a newbie here instead of a seasoned pro that would make sure this man had a good time.

  She wasn’t a virgin, but she also had always let the guy take control when it concerned sex. Was she supposed to speak, make the first move, or order him around?

  “I specifically asked for you to come to me bare. Did you obey?” he stated, and she saw this smoke waft around him from the cigar he smoked. The light from the city slashed across his face for a moment, and she get an unobstructed view of the unmarred, attractive face of the man she had lusted after since the moment she had seen him at an event, felt his aura of control and power. The catering jobs she had done for his company on more than one occasion had brought her right up with the elusive and powerful man. He had always been quiet at the functions, but his aura had been one of dominance, control, and she swore when he had glanced at her—obviously in passing and not focusing on her in specific—she had felt this pull of submission toward him. It was illogical, irrational, and made no sense, but she had felt it regardless.

  Now here she was, about to be the sexual toy for this man because he had paid an undisclosed, exponential amount for her body. All she was told was that she was to do what he said, when he said it, and that there were no questions that would be asked by her.

  “You speak English, right?” he said without emotion, and a hint of sarcasm.

  Clearly he didn’t remember her. “Of course I speak English.” She took hold of the ties at her waist, undid the knot, and pushed the knee-length black coat off of her body. She was nude under her jacket, as per his request, and had also made sure to have her pussy waxed, again per his request. She wished she could see him clearly, but all that was visible was the smoke he exhaled from the cigar, and occasionally a swatch of the side of his unscarred face when the light moved across the room.

  “Move to the center of the room so I can see you
better,” he said, his voice a deep, guttural sound that had goose bumps popping out along her flesh.

  She moved over to the section of light that was an ever-present square in the center of the room. There she stood, in nothing at all, but wearing these ridiculous high heels.

  “Turn around.”

  She did as he said.

  “Spread your legs, bend at the waist, and grab your ankles.”

  Her heart was starting to pound fast now, not because she was scared or embarrassed, but because she was aroused. She closed her eyes, picturing him at the last event she had been working at. He had stood on that platform giving a speech to a group of investors, and looking so commanding. Even his voice had demanded obedience, and she couldn’t help but feel that inexplicable pull toward him.

  When she was in the position that he had ordered, she waited for him to respond, or order her to perform some kind of sexual act. She felt anticipated and trepidation when she had come to him, because even after seeing him that last time, she had thought about him on occasion. It also didn’t help to keep her mind off of him when he was a powerhouse in the city.

  “Remove your hands from your ankles, grab your ass cheeks, and pull them apart. I want to see what I’ll be fucking tonight.”

  Her throat constricted, but she didn’t hesitate in complying. With her ass and pussy now on display, and the chill in the air moving along her exposed cleft, she forced herself not to shiver.

  “Stand and face me again,” he said with that bass voice that did something to her insides.

  When she was facing him again she swallowed hard.

  “Did the agency tell you what types of pleasure I like?”

  “They were vague, and just explained I was to do what you said without any question.”

  He didn’t respond, and didn’t move. But he did inhale from his cigar again, blew out the smoke slowly, and then beckoned her forward with a crook of his finger. She took a step forward, but he tsked and she instantly stopped.

  “I take what I want when I want, and will not offer you a safe word, so if you do not wish to continue, this is the one and only time I’ll let you go.” His voice was hard and unyielding. “If you decide to stay you must know that if you say stop, I will keep going. If you tell me no I will bring my hand down on your flesh with more force. Do you understand what I mean?”

  She nodded, but did she really know what she was getting into? Was she stupid enough to actually give in to him in such a way that all of her rights would be taken away, pain was inevitable, and she was to submit her body in the most basic of ways?

  “Good girl.” He stared at her for a second, and then shifted on his seat. “Now, I want you to crawl to me.”

  She stared at him, not sure if she had heard him correctly.

  “You heard me,” he said in a husky voice. “On your hands and knees, and crawl to me.” He rested his forearm on the edge of the chair, and she saw his strong fingers and the cigar that was braced between two of them. “I will not ask you if you want to use your safe word, because frankly I wouldn’t even be giving you that option if it was up to me. But I am not a rapist, not some psychotic bastard, and am giving you that option. Unless you voice Beauty out loud, I will continue, Belle.”

  What was strange was the fact she was aroused right now, wet and needy and she was being ordered to crawl to him like a damn dog. But she kept her mouth shut, didn’t argue or deny him, because she was here for his pleasure alone. On her hands and knees now, her ass was in the air and her tits hung freely. Belle took a steadying breath and started to move toward him. The length of the hard, cold flooring between them seemed like miles in this position, but she moved slowly, and kept her focus on him.

  The hard floor was cold and unforgiving, but she blocked out the discomfort and focused on the man in front of her, this dark, devilishly scarred man that had probably paid a good chunk of money for her.

  “I like pain with my pleasure, spanking and restraining, and a lot of screaming out,” he said and she actually flinched. She wasn’t into that kind of sex, the kind that would leave marks on her body, and make her so sore between her thighs that she would wince every time she moved. But Belle couldn’t lie and say that the thought of The Beast slapping her ass until it hurt, or pounding himself into her until she cried out for him to stop, didn’t arouse her.

