You're Not Alone: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 17)

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You're Not Alone: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 17) Page 19

by Shanade White

Feet shuffled and papers were taken to other work spaces in compliance with the boss’s orders. Before the hall was completely empty, Richard pulled a sobbing Kimberly to his chest and stroked her hair in an effort to calm her. He couldn’t take away the pain, but he could certainly try. For an hour, they sat uninterrupted. Kimberly sobbed and stopped and then started her crying again. Her makeup stained the shoulder of his tan jacket and her tears soaked his shirt. Richard didn’t care.

  As difficult a time as this was, he needed to ask her some questions. Did she need a leave of absence? Yes of course. When would she like to go to her family? Tomorrow if possible. Did she need help with funeral arrangements? She had no clue, she just wanted to sit there and cry. Understanding the implied command to shut up, Richard put an end to his questions and simply held her gently.


  Packing for a funeral was not what Kimberly had planned to be doing on Wednesday morning. 10 am came much too quickly and the small white pills from Richards pharmacy friend didn’t seem to work. How could Aunt Audrey keep her illness a secret from her? Thinking about the way she must have suffered tore Kimberly’s heart open and she found herself sobbing again.

  Dressed in denim because she couldn’t find anything else to wear, Kimberly appeared to be a tower of strength and the large sunglasses over her blood stained eyes covered any traces of her sadness.

  The building concierge rang at 10:15 to say the limo had arrived. Kimberly opened the door to a waiting bellman who took her three pieces of luggage to the elevator where she joined him on the trip to the ground floor.

  Once inside the sleek, shiny vehicle with the help of the chauffeur, Kimberly heaved a sigh of relief as the first step of putting her dead aunt to rest was well on the way. If leaving her apartment was such a trying task, what would happen in the next three days? Only time would tell.

  The airport was busy, but not the area she drove into. The hangar for private jets was housed behind the main airport. Deceptively plain, it hid the splendid toys of the rich. Richard Damask, recent boss of Kimberly Walsh, had offered not demanded that she use his private jet to get to the LA as soon as possible. Saying that he needed things to be as easy as possible for her in this dreadful time, silenced her automatic refusal.

  A Lear jet was something Kimberly considered a waste of money, but in times like this she was grateful that Richard had splurged. The steps unfolded and stretched out its welcome to a grieving Kimberly and she quickly took the steps and disappeared from sight. Even in grief, the striking aircraft left Kimberly in awe. A voice cleared from the back and there on one of the plush seats was Richard.

  He had been worried she would see his presence as an intrusion, but surprisingly, she ran forward and encased his neck in a bear hug of sorts and he reciprocated. This wasn’t and embrace of lust, but rather one of gratitude. Richard thought it was nice to have a friend.


  People stared but no one asked who he was and why he was there. The family wasn’t large, but it was big enough to fill the small chapel with mourners to remember Aunt Audrey. A strong upstanding woman of God, the preacher described her as, and the congregation nodded in agreement. Kimberly said little to the people present and Richard constantly glanced at her blank stare at the casket. He wished there was more that he could do to make it better.

  At the grave side however, a once sedate Kimberly lost it. Her specially purchased designer black suit and shiny pumps gave way to dirt as she fell in grief when the beautiful ivory and brass casket containing the remains of a woman she loved dearly, was lowered into the ground. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, the preacher said and her wailing pitch got higher. Kimberly was inconsolable.

  The wake was in the cramped apartment Audrey shared with her daughter and as Richard held Kimberly’s hand and escorted her to the front door teaming with people she stopped in her tracks.

  “I can’t go in. I simply can’t.”

  Richard responded as softly and gently as possible, “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” With his cell phone attached to his ear, Richard turned on his heels. “Stanley, please bring the car around, Ms. Walsh is ready to leave.”


  The reservation was made under each of their names. Richard was not so presumptuous as to assume they would share a room. With him in room ninety five and her in ninety six, he felt secure with Kimberly a stone’s throw away.

