WindSwept Narrows: #22 Erika & Vianne

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WindSwept Narrows: #22 Erika & Vianne Page 21

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Vianne, breathe, baby…long, slow breath,” Tanner set the cup on the cart and twisted back to face her, his hands on her shoulders just firmly enough to straighten her and get her attention. “Look at me, Vianne. Just me.”

  Unruly blond curls bobbed, hazel eyes staring into his.

  “How? I…how?” Came the cautious whisper.

  Tanner kept his eyes on hers, refusing to break that contact until she wasn’t likely to hyperventilate. Very unlike the professional woman he’d watched in war zones and in the middle of conflicts in South Africa.

  “We were with Erika and Zee for their ceremony,” he began easily. “They left and I asked you to marry me,” he watched her eyes grow impossibly wider. “You said yes and I don’t believe I’ve ever been happier, Vianne. We completed the paperwork and were married by the justice of the peace.” He could see his words bouncing around in her brain, his palms gliding over her shoulders until they framed her face, his thumbs brushing over the full lower lip that was barely containing the quiver. “Do you remember last night? Here? With me.”

  “Yes, yes, of course I do,” she answered after a hard swallow, fighting the tint of red in her cheeks. She was way too old to be blushing! She told herself firmly, staring into the dark eyes and remembering the words he whispered; remembering the sound of her name ripped from his lips when the orgasms tore through them both.

  “I promise you a longer honeymoon when we have time to make it fit,” he told her with a grin, leaning in and kissing her before she could speak. His tongue stroked over the coffee flavored lips and inside to urge her to play. His body reacted instantly when she folded softly against him, her palms pressing over the T-shirt he wore to circle his neck.

  But only for a few very long seconds before she pushed against his chest, her mouth pulled from his and forehead falling to rest on his shoulder.

  “I have to go to the bathroom before this gets even more embarrassing,” she said gruffly, trying to wrap the sheet back in place.

  “Sit a second and I’ll get you one of the robes from the bathroom,” Tanner waited for a little nod before he easily stepped to the floor and into the large bathroom, returning with a snowy white robe.

  Vianne only stared a moment when he came to the side of the bed she was perched against, holding the sheet like a steel barrier against her. His hand was offered after his fingers went beneath her chin and tipped it up so their eyes met. She slid her palm into his and stood up, a little shaky and she totally blamed the chilled champagne. She did have a clear memory of that.

  She reached for the robe, taking it with one hand while the other tried to keep the sheet in place. The logistics of getting inside the robe while he stared at her like she was the filet mignon on the plate made her shiver. Her eyes left the robe to go to his.

  “You have freckles,” he said softly, one finger dragging lightly over the smattering of pale dots on her shoulders and chest. “I couldn’t see those in the dark,” he thought for a moment. In every photo or video he’d seen of her, she was always covered. T-shirts, high necked blouses or sweaters and jackets. “Sweet,” he said before leaning closer and trailing a series of kisses over her shoulder and ending at her neck. “You want me to turn around while you get into the robe. I’ve already seen everything you have, Vianne.”

  “Please, Tanner. At the moment my head is pounding and none of this is making sense to me,” Vianne hated the weak way her voice sounded. Too many times she had listened to the males around her telling her she was far too soft for the work she wanted to do, the stories she felt had to be told. She’d hardened herself and her voice to prove them wrong. And after all those years, this man had brought all that crashing down around her in forty eight hours.

  “We’ll have to talk about why it’s not making sense,” he held up the robe and waited, his head tipped slightly. He’d perfected patience long ago. He loved the mixed bag of emotions and expressions flitting over her face and in her eyes. She looked from his hands holding the robe to his face until finally her head just shook, she sighed and dropped the sheet.

  It’s not that she was modest. Considering some of the places she’d been, this was considered mild in her mind. If her mind were in the mood to be logical.

