WindSwept Narrows: #22 Erika & Vianne

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WindSwept Narrows: #22 Erika & Vianne Page 10

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “How’re you feeling, Erika?” Mariah asked again, taking her wrist and finding the pulse, noting it was a little fast. Which was either the stress or the drug. She sighed and let her hand go.

  “Hungry. Tired. My head hurts…but I always get a headache when I forget to eat,” she answered absently.

  “You don’t remember going to your parents’ house?” Zee asked carefully.

  “My…oh, god no…why in the world would I go back there?” This time both eyes opened despite the protest against the lights. “The balcony,” she said abruptly, her shoulders up and straight, her gaze swinging to Zee. “I was in my room. I was…”

  Mariah caught the eye of the lab tech she’d held over and went to the curtain, listening intently as he spoke low and confidently. She nodded and sighed, thanked him and let the curtain fall in place.

  “Do you remember getting to your room?” Zee asked, aware of Cassidy recording the conversation.

  “I was in the restaurant,” She leaned an elbow on each folded knee, took a long swallow of the soy milk and a deep breath. “I tried to ask her questions about why she would allow…why she was encouraging Adam when I wasn’t interested. But she wouldn’t answer. She laughed it off and said I was confused and shouldn’t take it all so seriously. Then she started talking about visiting London and enjoying spring in Europe. I remember telling her I had a job and to send me a post card,” Erika finished the milk in the bottle and someone took it from her fingers. “She bought some strawberry lemonade from the bar and brought them to the table. My mother doesn’t serve anything,” she said as if it was only just dawning on her. “I thought that was very strange…” she shrugged. “She said she was just very thirsty.”

  “She put something in your drink, Erika,” Zee stayed by her side, all of them uncertain what her reaction would be. Her eyes blinked, trying to work moisture to them and lessen the annoyance of the lighting.

  “Put something…” She stared toward the end of the gurney, picturing the restaurant, her head tipped to the side slightly. “I felt dizzy…then very happy…she said we needed to leave and she helped me up. I…it was strange…I saw their driver come into the restaurant and help us out to the limo. I told her I couldn’t go with her. I had a job. I had…I told her Zee would be worried about me,” pale brows furrowed, her mind trying to pull things from a fog shrouded memory. “I heard them talking. My father and mother and Adam. Someone was carrying me and I tried making my feet move…I tried kicking but it was like I didn’t have my muscles anymore.”

  “They gave her a strong relaxant and something similar to laughing gas but in pill form,” Mariah came forward, her hands up slowly and checking Erika’s eyes once again. “It’s slowly leaving her system. I’m guessing they gave her a second dose,” she stepped to the side when a young man carried a tray of food into the bay. She took it and set it on the gurney in front of Erika. “Eat and drink. It’ll help clear it.”

  “They drugged me?” She said softly, looking from one concerned face to another. “My mother…” she grabbed Zee’s wrist and tipped it up for her to see. “It’s Monday? Monday night?” Her voice had been getting just a little higher each time she spoke. “I missed work?”

  “It’s okay, Erika,” Abby kept her voice firm, level. “Just eat like Mariah said. It’ll make the headache go away.”

  Erika lifted the tray, sliding it to the edge of the gurney before swinging her legs over the side. “I need a bathroom. Now.”

  Zee lifted her to the floor, his gaze following the finger Mariah raised and pointing. He stayed at her side, arm around her waist until she was at the door, walking and gripping the stainless steel bars that braced the inside for support. The door closed firmly on them all.

  “I have no idea what to expect,” Mariah said when Zee looked at her. She shook her head, the long ponytail flipping behind her when she rubbed one palm over her neck. “Given the quantity still in her blood stream, they gave her a renewed dose…less than four hours ago,” she guessed roughly. “I’d like her to stay here tonight.”

  Erika opened the bathroom door, cold water still evident on her face and hands as she wiped them down the sides of her jeans. She held up one hand when Zee moved toward her.

