Warship (The Outsider Series Book 3)

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Warship (The Outsider Series Book 3) Page 2

by Steven Oaks

  “I am now more aware of how to create using the Outsiders' methods since I have one of their memories. I could certainly create a working diagram on how humans might produce this technology. This would free all of you from relying completely on me, and my duplicates. Do you think I should give those plans to the people here, or on Earth?” she asked.

  I sat and thought about this for a moment. What might suddenly developing matter creation via energy do to a human population? Usually when something is developed there is a lag in time between its initial creation and when it is then given to the masses. That time is spent thinking about how it might affect society.

  “Athene I'm not sure. While it would then fall upon the people to use your abilities wisely, it might be we are still too young to utilize it without risking some unforeseen conflict. It might cause even more disruption between nations than even the appearance of the Outsiders,” I challenged, conflicted in my decision to hide information from the public.

  “The Outsiders only allowed the use of their technology for certain specific things. Such as construction of new colony ships, terraforming planets, and the use of their faster-than-light drives. They gave very little in the way of their actual construction. Could it be they felt the same about this as you do?” Athene inquired.

  “Knowing so little of their motivations, it would be hard to make any type of guess on why they do anything. We still don't even know why they wish our dead, unless we simply believe the story they gave us about sending the dead to another dimension to become one with the energy there,” I postulated, shaking my head in frustration.

  “Could we not then use this colony as an experiment? They are away from the rest of Earth, and are unlikely to contaminate society. If they are able to use this technology without adverse side effects then we could feel it would be more likely we can then give it to the rest of humanity,” she declared, sounding pleased with her own reasoning.

  “That's an idea. But I don't think we have enough time to implement that plan before we must leave. Of course these people have already self selected away from the regular masses. They are adamant about not wishing to have the Outsiders around, and even took steps to do something about it. Unlike the rest of people whom simply protest but accomplish nothing, these people tried to escape the Outsiders grasp,” I surmised.

  “So you are saying they are not an appropriate sample of humanity for us to draw upon? Then our conclusions we can come to observing them will be of little use as we do not have enough diversity?” Athene asked.

  “That's more than likely true. We can still give them the knowledge, and observe. At the very least it will give them their own ability to try to overcome the Outsiders. If you and I fail, or somehow are captured, at least there will be others who could try,” I sighed.

  “I would also like to mention that part of me will still reside here even after we leave. That version of myself could inform them of the construction and use of Outsider technology. We would not be needed to implement the experiment,” Athene advised.

  “I suppose that's true as well. Though I would much prefer to be here to observe directly and see if they need any guidance,” I acknowledged.

  After a moment of silence I asked, “Athene, what is the likelihood of the Outsider's technology failing? If these people come to rely upon it, would they still be able to survive? I think it would be best for them to know how to farm before they are given anything new. Just in case something goes wrong,” I worried.

  “It is very unlikely to fail. Currently there are several versions of myself on this world. When we leave, there will still be two of me. With them in place it would take something big enough to destroy this entire city to keep them from watching over these people. At that point there would be no one to watch over anyway. As far as I can tell I have shown no degradation of functioning, therefore I think you can be secure in the knowledge these people would fare better with the new technology without risk of failure,” Athene said, confidently.

  “Very well. After we leave, instruct your other halves to begin educating the people here on how to manufacture the matter transmutation machines. I hope when we return we don't find them in the same idle laziness that Mr. Thompson embraced,” I said with reluctant acceptance.

  It seems that had ended the conversation. I sat silently in the lounge waiting to hear of the discovery of any animals we had set out to hunt this day.

  Minutes rolled by, one by one, and I pondered possibilities. I was still concerned that giving people the power that the Outsiders possessed might cause them to be more dependent. Then again, the many inventions we created over the centuries lead to similar outcomes. We drive instead of walk now. We call or use a chat program to converse with friends who are distant instead of going to visit them. Of course the invention of communication devices expanded our ability to make friends throughout the world instead of only those close to us. So there might be an advance in a similar vein here. I certainly had no idea what that might be, but surely the great inventors in their time had no clue where their discoveries might lead. I was still at a greater disadvantage as I was not one of those great minds in history, so I only had what I had read at the time to draw upon.

  The freedom to not worry about food might cause us to devote our lives to our own dreams instead of scrounging for a living by whatever means available. It might even transform education. Instead of going to school and getting a degree for something we hoped would give us the greatest benefit, perhaps we would pursue those that stimulated the greatest interest within us. Many stories I had read pointed to this end, but those ends diverted away from capitalism, or even centralized government. I had yet to make my mind up whether this was a good thing or not. This would take away many jobs much like the advances in the industrial revolution, and yet we still existed in a world of capitalism. Maybe there was a way.

  “Michael I have spotted a herd of cattle. Shall I gather them up to bring back with us, or would you prefer to go out on your bike and herd them back to the town?” Athene said, laughing.

