When Love Comes Around (Love Conquers All)

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When Love Comes Around (Love Conquers All) Page 4

by Wells, Victoria

  Taking her boy’s hand, Beverly patted it as they headed for the expressway. Her baby would be all right. She and her late husband had raised him well. It’s only a phase he’s going through dating all these women. If his best friend Nick could settle down and start a family, there was hope for Kevin. Yes, he would give her what she wanted. Grandbabies.

  Patting his hand again, she prayed, Lord, just bless me with one grandchild to love before I close my eyes.

  Chapter 5

  Her face burned with embarrassment, as she was the center of attention. “Oh my Lawd, my Lawd! Stop that! Stop that right now!” Joan chided the twenty-something male stripper gyrating in front of her to the beat of the music blaring from a boom box. The only thing the muscle bound exotic dancer wore was a silky, red G-string.

  Nita Jackson shook her head as she stared narrow-eyed at Ava, Summer, and Starr. Of the three, one of them hired the stripper. She hadn’t done such an awful thing as to hire the almost naked, hip-thrusting youngster. And since she had planned and given the bridal shower for Joan, it had to be one of them. Nita was going to have whoever did this act of debauchery fast little tail in a sling! But which one had done it? They would never snitch out the culprit. Shaking her head again, Poor Joan looks like she’s ‘bout to have a heart attack!

  Everyone erupted into laughter as the barely dressed stripper gyrated in Nita’s direction.

  “Boy, don’t you bring your nasty behind over here! Shaking o’va top of me!”

  Rolling his eyes, the buff stripper pulled Karen, who had been sitting next to Nita, to her feet. The younger women in the room hooted and hollered as Karen let her hair down and indulged the stripper.

  Three hours later the only guests left in the ballroom at the Hilton on City Line Avenue were Joan, Nita, Summer, Ava, Starr, and Karen. The women chatted as they pulled down decorations and stacked gifts near the entrance.

  Joan smiled as she stacked the last gift. No longer would she be lonely. She had found love again after so many years, had a family that cared about her and for the first time in years a best friend.

  After being betrayed by Alice and Sam all those years ago, she never trusted anyone, especially women. With Summer coming into her life, came Nita’s friendship. Though the two lived miles apart they constantly talked on the phone and even made time to visit one another at least three times a year since meeting.

  Coming over to Joan, Nita laid her hand on her shoulder. “Did you have a good time?”

  Reaching up to hold the hand on her shoulder, she smiled at her friend. “Yes, thank you for throwing me a bridal shower.” Chuckling she added, “Never thought I’d have one.”

  “Oh, honey, you are so welcome. I knew you and Henry were going to get together after last Christmas. The man kept sniffing around you ever ten minutes.”

  The two women laughed, remembering how Henry shamelessly flirted with Joan.

  “Did you have a good time?”

  “I sure did.” Nita again for the hundredth time threw the trio a scowling gaze. “With the exception of that boy shaking his funky behind all over the place.”

  Chuckling, Joan said, “Tell me ‘bout it. Boy young enough to be my grandchild…but, Lawd knows I sure hope Henry can move like that!”

  Nita gasped, the younger women snickered. “That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout!” Ava yelled, grinning with mischief as she pulled a plastic trash bag from a box on the table.

  “Mmm hmm, that’s what I thought.” Nita gave Ava a stern motherly look. “Ought to come over there and whoop your little fast behind.”

  Ava covered her mouth, giggling, she was busted. Summer and Starr tried to tell her weeks ago not to hire a stripper. But of course, Ava being Ava hadn’t listened. Blowing a kiss in Nita’s direction, “I love you, Mommy.”

  Nita couldn’t resist smiling at Ava. She would never admit it to them, but that young, fine thing gyrating had her eager to get home to James. “I love you too, baby.”

  Pulling crape paper from the wall, Starr hadn’t notice Ava coming over to her holding open a trash bag. “Here, you can put that in here.”