  “I can walk,” she said slowly, her feet moving pretty much at the same speed. “I’m not staying here. I’m going home. I’m going to sleep until morning and I’m going to work.”

  “Not tomorrow, Erika,” Abby said firmly. “Wednesday. Take tomorrow and let your system get back to normal.”

  “We can make it an order,” Cassidy said with one arched silver brow. “This will give me time to get some information and security in place.”

  “I…I don’t know what to do,” Erika finally let the words out in a low, distressed whisper. “I don’t know why she did that to me…” this time she didn’t protest when Zee lifted her back to the gurney, letting her curl on her side, knees drawn up and eyes closed.

  “Do you have a private room, Mariah?” Zee asked after a long pause.

  “No. No…I want to go home. I don’t want to be here alone…” Erika pushed against the gurney, her lip pulled between her teeth. “I want to go home, have a big sandwich and go to bed.”

  “No work tomorrow, Erika,” Abby said gently. “It’ll be okay. I’ll see you Wednesday for all the paperwork, alright?”

  “Thank you,” Erika nodded reluctantly, watching people file out of the large bay. “I want to go home. I promise I’ll drink fluids and eat food.”

  “Patients rarely listen to instructions,” Mariah offered a grin. “But somehow I think you’ll be in good hands. I really can’t do anything but watch you anyway.” She lifted the tray and carried it to the front, nibbling on the fruit slices as she went.

  “Don’t make me stay,” she didn’t look up but she could feel Zee staring at her.

  “I would stay with you, Erika,” he answered, turning and leaning against the gurney, one hand out and lifting her chin. He’d been waiting for her tears and the threads of controls he had were fading fast, when the blue eyes shimmered beneath the overhead lights. “Let’s go home.”

  Before she could protest, he lifted her to the floor, holding her close and letting her walk at his side. She wanted to walk. She wanted to scream and hit things but right now she just wanted to sleep again.

  “Get some food into her, Zee, if you don’t, she’ll be back here with an IV,” Mariah said firmly, watching them move slowly to the doors. “You have my number if you need anything. Rest, Erika. Or I’ll pull your Wednesday start date,” she met the narrowed gaze and knit brows with a beaming smile. “Have a great night.”

  Zee was concerned when she remained silent. He opened the SUV door and she climbed into the seat, fastened the belt and stared straight ahead. Mariah had slipped him a paper outlining the effects from the sedative and relaxant they’d given her. The key one being withdrawal and sleep. He pulled into the drive through of one of the burger places and ordered fries, a couple burgers and two large milkshakes.

  Erika turned in the seat, one leg bent beneath the other as she quietly ate the fries in between spoons of very thick shake. She couldn’t think clearly, not all the way yet. She wasn’t sure there was an easy, clear answer inside her head when it was finally cleared of the drugs.

  Her parents drugged her, she repeated to herself, chewing and accepting the spoon Zee held up for her without moving much.

  He doubted she even knew she was crying. The tears just flowed over her cheeks each time she blinked. His palm moved to the side of her face, thumb sweeping over one long stream.

  She looked at him in surprise, her hand up and swiping both sides of her face, her eyes focused on his.

  “Burger?” He held it up to her, waiting while she nodded and took it, opening the pack and eating slowly. Once he was sure she was eating, even if it didn’t really look like she knew what she was eating, he started the SUV and headed to the apartment. He’d had a quiet talk with Cassidy and knew t
hat two of their friends had gone ahead, checking the streets and apartment for anyone that didn’t belong there. Since he didn’t get a text, he knew her parents hadn’t come looking for her yet.

  He wasn’t accustomed to thinking about boundaries. He didn’t know how much he could push without disturbing her sense of independence and he wasn’t willing to risk her safety just so she could exert that independence. Instinct had him ready to kick serious ass, regardless of how those people were related to Erika.

  Now he was starting to get a headache, he thought with a groan.

  Then she slid her hand over his on the steering wheel and her fingers twined with his.

  “I’m sorry, Zee. You must have been very worried.”