  The bewitching hour rolled around and Richard was staring at the walls. A sleep number mattress was chosen on reservation, but currently it did nothing for his insomnia. It was just after 4 pm when Kimberly closed her door and asked to be alone and she hadn’t been seen since. Richard called a few times, but no one picked up her calls. After losing a few thousand in the casino, he retired to his room. The scotch he nursed did nothing to help.

  Sitting up straight in the bed because he thought he heard a noise, Richard listened hard but nothing moved. Two minutes later there was another sound, this time more loudly. In a leap he was off the bed and yanking open the door. There Kimberly stood in a simple sports shorts and a vest. She wanted to come in.


  Kimberly woke up dazed and confused. She was having a nightmare in which her aunt had died, after a few seconds of consciousness, she remembered that it was tragically real. In their last conversation, Auntie had encouraged her to live a full life. Only the best she wanted for her niece, and she would only rest easy knowing Kimberly had it.

  Why do old people speak such haunting words before they die? Kimberly wondered. A sudden peace descended on the room as Kimberly remembered the trials of the woman who has taken a turn at mothering her. Never fearful, and always a leader, Audrey made the most of what little she had and threw herself fully into loving her husband.

  Her mind drifted to Richard, he didn’t have to help. As a matter of fact, he didn’t have to do more than ask the staff to sign a sympathy card. Going above what was necessary to make sure she was comfortable was something that Kimberly admired. It seemed Richard Damask was indeed a nice man. Would Audrey approve of her seeing a white man? Once, after the question of Maya’s paternity became a talking piece in the neighborhood, she had called the girls into the room for an important pearl of wisdom.

  “In life, you have to pick and choose those who you call friend. Some want to take from you, some want to crush you, but then there are some good folk, those who go far beyond the call to help and defend you. It's people my children, that deserve your loyalty. No one else.”

  She needed to see him. Kimberly wanted him to know that even though she had a tough exterior, she was still gentle enough to understand that he was now someone important in her life.”

  Answer the door Richard, Kimberly whispered after a few raps on the door. Nothing. Knocking even louder this time she heard the rustle of sheets as he got up from the bed and seconds later answered the door.

  “Can I come in?”

  “What kind of foolish question is that Kimberly?”

  She had long given him permission to call her by her first name.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you,” She uttered as she stepped inside the doorway and waited for him to lead the way. It wasn’t a penthouse suite. Richard didn’t want Kimberly to think he was trying to sway her with material things. He had already met opposition when he offered the jet.

  Clicking the lamp in the corner on, Richard made sure he was decent before joining Kimberly on the bed where she perched at the edge. The brass trimmings in the ceiling glowed as warmly as Kimberly’s face when she turned to him.

  “I have a confession to make. The day we went to lunch I was not completely truthful about my past. There were a lot of things I left out thinking I would appear pitiful. Now I see how short life is and if I want to commit to being your friend, I should tell you about my life.”

  The pangs of guilt over Richard’s own unconfessed secrets were building to a crescendo and refusing to take instruction from the conductor. He listened intently afte
r telling himself he didn’t lie; only omitted.

  In 45 minutes Richard learned of Kimberly’s mother, the fire, the drugs, the suicide and the scholarship that made her the woman she was today. She didn’t even leave out the dramatic resignation from Goldman & Parks and laughter finally entered the room. Like a soothing salve, it cooled the burns of grief and sorrow while solemnly reminding them about the tragedies of life.

  It was Richard’s turn. Jasmine wasn’t a secret, but he wanted to be sure that any woman he let into his life would accept her. He wanted no drama in his daughter’s life. Opening his mouth to speak, he was silenced by Kimberley’s finger on his lips.

  The glow in the room was soft and its mist touched every point of the room. Standing, Kimberly turned toward Richard and pulled the silk scarf from her head, allowing the hair to tumble down her smooth back. Eyes as wide as saucers, Richard struggled to believe what was happening for his eyes only.

  Crossing her hands at her torso, Kimberly hoisted the white stretchy vest up and off of her velvet body. She wore no bra and her breasts fell free of the confining fabric. Richard felt something jumping below his waist, he was officially aroused. The shorts ended just above her thigh in the front and just below her ass at the back. Turning away from him and answering his prayer, she slipped the spandex garment off her hips and past her thighs. Richard almost lost control of himself.