  She turned her back to him, her arms reached into the sleeves of the robe when she heard his sharply drawn in breath. Pale lashes closed tightly, her hands gripping the edges of the robe to her front before she turned, meeting the shock, anger and maybe sorrow in his eyes.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “I’ve been in situations where not everyone was happy that I be there,” she said in answer to the unvoiced comment or question.

  Tanner kept silent, watching her head go up and long legs carry her to the bathroom. The door closed firmly behind her. Only then did he allow the fingers that had curled into fists to relax enough to open.

  They’d talked in emails and chat for the last four months, working out the details of the partnership for Logan and the WindSwept Narrows project he’d begun almost two years ago.

  He knew she hadn’t been to any of those places where women were seldom valued during that time. Maybe some big part of him had maneuvered this partnership to get her away from those places. There never seemed to lack for a dictator or rapist in small countries or a town under siege.

  The marks on her back and shoulders had sent a wild, hard fury through him that he’d never felt before in his life.

  He also knew it was a very big part of her. He’d watched her career go from fluff pieces to those harder, more sinister pieces that rarely were in places where it was safe for women, let alone journalists. He hadn’t realized he’d been pacing the room until the bathroom door opened and she stood there, uncertainty in her eyes.

  “Breakfast and more coffee,” he said into the silence, adjusting the cart next to the small table where the chairs sat.

  “You don’t drink coffee,” she responded, hands tight around the belt she’d tied into place at her waist. She crossed to one of the chairs and sunk down with a sigh, her hands up immediately to wrap around the refilled cup and carry it to her lips.

  “How’s the head?” He asked, lifting the covers from the breakfast selections he’d ordered, reaching for toast and eggs hungrily.

  “Confused. The pounding is going down. I think I missed food most of yesterday, with the exception of our dinner,” she admitted, taking a large slice of toast and covering it with some of the thick marmalade in the small container. Vianne glanced around the room. “This is a really nice place. Not what I would have expected…” She met the single brow arched. “Well, for the quickie wedding place, I meant. Somehow I expected things to be more like Vegas.”

  “Even Vegas has high end amenities.” His voice was hinged with amusement, waiting for the important issues to pop past her mouth. He poured juice into the glass in front of her, waiting.

  “You’re…” she stopped herself.

  “I’m what?”

  “Not what I expected,” she blurted out, quickly stuffing her toast between her teeth to stop more from erupting before her brain was ready to handle it.

  “We’ve talked for almost four months, Vianne. What did you expect?”

  She held up a finger and took a deep drink of the sweet orange juice. “Someone older,” she finally answered, letting her gaze go over the dark hint of stubble shadowing his face, the dark eyes that seemed to see more than they should and the muscled neck and shoulders.

  His jaw was almost squared, his nose not quite straight and his lips decidedly kissable, she thought, feeling her insides quiver at the racing memories of the previous night. She did remember barely making it to the room before clothing started flying. Now, it had been collected and lay on the low bureau in a neat little pile.

  “I’m not sure how either of our ages enters into us,” he said quietly.

  “You…we…” she held up the hand with the rings he’d placed there, her mouth still working on the right words to set free. “
This…oh, god, my mouth never had these problems before,” both hands covered her face.

  “Being married bothers you or being married to me, bothers you, Vianne?” Tanner held his breath. He knew he was a good strategist but he’d never gambled for something quite like this in his life. And he was going to talk until he was blue in the face to convince her to try.

  “Oh, god, Tanner, it isn’t you!” She knew how lame those words sounded and groaned aloud. “God, that sounded so idiotic.”

  “Then you don’t have an issue with me, personally.” He spooned eggs onto her plate. “We need to eat and get dressed. The limo will be here to take us to the airport in an hour. Whatever it is, Vianne, I believe we can work through it. I’m not bad husband material. At least I don’t think I am,” he offered a crooked grin when her hands lowered and she began eating.

  She ate to keep from talking.