  He couldn’t remember the last time he was unable to put his thoughts into clear words. But it happened when she laid her head on his shoulder and held his hand.

  “Feeling better?” Was the best he could manage at the moment and he decided it had to do until he had better control of the rage inside him. Cade was right. He needed something to pound for a good solid hour, at least.

  “I feel like I used to when I was little and wanted to hide in the bottom of my closet and cry,” she admitted, the breath she dragged in shaky. “I don’t think I’ll accept invites to lunch anymore from my mother,” she said with a watery laugh.

  “That might be best,” Zee closed his fingers around hers, carrying them to his lips as he parked the SUV outside the shop. “We’ll get an attorney, Erika and see about forcing them to stay away from you.”

  “They’re my parents!” She whispered hoarsely, the rush of burning tears falling anew. She brought both hands up, sweeping at her cheeks and then waving him off. “No. I’m okay. And regardless of our relationship, I know they have an agenda that I don’t understand and that I want no part of,” she said firmly, stiffening her shoulders and climbing from the front seat, her legs only shaking a bit as she stood and closed the door.

  Erika took a minute to lean against the car, inhaling the low tide scent that had woven its way inland from the beach.

  Zee knew his hands were sweating. But he reached for her anyway, pulling her gently against his chest. He was relieved when her hands went to his waist and held on, her sigh soft as they just rested there in the parking lot for several quiet minutes.

  “You need sleep, Erika,” he turned and walked them up the stairs, pushing the door open, his attention on the silence around the large apartment. The alarm was still engaged and he quickly locked the door behind them before leading her to the bedroom. He watched clothing and shoes fall by the chair and within minutes, she was snuggled into the blankets, her face turned to the open window and breathing soft.

  Zee went to the kitchen, finding the things he wanted and quickly blending up a thick protein drink, chocolate flavored. He chuckled at her grumbling but made her drink the whole thing before letting her slip back to sleep. He pushed a long breath between his lips as he stared down at the long blond curls and peaceful features.

  He sent a message to a couple friends, looking for a sparring partner for the morning. Two agreed to meet him at eight in the gym two blocks from the apartment. Not surprisingly, one of them was Cade.

  Chapter Eleven

  Zee was positive he was dreaming. The room was shadowed, sparkling filtered light from the outside breaking through the windows with the splatters of rain that now fell outside. Erika had been tucked safely against him, her arm over his waist, her face pressed into his arm and breathing steady.

  Then he felt the slender fingers trailing down his hip. He’d put a pair of shorts on after his shower but that wasn’t stopping the slim palm from sliding inside and stroking lightly over his half erect cock. He thought he’d been dreaming of her, felt her kissing on him and when he opened his eyes, she was leaning over him.

  Soft, full lips kissed over his chest, licking and biting as she let her hand stroke him, fingers trailing to the full base of his cock to grip him tightly.

  Nothing could have stopped the low, hungry groan from deep inside him as she caressed him, her mouth moving up his throat and onto his lips.

  She bit his lower lip, her body sliding closer. A sweet moan broke from her kiss as she ground her clit against his hip.

  He had self-control, he told himself. He wasn’t exactly sure where he’d put it, but he knew he had it somewhere. In some distant time in his life.

  She needed sleep. She needed to recover from whatever they’d given her.

  He had firm intentions of removing both her hand and her mouth when he lifted his arm and reached for her. Then she slid her tongue against his, stroking and teasing until he rolled to face her, his hand moving heavily over her hips and onto her behind with a hungry groan.

  “Zee…touch me…”

  Erika moved over him, stretching out along his body and wiggling, stroking her pelvis against his, arching her back and finding the perfect angle. She had her arms on his shoulders when he tipped her to the side, his hand patting the nightstand where they’d left the condoms. He had one on quickly, his mouth moving from her throat, over her shoulder and down to take one of the pert nipples between his teeth. He bit down just enough. Just enough for her to squirm and arch closer. His palm glided over her stomach and between her thighs to tangle in the damp thatch.