  Ava let out a soft sigh. Starr hadn’t had much to say to her after their disagreement a week ago. Tonight was no different. She barely said much of anything. When Karen asked, “What’s up with my sister?” Both Ava and Summer hunched up their shoulders. If Starr hadn’t told her sister about her condition, it wasn’t their place to do so.

  Clearing her throat, Ava whispered, “Starr, I’m sorry about the other night.”

  Starr just looked at Ava. She loved her dearly; however, Ava needed to work on being a bit more tactful. “Av, you really hurt me.”

  Dropping her head in shame, she mumbled, “I know I did and I really, really feel bad about it. Do you…think you can forgive me?”

  “Of course I can, you’re my friend. But what you said still hurts.”

  Ava pulled her friend into a tight embrace. “I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  She returned the embrace. “Don’t worry about it, Av. I’ll be okay.”

  “Are you sure?” Ava was no dummy. Although Starr was saying one thing with her lips, her eyes told a different story. She was not okay and Ava didn’t know what she could do to make it better.

  Feeling like she needed some space, Starr broke the close contact. “I’ll be right back; I have to go to the bathroom.”

  With curious gazes, the other women in the room watched the two friends. Everyone noticed how uncharacteristically quiet Starr had been all evening. Usually she was a social butterfly at events such as this. Seeing her talk with Ava was the most anyone had seen her do all night.

  Summer let out a sigh of relief. Hopefully with Ava apologizing things would get back on track. She didn’t like it when there was friction between them. All week she listened as Ava went on and on about how she didn’t mean any harm. Summer point blank told her, “Then you need to think about what you’re gonna say, before you say it.” Miserably Ava responded, “I know, I know.”

  With her back to the bathroom stall door, Starr massaged her temples. “What a night. I’m so ready to go home…so I can be alone.”

  It wasn’t that she wasn’t happy for Joan, really she was. However, it was so hard to put up a front for everyone. She knew they all were wondering why she wasn’t her usual wild and crazy self like she always was at parties. She could see it all in their faces as they asked, “Is everything alright?” Though she tried to get into the spirit of things, especially when the stripper was making Joan blush, her laughter was faked; it was forced. How could she be happy when she felt no hope? Why did it seem everywhere she went she saw pregnant women, or women pushing babies in strollers? A thousand times she wanted to know, “Why can’t that be me?”

  All night as she looked at Karen and Summer, a twinge of guilt nipped at her. All week she avoided talking to them. How could she tell them that it was too painful overhearing the pitter-patter and angelic chattering of toddlers and school aged children in the background? Would they think she was over reacting? Or worse, just being jealous of their lives? Most likely they wouldn’t. After all, both women had had their own heartaches to deal with.

  Karen one morning woke up the wife of her high school sweetheart, Gregory Johnston, only to be widowed forty-five minutes after he’d left for work. Not wanting to be bothered with driving downtown, Gregory had taken the Regional Rail Line. Karen nearly came undone when a newsflash interrupted Good Morning America announcing a grave commuter accident. The news announcer reported that the signals had somehow crossed resulting in a head on collision of north and southbound trains. It took everything out of her to hold it together as she completed the task of dressing her two small children, Alicia and Kyle, who were at the time one and three years old.

  And though Summer had two beautiful children, she was devastated when she start having cramping and spotting during the first trimester of her third pregnancy. An ultrasound confirmed the absence of a fetal hea
rtbeat. Starr remembered how frantic Nick had been when he called her and Ava to give them the news. She also would never forget how they had to help Nick take care of NJ and Autumn because Summer had temporarily shut down for days. All her body would allow her to do was cry, sleep, and then cry some more.

  Starr let out a groan, How can I be so selfish? Why am I pushing away the people who love me the most? Facing the music, she painfully admitted to herself, Because I want what they have.

  Chapter 6

  “Starr, you in here?” The familiar voice asked as she squatted looking under each stall.

  “Yeah, Karen. I’m coming out so stop looking under the doors.”