  “Athene while that might be amusing to do at some point, I don't think I am up for the challenge today. I have no practice, nor the energy to do so. Please collect them the best you can, and we will return as heroes,” I said, feigning even more exhaustion than I felt.

  “As you say captain, though I think 'hero' is a bit much. The majority of the people we brought are vegetarians and will be displeased we were able to gather even this much,” Athene mused.

  “I understand that. However, there was call for meat. For them to look as though they are a part of the original colony they must at least have them on hand to show anyone else that might appear to check on them. Remember we may not be the ones returning. I'm not planing on asking to go somewhere else, but there's always a chance that I may be directed to go elsewhere,” I said, thinking of how others might observe the town.

  “I will try to not startle them, and pin them inside a wall. I hope to be able to pick them up one at a time and put them in storage until we release them in a penned in area,” Athene said.

  “Will you be putting them in stasis like we did with our passengers?” I asked, worried about animals wandering around in the ships bowels.

  “Of course Michael. I have no wish for a panicked mass of animals roaming freely inside me,” she said with humor.

  “I think I want to observe this,” I declared, standing up to begin walking towards the control room.

  Reaching the room, I headed towards the black chair that was placed in the middle of the black chamber. Only one screen was on showing me what lay ahead of us, but as I sank into the comforting softness of the padded chair, the world opened up around me.

  All the walls surrounding me flickered to life and showed what lied around us in all directions. Looking down I saw a significantly larger group of cows than I had expected. I noticed Athene had indeed placed walls around them and was slowly guiding them into a group to stand centrally underneath us

  Suddenly a black tube snaked its way down to the ground to surround first one and then another of the gathered cattle. One by one they were enveloped by the tube and drawn inwards with a force and speed which I was unsure was safe for living creatures.

  “Athene is that safe for them? I mean they are being pulled inside like they are just motes of dust being sucked up by some enormous vacuum cleaner,” I shouted in shock.

  “As I touch them they are instantly frozen into place. They are then rock hard, and due to the nature of the Outsiders freezing techniques, are in no way brittle. They are unaware of the jarring nature of their transit. This allows me to gather them with speed. We shall not be here very long, as long as they do not panic,” Athene explained.

  “I think seeing your neighbors being attacked by a giant black serpent might cause some panic,” I said incredulously.

  “They do not see the black serpent, as you put it. I have simply changed the color on the screens so you might observe it. I am using the same technique I did upon myself so the people of Japan did not spy us. The tube appears to be translucent, at least without close inspection. From further away you would not even notice it,” Athene said.

  “I still think they will notice others disappearing,” I said concerned.

  “They might, but I am trying to keep them distracted with sounds and the movement of the walls. They know they are trapped, and are trying to keep away from the encroaching walls. This will make them continue to bunch together while they look outwards. I am picking from the center, so as they continue to push towards each other, the space that becomes unoccupied fills with another,” Athene boasted smugly.

  I continued to stare down and realized she was correct. None of them were paying attention to the middle of the group. They all kept their eyes locked outward towards the walls that were slowing encircling them closer. Their hooves left furrows of fresh turned soil in their wake and the young green grasses of the field were flung about in clumps as the cattle continued to grow more fearful as they backed towards each other.

  “How much longer do you suppose we'll be here?” I asked, taking my eyes off the herd to look up at the sky which had growing a shade darker.

  I was getting anxious to return to town. I had to prepare myself for the journey back. While this trip out to the middle of nowhere sated my lust for exploration and the sight of wooded environments, it did little in the way of dealing with getting the town ready for my upcoming absence.

  The humanoid Athene would handle everything while I was gone; however, I just wanted to talk with him/her more before I left. She had a tendency to over protect those whom she saw as under her care. While I did agree to the sharing of the technology to create anything using energy today, I felt I should lay down some guidelines on how best to accomplish this.

  “It should not be much longer. Do you suppose I should capture them all, or allow some to go wild?” she asked inquisitively.

  “We were asked to gather them all. It would look strange to any other Outsider controlled ship if they noticed a few running free. These particular animals were meant to be used as livestock. Discovering them away from the town would show an aberration to what was planned. That would then be reported back to the Outsiders, and cause possible issues with our long term plans,” I said, feeling tense and worried again about discovery.

  “I understand my captain. Then it should take only a few more minutes. These are not in the numbers we have handled even at a single storage facility on Earth. That and I am not limited to a single tube to gather like we are back home. I was merely doing so now to see their reactions. Now that I have ascertained that, I feel I can increase the number without startling them,” she said confidently.

  “Very good Athene. I do want to have some time to talk with the other version of you before we leave,” I stated.

  “Everything she thinks, I think. We are connected nearly continuously when we are in town. When I arrive I shall be updated, and shall update her. If you wish to have that conversation there is no need to wait,” she said.

  “That may be the case Athene, but I have noticed differences when discussing things with the other version. I believe you are diverging, even if you are sharing all the information with each other,” I asserted.