  She was married. She said the words loudly in her mind several times before a little, low whimper broke in between bites. And she had very clear memories of why there couldn’t be a simple annulment.

  “Why, Tanner?”

  He stopped from the eggs and toast he was eating and met her gaze.

  “Why what?”

  “Me. Why me?”

  “Because I fell in love with you over the last four months,” he wasn’t sure what her reaction would be, choking a possibility, since she’d been chewing when he said the words out loud. “Vianne, breathe,” he ordered firmly, pressing the glass of juice into one of her hands. “Drink.”

  Vianne had made the mistake of inhaling and trying to swallow at the same time he made his declaration. When she finally had the coughing under control, she’d drained the juice and sat holding the cold glass between both hands.

  “I’m okay,” she pushed back from the table, waving off his help and went to the stack of clothing. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  Tanner somehow managed to finish his breakfast, deciding fortitude might just come in the shape of food. Watching Vianne pick at her food bothered him. He could see where it had become part of her lifestyle. Also part of the places she’d been. During their conversations, she’d hinted that nightmares affected not only her sleep but her appetite. She simply wasn’t used to eating a lot, grabbing food on the run.

  Tanner had his boots on and the sweater back over the T-shirt when she came out, fresh scrubbed and looking a little more in control. They stood staring at one another for a long minute before she broke off the gaze and went to the small purse sitting on the bureau.

  “Are you alright?” He moved quietly to stand behind her, his hands faltering only a moment before settling on her shoulders and gently pulling her to lean into him. “I don’t plan on getting a divorce, Vianne.”

  “But then you’re not the only one in this, are you?” She slipped the thin strap over her head and let it rest on her hip. She held her body stiff even as her heart hammered just because he was close. Because she could smell and feel him against her. Because those memories from last night were shooting tingles of anticipation through her without asking permission.

  “You can remember last night, Vianne,” Tanner took the opportunity to move closer, pressing the burgeoning erection against her very fine ass. “I can feel you heating up even now.” He watched her eyes closer, the sweet bow of her mouth parted and air barely passing her lips. Vianne had made her life about words and the stories they told and Tanner had every intention of using words to have himself imbedded inside her thoughts. “Why would you want to give up those feelings?”

  His palms slid down her arms, taking her hands and raising them, setting her palms against his head. He lowered his mouth to her throat and bit down sharply.


  “All I’m asking for is time, Vianne. Time and communication. I’ll prove to you we belong together,” his hands gripped her wrists, sliding slowly down her arms, fingers trailing ever so softly over her flesh. He continued his trail down her ribs and onto her hips, holding her against him.

  She fought the urge to let herself wrap around him. It was so very tempting. She’d never had anyone willing to take on her phobias and fears before. And told him so.

  “You have no idea what you’re asking, Tanner,” Vianne was positive it was her voice although the low, husky sound vibrated from somewhere that had been long buried. “You don’t want…need…a wife with baggage. Issues that…I’m afraid of hurting you. Genuinely hurting you from some stupid nightmare. I’ve never spent the night with a man. Not all night. I couldn’t.”

  “So you gave up? That’s not the Vianne I see in the news clips,” he chuckled softly when she stiffened. Good. He wanted her just a little on the edge of being prickly, pissed off enough to accept the challenge. “I’m not afraid of nightmares. And maybe the words you need to use are partner, friend and lover because those are the roles I intend to fill, the roles I expect from you. The roles I felt you create in my life over the last four months.”

  Vianne shuddered in his arms, his palms had crossed in front of her and just held her. No groping. Nothing sexual. Not right now. And it was nice, she mused, sighing and working on her answer when the sharp rap came on the door.

  “Come on, people! We got a limo waiting to take us to the airport,” Zee’s voice came through the very solid door, peppered with humor as he kept his hands around Erika.

  “We’re coming,” Tanner responded, reluctantly releasing Vianne and stepping back. “Just time, Vianne.”