  Karen gave up a little laugh. Ever since they were little girls, they’d peep under stalls looking for each other, especially at church during Sunday school when one of them tried to get out of having to recite a bible verse. The only safe place to hide had been in the bathroom stall.

  Oh boy, I know Karen’s gonna grill me to death. I’m so not up for this, Starr thought as she mentally prepared herself to deal with her sister. She knew Karen would not leave her alone until she found out what had been troubling her.

  Karen leaned against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest as she patiently waited for Starr to come out. She was finally going to find out why Starr was avoiding her like she had some communicable disease.

  Alarm over came her as she looked into her baby sister’s red, puffy eyes. Karen’s heart rate accelerated as Starr laid her head on her shoulder for comfort. She hadn’t been this distraught since her Marcus years.

  “Hey Starry, what’s going on?”

  Automatically Karen’s arms wrapped around her sister and soothingly rubbed her back. She always affectionately called her Starry when something was troubling her. Karen had an uncanny knack of knowing when her baby sister was hurting. Like the first time she’d caught Marcus cheating, it was Karen who for some inexplicable reason had to drive over to Starr’s apartment in the middle of the night to check on her. Or the time their father unexpectedly showed up again wanting to play daddy, only to disappear after becoming bored with a wife and two kids. Again, it was Karen who assured her it was their father who had issues and not them or their mother.

  Putting all defenses aside, exposing her deepest desire, Starr blurted out, “I want to have a baby.”

  Confused, still rubbing Starr’s back, Karen assured her, “Oh, Starry you can have a baby.”

  Shaking her head on Karen’s shoulder, she cried, “No, no, it may be too late.”

  Karen was still confused. Starr wasn’t making sense. “Huh? I don’t understand?”

  Freeing herself from the protective embrace, Starr began telling her story. By the time Starr told her everything, starting with her diagnosis of endometriosis, her contemplation of artificial insemination, and her fall out with Ava, Karen felt slighted. Mostly because she felt like she’d been left out of the loop. Her own sister hadn’t even come to her for support.

  Karen didn’t mean to sound disappointed, but she couldn’t keep the hurt from her voice when she asked, “Why didn’t you come to me with this?”

  “Because I thought you would have felt the same way Ava had.”

  Well, that explained why she was so distant. Karen didn’t think now was the time to tell her she agreed with Ava. All of their lives they dealt with their father’s lack of interest in them. She recalled all the times they had tried to be good little girls by keeping their room clean and doing all their chores, hoping that doing so would keep their father home. It never worked; he’d end up leaving anyway.

  Gently taking her by the shoulders, she said, “Starry whatever you decide to do I’m behind you one hundred percent.” Karen paused. She had to say it. She just hoped it came out in love. “But I really want you to pray on this artificial insemination thing. You know what we went through not having Daddy around. Like I said, whatever you decide I’m here for you, all the way, baby sis.”

  Starr nodded her head in understanding. “I know you’re right, and so is Ava. That’s why I’m leaning toward adoption.” Lowering her head, she softly admitted, “But I still want my own baby. I want to experience carrying my child in my body. Is that so wrong?”

  Karen pulled her sister back into her arms. “No Starry, it’s not wrong. Not at all.”


  Oh my God! I look a hot mess! Starr knew her eyes were bloodshot from all of the crying on her sister’s shoulder. If she had known Kevin, was coming, she would’ve stayed in the bathroom until everyone left. But she knew that that wouldn’t be fair to Joan. This was her night to celebrate her upcoming nuptials and she didn’t want to spoil it. It was bad enough everyone kept asking her if she was okay. Lying through her teeth she pasted on a fake smile telling everyone she was fine. Taking a deep breath, she pulled herself together and pushed her troubles to the farthest corner of mind. Self-consciously she ran her fingers over the smooth hair on her neck.

  Joining the group, Starr put on her best smile. “Hey, everybody.”

  “How’s my other favorite girl?” James Jackson’s voice boomed as he affectionately swept her up in a hug.