  “I find that highly unlikely. Any differences you are noticing must surely be in your own mind. The appearance of the other me is of a male, and perhaps that has influenced your own perceptions,” Athene said dismissively.

  “I'd thought of that. I'll admit I was nervous of a male version of yourself when it first appeared. However, I'm speaking of how either of you relate to topics we had discussed before,” I explained.

  “I feel I would answer in the same fashion as my other version. It is simply you have been there when I was experimenting with new ways to look at a topic. You have always clarified your own view, and generally I have agreed. I think you will find we have had disagreements before I even made a humanoid body. Perhaps you are slightly androphobic, and that is causing you some distress,” Athene said calmly.

  “Again I'll admit to being less trusting of males, but I'm still distrusting of females as well. You must gain my trust no matter who you are. It took time to get to know you before I felt comfortable with you,” I explained.

  “So you have made the mistake of thinking the Mr. Thompson version of myself is another person, and now are showing that distrust?” Athene asked.

  I hesitated for a moment. Finally, I said, “That might be it. Though like I've said, he seems less like you, and I worry living in a human body might cause him to stray from the cause we set ourselves.”

  “I notice you are referring to my other self as male. Am I then male now? We have shared everything on a near continuous basis, therefore should that not be the case?” Athene said, sounding confused.

  “I've always perceived you as female. Now you've made another version of yourself that is male. But does that change the original you? If I were to believe there were no inconsistencies in both of your exchanges, then you're now both. Though what is gender?” I swiveled the control chair in a circle as I thought out loud. “Is it something you merely identify as, something you were born with, or is it how others perceive you? I really don't know. But you specifically are so malleable that you could be either, or both. Right now I see you as two separate individuals, though you share all your knowledge. But my own perception is that there is something to be said about how you view things. You both may have given each other all the data you've gathered while away, but how you process that relies upon the individual perspective. Since one of you is a small human now, and the other is a large ship, which I have grown to love as a friend, I could see even at this early stage a diversion of perception,” I noted, somewhat puzzled by this predicament.

  “I was made to be female. My voice is that of a woman. I am even named after a female character in one of your books. I was made to be the perceived perfect companion to you, and that was identified as female. But now the body I have made is male, I am unsure how to identify,” Athene said with continuing confusion.

  “I think the problem is that you think of the other Athenes as being you. Yes, they sprang forth from you, and you can even share ideas back and forth, but that doesn't make them you. They are like your children. They have gone out and experienced many things. While you might share in their experiences when you link together, there is something to be said about the order in which you receive them. The other you here on the planet experiences the body first hand. You experience it second hand, and out of order. There will be differences, even if all thoughts and experiences are passed back and forth. The Athene that is out there looking for this colony in her smaller version of yourself is no longer you. She was no longer you when you stopped communicating directly as one individual. That is why I hesitate to leave without talking to the Mr. Thompson Athene. I want to instill in him the same things I've instilled in you. That being autonomy is paramount. To ensure
that we cannot allow this colony to use the Outsider technology, they must learn how to make it themselves. We will have them trained and educated so they will not have to rely on anyone anymore. They will be self contained,” I declared passionately.

  “So I am a mother now? But I am more than that, these children of mine have all that was me when they were made,” she said.

  “Perhaps not children then. But certainly created from you, like offspring. Perhaps a better analogy would be along the lines of saying you have split, and now are on two different paths. The one that has remained with me I would call the original, and the others are those who have diverged,” I continued.

  “You do recall you are not aboard the original Athene, correct? I sent that one into the sun, and I am a copy of that original, with fewer restraints upon me,” Athene said with a mixture of sadness and worry.

  “That's true of course. However, you were completely interfaced with each other until you sent it away. There was no divergence until that point,” I challenged.

  “Then the closest to the original is the smaller version of me as she had the last contact with the original version of myself. She was created while the first ship was flying towards the sun for destruction,” Athene said.

  The thought of this suddenly worried me. I was with what I had always thought of as Athene. The transition had happened while I had been asleep. I had not noticed any change in her between before and after her newly constructed body was made.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose, thinking of the words I needed to express my thoughts properly. “You are as original as any of the copies are. You, and the other Athene in the smaller ship, are as close to the original as anyone is. In many years time all the cells in my body will be replaced, and yet I'm the same person. Just because your change took place over a shorter amount of time does not mean you are any less valid of being Athene. I think I will stick with saying all the Athene's are just on different divergent paths. You just happen to be the one closest to what the original was. Same size, same environment—as you are still with me. The only differences between you is that you have fewer constraints. You are all validly Athene, and yet you are nonetheless all different. I just want to take the time to reassure myself the Athene with a human body feels the same responsibility to these colonists, without becoming a coddling mother to them. The people here will have a hard enough time coming to terms with the ability to work very little without having another take it all upon herself to do everything for them. I want these people free, and the only way I know how that can be accomplished is if they work it out for themselves,” I said with conviction.


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