  Two perfect globes of warm copper flesh ballooned from Kimberly’s waist and fell over her sturdy legs. Transfixed, Richard could do nothing but loosen his jaw. Turning and standing in her full splendor to face him she asked, “Do you want me Richard?”

  He did not answer. In half a stride, he stood in front of her. Taking her hand from her side, he placed it on his fully erect wood and said, “I think so.”

  This kiss was nothing like the one at the restaurant. Hot and deep, Richard’s mouth enveloped hers. His tongue invaded her mouth and Kimberly stood on her toes in an effort to match his height. Erect nipples brushed against his chest, and Richard found his thirst for them gloriously unquenchable. The dark brown areolas and even darker nipples begged to be tasted and as he sucked on her chocolate drops, she moaned.

  Kimberly was thick, but Richard was capable. In one motion, he cupped the glorious ass he had admired for so long and lifted his treasure to the bed. It was there that he took a look at what made this caramel beauty so enticing. Her naked skin had no flaws. Kimberly’s skin was softer than silk and her hips were unlike anything he had ever laid his eyes upon.

  The mound between her solid legs carried no hair, but the dark lips matched the pout of the ones on her face. Plump and protruding, Kimberly’s pussy begged to be touched and Richard would oblige soon.

  Tracing her neck and the curve of her breasts with his finger brought Kimberly to a height of ecstasy. Her back could arch no further and finally her body succumbed to pleasure that had not yet touched her slit. Sprawling her legs, her supple body begged to be taken, but Richard’s exploration was not over. Rubbing his palms on the sleek inside of her thighs, now slick with her overflowing moisture, he appeared to be studying the structure of her appendages. He was worshiping her.

  Kisses soon followed everywhere Richard’s hands passed and in a second Kimberly was trying to escape. The pleasure descending on her body was foreign. Never before had such a white hot heat taken her body captive and it was proving too much for her fragile senses. A drum was beating in her head, louder and louder every time he touched her and Kimberly was on the brink of insanity. In an act of desperation, she groaned, “Richard please… I want you to fuck me Richard… please!”

  Richard was not ready. Awe struck that the Gods could make such a wonderful creation, he was enchanted. Her pussy was more than a full package. The plump lips parted slightly as Kimberly spread her legs and her clit made its presence known. The dark lips gave way to pink flesh as he finally used his fingers to spread her labia. With a mouth as delicious as cocoa, he knew her juices would be just as sweet.

  A hot breath of air touched the nerve endings of Kimberly’s sensitive clit and the beginnings of a climax were evident. Her thighs tried to close but with Richards strong arms keeping them open- there was no choice but let him eat. Fine dining was a rich man’s pastime and Richard Damask had definitely perfected the art. His agile tongue flicked passed the now erect nub of flesh and the sounds from Kimberly’s throat communicated that she was at the peak.

  It was his fingers that pushed her over the edge and with just two inserted in her now dripping pussy, she fought an internal battle to hold her climax in. Toes curled, stomach cramped and pussy walls clenched, Kimberly yelled to the heavens, the angels- anyone who would listen about the earthshaking climax that had overtaken her body.

  Tiny drops of creamy oil dripped from her open crevice as Richard withdrew his long thick fingers. Not wasting a drop he placed his shiny fingers in his mouth and cleaned them thoroughly. Kimberly never saw. She was busy coming up for air from the sea of pleasure washing over her body. Only when Richard stood up from between her legs, Kimberly came to.

  The boxers he wore when he opened the door were now gone and his shaft was rigidly announcing his presence. Without hesitation, Kimberly sat up and pulled her boss onto the bed. Lying flat and breathing deeply, he focused on the queen preparing to rule his rod and staff. The nest of curls surrounding his cock glistened in the light, but that was not Kimberly's focus. The cock in her view was calling her name. She didn’t grab it, instead she simply hovered. Eye to eye like a snake charmer, she followed it until the pulsing stopped and it became still.