  “They already know, don’t they?”

  “They had dinner after their ceremony and came out as we were finished, Vianne,” Tanner worked to keep the smile on his face to a minimum. “The justice was congratulating us, so yes, they know.”

  “This is like a snowball on Mt. Rainer,” she groaned, her head shaking as she moved to the door, the cold of the brass handle the first touch of reality she’d had in twenty-four hours.

  “Vianne!” Erika stepped forward and hugged her friend. “Congratulations! I knew you and Tanner fit the minute I saw you together.”

  Vianne didn’t really believe there was another option than hugging her friend back. “Thank you, Erika.”

  “Are you alright?” Erika looped her arm through Vianne’s and began walking with her to the elevator.

  “I’m good, Erika,” she pushed the bundle of baffled feelings from her head for the moment. “You have to promise me you’ll let Zee take you to work and back. Cassidy and Cat have security ratcheted up around the resort and the hospital, but even that…” Her head shook slightly, striding with Erika out of the elevator and toward the waiting limo.

  Tanner watched and listened. He knew there were things he wasn’t aware of. Yet. But he’d just watched the almost instant return of the Vianne Summers he’d witnessed in countless news reports over the years. Calm, smooth and confident. And very concerned for her friend.

  “What’s security necessary for, Zee?” Tanner had held back slightly, letting the girls go out first and keeping his voice low.

  “Vianne hasn’t told you?” Zee’s eyes had immediately taken on a dark, protective gleam.

  “She told me she was still in fact gathering mode,” Tanner’s jaw was set, the pulse at the side bouncing slightly at the look he’d seen on her face when she’d spoken about the issue. “I asked her if it was dangerous. She side stepped the answer.”

  Zee pushed a long breath between his teeth, keeping back just far enough that their voices were low compared to Erika and Vianne talking about the things dotting the spring landscape while they waited for the limo.

  “I don’t know. Ordinarily, I might say no, but there’s something going on that I don’t have answers for, Tanner. Her own mother put drugs in a lemonade at lunch and took her to their home. I’m pretty sure Erika had her phone taken. That action temporarily kept her friends from having access to her. Granted, her mind was on finals and necessary exams to get her licenses, so she didn’t notice something was off.” Zee stared at the app
roaching black limo. “I don’t know, Tanner,” he admitted quietly.

  “Let me see what I can find out when things settle down,” Tanner said stoically. “No one is going to hurt Vianne, and in turn, Erika. So I’m sure we’ll make a good team on this.”

  “I like your attitude.”


  Vianne had been unable to hear what they were talking about but the serious expressions and pumping pulse at the sides of both their faces told her it wasn’t the weather or baseball scores as a topic.

  She couldn’t help but smile when Erika was tugged onto Zee’s lap after they settled into the comfortable plane. And it wasn’t that difficult to let Tanner pull her close and let her drift in and out of sleep on the quiet trip. Somehow she’d twisted slightly, her face pressed into his shoulder and body snuggled comfortably. Grumbling happened when he lifted her away and managed to wake her enough for the shoulder harness to be connected.

  “The limo will take us back to the resort,” Zee said quietly, looking from one sleeping woman to the other. “They look so harmless.”

  Tanner laughed but had to agree with him. It was almost evening when they arrived at the resort and he clasp hands with Zee and promised to keep in touch before leading Vianne into the resort.

  “I should go home,” she murmured, stretching and running both hands through her hair as they walked to the elevator.

  “It’s Saturday. You still have two weekend days to make it through.”

  “I have no fresh clothing. I want a long hot shower and a bed,” she said firmly.

  “Alright. Let me pack a few things and I’ll come with you,” Tanner said as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

  “You don’t have to…”

  “I’d rather be where ever my wife is,” he answered, watching the words register.

  “About that…”

  “Not until after the hot shower and some serious sleep,” Tanner interrupted without remorse, tapping the right button at the same time she took a step back.


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