  She loved his touch, the long sigh breaking from her lips turning into a plaintive little cry for more. She was still gasping for deep breaths when he moved over her, lifting her knees and thrusting deep and hard, sending the residual sensations coiling and forming, threatening to erupt again.

  No, she thought, not a threat.

  It was a promise that swept through her like the spring storm outside their window. She clung to him, pulled him harder into her and gave herself to the explosive pulsing inside. For that brief time there was nothing in her mind, nothing in her heart but Zee holding her, loving her.

  “You’re supposed to be resting,” Zee murmured against the sweat coated throat when he climbed back into bed at her side, wrapping them both in the cooled quilts.

  “I feel very rested,” she said with a contented grin, snuggling down into his side and sighing. “Thank you. You’re very indulgent.”

  Zee laughed, the first in over twenty-four hours, he realized.

  “I can’t imagine protesting when I wake up with your hand wrapped around my cock, Erika,” he kissed her forehead when she giggled.

  “Part of you always wants to play,” she chided, yawning and relaxing in his arm.

  “Go to sleep.” He ordered, realizing it was a waste of time since she was already breathing steadily. He didn’t want to question why it was important to have her close. At this moment, he just wanted her where he knew she was safe and to find a way to keep her that way when they were apart. It would damn sure annoy her if he haunted the pharmacy at the health center.

  He was up before dawn, sitting at the computer, sending a note to Carter Shipley. Attorney and general genius when it came to dealing with things like family issues.

  Zee was working on his second cup of coffee shortly before seven when the longest, most gorgeous set of legs came striding down his hallway. Topping those off was the finest ass his hands had ever held onto. Then he frowned.

  “Where’re you going?”

  “Running on the beach. The tide’s out and I love running on the sand,” Erika walked over to him, long blond hair swinging in the high riding tail as she bent and kissed his cheek. “Be back in an hour. I will be very careful and I have my phone.”

  He was still phrasing how to stop her when he realized she was out and down the stairs. He made it to the bottom in time to see her jogging off, a scrawny kid running beside her.

  “Relax, Zee,” Ronnie Powers was reclining in one of his outside chairs, her feet up on the rail and a steaming coffee in her hands. “Toby likes running and he’ll stay with her until she gets back. Cass said she’d probably want to run this morning and sent us over to keep an eye out.”
/>   That’s when he realized his hands were clenched into very taut fists.

  “Thanks, Ronnie. I’m going up to the gym for a couple hours. Make sure you send me the tab,” he told her, turning and going upstairs for his bag and keys.

  She had a book out and was reading when the heavy footsteps struck the wooden stairs, pounding and making her feel sorry for whoever was waiting at the gym.

  Erika was showered and brushing her hair into a neat long braid when the front door bounced open. One hand went to her mouth before her feet hit the floor and she was across the bedroom.

  “What happened to you?” Her palm rose to gingerly touch the bruise at the side of his jaw. Wide blue eyes swept down to his hands, bare legs in shorts and the gym bag slung over his shoulder.

  “I forgot to duck,” he said simply, taking her hand in his. “I’m going to shower and get downstairs to help with lunch. Will you come down and hang out while I work?”

  “Zee…duck what? Where were you? Were you fighting?”

  “I was sparring at the gym with some friends,” he dropped sweaty clothing into the washer and began pulling his shirt off. One brow rose when she continued to stare, her fingers up and touching the bruise on his ribs. “I’m okay, Erika. I needed to work off some aggravation.”

  Her palm lowered to her side and she backed up a step.

  “You’re aggravated because of me.”

  “I’m going to shower. Want to join me?” Zee decided to ignore the statement for now. He wasn’t convinced he’d worked it all out of his system and he didn’t want to take it out on Erika.

  “No. I’ll be in the other room,” she answered softly, her head shaking as she walked out.

  “I did not get in a fight because of you,” Zee came right behind her, his voice loud with denial.

  Erika faced him slowly. “I didn’t say anything.”


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