  Starr was only too happy to return the hug. Every time she hugged this gentle soul, she wished with everything in her that he belonged to her. That he was the daddy her father had never materialized into. Enjoying the warmth of the fatherly embrace for the moment soothed her aching heart. Yes, James Jackson was her daddy, if only for that moment.

  “Thanks, Mr. Jackson, I needed that.”

  Playfully he tweaked her nose as if she were a little girl. “Anytime sweetheart.”

  “Hey, can another old man get a hug?”

  Starr squealed as Henry Stiles squeezed her in a gentle bear hug, released her and then swirled her around as if dancing, into the arms of Nick. Nick continued the playful choreography as he twirled her round and round.

  Standing back watching the other men having a good time with Starr, Kevin noticed how the sullen expression she wore when she entered the room had dissipated. He couldn’t explain it, but seeing her so sad had bothered him.

  Kevin was slightly caught off guard when a laughing and squealing Starr was hurled into his arms. Quickly recovering, without hesitation he drew the soft feminine body close.

  “Nick! I’m gonna kill you!” Starr continued to laugh breathlessly. Attempting to maintain her balance, dainty fingers curled around bulging biceps as her breasts firmly pressed against a set of rock hard pecs.

  Starr’s breath caught and held as she felt large hands being planted on her hips holding her in place. Everything and everyone stood still in time. The only thing she was aware of was the loud beating of her heart in her ears and the warmth of a very male body.

  Closing her eyes, Starr thought this might be a dream. It had been so long since a man had held her like this. The feel of him, the smell of him, was making her come apart. A soft moan escaped her lips. She could stay in his arms forever.

  Kevin enjoyed the feel of her softness. Heat coursed throughout his loins as he felt the rapid pulsation of her heart beating against his chest. The close contact also afforded him the pleasure of feeling every deep breath she took that made her full breast rise and fall.

  A smile curved the corners of his full lips. “Are we friends yet?” The question came out in a low, husky whisper against her ear.

  The hot, seducing whisper snapped her out of her trance. As she attempted to break the intimate contact, Kevin held her tight. He needed to hold her just a second longer.

  “Huh?” Her voice came out in a breathy whisper.

  Before Kevin could respond, a tight voiced Nick clipped out, “Starr.”

  When he playfully flung her into Kevin’s arms, he hadn’t expected him to practically make love to her standing up in front of everyone! Good grief! Although there wasn’t any music playing the two were sensually fused together in a Tango hold. Spinning on her heels, wide eyed, she gawked at Nick. “Yes?”

Jerking his head to the other side of the room he said, “Summer wants you.”

  Summer had also spied the pair in a heated embrace. Making eye contact with her husband, she motioned for him to “break it up!” As much as she loved Kevin, she thought the last thing her friend needed right now was to get tangled up with a man like him.

  “Oh, okay.” She dared not turn around when she heard Nick hiss through clenched teeth, “Man, what the hell is your problem?”

  Not hearing Kevin’s response didn’t matter. All that mattered was that Kevin Dawson had made her feel good. He made her feel gorgeous and desirable. Something she hadn’t felt in a very, very long time.

  Chapter 7

  “Come on man. You still trippin’ over that?’ Kevin asked annoyed as he sat in the casino lounge drinking a beer.

  “Dude, I peeped you looking at her during the entire ceremony,” Nick coolly stated. He couldn’t understand Kevin’s sudden interest in his wife’s best friend. The man watched the woman all night like a fox outside a chicken coop.

  He wasn’t about to deny it. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. When Starr walked into the chapel, Kevin had to remind himself to breathe. She was absolutely, breathtakingly gorgeous in the strapless dress, the color of bubbling champagne. Her smooth cocoa brown skin shimmered with sparkling dusting powder from her delicate shoulders, down to her French pedicure feet covered in strappy high-heel sandals perfectly matching her dress. “Man, even you have to admit Starr looked hot tonight.”

  His friend nodded his head in agreement. “True dat. But I’m warning you my brotha to… leave… that… alone.”


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