  Richard’s thoughts were racing. He was in disbelief. A woman he has admired and lusted after was going to suck his cock. The anticipation gripped his stomach with force, and his head pounded as the background music to this dance grew louder and louder.

  Warm, wet and wonderful. The envelope of moisture and heat covering his wood was indescribable. With expert precision Kimberly sank the shaft close to her tonsils. The throbbing cock filled her mouth and she imagined it filling other places every time she swallowed it. Saliva ran down the shiny pale shaft and suddenly Kimberly became ravenous. Finally grabbing the shaft, she twisted it in her mouth and increased the suction of the rod of her boss.

  Over and over she ate, sucked, nibbled and slurped on the snake she was charming, counting down the minutes until he filled her pussy and possibly her heart. Richard was propped on his elbows watching his white cock disappear into pouted lips in disbelief. Never before had his cock been devoured with such fervor. The globes below her waist clapped every time she descended on the shaft and revealed it again.

  Richard had enough. He could no longer count the stars dancing before his eyes and the random words ringing in his ears. God, pleasure, desire, erotic… all words parading across his transfixed vision. The final time she lowered her lips over his cock, he held Kimberly’s shoulders and pulled her off the dick she so hungrily ate.

  “Ride me Kim,” He mumbled. “I want you to ride me.” Not needing to be told twice, Kimberly climbed the length of his leg finally straddling his waist. As her thick leg shadowed his torso before landing on the other side, Richard sat up and pressed another hard kiss on her lips salted by his own liquids. The head of his cock pressed her still sensitive clit and her sharp inhale made her eyes close.

  A deliciously long and thick cock was rubbing on her slick chasm and it would only take a shift of her waist to bring him into her. Kimberly waited, savoring the moment. Richard didn’t have that patience to give. Hand on her ample hip, he forced her downwards and swiftly her wet deep crevice was filled with his cock. He had waited too long. The sensations crawling over his body coaxed a guttural sound from his throat and Kimberly sat, impaled and in suspended animation.

  Entranced, she didn’t have the wherewithal to move, and though she was on top Richard took control. His strokes were deep, long and forceful as he injected her black pussy with his white cock until cream covered both their thighs. Kimberly was
dripping and moaning while Richard was thrusting and grunting.

  Full to the brim and bubbling over, Kimberly bounced up and down feeling the traction of the budging veins on Richard’s thick shaft. Every time she became full to the hilt, her clit rubbed on the short hairs above his cock arousing her even more. The climax was building and the thrusts from Richards’s waist became sharp. With razor like precision, he hit the spot that made her pussy sing.

  Moisture was increasing and so was the tension and electricity between Richard and Kimberly. The volume of the moans and screams from the mating two reached decibels above acceptable, but neither cared. The peak of no return was being mounted and none could bring them back now. Kimberly’s eyes rolled back into her head as the final fireworks of pleasure burst and cascaded down her body. The climax was epic. The clenching of her muscles as she climaxed gripped Richards dick, and all but squeezed the cum from a shuddering Richard. His grip on her ass was equally tight as he finally groaned and spouted his nature on Kimberley’s flat stomach. Trembling, the pair was spent of all energy and no longer cared that they may be an odd pair. For a moment in time all was well with the world, and thoughts of death and grief temporarily forgotten.


  The morning after sex with your boss could be odd as one may imagine, and in the case of Kimberly and Richard it was no different. He woke first. Slow and groggy, Richard opened his eyes and closed them again. The ceiling seemed to be moving and this of course wasn’t normal. On his second attempt to enter the world, he tried to remove his hand from under the pillow to the left. It was met with resistance and a soft sighing sound.

  With the snap of his head, he turned to the direction of the peaceful noises, encountering the angel that visited him last night. There Kimberly slept with her head on the pillow and that pillow rested on Richard’s forearm. Along the crevice of her nose, a tiny trail of water made its way downward and disappeared. She was crying in her sleep. In seconds, Richard remembered the night before and the love they had made. He needed to hold her. Abandoning his urge to get up, Richard rolled over and placed his other hand around her waist. He wanted it to last forever.


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