  “Does that frighten you, Belle?”

  Belle stopped, surprised he knew her name. At the agency they used nicknames, never legal names, but he knew her.

  “I didn’t tell you to stop,” he said with a hard bite in his voice.

  She continued to move forward, telling herself that he obviously had the means to find out who was coming to his home. When she was right before him she looked at his face, but saw nothing but icy composure. Her mouth instantly went dry when he went for the belt of his slacks. The side of his face that was scarred was still covered by shadows, and her throat constricted, knowing that despite what she knew that side looked like, she wanted him so desperately she couldn’t breathe.

  Once he had his belt undone he pulled his zipper down. It was erotically sick, the way he pulled his erection out through only the flap, not even bothering to undo the button, and started stroking himself up and down slowly.

  “Do you know who I am?” he asked, but the way he said it was almost like he was toying with her.

  “Everyone in this state knows who you are.”

  She saw the way the corner of his mouth cocked up in a grin, but it was almost evil in nature, like he knew she wasn’t telling him the whole truth. He didn’t respond, or ask her anything else, but he did hold his huge cock out for her. This whole situation felt cheap in every way, but that didn’t stop her from getting even more turned on because of it.

  “Do you feel like a slut right now, Belle?” he asked.

  “Stop staring at it and suck my cock.” He was hard and unyielding in his command, and Belle had never thought that kind of arrogant dominance would feel so good. “Do what I say not because you agreed to all of this, but because you want my cock in your mouth like a hungry little slut.”

  He was brutally coarse with his language, but even him calling her a slut for wanting his dick couldn’t turn her off. She glanced down at his large size, at the way he continually stroked himself lazily, as if waiting for her to obey him. Leaning forward, she felt her throat constrict and her mouth water. Yes, she did want him in every way imaginable. She wanted him before she had come here, before she had become his whore for the evening. But he wouldn’t know her, probably just thought she was another woman willing to sell her body for a few nights a week. He grabbed a chunk of her hair and yanked her forward with enough force that she cried out in pain.

  “That’s it, make noise. Let me know that this hurts.” He leaned forward so she heard his breath right by her ear and smelled his cologne filling her nose. “But even though it hurts, I know your cunt is all nice and juicy right now.”

  A gush of wetness left her pussy and slipped down her thigh.

  “Now. Now suck my fucking cock.” He leaned back and pulled her head forward until the slick tip of his shaft moved along her lips. She opened her mouth, sucked on his shaft like she was dying for his cum, and if he didn’t shoot his load down her throat she’d starve to death. “Move your tongue around and stroke the underside of my dick.”

  She did as he said, and the salty flavor of his pre-cum covered her taste buds. Flattening her tongue and doing what he said required her to take in more of his length into her mouth. She actually grew even more aroused at the flavor of him. His cum exploded on her tongue, covered the entire interior of her mouth, and she wanted more. She wanted the tip of his cock to hit the back of her throat, wanted to swallow his cum until it slipped out of the corner of her mouth and dripped down her chin. God, she really was a slut for him, a little whore because she couldn’t get enough.

  Lifting her hands and placing them on his thighs, she felt the smooth material of his slacks. But be
fore she could curl her nails into his muscular, hard legs, he had both of her wrists in one of his hands and had them lifted above her head. The whole action had only taken a few seconds. Now she stared up at him, his cock no longer in her mouth, and her lips parted in shock. She gasped out when he tightened his hand on her wrists. The pain was immediate, intense, dominating, and she felt a gush of wetness leave her.

  Jackson leaned forward and she saw an unobstructed view of his scarred face. The moonlight slashed across the side of his face that had gouges, raised flesh, and deep lines from the car accident he had been in.

  “I didn’t say you could touch me,” he growled out in an angry tone. His upper lip curled slightly, and for a second she felt fear for what this man was capable of. He pulled her forward again, and her face went right into his lap. “Now suck my fucking cock until I come. I brought you here not to do as you please, but to do what I say.”

  God, his coarse and hard language did something to her. Maybe she just wanted him so badly, had wanted him desperately, that she would take whatever he gave her. It was strange because she hadn’t even spoken to him at all, not even in greeting at the functions. But the attraction was dark and undeniable.

  Opening her mouth and taking his cock again, she moaned at the salty flavor of his pre-cum. It certainly wasn’t a taste that she thought was appetizing, but coming from Jackson made it an aphrodisiac. He had moved her hands behind her back now, and growled out for her to keep them there. With her on her knees, her thighs slightly open, she had no friction on her throbbing clit. Letting her mouth do the work, she started sucking him with fervor, grabbing the root of his shaft with her hand and stroking him in time with her mouth.

  “That’s it. Suck me until I come, Belle.” He had his hand in her hair now, pulling at her hair hard enough that she had tears in her eyes.

  Looking up at him while giving him head, she saw his attention was on her mouth.


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